Page 40 - TheGoldBug1960-61
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4 The Gold Bug, Mar. 24, 1961 Five African Giants To Bolster Cage Squad Five Watusi warriors from the depths of llarriers Hurt By Lack Of Depth Diamond Nine Africa will be given athletic scholarships at according Richard year, to basketball coach The five, ranging in height from 7'6" to Lloyd 880, Fled Dilkcs and Alex Ober Looks Strong "tend to considerably alleviate our rebounding The recent onslaught of late Mason-Dixon Conference, stated coach Clower. Clower went on to say that he winter storms, coupled with the Musselman, and George Beck- In the spr-ints, Les Alperatein In Coach Dick PU!!h and his possibly retain 6'5" Ron "Shorty" Shirey as a back- perennial problem of a fairly er, while several other members the low hurdles, Jim Brown i.n diamond nine began practice on court reserve, and use the rest of the team as a six-man small t~rnout, plus last year's of last veer's .contingent are the high. jump, .and Charlie ~onday, March 13, in prepar~- corps .of managers who will double as a jazz band at fl~:C~u~~~I~tor;a;iC~a~I:~ve:,e~~ ~~::~~J~Ps~~~~:~~!~because of R~ne~::a:n nt~c~~~~~tSto track i~6nOf~~a!~~_Ddi~foe:seCho:m~~~~~ half time. be somewhat overwhelmingly Some of the returning letter- are also showing evidence of ship title. ne~~~h~~:;e/~as~:~~~lts C~~:~ I • ~~:s~~~s~~m~~;u:e:~:/rospects ~~~ l:;gel~h~:en~o~~~ AC;r~el~ ~;~ngMit~it~,t~·~~n~;in;~d ~~::: Sq~;~Si~f 2~ro:;e l:;t Pl~;:~~~ or feels that "the boys willi Linksmen Face Graduation took Irom the perstein, number one man ill Brewer in the weights, Ricky Lost through various means ~::~~ ~~,~:f~~~n~Ot~0~1~y~~~=In Season's Opener; ~e:tn~re~t~Oles_~;~~~r~~n::I ~~~ ~~~rs~ur:~ei~h~orB~~~eS~a~~~~~: ~oo:esSh\~.e:hi~ f:~e d::~:: end ;:~eCh~~a\:h~i~ko~t~~'~n~~te~~:~ ~c:~~;a b~l~te~j~ y~~~the~~Jaa~~ Shure, Holter Return :~~n~aOt~:'a~~s~hb;:.~:;a~~lt~:~ per, little men on the squad at Western Maryland's who were two of the best slug- 7'~" a~d and 8:0" respectively, men open their 1961 gers on the championship WIll simply raise their hands Thursday ufternoon, squad; Larry Moose, pitcher; over their heads a.nd ?~~S the against the Loyola Tom O'Malley, pitcher; Keith ball to one of then 83 com- on the home course. Phillips, outfielder; Ron Sava- i-ades downcourt, who will then Returning veterans Jim rese, shortstop; Jim Waddel, reach down and drop the ball net Bob Ginsburg John Holter, pitcher; and the seemingly ir- through the basket." and Don Shure al:e almost sure replaceable manager, Bob Har- The move has met with dis- to compose two-thirds of the approval on the part of many starting lineup, with the Stars Return 'I'er-ror opponents, Mt, St. maining two berths up Among the returnees who Mary's th.reatening to not even grabs to a host of saw considerable action last send . thel~· regular team to Some of the promising year are Al Stewart, 1959 All- play, but l.nstead to oppose ~he candidates are Jerry Baroch, Conference center fielder; Dave Terrors With a squad consist- Jerry Bluehdorn Bob Grace Sullivan, 1959 All-Conference ing of John O'Reilly and four Walt Mahan, and' Bob WarfieJd~ third baseman and three year midgets who will run between Captain Shure is hoping veteran; Skip Brown, 1960 All- the watusls' legs. some good support from Conference shortstop; and J ack Aprit Fool! least a couple of these men. Baile, 1959 second team All- Conference second baseman. Also included in the list of vet- CHARLEY "THE BULLET" RUNKLES, Western outstanding Maryland's IOO-yard TERROR TAL barrier in the century yard event. Alex Ober and Knight Bowles the proper stan~e track candidates man, shows promising ting a fast start, Last year the speedy Runkles became the first human to crack the nine BY THE J't Terror Netter~ Open Bachelors Sesstons In the last issue of the GOLDBUGa cartoon appeared on sessions began Men- Volleyball page depicting the plight of the lacrosse player on Practice Maryland campus. On the surface it appears that the day, March 20, for the 1961 - sport would be a welcome addition to the college sports edition of the WMC racquet With a perfect ~:vti;~ ~:~o~~et:eH~tr~ ~~~;: :~ei:t~~~:~v ~!t~~:ti~P~~~e~t~r th!n GI~~n U;:rl~~~~te:st::allm:~e~ ~~~~~" ~~~~in;e~e ~~~e~on~~~ ~~h~96~a:~:m~raa~ ace, t~a:~!Ch~~;ini,S ~::! Wald~{ih~n ~~~ 1:~~'~~~ePb~~t~dd~~~;e~ :~s ;~Pi~i~rColiegiate ~~l~~;ac~~~tJ~~~ve~~~i;~ti~~ds;:~ ae~i~v:f ~:r~a~,rai:kni~; ~::!~l~~~ :;~u~~\:n~raiJ i ~t~;; r=~~;d h~Srl~r!re:~~ ~:t~~;, ~o:~~t~~ld~:;:y~~~do;~;~~g:?nu~~:~t~~ ~!a!~~~ ~~~veB~~t~~~:: g!~~le;o::t e~~ ~:lt!r;:::ae!'na~~ .:~~ !!i:::~~e:d in ~~:h I~~:ar;~~~lelors \;~~n~e~:~~t::~h:~r~i~;~::~?~ c'oach Waldorf maintains that lacrosse is sponsored ch:;nge for husky catcher Gus ~i~1 t~;n~~ttirl;;::g of Preachi~rSthreOI!~~g~eVerI Bill Penn, and Tony Wiles. by only a few schools, and those that do sponsor it em- Tl'landos. Bill Sitter, the stocky making Bergquist Is Back phasize it greatly. The University of Baltimore and .According to head mentor gridder who is the third finale Rounding out the receiving Johns Hopkins are prime examples. simply aren't ~t~;er~dUgi~ at~eat~:~p;~~ :~~ in~olsesti~~~ma~dditions ~:~'gqO~ist:here~~;~~~~ a;r~mBi~ enough sch.ools of our low enrollm.ent WhICh field lacrosse ste~ the Terror c~tching corps, squad include Dave year of inactivity after letter- teams. ThIS seems to be the mam reason for the drop- which was hard hit by the loss from Hanisburg, ing as a catcher in his Iresh- ping of lacrosse in 1953 after 26 years on the Hill. of Ken Barnhart. Jerry Miller, of year, Tony Wiles, and The 1953 schedule contained such teams at In an exclusive interview, who played freshman Will Wrightson. Unive.rsity of Baltimore, Delaw~re~ Washington and ~:;p~ol:o abeBjo~n:~;o~~~\~~:~ ~~e~,C~~~t tl~~~: ~~:mh~enwood th~~e fi~~rr;:meni~~ ~!l~ur~~a;, 'Vashmgton College, Drexel, Dlckmson, Loyola and Maryland club and think I High School in Baltimore 15-9, the Blue forces March 25, at Western Carolina high. The results of this schedule show that ,VMC was help them. That short County, and Dennis Quinby, early lead in the second as College, as they travel south on completely outclassed and on the long end of many lop- fence out in right and from Cambridge (Md.) High. Preachcrs rallied to even their annual spring excursion. sided scores will sure be an inviting Also returning will be man- match by a 16-14 victory. Regular season competition C?ac~ W.aldo}"f lists the _followin&: argu~en~s for re~~lat~~;c;l"e~~i~~: f:~~e and ~::;er J~ehn~orG~~;;t l\7~~~en~~~ ~aeCh~~~~:alledth~~d ~~il~\'h~~git~e~ntr~~~r~~aBr~:~!: not remstltutlllg lacrosse. ThIS school IS lackmg In the grandstands in left field as Bruce and Jack Baile, Coach Pugh is looking for. coaching phase. A coach who is both experienced and well. Petr.ich will two to three point margin most ward to a good season with capable of teaching is required for a sport on the col. Baile and Yobst both hailed places on of the way .and sta~ed off a late hopes of bettering last year's legiate level. Also, neither of the two conferences to the trade as a .break a.nd have r:_---:::==~__ 11~P~"~"~h~"~b~'d~t'~'~"m~15~-1~3.~~I,~g~'~f~1~4-~7.~~~~~ which ~MC .belongs offers I~crosse as a conferert~e ~~roes t~fe fi~;:~~o;~elr in~:td~ LECKRON What's New in the Bookstore??? ~~~r;o~~~a~~~nfh:l~e:;:;su~~:~~~s p~~~lee~~i::e~t IS April Fool! come from? GULF SERVICE • "The New English Bible, New Testament" _ $4.95 If the college is to have lacrosse in the WeslIninster (In the modern history of the Bible, this is a momen· long-awaited English.speaking by the Coach Waldorf emphasized that a larger Laundry W_ Main & Penna. Ave_ tous cvent, consummation of 13 years devoted scholar- world ... the student body must participate in the and TI-8·9781 ship. Not a revision but a translation of part of the whole Bible from the original languages) gram so as not to cut down on the number of Dry Cleaning • Spring vacation time-savers! (if you shop in your Book- , . pants in the other spring sports and that opponents SPRING CHECK·UP store) the same level of play , will have to be scheduled. soo & Going South? - Make a splash with the new \V.M.C. beach and bath towels. MRS. BUCKINGHAM Going Home? - Make a hit with our beautiful East- WONDERIN' HOWCUM the Western Maryland ,. WHEEL BALANCING er cards and distinctive Easter jewelry and gifts. squad played this year in the Mason-Dixon Free Gift Wrap. (Ha\'e you seen the appealing than the Middle Atlantic Conference tourney? The STUDENT UNION denizens of our Animal Fair? They can soh·e your problems) Easter·remembrance based simply on a plurality vote of the athletic council. BUILDING Going Nowhere? - Make the time pass pleasantly cision will not affect policy in future years, should a similar ation arise again. Rasinsky's Pharmacy and profit.ably with our paperbacks, sports \ equip- ment and ~~~g;~h~C~~;r~;E Prescriptions" Spring Sports Schedule "Reliable Drugs and 8:30 am t.o 4:30 pm Winslow Student Center Sats. till 12 Noon (April 3·22) Everyday Needs 30 W. Main St. Mon. 3 10 17 TT-F&M'" Westminster, Md. Tues. 4 11 TT-Catholic U.... 18 B-Hopkins"'· TIlden 8·7100 Bowl Ten Pins Wed. 5 12 B-Washington 19 T-Hopkins G_Washington* IT-Towson AT Thurs. G B-Ursinus 13 20 B-Lycoming DON RABUSH T-Mt. S1. Mary's G-Lycoming'" Campus Agent G-Loyola TT-Washington for the Fri. 7 G-American U. 14 T-Loyola 21 Modern G. I. Laundry Westminster Bowl TT-Loyola** Sat. 8 B-Susquchanna 15 B-Scranton 22 T-Lebanon Valley and Cleaners WESTMINSTER SHOPPING CENTER TT-Delaware IT·Hopkins 223 E. Green St., and B-Baseball G-Golf All home events start at 2 pm, Shoppin. Center - Ca.h .. Cn.,. T-Track TT-Tennis except as indicated TIlden 8-6670 Call TI 8·6570 for Reservations All Laundry and Dry *1:30 pm **3:30 pm Home events in dark type Cleaning Work Guaranteed
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