Page 37 - TheGoldBug1960-61
P. 37
Miss Elizabeth Simkins Plan Trip THE LADY BUG Watusis History Student. To Join Page 3 WESTERN MARYLAND COLL,EGE, WESTMINSTER, MARYLAND Hoopsters Page 4 Vol. 38, No. 10 March 24, 1961 Maureen Filbey, William Sitter ~Ml>rl'h,,,ntICadets Receive Assume Added Responsibilities Orders' For Laos ce~~i~~ t~~ :t:e::~e b~~y8~otr~; i The ROTC department at department to notify the par- in the Student Government! Western elections, March 17 and 18, Speech] morrunz Maryland College this ents of an cadets that will be telegram sent, a and to offer an explana- received William Sitter became the new ROTC cadets to make tion for such an aberrant ac- president and Maureen F'ilbey, time to at the same the new vice-president. preparations for tion, but the necessity of such. explain Both Bill and Maureen have :15 this morning, the The cadets' destination is yet had two and one-half department here at unknown, as this information experience in SGA Maryland College re- has not been disclosed. How. them, so they will not be new telegram direct from ever, it has been hinted that at the job. They were both of the President of they will see action in the bat- members of the committee on ern Maryland, is a member the United States in Washing- tie-torn country of Laos. Their the honor system, and are cur- ton, D. C. The telegr-am read length of duty has not been reo rently working on reorganiza- Tile company is currently as follows: vealed, due to the uncertainty tion and constitution, both of touring the Unit~d States for "Sir, it is with the utmost of of the situation there, but Pen- which Bill is chairman. - its 12th consecutive year, and hesitance that I must send this tagon officials stated that the In addition to taking an ac- has become the longest running order. However, as a result of minimum tour of duty would be tive part in Western Maryland such group of the 20th century. latest occurrences, I am com- eight to ten months. Immedi- government, Bill has widened They have traveled abroad pelled to order you to make all ately after their arrival, the his scope by serving as seven times under the auspices preparations for the immediate cadets will undergo a brief pe- dent of the Mason-Dixon of the Department of Defense, shipment of all ROTC cadets to riod of training, and will be gion of Student Government. in order to entertain troops. Laos. You may rest assured oriented in the tactics of jungle This makes him a member of The group recently played at that only the direst of circum- warfare. The men will board the National Executive Com- the Carnegie Hall Playhouse, stances necessitate such an ac- plane Monday morning, April mittee of USNSA. Maureen which is an off-Broadway the- tion." 3, at Baltimore and will fly to has also had a taste of regional ate]" in New York City. An ensuing telephone conver- San Francisco where they will matters, for she has just .re- "The Merchant of Venice," sation with Washington dis- board ship. cently completed a term as .sec- as it was written for the Eliza- closed the fact that final prepa- Plans will be made for the retar-y of the Mason-Dixon Re- bethan theater, was written as rations for the shipment abroad government to compensate the a comedy, but in recent years will be made during Western cadets in order that they may it has been regarded as a sen- Maryland's spring holidays resume their education follow- drama, which is dominated while the men are home. Ship- ing- their tour of duty. It is character who had or-ig- rr.ents of uniforms, equipment, hoped that all concerned under- been its object of ridi- weapons will be made stand the seriousness of this Y..'~d I,."n",,;";d., t~rouh:hs ~~~o,s~tnfs~~:i~~t~h~~ f:~~~I~a~~nA~~~ ~:~:~e that it is CBSForeign Correspondent ToSpeak On Current News
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