Page 44 - TheGoldBug1960-61
P. 44
4 The Gold Bug, Apr. 14, 1961 Pugh Diamond. Nine Shows Championship' Form Grid Newcomers Squad Posts 5·2 Log On Southern Trip, TERROR TALK Bolster Squad Pins Losses On Ursinus, Susquehanna S "W 'By 1i H.rJ ''t In prmg ar. After their first nine games Last Saturday afternoon thelsaw five Terrors ta.1 l y and that U of the still-young season, base- Pugh nine put on their .first proved to be enough to win the show before the home folks as game. veteran ball coach Dick Pugh's The sight of fully-clad play- diamond crew has rounded into they trampled Susquehanna by Briefly the Southern games SEA~ON FIGU~ES RELEASED by the southern division ers going through their paces top form and given warning to a 11-2 margin. went like this: . of the MI.ddle Atlantic Conference confirm the excellent play of 'each night may be a strange the other Mason-Dixon nines Splur'g'ing off to a four-run Western Carolina lO-WMC 1: WMC's basketball troops this past winter. Western Maryland one to those who thought the that they will be hard to topple jfirat frame and a two-run sec- Bombing a top trio of Terror proved a. real threat in the MA~, leading the division in team pigskin game was strictly a fall from the championship they ond, :vestern Maryland was pi~chers-Klein,. Whitmore, and offense With a 78:8 mean, and commg In secon~ on defense, as the sport. However, Coach Wal- captured last year. nev~r In danger as lefty Wayne 'WIles-for 13 h:ts and 10 runs, Terrors held their opponents to only 64.9 ~omts .per conference dorf endorses the value of the During the spring vacation'I".'hltmore Widely sp~ced .seven the hosts gav~ the. Pughmen a game. The second-place Green and Gold quint (With a final con- spring scrimmage sessions, 21 the Terror aggregation swept [hits and struck out eight. !n go- Tough welcoming. . ference record of 8-2, secon~ ?nly to Dr~xel Tech, 11-2), also of which are allowed under N. through Dixie and emerged with ling th~ :o?te. .. WMC .16-W~stern Carolina 8: proved deadly marksmen,. fin~shJllg second m f.ree throw percent- C.A.A. standards, because it is a sparkling 5-2 record. Since; The mdlvldual. highlight of Rebo,;!ndmg With an outburst of age i:~\~e:::::~l:C:~ ~~;r~ l~n~~:o~:~~:;~~:;hg a(:~~ ::::;:!!: 1~:~~st~~iohes~:;e,ro::V~I~~s ~:;~ ;~~u::~nfhet~e:~e h~~I~!C~:Jt~e; !~~~in~a:~e~a~~klny:t:t ~~~~!~1!~ua~lts~ut:~fu~~~~e~h:n:ta~~~~ ~~~~; !~~e~nbih:f:a:~~eih:nb~a~~~ ~~:!l~~di~~~~~\;:n~o~~~ l~~~:t~r f:t~re~;ef~e W~C ~vr~~ ~~~~:e';,e:n~~~PectedUrsinus and :a ~::e~~~:~d~d; ~r::~:~~):;::!~ :~i:~~sin~~~iJ~;s:~og~~ut~:~,S~f:d include Dave Martin, who, after finishing fourth in the conference fortunes. Particularly encouraging has Igrand-slam home run off the bat Baile and Wiles added tr-iples. in both scoring (17.6) and free throw shooting (44-56, 78.5 per I Junior Dave Anders holds been the hurling of sophomore .of hard-hitting Lenny Biser, the I WMC 10.~Vestern Carolina ~: ~~~!io~a~:s~mt~~:neO~er;~~' ~~r_rdei~~~::~iVs::o:Jh~:eIJ:::t~~~ .down the l~! .~n~PI~~~ti:~dw~~~~!~::\ihai~~eoI~le;~_ri:.-l~;t~~ ':i~~~~8~~,Zoo:~~~r~~:~,h~~triY~~ ~:~~~~ng~.~~I;'~e:;::ct;;~e fit:~i~l! O'Malley, who, in addition to his fine rebounding record, ended ~:~~~~erfres~mana ~erry Ba- spearheading last year's staff" With Spear Klein throwing a .two runs m the fifth, sbdh, and ~~:c:~ason with a 16.6 scoring average, good enough for sixth ,r~~h. CAt l.eftJ~ack~e, ind~~~ ~i~~~!r o~~~~:~sp~~c:sfoaf ~o:;=i;h~it;~~ t:a~ h:~ri~~~~ d~~~ :~~~~~t~oi~~;ve: ~~~i/o;I:~;nS~~; Richie' Klitzberg received honorable mention, as the slender ';or~h ~~i~JllJo~~ NUoS:~s~n~ team. culty: The big second frame :victoriously. . Brooklynite finished 14th in scoring (14.1) and ninth in field goal ISfan Sunderland two first year WMC 4·Maryvllle 2: In the shooting (54-123, 43.9 per cent). Also finishing in the top 20 returnees Eric' Buckner fast ,first game of a double-header, A L" k L Th" d St "ht ~~~~~r:O;:;3~a;:in~~~~~:~e,na~~~~~yl~e~~!~~e~a';~~n?~~ar~~~ 'l~ro;ih~il:~Ph~~:~:ee at~~'H~;;t Washington College Tops Terrors ;;h~V:ll:~p7:;~~S~~i~~~~~a~~u~~~ finished among the league leaders in at least one department. guard slot. sturdy left arm of. Whitmore. ) '* * *. . 'ar~~~~~;~~~ Bt~~\;:~i~~'d,sK~~ s In smen ose Ir ralg. 'a?~~~I~le~~.·!t;~h:~I~h::T.~~~ rec :O~mT~!r~ ~~Lfi~~~~a~~~I~~Tor~:~~a;n fi~~~~:u:;n:n~~~~~ 'MacDonal:'l~nd th husky ;~w- itsHa;;~:re~hr~~ h:a~c:~~ds t~~ t'~~ve~si;;I"~ea~~ongw~I~~r~c:~ ~~n~:~h\~:;;-~~t~ a~~~:~i~:~ has been narrowed down to Jim ~vnet, Fred Burg~e, and Don ~~~~;~r Bi~l Deane: ~~rks I;~! .Western Maryland golf' team Maryland lost this match, 8.'h- they s:wept the twin-bil~, 1~.4. S~ure .. Burg~e has already won hiS bracket .and ~11J meet the Iright guard with Charles Speno has dropped three st!'aight t.o .'h, as Johnny Holter, I?laymg WMC 13-Maryville S: Play_mg victor ill the Avnet-Shure clash for the champIOnship. '~;~ki~s ha~:mhit~~!mf::Sh~~~~ ~:;s~~~, cz~~ge,v~s~;:~~~~ ~~:~ ~~t~een~~~e~O~;eel":Pi~':~~d~~~ ~;:tshae:le~~~~~e~h;~~:rfo~I~~~n~ card;dH:OrH~:~~es~~N~Sri~I~T~~ b~:~n~~s~:~~~~d ~~~g~~!~ '.:~~n~~:r ri~~ ;ae::I~ ~~:e~~~:~ leg;he opcning match of the ~oe~~~X~~A.3~,n;¥~~~e~ISO~~~'~ ~:te~~~o~~ th: ~~!h ~~e ~~:: rl M 16 y, p , Istarters Bob Wolf Dave Mal"- season, on the home course, was rent club ehamplOn at Indian straIght over the same enemy. ay, ay . .* * * 'key, and Earle Armiger 'play against Loyola and saw the Springs. :r.he A.U .. team is,!n Maryville 4_WMC 1: Held to A! THIS S!AGE of the young.basebal1 sea~on, sophomore ,! line position, right ;sel"l~~~ I~Si~s~r~,se;::Yi~g 6-i~ ~~~~r~~:~:~~t:~ede~t~~:Pi~ons~:~ !~~:'e t~~~leS~i~h;in;Ug;t!o:~e~ ~:~~a~~:nS~:~d ~~s~~a~Od!~~~~e~~azmg .556 battlOg average to m~h~.e~:;~::I;ofr~~:U~:n:::s~t ~:n n~~~:, t~~e~:e~si~~~~ ~~~ !~!:ngl~a:h e~~~; p~:i~fon.good ~~:Pt~~_~~nt~~ :e~~~dd;:dt~ of • • • quarterback along with Jerry only WMO winners. The third For their third match, the once~~~i!09~ ::n~:Vinth:~~n ~::;e~~e!~~r:~a~:II~~o:~all .t~~~ ~i~~en~n!ndT~7m ~:~~~~ti~i~ ~~~:~:f;rn O~a~h?~:~?~7~t~~~:~ !~~~~~~nm::~v:~~d s~~'m~~~st~~ Hurtmen Lose, 6-3, tt s III the fi~st two m~tches, very T LIN another Terror grid aggregation once won 27 games in a row left half; and Don Hobart CecilI 0 oyoa e er and. the Terrors thell' thIrd pomt. over the span of several seasons ... that it's not important Bob Shaw, at ful}back. A.U. Triumphs strong wmds prevaIled all day: whether you win or lose the game, it's whether you have a date Walsh, Ray Wockley and Fred In the second match the team ar: d t?en to add to ~he golfers Loyola College's tennis' team after it . . . :~;~~e:al:'ll out the roster at b~:~~~~Ctl~b I:tdi~;hea~~~in~~. ~~~~II;.s a ~:as~~n~~: f~~l~~;~ topped ~he W~1C net contin- ==================I'========";"========'=I~~~e;~ea:~at~~;r~-3,~onast~!~ ~~:~~~~rid:; af~~:~~~~~ A~rll '11102'2 WMC SI "nks Muddvl"lle M ounts M 1 T IV • matches The Terrors other point h:he ~e~bol:: W~at:~~so f th bu~ au lerrors Ginsburg and t halved 7\ him: AS Iract(menrOce ong Jeason by George Didit T .1- I'. 1 l' r l' ~~::;t~::~m~'°:S ~:ul:umt~~~ !o~~~ Sa~age only one ~ingles The team. emerged from the locke'r rool" 'time teaming with Dave' Mar. contest en route to the defeat: AcrOB8 the golf COUl'se, straight; In their fir~t dual meet of Mounts, . while Doug Carter key, won best ball. Qu~~~/I:~~m;~bd~~i~! ~o~npnel~ Beyond the greens, no dallying now, the young tI~ck season on took a thIrd. , Terrors Place in Hurdles Loyola's Mulrooney and TiII- There was no time to w(Ufte. Straight to the field 1ue knew WIL8the·re !~~:::saY~e~P~:a~~~dth:y ~~:~~ an~n i~se l~~~~~:t:~~e~:~~~ ~~~ Pl"ovided spring 'comes before ~nadn,\~-:J't 7~~~h~~d:a~l~e:it:~~ (This assumption did we make) mg :r.~t.St. Mary s by a ~OO-22o~d and third respectively, be- th? end of the ?,olf season, a other tandem triumph, 6-2, 6-4 1Ve cros8ed the field, stopped in our tracks, margm and showe~ eVidence hm~ the visitor's Jim Dolan. bnghter f~ture IS seen ~head 'over Corpel and Torres of the F01' our glorious field was a. that a long season hes ahead. KllJght Bowles captured a sec- for the hnksmen. Practically 'Hounds. Jon Myers and Steve TCI'I'Y 8t(LI"ted shoveling the snow f"om tlw field, Lack of depth and unst'ason- ond in the 440-yard dash with every man on the team has been Berman lost to the host's team Restle8s Wiles just kicked some around. able _weather with tempera- Ale:, Obcr taking third, both playing well. on' the fairways pf Cummings and Mohler, 7-5, Sully and Yobst looked disgustedly on t~:es ill the 30's were contrib_ behmd Muldsen of the Mounts. and then havmg trouble on the ~-1. A8 a frantic Pugh 8C<1:/"chedfor tke ground. utmg factors in the loss. Aside In the high·hurdle event, th'" greens. Once the weather In singles competition, Jon Reluctant alld angry, we looked at the /WId, from these contributions from Saint's Dolan won in 16.8 sec- breaks and the greens on the ,]'.fyers gained the sole Terror Then tUl'lIed to 8tart back, 011£- and all; nut tlt,'ned once again when 1ce heard a. gntJ! voiel' ~~~the~ve~eatu~~':ni~~e ~~o;;~~~ ~~~:n wij~ma ~~.o~~~ s!~~nd~:b~~~np~,~~~~~~ \~:;~ bien10~~\~;e~~~~~~v~~~~ryL:~~~a'~ 7T~rr:'s~ ('Twa.s the 1I1JJpire) yelling, "Play Ball!" \,:,hat many track coaches be- Hunt. Also, in the pole vault up. Jerry Miller went three sets in "We can't play ball here, the field's too wet !Ieve to be the best track team event, Ed Shilling finished sec- The next match is at home losing to Knouche of the Grey- What with all the mud and the 811QW." In the Mason-Dixon Confer- ond behind Smith of the visi- against Lycoming, next Thurs- hounds, 2-6, 6-4, 6-4 in the only "1 can't help that," the umpirl' said; "1f you waut to, forfeit, and go." en~~. St. Mary's Christol)hel' tors. day at 1:30 pm. ~ther WMC IVell, we didn't like his tone, no sir, turned in the winning toss in So we played that 1If1lddville nine; Pitched to them and struck them out; the shot-put event with a heave of 39' 2", with Punchy Leneski .No one 8corcd for quite 80111£ time. and Jesse Brewer placing sec- lYe got to bat in the last of the ninth, ond and third, respectively. We had two outs, no OIW on, and then The discus contest was won by OU'r own Lenny Biser did 8W~)fg-got a hit! Farrell and Christopher of the And a great Sh01d went up from our mel!. But Lenny's swing was not that great 'Though powerful a blow, 'Twas not through air the spheroid sped, Compliments B7tt down into the snow. Tho pitcher dllg, the cutcher swore, The fielders called Len names. J. C. PENNEY CO. Try as thoy might, the i\fuddville nine Had lost that crucial game. Heagy'. Sport Shop 16 W. Main TIlden 8·5515 Bowl Ten Pins A Complete Sports Line AT JAY WHALEY Representinr LAUNDROMAT Westminster Bowl 5 LOCUST STREET DAILY - 7:30·5 WESTMINSTER SHOPPING CENTER Closed Wed. 12 Noon * 60 million times a,day people get that refreshing new feeling TIlden 8·8677 Call TI 8·6570 for Reservations with ice-cold Coca-Cola! Free Delivery Sen-ice 80itled under authority 01 The Coca·Cofa Comp3nyby To ColleJ"e WESTMINSTER COCA-COLA BOTILING CO.• INC.
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