Page 42 - TheGoldBug1960-61
P. 42
2 The Gold Bug, Apr. 14, 1961 Will New Library Provide Shylock DeemedStrongest Actor Pupil Seeks Memorial Hall Answer To Student Needs1 InPlayers' ShakespeareanDrama For Quiet, Diligent Study Western Maryland's new library is now moving rapidly by Helen TIffl~pel not acquainted with the [oys of through the first stages of construction. Plans call for the entire by IIIaTtha Taylor also well done, although I felt . Memorial Hall at night, I stru~~r~:: !~llc~~:!ei~~tb~h~~\~~::;~;r i~f b~~~;' needed by the The overall production .b,Y~~td~:~n:;;:~~rv:~~.\.~:~e ri~~at A~~~~cih::~Cl:fdte~m~:r ~~~~ ~~Oe~i~~i:~et~tdie;C~~:ma i6't ca1 college. But will it solve the problems which are now extant with ~layel"s Inc. of ~ha,~e:ealeex~par.t in the trial scene was es- made our nightly ~xodus to the By the time I have gotten the present library 'I Merchant, of venice a~ pecially well - portrayed, al- grille for the SOCial hour, the completely settled and hard at The physical 'st~ucture itself is impottant, of course! but far cellent ... Little was ~u: "the though her lines raced. Bas- chapel bells cheerily ring out work it is 7 :30. And so I be- more important are the services offered by a library, and here' the the ongmal pla~. ~n did t. santo, too, was well-played, seven o'clock and most of us re- gin. At 7:45, an auspicious WMC library is sadly lacking-not because of the building in most part the e itittg- .1 nO though more heroically, and turn to OUI" silent dorms to knock at the door distracts me' f which it is housed but because students are denied access to the detract from the mean~ng .a more attractively, than Shake- study. But not I! I have found a strange head pops in the doo; building and to the services of the hard-working librarians. the play. Stage .pro uct.!O_nspeare created him. Antonio that I can study better in the and asks, "Is Fred here?" This past weekend out of a total of 18 hours of prime study was well handled, usmg a mm~ was by far the weakest cha iac- "hallowed halls" of Memorial Fred (whoever he is) being no- time available between'the hours of 1 pm and 10 pm, the library n:'um of scenery chang~ an t ter in the entire .play. It is Hall, rather than brave the where in sight, the door closes was open only a total of eight hours hardly long enough for a time be~ween. s~enes. xcep hard to believe that so weak an noisy corridors and rooms of and the "Lotos-Eaters" resume bae n t::c~~:~~~a;uc~ :~~~~e~o~~:ea~~ ;~~ o~oen~r:~~~:I~lO:; i~e ;~:~!~~~1~~~~uak~soul:ou~~r:~mc1°s~~n: th~~t~;;iy studying in Memo- ~:~~ la~~~~n:on~ise TW~n!~~es~ the rule. ' speare's tune. The costun:es was positively maudlin. Ora- rial Hall is a wonderful inst.i- "Have you seen Carole any- The new innovations in many departments, effective next were w.eU cho_s~nto emphasize tiano and Nerissa played ex- tution, and as much a part of where?" Of course 1 haven't, year, will require even more library work; the time of many s.tu- the ~oc181posrtion of the char- cellent supporting roles, al- WMC as the. "psych-break." but this, too, disturbs me for dents is further cut into by science and language laboratories. acters. though Gratlano seemed to re- The rooms prOVide for the over- quite a while, wOlldering where It is usually next to impossible to study under dormitory condi- The characters were we.lI quire time to warm up. Neris- wrought student a quiet relax- Carole could possibly be. tions of noise and distraction; the rest of the 'campus provides portrayed although. AntOnIO sa had a very mobile face, and ing atmosphere in which to After passing a consideraole little in study facilities. A number of students would like to use and Portia left something to be her acting in the Tesolution of drown himself in work. It length of time in debate as to weekends for projects and extended study; on weekends the hours desired. Shylock was by ~ar the ring plot was excellent. may not be quite as relaxing as whether 1 should plunge into are even further curtailed. Western Maryland is a college, yet the strongest charcter, bewg The only objection pertain- studying on a bed, but those the second stanza of the "Lotos- the college library insists on clinging to elementary school hours. the most accurately l_lortrayed ing to the cast as a whole is hard chairs do prevent falling Eaters" or go on to sociology, How could this situation be improved! Longer hours are and the most compellIng. De- that they did not acknowledge asleep over Tennyson's "Lotos- I hear the chapel bell sound perhaps most important. But longer hours need not necessit~te sp~te Shylock's comed.y in cer- their laugh lines in the early Eaters." In order to further 8:30, and I suddenly am p'rey the library remaining open longer. Meals occupy about 20 mw- talll scenes, the audience felt part of the play. enlighten the student who is to an irresistible urge to get utes each of students' time. By eliminating the lunch and d~n~er n:ore pity and sympathy for something to eat. So, I close Shyl.ock's ~haTacter IS the Ji breaks, library hours would be extended two hours. Remammg hIm than for any other e~arac- tt up my books and make my way open until 11:15 p~, so that women students could make better ter. .L II II.- down to the grille for coke, cof- ~~:o~e t::fi~~~d~r~;;:s:ranted them through late leaves would ~eo~~~~;~:I~eO~~ !~~i~~~:'t;~: op"omore rens rIgne e !~:~~:e~~zz~~ ~!~~e t~:el:a~: b~e h~~lI~~~rti~~.i;:'~ As Point Fo, Conjecture stag~~J~~Si~~~? hO~~: ~~~~~sa;~~'fU~:ti!~e l~~~li:n:x~:;:~ta~! ;~~:~s:~~. ~~::IlO~~d I~p I bya~ha~n~~~i:i~~~ ~;p!~~e~seb;f t~eO~~b~~~r:;:. h~~;h~~smtO;: ~~~~sW;~!~th~~:o~~e~~ !~!~:s~ An~o~~oc~:s b~~~lt~~~ by Carolyn Conkling 1::t~0~~tWe9 ~;cid!~e~a~e~ud~;~~ ience them somewhat, but, since tuition seems to be constantly by the latter's "stealing" Shy- Jauntily he walked along, as lege ahead, money was a vitally realize that I have English increasing in cost, it should not be difficult to compensate them l?ck's business. The persecu- if the cares of the world h~d necessity, and pennie~ were to Iread and thus tramp back to for this inconvenience. tlOn Shylock feels was well-re- suddenly been cast frOIll hiS saved and tendered With the Memori"al Hall, because I was No one can guarantee the caliber of student work, but ex_ veal~d to the audience. The sho~lders. It was a glorious same value as dol~ars. His. "set" on the last two hands. tension of library hours could accomplish this. It's worth a try. makmg of the bond was well sprmg day, and the tall lanky parents, understandmg ana When I again reach the com- C; 0 e'ne 0·' ================== • ~~~~~~::d of;r S~~IO~~,~eh~I:;t~ ~o~h:I~:n~~n~iSa~::n~~:~nfr~~ ~:~;~~n~i~~~~' t~:~e h~~n~~:! ;~~~iz~f :U~h r~~er:~ ~~~:'in~ r1 his high lab of chemistry '''per ".. 'S Shylock's not soliloquy eyes?" was school. He had hopes of becom- childhood. first· scrapes of his that it is past 9 :45, and I must sinee the begimling "Hath a Jew up confi- pack Yes, he was and the to return ~ UJ l UUI ~~ :I' ll7l 'J filled with emotion, and aroused ing a doctor, and even at this dent. Was there any reason dorm. r The solen~n. loveliness of a ings. Th~ir only pay~ent ~~ ~i~ ~n~ias~:~e o~vat;efU~lu~~en::: ~::t h~~~~ s~~~vr~s~t r~:~~;:~ wh:a~~' ~:0~~!7~:dh:~:n~~e:s? if ro~;~e d::t: r6 ~~to~~o~~~t:: hymn, the ~Iltmg melody o.f a the compliments of their hea thos,' although the audience work had been recommended to the cares of the world had sud- who is quite thankful that I l)Op~lar ditty,. the v~l'lanl~ er~ h d t b d t t laughed for relief near the con- him by an encouraging advisor. denly been placed upon his have been gone,-and complain, ~o t~e ~op~ ~tlOn ~ ow our. c ol~h .ow ffmu: t strains ~f. a mUSical scol~a h et t e s~u. en h 0 y ~y 0 elusion of the trial. Today he was happy ... and shoulders. His eyes were down- "I didn't get a thing done!" are famlhar t e In lesser detail, Portia was who had bettel' reason to be! cast, and an air of complete in- And so I spend long hours ~~d~:;,st~~~y IIa~;Yt~~fa~ilf::;li~eaPftreecl:t~leti~l\eea~~, \h~~ ~:ew':;~~d I~:a~,,~~~~;~C:~I: s;~~ ~:~d~I~!~ ;~~~'odue:~~~~~~'fr~~ ~u~~~~~ tFa~~:i~~~g~~ ~~/;et~~ granHte.dll·",eed. the confidenc~t th'wt comes '52 Graduate Acts they are. taken for first member of his family to this day on he would 'have more ond stanza of the "Lotos-E!!-t- \ No one thlT.lks Of.what our I rom. our SUppOl'nl e c:n attain a high school diploma. than a trace of bitterness to- ers." ~:~~IdC:~~i~~ke,;~;~;u~~~~d C~~ ~~:SiO:; !~e~he~:tp;rf~r;:nce;~ As Launcelot Gobbo ;rea~~:t1::~I~~df~; :!~;aJe~;s: :al~des~~~:e hr!~PI~~:h~e s~~:~~ hO!~~~~, ~e stSuO~~n:di:la;i~~~~ the uphft :hlch ?ur but ~y ~Uy:~g tt~IClr ::cellent Appearing as Launcelot Gob- and to him it was truly a com- find another college this Negro rial Hall. After the narrative hearts Im~l~e fr~~ t e ;oar~ng re~or h' h ncI en a /'t e r;c- bo in the recent production of mencement-merely a begin- boy-a college that would ac- above, I must admit that it was o ;~~~~~:?ral~~:g aU w~~e ~~sa~ ~~e ~~,~ccho~:a~o~~slJ~Sp:~ y~~ "Merchant ,of Venice" ~"as not nin.g to the y~ars of college cept him for what he was; all in fun, and. that Memorial ointed .when the annual pro- achieved its purpose. By pur- Roger Ault s first ex~el"lence on whIch lay ahean. .' rather than reject him for Hal! does prOVide a very con- ~ram with the Baltimore Sym- chasing t~e. re~ord ourselves ~~: ~t:::Tgo:a:u~u:n~a~:n;s I~ wi;:e th~out~ick~vS~lsVe;n~e~~g~~~what he should have been. ~:~.laIB~~m:~~h:~~er;d:!~~:~! phony Orchestra was cancelled and advertJsmg It to others we student of Western Marvland h . h q te' t' f ~ t It should be understood that falls to my roommate wh this fa~1. .At Christmas ~i7ie ~:~vi:eet;-:;rntht: ;a u : ~~~ir h~~~ Roger, always intercsted i~ dra~ s:~:ll~~s. c ~~~iti~~ IC\~as gl~~s this is not written as a plea or blesses the quiet, "m'e-Iess~ ~~~ c~~~~b~d~e~~t~f~I~P;r~gr~~ given us. We. ~/ no/ have ~c~t~~~y:p:ne:~~~e~no~~V_~c~h;~~~~~so-:b~t ~e~er wo.uld ~~ere l~~ :~ou~~t. argument, but as a ~i~~r:e~ne:~~ ~~hl.from seven ~:!~~c~~ngA~~i~~a~~r~~o~s t~~ ~~~: ou;~~~;!t ~~ duct!ons. . . re:p;~~. ~is a:;:ills~ho~~ sl~ec_========..,;========= 'Th ~~~c~:':inu:n:~ed :;~~w~~:e :~:~~ ma;: s:: ~~~:g~f c~~~r o~~~ de- wa~I~I~~~:~~~ f~~~S~I~e~h~v~il~~~~~V~:lash~:cei!:~;~s~~~ service eNd CA USTIe CORNER ht L d ' , h:biili~~ CHUCK'S est record player Imagine the ;.roted service in per~etuating tIe." A '52 graduate, he was through exemplary to oug ea er Love .and respect ampus ee S Hill without the;e things. and hallowing a beloved insti- also a member of Pi Alpha his. school. The College Choir is prob- tution, from the GOLDBUG--On Alpha. .. wele extended to him .by teach- ably one of the least recognized behalf of the student body-a After tounng wlth the Play- ers and c\ass~lates ahke. Yes, Last Monday, we had the privilege of listening to M~. Dwight of all campus organizations hearty thank you for a job well ers, Roger plans to teach dra- ~e was confi ent-----could ther~ Cooke (who amused a few imbeciles seated behind me) in our an~ ~et, theyt:lso work ha~~e~ done. BET matics. n~t a~: a~~~~~~d\:~\hhee c~~~~e :!:~~~l~'a ~u~:~oo: ~~dh:~s~;;~:;~~~ ~rM~;O::ierta~n~:~ ~~~~ :~oup~n~~r all ~~ei~a~~de~ta~~ , l -r..,.L r.l.-.. he wished to ~tte~d? ing lasted through these three sessions, 1 came away thinking =========1_ etters 10 Ine ~ri/IOr- proached the small, as he ap- that Mr. Cooke is asking us, the intellectual elite, to do something He was whlstlmg .shingled lab?ut. this world around us. This, of course, requires considerable GO LOB UG Dear Editor: s?me dining hall equipment in ~~:S.~~~~heg y~~l"~.adpl;(:: _:~~ thm~::r ~:l~:, ~::~\eluded! He should have known better. But, or We!ltern During the spring vacation, IllS .ho1;lse.. \Ve would b~ ap- humIlity, ~he home slgmfied nevertheless, it ilban interesting possibility. One cannot help but - the men's dorms ~ere riven ba i~::~a~~:~slf pe~:o~:~r~d t;e~;~ ~~;~-t~S :~~r:~fat~OYth:hfo:~:; :r~na~~:e~07n:~I~~~~~i~~~~~~~i~~ail~t~:l~:~::;t:o~e;r~t~ b;;t~:ne : ~~;h~rIU!~~toO;s~han~nsri:u~~~!OU~~:r~~u;~o:.n !~~~rr:Yih:Pf~: ~~m~~~~dw~:C~ai;i::.e~~~ !:~~~~:a~~;~!~~ ~:~~!so~n~::c~o:~~~e:::~r~tt;aO~~~o~:q~~re~ it:d;~~ under Ad of ~~~n~~gt~e !~~cestu~e~~s ~:ve~ ~~;e,O\~~ S~~;!~ie~.lea~f:e~rn!~t ~~ec\~~st~~n~~m~~~:~d ~:rvee ~~ Government A~sociation. ....' " .' ---=--;----- received letters from W.M.D., school equipment is school be sacrificed; but in his hour The SGA.1s the most useless l~stltutlOn smce t~e educatlOfl ASSOciaterChl~ee:iate Press ;;t~;~d~~:~~~~ !~;;s t~~~e md~:~ ~quip~ent, dn\matte; \~;Obbor- of elati~n, t~iS seemed some- 1:fe~rtt~~n~~i~~ hpaeStt;e~:[:~~ f~~n~~~~:~ ~~e;m:Nl~~n~~~i:::f~~ h Subscription Price $2.00 a Year t~i~~~O~a~~t!~an:c~e~~;w\h\a~~ ~~~ve~~i~n~ntot t~:~ r~l~~ e no w ;~e un~:~:1 ta;:~ empty, of ::r:~~~a!:~'~e~;dof~~7: ~~:a~~~~t:~o:~y I~u~~~o~~~~~ i~i~o;~~ James Waddel . . . ~hey. should retu~~ utensiis be- wo~~d ~o;e~~dioo~s ~~~cnD~~: ~e~l~se~V~~~i~;t~o~~.hi~ft~recno;~ wearing hip boots and have brown eyes, you may enjoy their Allen Jones Editor-IO-Chlef !on?mlli to the dmmg ~al1, and students are on campus, stu- . . H 'b t F n' Managing Editor ;,t~~:;~~~~~~rd'sfin~~::cti~~ ~:~~ \~~~!1m~::t~n~mee~de~i:~ take ~!r~e~l :;:ta~~~r=~~~~ich~~fn:~ll;r~~v;d f~nect~~:~u!t~~I:h el e;~I;O;IA~u~~~~FEditor of \~~e ~:~~:~:I~kS~~ree that thc ~:: ~::~It~~~~gtl~uOsUI:a~i~~nh~~~Kryptic Komments ~~~~n~e i~o~~~a~t:~f;:t~~IT';I~~!"i\~~I:t~o~idisth: Ne,,;"Editor . Priuillll Ord dorms should be checked and self and his secretary much un- Forecast for April-Flurries petty one at best. It should reqUIre little time and energy. The e~~!;:~~~r:d~~~~~~~~r~~;R~m~~:en ti~:S "o~~~~~~er'~h:t ;::~~ ~ecessary work. SinceTely ins~ead of showe~s: when it's i~;;;i:l~~!S"~~~i~=::Ser~~/~~i;i~:~~: ~!e~V~~n~or~n;h:v~:~ ~~~: 3~~c!;"pyE~~l[Qr.'·:==-___::_-C;;':I~~d:~~,,~Jiowev~r, we believe that t~e John Grove and Ed Mako~kY sprm. g ~n the ~,11I, the cam- important but difficult realm of intellectual stimulation. COpyReaden ~hr~a:.-WLlk~rmspectlOn should be made whIle P S Perhaps the next time pus IS snowed. This stimulation should be the purpose of any and all campus mOl;I . . ---- r,. me eWI. )'Ie are here. ~ollowing .the the' Dean will bring a or ?ctivities, particularly the S~udent Government. Association. B~y- Typ~n.i"EdItor;-.-- . method used dUl'lng vacatlOn, I 'th h' h" d I I'm drenming of a white May 109 SGA tacks to be placed In posters comormmg to SGA speclfi- Typl.M: ~i~t~:e ~vreen~~:::n h::l~ ~oc~i~~c~hin':; :uorn~o:~ is~~i~:di~~;.oun s- Day. ~:!~~~d~~~ ~~~~~~ o~a!~;":~e::~~a:~r~selr:~~nio~~a~n t~t~yp~:;e~ ~;~~il;;agW,llett. B II r h II r .. or throw beer bottles out thl! The Pacl"f"lst My point. is that this trivia has infatuated our SGA officials far Reporters,DavidAnderS.StephenBay. window when we hear the beyond its worth. . ~~a~~~~';~:!~~~:;ia~"~~Y::~~~!eOftht:te ~:a:~e ~fec;~~~~~ This is indeed a problem. There is no precedent to build on, ~''~~~~~~~·:e~E~~;~Ia~~s~h!::~~hs~ut:~test~: ::d by John Grabowski :~~ ~nu:t~~:~i~t~~~~~n!c~f:irie~l~~t ~~ ~~a~~i:i~~ttl!e:~rW!::.~ Off t L R<>
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