Page 15 - TheGoldBug1960-61
P. 15
The Gold Nov. 4. 1960 3 IIC Introduces ComedienneFills • • Fraternity Pledges Review Week; Party Policies Hall With Humor Ste~ens An~. Rembert Momto!" Rejoicing And Relief Now Reign 0,00 Erater nity Parties can Th, evening of November Active Positions 01 Leo,Jersh'rp Pi Alpha Alpba be sponsored by a fratermty un- proved to be a' III .J by Jel'r1J Siegel del.'the code of conduct with the one for those by Cbme Reichenbecke·r provision that the first and all performance of successive open parties will be Alumni Hall. of an experimental nature. If better than the sponsoTing fraternity and there were the Inter-Praternitv Council should have been should decide that this code is Besides inadequate to control party be- havior, then all future open parties will be discontinued. Code of Conduct For Open 1. Ail males will be to wear coat and tie. 2. There will be no stags any open party. 3. The fraternity ,.",,,,-1 musical ing thQ party will see a proper location is the party. FRESHMEN beF~:~r~:~e~la~~ o~~~~~~~ 16 at a class meeting spon- sored by the SGA. The elec- tion will be on Monday, No- vember 21. Heagy'. Sport Shop 16 \V. Main TIlden 8-5515 again. Other officers arc Rob- French embassy, spoke on the On Monday, December 12, "Le A Complete Sports Line ert Holt, vice-president; Bar- topic "African Members of the Cercle Francais" will program. ~========~ present bara Yingling, secretary; and French Community." its annual Christmas Anthony Bryan and Nancy Later on in the year the club In previous years this program r Roelke, co-treasurers. The pur- plans to have speakers from the has been quite successful due to pose of having two treasurers is embassies of Ghana, Liberia, the direction of Mademoiselle . LECKRON to facilitate collection of dues Nigeria, and Guinea. In con- Snader. This year the responsi- in both the men's and women's junction with the IRC's bility of organizing the GULF SERVICE dorms. gram of emphasis on lies primarily with the Later this year the members Gamma Mu will hold an the French Club. . w. Main & Penna. Ave. from the freshman and sopho- Conference in the spring. all past more classes will elect a repre- French Club, all TI-8-9781 ::~~:ti~~ :::mEX~~~~iV~la~~a~ Etiquette Quiz ~::see ~~\~i:~u~;:-::~t and aid the officers and sponsor, Answers to participate. The Dr. Ralph B. Price, in planning (from page 2) bearsal will be held on 1. d 2. b 3. c 4. c 5. c November 14, Four Religious Sects 6. a 7. c 8. e the direction of Merge to Form UCCF ;:=======~I~=======:; The United Church of Christ, DON RABUSH THE The Disciples of Christ, The Campus Agent Westminster Evangelical and Reform Church for the Laundry VILLAGE INN and the Presbyterian denomina- and tional groups on campus have Modern G. I. Laundry (Formerly Griffin'l;!) merged to form the United Cam- Dry Cleaning Complete Dinners pus Christian Fellowship (UC and Cleaners or CF). a Sandwich & Soda Professor Oliver Spangler is 223 E. Green St., and MRS_ BUCKINGHAM serving as the faculty sponsor. ShOlltllnJr C~nter - Ca.h '" Car!"J' Home Cooked Meals Without Many students are involved in TIlden 8·6670 in That High Price BE~REFRESHEI this action. It is hoped that STUDENT UNION OPEN 'TIL those affected will attend the All Laundry and Dry BUILDING 10:30 pm Bottled under authority of The Coto·Cola Compony by programs scheduled every other Cleaning- Work Guaranteed WESTMINSTER COCA-COLA BOTI'L1NG CO_. INC. Wednesday evening. C- _lIL __j L- -',
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