Page 43 - TheGoldBug1960-61
P. 43
The Gold Bug, Apr. 14, 1961 3 American Youth To Give Belt Arsenault Represent Faculty Committee Revises Time Wisdom Skills Variety And Dependability Courses Of English Majors '.' by JaM, Ernsberger by Wayne Conrad amd by Solomon Unomi In their eyes and knew he must David H1lmphrey Western Maryland course of- the student to take a longer teach them the whole truth be- "... An' del' I vas, right in fenngs and college requirements look at fewer authors during The young American college hind the great economic and da middle of dis huge r~m ... " Time: early In October for next year have been vastly one semester The four new graduate stopped at the end of political experiments in Europe Dee Bell has lapsed tnto her John Q. Freshman walks Into changed by the faculty curncu- courses also eliminate the the pier, looked puzzledl~ a~ a and Asia, the successes and familiar imitation of a little room A-I5. He IS Immediately lum committee. The changes, "type" courses, such as English map, gazed out at the Nigerian failures of freedom and totall- German girl.. engulfed in an aromatic haze made extensively in the Eng- Novel, and broaden period capital of Lagos, and .set off on tarianism, and the prices to be As veep of the SGA, Dee is of Middleton's # 5 smoldering lish department, are the result courses, such as Victorian foot for the makeshift Peace paid for each. In the dancing known to WMC for her leader- from "the Frenchman's" Kay- of that department's diesatis- Literature, to contain philo- Corps headquarters at the edge fire-shadows he could see their ship, organization, and hard- woodie pipe. While John is faction with the great differ- sophical trends. of the slum area. A. taxI~ab faces react' as they each working abilities. A bit of waiting for the rest of Maury's ences in preparation of their Juniors To Substitute confidently .slowed behind hll~. thought things out for them- humor is mi~ed .with the sert- freshmen advisees, he begins to graduates. The changes will. probably af- The American turned, ~ald selves. On nights like these ousness; dedication always to look around the room. He The objectives of the alter- fect the present juniors least. something, ~nd the taxicab the new Indian way of life, a her ideals. quickly takes note of the Arse- ations include making the re- They will adhere to the present drove o~. A mo~ent later t.he strong, vigorous synthesis of She'~ also seen singing w.ith nault Library: Among the 96 quirements of English majors major requ.ire~ents and will shock hit the driver: a white the ancient and the modern, the Hill Toppers and handling volumes are titles suc~ as The more rigid so that the students make substitutions for needed man preferred to carry a heavy was born. the gavel on Women's Council. Age of the ReformatIOn, How will have more balanced and subjects under the directions of suitcase through the heat and Fiction! Yes-today. But But what are the traits that to BlIY Stocks, and Twelve solid schedules, and making the their faculty advisers. The dust of the street. It took an- this summer the first 500 Peace the public eye seldom sees! Months of Drama. The scope courses seem less similar to sophomores, who are caught in other minute for the driver to Corpsmen beg-in training and Dee loves to sleep; in fact, she of these titles seem to reflect those taken in high school. the middle, will have to confer realize the American had spok- these situations could very well awakes from her afternoon cat Maury's wide interests. Then The alterations involve re- individually with Dean Ma- ell to him in his o~n language, occur. Selection fer the Corps nap about 5:58 pm.' just in time he n.otices a graying freshmen placing the survey course in kosky who will analyze each Y~ruba. Truly,.thls was so;ne- will be on the basis of educa- to make it. to dinner-c-except beanie on top ?f the book case, 'English literature by four ee- program and specify subjects to thing to ponder. III the next,._Jam tion, job experience, proficiency that she still has a blouse to and John realizes that Maury «nester courses which will allow be taken to round out the major. session at the taxi stand. in languagea, technical skills, iron. has ~ sentimental remembrance I Present freshmen will move A:r::~e~h;a~koSn:tn!~~b~n a ~~:~!~~f:i~~~;r;l"e~r~~:,le~r~~ he~ P~~~~g;~~~~~~,~~en~! ~:~~ of T~:. :;:ts~7eMa~~~~~ advtsees Physics Professor ea~~gl~~~O~~jo~:':v~:o;::e,;. in ~~~eir~~~y o~nw~~~e~il~cf~e~~a~ ;~t;i:!~rti~!~i~~~~n, ::dd ~~~:;;~ ~;~:c:!:~i:~S ~~: ~:~~\O~::d~~:~o~nt~~!;~g:~~le~s b~; Speaks At Banquet ~:e:e~:ve:~.a~vi~pebc~fi~·e~u:~~~n~~ field to rest from the hot noon- ship. Training will be in these up to a weird apparatus pass- the questIOn that IS bemg dls- Dr. Howard Laster of the lish subjects. One of these will day sun, discussing the effects areas with respect to a specific ing out from anoxia-for a cussed, Maury. seems to. be aI;le physics department at the Uni- be Western Civilization, which of the new fertilizer they had 110st nation. Volunteer ques- physiology experiment. to add .some bit of pertment 10- versity of Maryland will be th~ traces the history and culture ~~;:I~~:! th~h:a:~~~S25g~~~r~ ~~~n;~!~e:ffi~:=.available at 10- en?dn t~CC~;~O)~e~e~arrasbl~~~ea:~~~.::~~IO~~ht!:k~~i:;o~b~~; ~~~~na?te~~~~u:tt tot~~ ~~~u:! ~fq;i~~ ~:estt::np;~~:~~ ~:oymw~~h old rice farmer from' WIth G "II W"t she ca'n wear red. She also But thiS. IS only one Picture 5:45 pm on April 17 at the em~hasls on the last five cen- ~15SIS- sippi spoke Arabic a rI e al ress daily polished her loafers until of Maunce A. Arsena1;'lt. United Church of Christ of turles. They must also take he'd Types Customers ~~~~~~nat ~:~;;:Il~a!:~ a:a~:~~ ~~~I~~~ ~~r i~l"~n~~~r~~ing and ~o;~r/~~=~e:~: Jo~~:ee~~t~ ~:e:~~~?~~;in ~;sco:~~c Ra;~~: ~~:~.~tu~~t~~a~~~li~ndTr:::I~~ cultural s c h 0.01, but Among other things Dee's be s for some cake. and ~offee." given in laymen's language. tion, but these will not count learned much from the Egyp- room is decorated with two MThe next. mornmg we find The program will also in- toward the credits needed in ~:~s t~heayt~:t~~~nus;I::S~~m;;; by Marsha Hoover ~~!is~~'~~:e~i~~~' aar~1st~cbt:el~ an~u7'€a~i~~I~:e S~c~~;rur~c~~~~ ~~ddet~:er!~:~~J~~i~no~ft:~~:~~ Engli~ho:rO: T~~eu~!~:~ed teach him. With fo?d in thei~ After, working in the grille ents are displayed by her first s~~ at the Westmmster .Meth- iors who will become Fellows. Instead o.f 128 credits, all new ~~o%ao~~sl~:e~yEt~r!~a;: ~~o~~~ ~~~e°l:~rrn!:oa ~~n:~ut~:~Pl! :~~e~ri~:.t a bulletin board for ~t~~~.n~ha~:~~ta~h~:~t:l~ IS the be~~:~~!~;o:ht~e b;a:~~:~, ~:~~ ~~Ud;~!~u;~~~h;vheu;,o ~:e:~~;! empty promises of Communist and have classified them into Sf' th h b Fflend, frIar, and fiance are iors and juniors with a 22 av- and sophomores will take 16 agitators. types. If you ever patronize . to hOI' leasons 0 .er t an ut. three o~ the many sides erage and sophomores' and hours each semester, and upper_ In a town isolated by the Co- the grille, I suggest that you kU~1 ~rcam~us,,~?t~es, ~~e w~JCh ~ompl"lse the swell char- fresh~en with a 2.1 average. classmen, 15 each semester. lumbian countryside, the _young p.ay close attention t:o ~his ar- H~ll"WI remam 19 on e ac er 0 our roomy, Maury Ar- • Those having a grade index of doctor demonstrated delicately tlc1e, for somewhere III It I am . senault. GIrls' Dorms Conduct 1.5 may take up to 18 hours a opening a boil with primitive describing you. semester without special facul- . . call the but well-sterilized instruments The first group I They are Brown and WI"ckw"lreAttend Elections For 61-62 ty permission. handed him by one of the ea- "Good Samaritans." 'In the future, a selected group fee:~~~~at~~~~g ~~ur~\;en T~~~ ~~~;d :aOll:;le;[~I/ngP;~~I:ll ~~~ anB~::cti~~'I~~ ~~'~~s C;;~f~~~ ~!le!~eSj~m:~m;~s~~~~~di~1l f~~ American m~ved on in two people in the dorm. That YMCA Puerto Rl'canSeml'nar ~t~neous m~etings lust Sunday permitted to complete Freshman in- years, the students would know cludes bringing them back mght, Apnl.9. . English in one semester. There all he c.ould teach them in shn- something from the grille. Oh, b L n Wij)kwfre . I d f h h d . In McDamel, Katherine Lor~ wip also be a course designed pie medicine and village sani- how we run in fear to the back- y yn rl, t ea ~r _0. t e . state. 00 'succeeds. Judith "~eep" Ak~rs especially for non-English ma- tl\Yfln. Many lives would be room whenever we see some_ During spring vacation the ~_ary._ E"" fJourn .._In . pnva!~ as preSident, while Carolme jors called Introduction to Lit- saved, ~and perhaps an out- one walk in, list in hand. It's Mid-Atlantic Region of the o:yes,~( as er s~n,~lse services, Mitchell .will be. firewarden. erature. It will cover a major standing student could get a funny, but it seems that invari- Student YMCA's and YWCA's a~~ a promena E e around ~he Nancy .~'hllcr, Manam Evans, writer such as Milton and scholarship for further study. ably the newest member of our sponsored a seminar in Puerto CIy siu~ref on astel~ e~enmg and Elizabeth Beall will serve Chaucer for each literary peri- Teacher Talks Politics working staff succumbs to the Rico in which Albert Brown ~ccoun t e f ol"ds~me 0 t e en- as nex~ year's sophomore, jun- od The coals burned late into the privilege of waiting on these and Lynn -Wickwire partici- 10Ytm~1) o~n IIIhP~dnc~.sThe ior, an? ~enior representatives, Alterations in other depart- night as the American teacher people. pated. Twenty U.S. students l:~qui~~;u\h;va~ .~ J10d al~ r~lspecbve y, to the dorm coun- ments include making History in a small Indian town talked My next classification is the travelled around the island ac- P .t R'· W.~I ~~r a~ ~ CI. BI h V . of Art a one-semester-hour p.olitics with .several antagonis- "I. ~on't. know~." When the companied by 20 Puerto Rican in~els~ene~c~I'om'the ~leo~tn;;7n- IT In L:~c e "\ ~rld, hPr~sld~n~ ~redit,. and Elementary French, ~IC ~nd. yet mterested students \~altmg Ime begms to form out- college students. and the continually erfec~ ~~~I ove;e~o w;uani:a n Hei~~ IIlcludmg laboratory work, four ~~a~l~ 1~~I~~~~-i:~o~n~U!·no~~; :I~!~;eto d:~~rt~~o'::\v~:~s~~ Wh~~: to:~~ be~~.~u~n S:~O~::d~ ~:~:the~. ~ors a baC~grou~d t~e ~irginia Schurman become~ semester hours credit. g~~~~la~~de s~~~~ ~{e ~1::~h:I;~~~d ::;:e::~~~~ ~onht~~~::s~~ :~~t~d~:d~~~:e~ ~~I~t~e ~On!d~Vhhe~:sl~~~~~ p~~ ~w~m, ~i~t~d d~he '.'EI dMor~o" speech;sOa;d NATIONAL again and again in class, and tiently glaring and tapping on t~;v'ie~; wi~h t~:ne~1:;or~~ lr~ ~~d~a:~~:~~~~> t~~e~r l~~u;-ned ~ive~ ~ the d?rm ;ounc~ wi~l LIBRARY WEEK they'~ ended up here. He the counter while he "think.s." old San Juan. From San Juan paradise. Such a Igsemi~Oa~ c~aet j~~i:;m~:ani:Y Hil~~I;~- • ~::~~m:~~:n ~:y ~~n~i~:~sye~ ~~t:b~~~:l~mt~et~~~t~e~:~I~~ ~~~u~~~~~~~eji~u;:Uel:e~dt~~ ~~~~ ~:dt~a~v~~~~e ~.nce~·ned ;eal- and ~ophomore Barbara Hahn. Apn116.22 and didn't exp~ct to; .he ~aw bust!e ~nd milkshake.spilling agricultural experimental sta- tiful island ~noW~~:hI~:nye~~~ eaJIIUIIJ
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