Page 36 - TheGoldBug1960-61
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The Gold Bug, Mar. 10, 1961 'Jackets Jolt Clower Quint In M·D Tourney TERROR TALKfJJ Spring Pigskin T~lIer Randolph~Macon,RUlesBack~oards; BY THE J'S ~ ~is~::tIOS::; ~!:!~[~~~~~~~;~~~'~i~~:ij~:~'~~~b~:~~~~tl~d~~~'h~~'~~;~~~t: western Maryland is a campus that likes to pride Spring football practice for for 47 per. c~nt of their shots, hit on a try from the corn:r ~ in. the final three and a h~lf itsel~ on school spirit and loyal support .for its tean;s. ~:~ li~;r:~a;~I,l ,:iWI o::nor~~~~ ~~\~e!\:le~~mR!:d~7;h_~;~~~~ i~~l:aad~d~~t~~~~~n 1:~:; r~~ ~I;y~tes to tuck away the VIC- But IS Western Mary~and a school that IS proud of ItS izational meeting in the Gill College by an. 83-69 count as maining. . athletes or one that IS enamored by the glamour of a Gymnasium classroom at 7 pm the Virginians out-rebounded Richie Klitzberg's Jump shot Ph· AI h C t winnin~ football team? Practice. sessions will ope~ :7i~i:;:~~d f~~:m t~;omHi~~n:e:~ :ahdaelfitg!~~,w~~~.~h;t,~!~ ~~~ IPS ap ure was Intramural Crown ThI~ past fall, Western Marylanders went to foot- the following afternoon at 5:.30 tion in the opening round of closest Western Maryland ball games, held pep rallies, stayed out to welcome the pm, and the regular practJ~e the Mason-Dixon Conference to get, as Bunsavage put the team home-in short, did everything they could to tell ~chedtle rrom t~~~non, to aVOId tournament at Catholic Uni- Yellow Jackets ahead to stay, The clutch-shooting Phi their football team "We're proud of you" But does inter el;ence WId Il~te af~er- versity, Thursday afternoon, "6-4. The Terrors then met Alphs, sparked by Rhea Ire- pride begin and end with the football t .? It, ld I~~?t I c ass~~ an d a or~tOrleS, March 2. with a short scoring droug~t land and Mary Stein, downed eam. vou ~ 1 laved t s9- ua eatl~g at Richie Klitzberg paced the as the Jackets moved their the Delta 39-34 to capture the seem so. . . pm an starting .pracb?e at Terrors with 20 points, equal- edge to 9-4, and then pulled Inter-Sorority basketball r The students of our busy little campus are far too ~·r~·P actl~e st~lOns w.Ill be ling the output of Randolph- away to lead, 34-23, midway in crown. The losers held second busy to hold pep rallies for a basketball team that is a NeCA~v~:·y.~c ~020 ay ~ntJI ~he Macon's John Bunsavage while the first half. A Western place, while the Sigmas took threat every tj~le it takes the court. The faculty does been real~~/ sessions as ~~:h'J;~~~:;s'fO~a~~eK;;~; ,~~~~ ~~~~.:la~fnu;:':IYcIo!~d t~hee ~as; ~~i~~/~~~I:~e Iotes floundered not see fit to grant late leaves to the women students so New Terror i skin 0 0- 21. Dave Martin contributed slightly, but, after Klitzberg's In a nip and tuck contest, that they may welcome home a hoop squad that .has won nents for the 19~1g seaso/~n- 16 to the wnc cause, sitting jump ~hot with three seconds which ~aw each team score more games than any basketball team 111 the history of elude Susquehanna, tops in the out most of the second half. remammg, Randolph-M a con more pomts !han any team had the college. .. nation in pass defense last sea- Randolph-Macon opened the :~odtt~~~~~~3~ c~ou:~t~nthe long ~~~~~~ lr~~~I~~~~~ ~~~~ ,!ft~ A capacity crowd of students stays away from son among sm~Il colleges, and scoring, as Carl Koenig netted W t .. M . 1 d h Barbara Earhart's 12 points wrestling matches that become more thrilling every Ups~la, accordmg to the sched- a free throw with 19:45 to go, ene/~o~~na fe\:l~~:tes ti:e~ and Mary Stein's 11 tallies, year. Few "loyal 'VMC'ers" could name 10 men on the ~l:- JU~. rel~ased :Yb W~~Cldat~- and teammate John Bunsavage second half but the Yello,~ gave the Phi Alphs a hard- mat squad. ;alrCents;r~ca/~ill ~e Oct~be;r7: made good another char!ty toss Jackets hr:d 'pulled to 53-42 af- foug~t vi~tory .. A~ding the Some stay away from these events to study. Some against Randolph-Macon; the 1~ lat:r to give the te.r five ml~utes, and led 65-52, ~:~~!r c~~;t~dco~:ld~:i~!Y'F~~~ stay away because few Terror teams win championships. Terrors engage ypsala in the VIrginIans a w-O lead. Dave wtth 10 minutes to play. The Fuller dented the cords :for 10 S.o~e criticize the performances of our teams. Few par- ~~;e~a~8~omecommg game, Oc- . points. tic'pate-only 36 per cent of all Western Maryland men Th G d G Id ·dd Terror Targeteers Blast Loyola" took part in any intercollegiate sport in any capacity open e at r~e~d~:wat~r, ~1:Pte%~ , Diamond Nine Begins last ~~~. participate-few aitend. Is it too much, then, ~;;in2,~'~:~~,~~~a~:;'''M~r.:~;;Firing Squad At Hopkins Today Spring Training for.a team to expect at least some show of su?port by ~1~1:~~:~.~~P:~~~:~d3~ists~h~c~~= Western Maryland's sharp- losses by illegal means in this ~Vi:~re~h;yP~:~~~~~an:u~a~:d theIr f.ellow students.; whom they represent m every be\" 7, Randolph-Macon (H); ~hootel:s carried a ,record of ?-5 match. . ~~e candidates for th~ other po- game, 111 every sport. October 14, Hampden-Sydl]ey, mto thiS afternoon s .matc.h WIth In their last outing ill the sitions due to report Monday, At ·Western Maryland, it seems it is too much to (A); October 21, Susquehanna John_s Hopkins. Umverslty friendly confines of the Gill March 13, head baseball men- expect. (A); October 28, Upsala (H); BaltImore. It IS reported Gymnasium range, the Green_ tor Dick Pugh has things in * * * November 4, Lyco.ming (A); there is no truth to the Terrors-with-rifles easily de- full swing as the Terror nine HOWCUM WMC's tHird place Mason-Dixon Con- ~e:~:b~~, li~h~~e~e~p~~~; (~)~ :~::::e f~~~~a~a~~dwill Lor.~~~ ~sol~e;~pa~~t~ t~ ~~i:~:~o~:.peat as Mason-Dixon ference basketball team failed to place a single man on the visitors. Art Alp_ The team will begin its an- the conference honorable mention list, let alone on the Hatton, and Ron- nual southern trip on March 25 first two all-star squads? GTopplers Toke Secontl, Fourth, fired an~f :~I~ ;~e;v~~~~rnPla~al~~~~a ag~~~e~~ l'L h"F: foll.owed with March 27, then move to Merry- ,n .."ompions ip Iournllment 27~~t:d t~~: kl;:i:~t~:e~:;stcncy, ~~~~~hTe;;., a~~r :~\:o ~~eStr~~ Entering the annual Mason_ Charlie Runkles and Joe Run_ ·Western Maryland is heavily fa- will end at Tennessee Tech. D i x 0 n Conference wrestling kles, captured two . vored to defeat Hopkins this with game~ slated for March tournament with its best record the opening night. . afternoon and Morgan State 31 and April 1. . in five years, the \Vestern Mary- man and Mike O'Connor gave next week and capture, for the On Thursday, Apnl 6, the land grapplers, led by Steve WMC its lone winning efforts. second straight year, the News- Pughmen 'will travel to Ursinus Berman and Mike O'Connor, On -Saturday night, the 157- Post Trophy offe~ed b~ the for the opene: .of the regular nabbed a second place and a pound Berman lost his initial Hearst newspaper In BaltImore. season competitIOn. ~~~~t~v.::!~cera~er;~. F;'i~:y toau:d ~~a:~~ C~~~il~:~~yb::~ntSst~~n~:~ "",,================= Saturday nights, saw the nine his foe from American Univer- Mason-Dixon mat outfits send- sity and thus secure fourth ing their best to grapple for the place. At the same time, crown which eventually went to 167-pound freshman Baltimore Un.iversity. Mike O'Connor, won his The Green and Gold contin- match and went into the finals gent, conSisting of Steve Ber_ against Fritz Meyer of Ameri_ man, Mike Eagan, Dave Gold_ can University. O'Connor lost stone, Tony Hill, Bud Knefely, a close 3-2 decision in the cham- 'Valt Mahan, Mike O'Connor, pionship encounter. LECKRON Westminster GULF SERVICE Laundry and W_ :Main & Penna. Ave. Dry Cleaning TI-8-9781 WHEEL BALANCING MRS. BUCKINGHAM in & STUDENT UNION TUNE UP BUILDING Rasinsky's Pharmacy What.'s New in the Bookstore??? "Reliable Prescriptions" Silfing Fever!!! Drugs and If you, too, are sulTering from this delightful malady, Everyday Needs we have some items that will aid and abet your com'ales- cence! 30 W, Main St. Westminster, Md. • Paperbacks - portable pleasure for pennies, for perus- ing under a paw-paw TIlden 8·7100 • Balls (tennis, golf, or ping-Jiong) - for batting, blast- ing and bopping - bringing benefits to breadth of beam! JAY WHALEY • Lightweight WlHC jackets - comforlable covers for crossing campus or convert.ible cruising Representing • Easter cards and gifts - Remembrances for romancers LAUNDROMAT "Right" Romeos re-H,'en romance by "remembering." 5 LOCUST STREET (Just Illain people, too, perk-up unpac.killg postals and parcel post) DAILY - 7:30-5 Closed Wed. 12 Noon THE BOOKSTORE TI Men 8-8677 8:30 am to 4:30 pm daily Winslow Student CClIlcr Free Delivery Service 12 Noon - Saturdays Bottled under authority of To College TheCoca·Cola Company by I _I ,IIl::=========================dl , WESTMINSTER COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO.. 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