Page 38 - TheGoldBug1960-61
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,2 The Gold Bug, I\Jar. 24, 1961 S~~i~!i~,io~t~c~rn~'!~~!!~~i:i:,:_i~f~~!~!!sTo'i~~~~oit~~~~~;ilCNontrV~yerSoYPErIOYOt~eS tion, or the chapel speakers, or the freshman class, or the Student E' .' th I degrading, but unhealthful as ew lew n ec Iyes Government, or the ROTC drills-IT'S THE AIR! vel' since. entermg e co - well. According to the college catalogue, Western Maryland is lege community, we, ~he stu- I don't see why a system M. Chesterfield I . supposedly located in a healthy atmosphere "amid the intimate dents, have been ,remmded of can't be arranged which would by Ca,rlton In ~eneral, anything t~at has beauty of Carroll County's rolling hills" The student enrolls here the fact that we ale now young permit the waiters to do their anything at all to do with re- ~~~~~n~o:~~~a:~/o four years of s~n and good old-fashioned ~~~~~sea;~ :il~!~ul~:P~!~~e~~ :~:~ t7~~ls i;o ~l~::n~:e o:inf~; ce:!IUyC.hbe~~nt~~~s~~;~ashat~. t: ~~~i~~n~:~:r~t~I~~ms~~~~r~,fa~~ Yesterday evening this clean sweet-smelling atmosphere had This, I feel, is a reasonable re- hall doors could be opened soon- ~ecessltYl for requ.lrl~g reh~~or those who might most be con- vacated this forsaken campus, and in its stead the student body quest, for it is only n.atu~al that er. This way we could enter in Inur~o;~; ~~et::~~ti~~;~~' ~~ I~~ c~rned. with displaying J:eli- wa; ttreated to lungs-full of foul smelling gasps of some new :ew~~o~~dt~"'~~;nt~h~lvree:;e:tU~~ and orderly, respectable man~er ~ducational nature. Challeng- r~~~Sth~nf~u:~~c~i~~r:~~;r t~IV~~ su s';~~~~rn Marylanders, something i~ wrong with our air! Are our many frier;ds and ~cqu.aill~- ~;bles:v~!tea!l.: o;~~ ar:~~~t~~~ ino~n~t::e~en~~t:a~~e~e:~d p:~~ so. Wh~t this ~ampus has ~e t!~e~:t;Ot~tii;~:!.li~u~u~~e:::~i~~~'o~!:~that~o:~;re:e~e~;:r:~ :rs~es~at~:a~' t~~t ~v:t~~~Ul~~e~~ our mealsSigned, ~moke has yyet to Clear the field ~i~7et~~tr~i:to~ct~~eO~[d t~: ~e~ the student body? NO! pect to be treated 111a dignified Gerald S. Bluehdorn of battle. . . elective in Ute, and it seems Unite again in a fervent drive for a common goal. Write and respectful manner by o.ur . From my point of vle~v, the that few are so choosing. ~~!~;:i~/~~~n~o~~~~~~~~~: ~~~~~S\~~ ~:~nl;~:1 :e~~:;S~yi~::~ :~~~~~·s,~~~~:Ve~.rein TO WORK OR ~n;~~r~;:c:t ;~ !~:w~~ei~I~~t~:; Man !\lust Cho~se burn the GOLDBUGs. feel the student IS .treated like NOT TO 'VORK the ~fflI:matlVe or the negatlv~.' W.hat are we a~ter m our ed- sUPp~i.m~~;~;s ~~/~;~~~n~sn~r~U~~i~!m~;~s~~~i1 f.~~IJ~a~~:sr:!~ a ~~:d:a::hi:Olp~i:~lli'S the situ- To the Editor: . ;;:c~la~~~e~r b~~~::h~pa~~w:~~~~ ~~~~~~~;: n~~;!OO~ig~?e\~~~;te~ of the year, they must organize to correct this serious threat to ation regarding the having to The othe~ day, as I was bhss- l'Ies of e?UcatlOn or varlou~, ~n_ but morally and splrltua.lIy de- the safety of the college community. JPW ~~aS~~d~~~eth~~;~tof~~vo ~oe:~s~~~~Yte:~~;~I~~afro;:h;:~tr~~~~~ ~~:r:t;~~~~~o:'~ !~~t:~: pl~~~ ~~:se::?tedA 1;::at O~anlgn~~:~ which in my opinion, are much ping at my door. As the door which religion should have in said, "Unconsecrated education 'r./i,,..I.'10t':ftn'S ftet'.tIir too s:Uall to accommodate the !?pened, who should appear but its scope. The true significance is Satanic." And another so- of our of the dispute 1I'1i, 1J'Ii'.tIir'S 400 or so students who eat in ? stud.ent representative li~s ol!-tside the called. great man also said that " uUj .V, III Ii: r~V ft Ii~. the dining hall. Then at the lliustnous ROTC department. realm of speculatIOn In that of Amel'lca was the foremost sound of a bell everyone jams I was quizzed as to whether I fact. Whether or not religion among nations because she was Many scholars throughout questioning acceptance of toward the doors and the rush intended to go to the Military is a required course at Western the only one to "have got rid of history have recognized the things as one finds them should is on! The whole thing re- Ball. Being a naive freshman, Maryland 01' any other college religion as a serious scourge postulate that tradition often be avoided. A cynical attitude minds me of cattle being driven I answered yes, thinking he is a matter of speculation, but ... by the simple process of re- acts to impede progress. is not n.ecessarily a satisfac- through chutes into the meat was trying to determine the that religion is a requirement ducing it to a petty nuisance." However, ?espite the fre- tory philosophy-either from markets for slaughter. The number of people who were of life is a statement of fact! Tomorrow you will lead AmeT- ;~~~,c~r~~i~~~ ~:~~i~~~: tc:i~~ ~~~n~~:itd~~~v~:s!~;:e:~e vi~~= ~~~~g~~he:r:n ~~d~a!~~~d~O !~:pl~~~~g t~Oe~~o~~;h~::I~~~t, I Man Is Searchi~g ~c:~ d~~trhich philosophy will the - ~verwhelmingly pred?mi- v.idual who intelligently ques- being trampled in the ollTush. hea.rd hi~ engaged in a conver- Ma.n w~~ created by God. as . We are fast approa~hing a nant mfluence upon the mmds hons all that he sees and hears Even more annoying to me is satlOn WIth a student down the an mqU\\'Ing and searchmg tJme when the world WIll walk of many people. This is un- will find it easier to understand the fact that many of us hall. The essence of this con- creature, who never has and to the top of the hill of Gol- fortunate, for if the effects of life. "young adults" have to wait versation is as follows:· never will be satisfied until he gotha, there to pay homage to tradition could be lessened, life Idealism has a function in outside the crowded vestibules "You'Te going to the Military discovers the why's and where- one who sacrificed himself that wou:d .tend to a~sume a more the world, but it becomes dan- in all forms of weather await- Ball, aren't you?" ~ore'~ behind everything both others .might live. Bu~ the reahstlc and satisfactory tone. gerous unless it is balanced and ing the meal bell. This wait- "No, I don't think so." 111t~IS world and in the worlds wor.ld WIll not ther~ .remam up- This is not to say that tradi- directed by realistic and criti- ing is often in rain, snow and "Why1" outside our own. A~d y;t, o~ Its knees, bewall.m_g the de- tion has no place in contempo- cal analysis. iUicha.el BiTd other disagreeable forms of "Because I don't have the m~n. has not spent hIs brIef ~eat. of .good .by evil., rary life for, obviously, the money." mIllion years (more or less) of It WIll rise to Its feet, gaze high present is built upon the past. "Well then, you'll have to existence merely probing for into the heavens, and shout for However, when this growth Chuck's Caustic Corner work at the dance." satisfaction of his petty curios- joy that defeat has become vic- small R t t process is slowed by the irra- t Of I N "The heck I will!" ity. Rather, he has also been tory, that death has become tional conservatism of "Well, it might be heJpful absorbed in finding a fulfill- life-all this through the inter- mi~~S,:h~e::Su~:g:i:abn~ trl:~~~: es a e~e~ s~~e ecessary ~i;~~ t~:e \~~~ ::~~dTe~~:eer;~: ~~;ta:o:i~~~;t a~e i~~Z;v~e~ir~= :~n~::hof!haitG~.e w~:cl:~;::d u= ~~~dlj~io~~For ClarifYing ReligiOUS Debate ~;nt~iU~~ l;~vdi~: :~:d~~st~~; 111~his ~'earning is nothing i::\~~d ~~~~e!~,~nli~:~er to fill ~~.~~s~~:nO:t~~s~~~i;:. to ;'h;~~In th~ last i.ssue of the. GOLDMaryland, and therefore chose drw~~v while I am not either ~;~~r t~;n t~:r:O~d i~~ij~~d~~l'~ wa;OUa~ayc~:~: ~h~~s:~l~~~;~ would include such ilTitations BUG,?1. Challes ~. Cram. ac- to go ~o ~hapel, and aU that an anti-ROTC student or a make-up, an inescapable void should not be.a reqUirement I.n :!ll~ ~~r:~~d~~V~; c~os:re~~~!~ ~~m~~~:aes~e~w~~~~~~!.vfc~:~t~ ;~es a~~~~ I~'heItf~I~~~~I:gS\~~~~ ~:~;s~i~;" ~~detta~i:; s~O~~ f~::~~n GO;d~~e:~l1~~ ~: ;~~ ~!l;g~e ~~~~at~~~'o~~tca:h!~~~~ "rat" period about as collegiate attack upon me personally, and You knew when you ~~me ~o training. When I enrolled in will, but explain the empti- \~heTe find rehg~on a mere elec- ~~an~a~~l~yse;O~~lm:I~~ b~~:;J ~~~~n~~~i~~u~rt~C;:drra~~e~o~~ ~~~~t!I:~tM~:~I:I~~d: 't~ue ~:\~ ~f..l~t~:;e~~~~~~ I :~~ul~~;y~ ~:;:~~n;vhi~~o!aV~ec:t:~ed ae;d ~1:~icforac~~:ve~~~Ot~ao~! ~~~i regulations; obsolete fraternity the Februal_Y 24 ~s~ue. . somewhat tllte. It assumes tr~lnJng .. ThiS I accepted as physiological disorders to sui- surely find, a~ .the .end of the ~~~~:t:;nahb~~di~i~e~h~~~:ot :: th:~ss~oe ~l~ai~:~:nIsS~~~~tlli~~ ~~:: ;~e ::~;~i:;taa~OJ}!~:r ::c~ ~~~~tl:,alr and not too unrea- ~~~~~'~inn;h~oli~~=~~o~~~~e~~f~:~~~~;l'!~:~;e~~~lOt~eISdi~\~~~So~ Although these vexations are to dedicate ~he lest of thiS col- as .~c~demlcs, athletiCS, dorm I do not, however, feel that of values, have "had every- life. fal" from earth-shaking, they ~mn to a lest.atemen.t o! that faclhtle~, seve~th green, .etc., the ROTC department or any thing." Might .we just ~ake a ~noment fDster Oilers ~.~ se~mt~ fal~ '~itht .the vise- ~;S~~ter~~t!~ei~e~~~;·~~v!~~:e::~ ~v:~t;:\~IYgOd~~I~~~p:t~~delta~: ~~~e~i:~rt~t~~~~e~\~~:!~tsh~S i~h:':~':::'~o~i£:~:~"~'~~i~~~~r:;~;i:;~:~;:~~iE~i:;~:fE:;1:0,~:Y0:;::~~~,::~~n~:f~r:~;:~;'~~i;;,:~~~;":":~~~::~;;:;~;:r:~~~:d~';:'f;~~:;:~Added Customs com el t~l.nk that t~IS was not ~ .~Ime rOr nerltD'fJe of t~a.d.ltlOn by colleges I.S t~e read D~" Crain's epistle al- have gleefully chosen to accept into a dictatorshi 'I Shoul~ an.y VISitor ~o.the college ml~ht r. 'U. I ?osslblh.t~ that they. may Inshll legedly III response to my arti- these facets of the school. the ROTC departm~n't IIlto th~1I s~ud~nts either a fear cle. He would then find that Chapel Narrows Choice students to attend or to w:rk fOI the See~mg of the SPUlt of or a dIsbelief III change. Then, we are talking about two en- This of course is hogwash. at the Military Bait? Th Go~, but lather for use as a Aside from the deeply reli- ~vhen these graduates emerge tirely different things. I put Compuisory cha~el has not and other questions .can e~: s_tu y hall. From the a~t~nd- gious observances of Easter cu ~:t;e t~~~:;~t~ \~~rl~~;~;: ~;Z~~~~hiSade~~\~~~~!~~p~i~U:;~Os~~:::ed adt~~tt~~~~y t~tud\ you the stu- ~~~;h~~i:~~e~f p~~~r~;~~I~~: ::~Sm\~~rchqu:~~!, ;:.~~~~IYto :; ~:St~~~lIih.~li~,~~~ .f~~l~;I~C:t!~ ~i~~~Jc~~:~ehi:a~i~:~~.o~l~~~~~ ~:a:~iaa~~~l"t:~'ht~~Ss~or;ta~~a~~ Si~cerely, ~~~~.~d\\~:I~:o:ee;~na;~ ~fste:hd~, ~;:~~~ Ity re.qUlrmg orlgmal thought who could articulate their dis- space in college for those ap- MIchael Janney Anti-Saloon League. ern Maryland students know This has a tendency to or action; . . . . agreement, and r welcomed the plying. down one's choice of a G~ 0'/ ti G --- the meaning of "tradition" and .. In conjUnctiOn WIth thiS cnt- news that Dr. Crain had writ- narrow they have ventured to offer a IClsm o~ ?ver-zealous ~dherents t~n a letter in response to my college somewhat. 'nr'S 5 7'11 ·Lnllaft'!Je few suggestions for Easter reader, IS the crux of the argu- ~"j of tradItIOn, the habit of un- v~ews. Upon I·eading his. slur- Then the oppositio? r~plies, u~~ '" Ilu'lltl.. traditions which might ve~y ~~n: i~fnt;c:s:~:;a~ot ~~~:~I~nth! ~~~~;h~.eY~~se~,~n\~~~~ ~;n~~ r••'P .: IAI'~ r",••.JafttBft.I. i'i:l;it~e;~.?;e a part of our. ".~Ill y G0 L0 BUG problem. The opposition has the el llf ..V, rr'J' ~1 .. Ut;,.. vUI of the big day, there could be To commence the festIVIties _ No one d~ubts the value of a ment. udent ne"'$p"perof Wester!, course in BIblical liter~ture. I money to aid us through school, Latest information available dent center. an Easter parade staged on Beml_can vouch for this, havmg read and money talks. It appear~ on the c.\ass of 1965 shows that In the field of music, four up- Main Street in downtown the Bible in two languages. that even the saintly atmos- upperclassmen may have a dif- and-coming recording stars 'Vestminster with each WMC But the value of this course is phere of ChUI'ch has been in- ficult time in proving their tra- have recorded three of the past co-ed sporting the latest in ten- ii:~ht"t~8ig~arYl"nd, under A.ctof ~~! \~e ,~~:~~~;. w!h~a~:a\~:~ ~~~~~~~~~lt~~ed~~:~~iavellian di~~~:L ~~~:r~~~i~~eIQ of the i::;;~Si~i t~~~~o;:ri,~e o~~u~~h ~!~!~:~~-;;:asf~~~round shoe cour~e because of educational This then, is where matters incoming freshman. Average symphony will be played in As a mid-morning entertain- • Member. l'equ\l'eJ_Hents similar to those stand. 1\lost of us need the fi- intelligence of 145 is nothing to Carnegie Hall in the neal' fu- ment, the students of biology ASSOCiated Collegiate Press compelling us to take biology, nancial aid of the church to get be ridiculed. ture. l06-in keeping with the quest Subscription Price $2.00 a Year !~r~~g~t 1~~~::!\~eng~~:~hO~~~t ~~~~~~;e~~~~\u~~\~ ~~i:g h~~~ SiO~~~ ~~l~:~vjU~~ro~~. C~~~!~~deJ;~te~r\od~.~~~~:e~~e w;~~s~~ ~~rsk~:~~~ds~c~\'u~~hd~~!~~a~~ James Waddel Church has the cold hard cash of debatable practices. In- not receiving a group of beat- man who has just had his first Easter bunny at a sell-out per- Editor-in-Chief to help us through college, and deed, there is little that we can nik intellectuals. Four-fifths showing at Walter's Art Gal- formance in Lewis Hall. Im- Allen Jones .. can therefore dictate courses to do. However, our begrudging of these neophytes have held lery in Baltimore. He will mediately· aft e r ward s, the H b t F II' Managmg Editor us. . acceptance of these rules should office in their respective senior earn his tuition by painting a members of the physical educa- er er a m B. Ed't Church Sets Conditions not be confused with a volun- classes; the other fifth attended mural for the new library. tion department could dcmon- EDITORIALu~~~~F lor If this. is th~ cas~, I feel the ta~'y acceptance. Do not ~e de- the s.ame high schools. . Geograp~ical di;>tributio.n .al- strate their proficiency in a NewsEditor._._._._.__ Priscill"Ord Church IS actmg m a rather celved. QUI' acceptance IS of Fnnge benefits from thiS so makes mterestmg statIstiCS. nose-to-egg roll across the En- e~~~:!~:ir:d~~~~~~;~~j';:~~o~i~~~n:~:~~~ia~~~~~~~::;;e ~~anhc~~ ;~~~tSs~:iin~ob;o:hi~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~i~~a~e~~c~~~esrt!~~:~~~rSdt~~ ~OuS~dO~l}S~Oo;~~~~~t~~il~h:o:S~~t ::~'ti!~W~~er~:~:r c~~:~ ~~~UI~~ Sport...Edlt<;>r__ .. Ger"ldSieg~l \Imitations and obtain a liberal the students chose to go to the young ladies have placed in of 115 from Maryland, 45 from to his dorm to rest for the af- CO-COpyEdItors---"-B~~b~::J~lk~~education is a desirable goa\. chapel. Do not be deluded into various beauty contests. The other states, five from Africa, ternoon's entertainment which COpyRe"ders: .. Chri.stineLew;. To attach strings to the money thinking we like it. Do not be- rest were runners-up. two from Cuba, three il'om La- would consist mainly of a re- ~~~i~~.~.~;ffi~:i~:b:I!~~~:;~~;~~:jo~h~~i~~~Ser~~!nS~~e:,ir;b~~ n~~e~~:p~~~ ~i:~1~~~,ato;od~~: ~~tks~~~ethii~ an1cc:~f~~~hmSei~tsno~:~s, ~~~~ ~~~!w:h!r~~st~;~k~~~r:.nd foul' f~\~~~e~s~~~b~~e~~i~l~'~I~ ;i~l; the rewards of the teaching of the lobbies of the girls' dorms. textbooks, and one Broadway As part of a new exchange Days In McDaniel" by that re- Biblical literature, I question Yes, Dr. Crain, we will oblige play have come from the agile program, Siberia will send four nowned bunny "Sam." R~P<>.-tcrs:Arthur AlpersW;n.Dav;d the procedure of driving stu- these obnoxious rules, but do pens of these prospective stu- students in retUTlI for four Highlighting the evening's Anders,Do~othyBeck,Car- dents to take it because of fi- not beguile yourself into think- dents. One precocious fresh- members of WMC's class of activities would be an inter- ~;,nk.~~:.lh:gH!v~:' 'Diarn: nancial pressure. Why not ing that the students choose man's translation of Livy's his- 1963 w~o will attend classes in fraternity egg battle to take Kanak.CarolL"w"';n~e.Di_ have the church double their them or like them. To do so is tory is ready for publication the SovIet Union on a self-help the place of the snowball bat- H~'i:nMOJ:tJ~t.i":~eM~'!d: contributions and compel us to to run further from reality. while another, a pre-pre-flight, basis. These students will be tles so popular this past win- conlrihUtin§~~~~:~~r~1s&iik'ins~~ui"e~~kue\'c;~:elc~~~~s~!u~~sfeest~odi~:!~u~he~~hu~~~isO~~r~~gtha:h~~: ~~o~a~t t~te'~;~d O~e~i~!~:l~::a- ~~fo:h~e~a~f ;~~:~e~o~~:::tt~;e~ !~~'ire':~~p~~iSc!~~d iSa~~~d t;: Harry Bac"•. SW"eBayly triple the contributions and rules, merely because of the Hoffa Field will be resur- Shovels and pickaxes will be Easter prom featuring the :SUSINESS STAFF we'll all join the temperance mighty dollar, then we under- faced for the express use of the provided. Bunny Hop in Gill Gym and ~rr~~~:i,~n~;~~;~~~~J:ua~~~:~~ sO~~:;'arguments of the opposi- ~~~~~p:ac~ ;!~ae;;r;i~a~o;f t~~~ ~~~e~he7rh~e~:~~~~~~p~r~~n~~! ed (~; ~~~,e e;:s~ ~~~:~'~v~~;ise~ ~~~erk~~;t~~ p!rahya~~ ~:iti~~:~ ~~~!~f;::t~_=-_.~D~.H~~!i~ i~oc~S~~~1:t~'ece~~e:s:ro\~~~t!~~ situation is inC~~~~;~ Bernstein ~~~~rci~so~nt~:6:~p S~r::: ~~~ ~~~Lfrom your brows-April be:~~of pinning with jelly-
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