Page 11 - TheGoldBug1960-61
P. 11
The Gold Bug, Oct. 21. 1960 3 Coed To Appear Film Celebrates Sociology Professor Evaluates Mission Movement; First Speakers With Gogi Grant UN Strong Family Relationship-Astounds Congolese Stir Interests elation. Students Pose Questions The asking of whether Mr. Khrushchev would remove him- self and the Communist bloc the UN as he has hinted illustrated the fact that the stu- Female Students Voice Opinions Dispute Homecoming Dress Change In order to find out the female campus populat.ion l weartnz of the British Counselor Speak~ To IRe Junior Comments s::~.~~esOf'~~ree ~~:~::~s had Junior Lea Hackett their own garden plots and were Mr. P. Carter, counselo:·. to completely with Audrey. able to provide fresh vegetables. the first secretary at the British cause we have only two big The natives were generous with Embassy, spoke to ~he first dances a year, Lea thinks they gifts of chickens which, com- ~~7:~I~g~1~~~~:s~t~~~~I,O~;:t~~ ought to be impressive. This ing a series of speeches on the includes formal attire and cor- - SCA- sages. She even went out on new nations of Africa. limb by saying that she be willing to sacrifice dates on campus if Desert, since the northern part enable the boy to save r .. is already comparable to west- civilization. ern money for Homecoming. 28. a._natomy 32. ahbl .35. thinks Homecoming means so 36. aide 3.8. S110 39. D. R.. A final point in his speech much to the alumni that any Sen. 41. tin 42. el 43. tee stressed that democracy does not change would dampen the week 45. rumors 47. Carpe mean the same to these people end for them. Also. since the N .. 52. TNT 53. at 54. as it does to western people. at On Monday, October 24, girls have to dress up for fra- Bug 56. fraud 58. Ida 59. ternity banquets prior to the men 69· L 61. /gloo 64. 6 :30 pm, a special meeting in ..<0 .... " ••••• " .. ,., ... , .••••• ' • ..., ••• H' " .. '.1 ..... ·00........... room 307 will be called to nomi- or intend BMOC dance she feels that they will 65. uzu 66. me 67. eo-n want to dress up even more for ROTC 70. K 71. if 72 -, nate and elect officers for 1960- ~ the main affair of the day. In ror 73. game 74. eaves 1961. Those who have Signed her opinion, this situation won't Down 1. ever 2. ConTa~ 3. up anrl paid their-duea last. one 4. nab 5. ads 6. toni 7. lectures to the to do so at that time will be eli- Though not quite as assertive sh1dl 8. W 9. scm. 10. cave Wednesday evening gible to vote. as the other two girls, sopho- 11. alow 15. Aloah 16. Rem- year. more Trinka McGibbeny was bert 18. total 19. rats 20. The series has been "Big Man On Campus-yea man! He also in opposition. She believes 21. ivy 22. C.... 23. open to present something Rasinsky's Pharmacy that the change was a good idea 29. ne'er be 30. a. 31. to the student body. treats the gals to Coke. Who can compete because the boys won't have 33. is 34. immdatc 35. feels that these lectures Coke. Put in a big supply today! e with charm like that. So if you're 5 1 0 n pay as much, everyone will 37. I 39. delllQ.gog 41. terest and appeal to the "Reliable Prescriptions" more comfortable and, eggs 44. undo 46. mt. campus. . and a little underweight, remember-you what she knows of Cozy 48. pun 49. eg 55. Immediately after each lee- Drugs and don't have to be a football hero to be playing, informal clothes 57. 1dua 60. Leo 62. ore ture the~e will be provided an Everyday Needs popular. Just rely on the good taste of ably better suit this 66. Mr. 69. 0 opportunity for students to dis- music. However, cuss with the faculty speakers 30 W. Main St. most girls, likes to their messages. Westminster. Md. BE~REFRESHED she isn't looking 1961 ALOHA Depending- upon the accept- Tilden 8-7100 Bottled under authority of The Coca-Colo Company by :~ttii~~ ~:e h~~et~~ two BUY NOW anc:, pt:r~~~!;~~:~u~: ~~dt~~:~ do so. This is a big for following years. WESTMINSTER COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO. INC_
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