Page 47 - TheGoldBug1960-61
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Compulsory ROTC: Is It Necessary? WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MARYLAND In its years of activity at matter vital to the national in- Vol. 38, No. 13 May 12, 1961 Western Maryland College, the terest as indicated by the gov- Res e r v e Officers Training ernment, and the university Ihespians Chose "J. B." An' .... "{ r ''': ll 'e, ..a1non:e,r ... Corps has become an integral could release the time to stu- rn 'J .JJ,. part .,0 tho campus community. iJJ dents fo< concentration of addi- upon Providing such services as the t.ional efforts ,.UUJ academic ,I I,~ • Ii, 10 LonCiuue rromen S Ieor For Commencemen t PIay 7'.'.1 ,J IAI ' v: annual Military Ball, the rats- values." t~~1 oP~~~~:1 ~~~~~:~ ing and lowering Such is what of the flag, has been done ;~~a~:s~~~~u~~~~r:::a:r;~~1 ~~et~~: J. B. by Archibald MacLeish, played respectively by Barbara Three of the traditional On Monday, May 15 at 9 pm serves many useful functions, will operate satisfactorily and will be presented Friday, June Holland, Barbara Sauer, and spring activities for women at freshmen women will honor in addition to its basic task of still provide a supply of inter- 2, at 8:15 pm in Alumni Hall. Jean Carter. Wes.tern Maryland College members of the senior class preparing officers for the ested ROTC cadets is another General Admission is $1. Also included in the cast are: have been scheduled for the with. a lantern chain. Each United States Army. question. There seems to be The annual commencement Judith Kerr, Mrs. Bott.ioelli; week of May 15. senior woman will be conducted However, despite all these no doubt that ROTC is a highly play will be directed by Miss Helen Murray, Mrs. Leisure; to H~ffa Field by the lantern- beneficiary aspects, the ROTC beneficial training for those Barbara Mrs. Adams. Sauer, Esther Smith. Setting, light- th:a~~~:a of ~~~~asndMa~:~u~:~ -Newsettes- car-rying underclassmen. As program here and at many col- young men possibly intending ~:g,:~~d;:hn~~al tg~ct~711~~ ~~:sh~:nerc~~~I~me;or~~at~~ri~~: ~!!~:d a;od o~~iv~~~i!~~~n!Sc!~~~ ~~ czn~~:e:;.n ~~tm!~;-r:a:;!~ Tribby. David Sutton is the Eleanor White portrays Mrs. figures and patterns on the cism-that the first two basic in making this training non- ~~~~~r;~~tric~~~e an!a~aagr;:. !~Ujo~r;, ~~I~a~~m~~~~:r,p~r:d S G A =~II~~f;~~o::~~e~~isdrc::s:o~~ ~~~;:d a~~r U~~t~~~s~~~I~~Yc:;~ ~:P~!~Yta~e trt~t~~e~;o:!~ ~~~~~ ~:~~~n~Virlr°te~r~:s, w~~~ ~~~~~:r, a;:ep~~~~day~:, :~:~~ f::e~onNa~c:!aha;~:~ :~= :a~~~s f:t~~~ S~~gst~fO~:~~ ;~;~o~?~e of c1~:s; x: ~c~*,g p:o~~am g~~~I~IYdec1~~: of the jumor dramatic art stu- as Hayes, and Donald Rabush. po . t' .d' t t WMC tending a reception prepared instttutfons this question has and become ineffectual. der~iuded in the cast are: J. ~~ i: a~O:l~!;or~~~~I~!~ :;~~: i~~;n8CC;;~;;::r~9:1-62. byR~~! s~~~or:~.e;'hursday at ~~~u:!~t c~~s~~~~~tes f:::::ti~; th:oin:~~~fi~~rdma~gati~~! s~h~s~ First roustabout, Harry Rum- but ngt reconstructed from, the .On.Monday, May 1, the c~n- 4:15 in Robi~son Garden is ~n- the mandatory training; at steps similar to the one taken berger; second roustabout, Jon- Book of Job. J. B. is the rep_ ~btut!Onal amendme.nt prov.ld~ oth:r Occ~slO.n fo: hono~lllg Western Maryland the general at the University of Wisconsin. athan Myers; and Nickles, who resentative of mankind in the Ing for the school W:ldeelectIOn ~en1o:s, thiS tIme With the Jun- tone among male students is Briefly, military training be- is played by John Grabowski. symbolic circus tent where the of the SGA secretary and lors :n charge. The first part one of reluctant acceptance, al- came optional there on the basis ~:~!tus~:n~~~~i~:o~~::~a~~~ ~~~ir~Sy~\y ~~~ ~~s~:dtac~r~~: ;~e;~~loe~f~h~ssfua;:~~b~~y 8;0~~ ~~:~s~a~~~;eo~nre~~o;~~;, ~~~~ ~~~~g~nd~~:~~~~stovai~iV1~:~i~y ~~~~sife~'te~in~h~h~~:~:~ro~:~; and Mr. William Tribby respec- vendors. The story of the mg. At the same tIme the tun~s ImitatIons of th~ gra~- At Lehigh University in ROTC programs in the fall of tively, while the part of J. B. is modern Job is a play within Honor System was also passed uatmg women. Followmg thiS Bethlehem, Pa., the Reserve 1961 or 1962 drops below 75 portrayed by Albert Brown. a play. by the student body with 90'7'0 there is the presentation of a Officers Training Corps pro- per cent of the numBers enter- Jacqueline Cook appears as J. B. was first given at Yale of 79o/~ voting in. its favor. rose and cup .to each senior. gram will become an elective ing these programs in the fall Sarah, Bernard Rinehart as Da- in April of 1958. It has since Premd&nt Da-V1d Hu;nphr~y That ~venmg all college course for all freshmen and of 1959, then the University ~:~/nd Barbara Heflin as ~;~~ld':on;aira\n~heon B;~~!~ ~~r:eftl1~~~~~~);8«;~h:to~3;:~~~or;~:Si~~~t ~:~~'e~n s~h~n~ao';'~ :~fth~~~r::r~~~t fi~~~~e~~:turd~ :O~~:I:o~v;r~as~~t~~ai~~!IY to in K~~! :r!t; ~~s.ohi!ak;!rt~:;~ ;;i~~\~~e~~5i~.w;_n~~eit~~~~~ ,::8o~:l;,.U;~1~;6~~ scheduled ;?~e 1:!~~m~;~..T~~~fo~e~o~:~ ~:asth~a:~~a~~~~elyTh:p::Ci~~~ Vi:fe~ustoac~~!~tY~~:IV;osi:ib~~~; al of Jonathan, With Jean Car- nized as a' great American The general appearance of form. a semi-Circle before the federal policies pertaining to of the elimination of ROTC. ter as Ruth, and Susan 'Vheel- poetic drama and has been the campus was dIScussed an.d outgoing Trumpeters and those collegiate military training is- As long as enough men enter er as Rebecca. The first maid, given in Italy, Germany, and as a result t~e student. body IS se.lected are then presented sued by the Department of De- the advanl:ed program (and all second maid, and the girl are Austria. UT~, espeCIally durmg. the WIth a cap and gown. Tr~m- fense. indications are that this quota ".:=======:::========~ ~~~~~n~~~~pi~; c:ompo~sts~~:~;~v~t;:~ i:r~he tr:ni?~U!~!:~d~~~ st~~~entg~:~~~~:~t~~Th:o~c: ::i:!dbes~~~~~~) :;:n f~~~-i~;~~ r "t" A d F t "t· to keep htter. at a bare mllll- are chos:n for thelr leadershIp partment of Defense policy is the burden of two years of Sororl les n ra ern Iles m~m. t . bl' e~o~~ and service. to leave the and decision between forced military preparation. • . ~~.f~lsor~ v 0 I u n tar y Just the ~s:el~U?I~~OUSU~~y how all this applies to tel' MUsl"cl"ansSlate' Elect Offleers For Next Year minatcd. been -.. ;~oen;~~~~~t~:p~~~~e::te~a~~r~ j~r~~~t~~n~e~e:~uale~tst~~e ~~~ College is entIrely up to the educa- Western Maryland box lunch 'plan has Delta Sigma Kappa recording secretary; Donald ~o_ Home Ec. Club Spring ReCital !~:~do.m .Of.C~~:p~~s:~;S ~~:~~ ~gT(i~ ~:r~::st ~~:~uls~~~ ~~~t~:~~'n~;~:~'iri;~t:~~~;[~';::f,~~~::"i~~'Ii,,~11,·~0:~~~;~~~:~~tY~~:i;!I';~M~r~5i:~':p~~:;i~0~1~~d;~~~l~~~:F~~~';~~;~~~~:d;~:'n~~b:;~~::;~~';'::~:"{~h:i~::;~~~:: May 16 at 8:15 ROr C is not needed to .me~t enough .tr.e~surer; P Carl possibly to dissenters of president The S~rel~, On Tuesday Western Catherine Reese will asuumelb~rt'l Constance Barnes. Filling outt Frances Hohman, Janice Moon_ ni Hall. AdmisSion is free. . In explaining Lehigh's adop- direction. This article draws the other offices will be Lea- Delta Pi Alpha ey and Manetta Willett were The band directed by Rob- bon. of optional ROTC, a school no conclusion-any definite de- ~::~~ ~~~k~t:~::rcs~r:~~;es~:c~~~ H~~Yt ~a~a~ ;i.llAlr~le f as ~~~csti~~n::s!~~et~~;e!ndf t;;~:= ~~~~:~:e~:G~~~~~~~~~~ ~at:c~;; ~~~~ is ~::.e:~ it"~Oc~p,~;~:r~ ~~~~nbol~~~with the maleJ~; ing secretary; Nancy Thomas, i::~:t;nn~xt ~~, ~ssi;t~ r~; u~er, respective!y. These girls from Victory a.t Sea by Rich-I=========b======== f~;:~ur~~id~~~ri~::!:ne;g~~_it~ ~::t~ ~~c~:;:eof at~ev~~~P:l~s:~ ~~~~i:;r~:~I~ :~s:~~l~~;: e~~~ ;:~d~o:;r~r~~~so~~occata for THE JOHN BIRCH SOCIETY"" arms; Patricia Clark, bUSiness is David Warner, recording sec_ nomlCSbUilding. Among the selections of the ;~~a;:~~e!:::tiv~~ea~r~:f;~ ;~!~~~gR:::::t~~:~~~~e~o~I~~ MSM ~~~ ~~~~u~:i~1b~e ~~~: ~a~~~k A TRIBUTE- Lomer, ISC representative. wine, ~r~asurer; David Anders, Junior Carl Strein heads the ;~:h~~a T~:ri~;'re~~:Olil:n~~~ by Jackson Day Iota Gamma Chi ~~~I~I~~d S~~'~:~dC~~~ili~~~'-::~ :~~te r.~~t~:~i:tl~~~e:e~~c:;-~v~f Miriam Whaples. S th h t' t' d Members of Iota Gamma Chi cial chairman. ment: Ot~er elec~ees are ~ouis~ ele~:~;r~:~i:~:e~f ht~~ ::~ ee e PM~ho~~~ ~~r~c!~~~~e~a~~~~ilish host installed Carolyn Bowen presi_ . L~ndls, vlce-pre~ldent; Rlcha:d for next year. Her fellow of- Fencing with windmills and slaying their badmen dent on May 9. _The other ~ew Gamm.a Beta Chi ~!~:l:~~:::::;r:~d r.~~~fl~~eltb~l~~ficers are Thomas Magrude:;, Gathered in fright 'round a shadowy ghost ~~~1~~n~;e r.~a~~~: ~av~s,vl~:= EdC;::~a C~~~a~hia~~s ~~~~:: SCA representative. ~~:~e~:~ag:;~ r::~t;e~tti~:~~ ~i~~!~/~g~O~~[;~~~fe~~~~~~r~htS~:~s, tOO- ~:~I~~hn:~::~~:;:~po~~~~~~~~: !~hl~~~~er r!~iJ~;~~are~~~nt;:1 Delta Omicron ~~\~~~m;~~kr:~~a~:;al~n~ie;:l~ "We are the Pat~iots-Save the Republic!" . . ~~!~~:~iO~~~y~~~~~:::a::~:: spectiVe!;~ O.ther. ite~ officer~ Sponsored by the Omicron Eta lib~~ria~~. CI b h h~d Screamin~P,lA~~rIi~!n~~~;~~r?o~~l; one-man regIme.) ger, ~hyllis Draut, ISC repre- ~~~d~;;:~ S~~ke~:~;z;d~~cr~!~~~~~~:~~u~~c ~re~~:rn~t~:~~:nM~~=electi~ns ~~ to uthis ~Sat~~t ,,(Minds so en~lav~d by a fas~ist mac:hine.) Fund will provide $60 a r :;~t~~l;r:n:es~~:t~~e Corath_ urer;/William Yutzy, chaplain; garet Wappler Memorial Schol- • /J,. Damn t,he ConstItu,~lOn.the ChIe.f JustIce, tOo- , p . James Gray, sgt.-at-arms; and arship Freedom s ppn-Amellcan, subverSIve through and Phi Alpha Mu Robert Berrett, social chairman. ~:~o~~y a~:;~~~1a~~~U~~cs~~~ JeDIOrS ecelve ==~t~hr~o~ug::,h~.============= OUeroIOD,IOierDtloD L~eCIf I Guiding the purple cows of Pi Alpha Alpha jor;it b f th 1 Groluote Ails M.I t· 'r " • '"II,I_ i~~i~.IP~~e::e;;i1~fb~h~h~~:!~~ Pi Alpha Alpha has. electe.d c.hapfer.~:~e e~:C.i~ed.toe es~:~- New York State College- of ~:~a~,O~~!~~~:Si~~~~;d;'i~:i~~= ~:~i~~dp!~.kOl~~i:~:;~~~~r~~~i ~~si~St~~p;f:r~t aI~O~~O~us~! ~~~~;si~~onfsmic;he~! ~~:~~l~ HDrmlul Ellects 01Alcoholism ~~~~~:~t sec:r:~::;er~ell~u~aO::~ ~:nt~~a:~~gG~On;e~e:~rr;~;~~d~~~~~~~:.ct~~ ;~o a:t~~;~~::d a~~~~~c~~~. ~~~ ~OasOOrec!~:!ua~ ~lcoh~l~c consump~ion is a failure of the Prohibition ~o~sett~t~~~lain;. religion, ;~~t:{;E~1,~::~~1~;~gh#:i~:~~::~~~!:i~~}r,,~~~;:r:;:1~:7:~;£f;fl~;!:i:~~kg~;T:~~~g~~;r:~;~~t:if~:fl::i:t~tf;f.i~l}i~~~~1:~L~~:~~{~~ 1ike J~d~ih ~ing a~:~stat~~~~~~~~~~ta ':~~~~ty,o~~~o~~:r~~:~~~ A~~~~~~~~). ~~~d~;~r~~cr~~~~y;~~~tl~~I~ia~:~~:~~tln~h~~ r~~:e ~~~r~~~~sa~~ :~~~50wiifac;~~;r ___ ._ ~:t~o~s:aj~~m~er~co~~~~:~~:~ ~~~ep~ar~t~e;!~~i~~~ i~i:~: '~~~ ::~tsA~i~fu::do~~~dl~n!~~;:~ 1 ~vents ,'-' Sigma Sigma Tau "O,enullf 011 r. Maryland and has been work- rather in the taste sensation be found, their occurrence has , Lucille Tucker is the new ing for Departmental Honors. and t~~ relie~ from the tens~ons not evidently been lessened by prexy of Sigma Sigma Tau with . Marguerite Whaley has re- of hVlng In a preSSUrIzed the arguments of the teetotal- Barbara Meineke being elected Frl~ay, MaY.12 .. Saturday, May 20 ceived an $1,100 teaching as- world.. ~nfortunately, h?w- ers. Granted, these extremists to the vice-presidential post. Plano reCital, Dr. Mlrlam Reading Day sistantship to the University of ever, It IS a luxury WhlCh, persuade some persons to fore- Other officers are Louise Styche, Whapl~s Senior Class Party 1-6 pm Arkansas in Fayetteville, Ar- when practiced to great excess, go drinking, but they probably secretary; Caroline Mitchell, Alumm Hall, ~:15 pm Monday, May 22 kansas. She will teach several may cause the disease of alco- incline at least an equal num- treasurer; Belinda Adams, ser_ Freshman HaYrIde Exams begin freshman English classes in holism. ber of individuals in the oppo- ::~~t~-::r~:~r~la~~~~ti;e~~~~: :~rvey Stone Park, 6-11 Frb~~:n::~~;nt Play-J. B. paI:n~~!/o~i~er g~~n;cademic at::m~!:ceofof ~~~y u:::aC:;~Sf~~ Sit;h!i::~!~;~ion drawn here is ISC representative; .Sandra Monday, May 15 Alumni Hall 8:15 pm averages who are considering stifle this by ~eans of that the most satisfactory way May, chaplain; Patricia Webb, SGA Awards assembly S t day Jun ~ attending a graduate school pleas for abstmence, It would to restrain the unfavorable e~- _~~:~~~~~ ~~~en;:~~e~~t~t~:e~ La~~~:nic~;~' 11:30 am aA~~mni Daye ~~o~:PI~~~;i~;~r t~~c:o:~~~:~~: ;:~~ o~o~~i~~;fU:o t~r!~~ic:ve~ f:~t~ro~~ha~~ho~~~~~~~~~~~:i~~ Lynne Rodway, alternate. Hoffa Field, 9 pm Sunday, June 4 ships as the Fulbright or more reahstJc a~d p.ragmatJc and encouragement of modera- Tuesday, May 16 Baccalaureate . Woodrow 'Vilson awards. In- approach to the sltuatlOn. O?- tion with emphasis upon in- Alpha Gamma Tau Ba~~;:~~ i~~~:I~: ;~ncert ~;~3e; a:lemorlal Chapel, !:r~~~~id:;u~~:tsit:~~ul!v~~;!~ ~~~u~~~t;e~:~e d~i~~ein;r~~k t~~ ~~~~i;u1 P:~~~~tsOfo~he~~:~~~~e Alpha Gamma Tau recently ISC picnic Choir Oratorio--"The Prodi- in filling out application forms present, and will drink in the Although the adoption of such ~~~s~o:i~; ~:!!.o~~:ce;:e f~~ Thu::~~~, Ui::~' 1: :15 pm ~~Ik:ron'~remorial hhape~, ~~::.e le~~~~fi~he i~~:~:ti~~ !~t~::trfc~1~~~I~~s t~~ .~~~t;:;;~ ~e:r~~~~ 17::~~ :aele~n!~k~\lf~ follows: Hunter Kirkman, presi- Rose Cup ceremony 3.30 pm about applications for such The effort of a prohlbltlOn on possibly lessen the frequency dent; Charles Brown, vice-presi- Robinson Garden, 4: 15 pm Monday, June 5 scholarship awards is available the habit merely seems to ag- of delirium tremens. dent; Gerald Clark, correspond- Trumpeter Tapping Commencement from Dr. Ridington, room 301, gravate the problem in many ing secretary; Homan Kinsley, President's lawn, 6:30 pm Alumni Hall, 10 am Memorial Hall_ cases (e.g. the rather dismal j Michael Bird
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