Page 10 - TheGoldBug1960-61
P. 10
2 Thi! Gold Bug, Oct. 21, 1960 The Etlito~!pellks eo 0 Propriety At Ch~pel~ervice I Kryptic Komments I g SGA Sohclts OpIniOnS De~~C~'~i~C!~Ca~~,I!'~fO~~~!~n!~,the '~:~':'~~~i;~I~;'~i~ ;:~to,,Ofp,:kin tickets to accompany In an attempt to gain th~ support of the en~ire As I took my place among the ftlaC~f'~~;rr~e ~i~a~~~u~~tifif~:~; ConUrats EducatiOl~ who W/(f)1'CYOlt ere !tt~~~~tu~~~~n~~t~~t:~~'~~;~>O~hl:S~~~;:~~st~not~~r~~~~~~l~~~~'~~~sB~ke~.e~~~p~~h;orw~~: a~o;e. Gone~ t~o, was t~e sin~- ~::~:~~::~ YOlt who don't. . yOlt'U all be Association is il1itia~ing the ~o.nthIY open meeting. ~er~,i:: ~~i~efir~~\a~~~::1Yo;igt~~ r~~~lt~e~!r~~~;~I~ln~e~?y~n~:d~~~ Assemblies in the past" may" have*been bad but our concerts It was the unanimous decision of the Student Gov- presence of anything new or tel ated worship. In their .places have always been worthwhile. Attendance at'last week's piano ern~ent that certain problems deserve student different. All that met my g~zc ~vf:~'sthtnv~~~~~nn~~:s~~~~~t:ac~~ concert was ?el'tainly a reflection of the inconsistency of the often eration, as well as the thoughts of the representative ~~;eth~~~ ~:i~~ec!~.~~en~e fi~~~~~ment of science'into the quiet e.xpressed Wishes of our stu~ent ~dy. Apparently we don't even student cabinet. On more than one occasion, questions half-concealed ~textbooks and realm of God. I wondered about like what we ask for. We Just like to heal' ourselves talk. ~~:~ ~~i:;l~e~~h;~~t~~~ea~:,~~;~ds;~ul~~a~aeb~~~eai;~~ :~~i~:~lethderO:~~~;l'evdoi~~~;;~~:~~;eentt~~~~I\;l:~i~~ ~~~~~.sC~~~~~ ~he Sophomore hayri:e s~e;,s to~'H~ve been q!tite a S1lC6C.88. the students as a whole. ~iO,~a:e~;t:f;~~ w~=~. t~Sa~~u:~ ;~~v~~r~;::i~~e:~~U~!:C:~:~i~~\:~ ~ tnb~~ol~~:,~~:~:~~t m McDame! lobby as a conclUSIOn then, The purpose, ~~:; ~~~tl~n~~;~s~\~Ot~~!~t~~I~;~ Say Please, entire row of fourteen people to to .determine who had failed, the parent~' Day finally a success! . these of ~~~~e;~~~~ ~~~ell.I1~'lkef:~on~i~~;~U1~e;sr~~et~~ Is:a~ae~er~eltthat lOn, Sillce students desolve an I'Jlea're looks, which I returned with If God had been given a chance Best uJ1shes tOlnOI'J'OW to the football team In the game with mdlvldual vOice III some mat- mute satisfaction, I prepared before, He must now be surely Juniata. We'j'e all behind you alld "'now yon lvill do your best. tel'S, r.ather tl:an a. mere repre- rll ~ myself for what was to come. barrcd from entry at the door. ~ '" '" ? vI;",;pomt: Second, Our manners are an example Suddenly, from the real' of For just as Elijah found that "He who join fraterni~y, se:k kn~wledge of the good." Ideas which orlgmate 111 the stu- of the kind of home from which the chapel came the melodic the still, small voice of God had dent body should be pr.esented we come. Students who have voices of the college choir and no place in the earthquake, wind Six lJoint touchdown to Sopho\nol'es for pullillg the F'J'cslimc-n to the SGA so that a~tlOn can been taught good manners in in my heart I reaffirmed my con- or fire, so J found that there over the goal [inc last Saturday. be ta~cn on constrUC.tlVe ones. their younger days will rarely viction that, if for nothing clse, was no place for God in Bakel' '" ~ * Occ.asl?l~ally, suggestIOns from exhibit poor O)leSwhe~ they arc this made chapel worthwhilc. Chapel. Three cheers for dancing in the grille .. Thanx, McDaniel. I ";"'===================:======= an ll1dlVld~all1la~ be the ans~er outside the "family circle." Hurriedly finding the n~ft~:~11 -----1 \ place, ~~e aca~e;~~~ent Issue plagumg :~~~' ~l~;l~!~~: ~~c~Vil~h~;d;~:! rl~~~d '~~iC~n;!n~su~t est Your WMC I Q.- 'Issues that ~re pr~sented at be.en .Iearned, are almost in- nor a~yone else had ever heard - ~~~~ ~~~: b~~~I~;:V~:~~I~e ~~~~ Sh~;i:':c~ student body, which is ~~~~:'~'or~; ~~e\~~e:afi~~;;~e hc~~~ • _,-=-=- tlOned 111 the SGA eablllet meet- in so many ways a group of in- cerned with lambs being led to ings .. The cabinet will ~repare telligent-acting people, it is a slaughter. ' such issues so that durmg the shame for us to allow ourselves The introductory speaker o~en meeting discussion ti~ne to slip up in one area of campus came to the lectern and opened WIll be allowe~ and questIOn life-Meals in the din1'ng hall. the service with the Call to ~I~; ;;ss;7:!~it~:;I:~ ~~~ ~~;:~~ ~~~~gnhot':~n~:r :~::i~~i\::~e ~~ ~~~:~h~~~nne~~busiot~not~~ed h:~ l;-;;+-+-+--I...I_j-+-I_k+-+-+--l...I..- -+- pOlllt III dispute. the zoo. In many ways the eat- this and in his succeeding Last year for example, the ing habits' displayed could be speeches a vague, undefinable SGA was asked to conclude the attributed only to animals. overtone which had never caught students' opinion on the Nation_ Now that we have advanced my attention before. I could al Defense Education Act. At from pushing and shoving to sense an unusual vibration that time the cabinet arranged gain entrance to the dining hall, throughout the entire chapel. a faculty forum to draw differ- it seems we have put more em- Then, almost simultaneously. ent individual views. Later, the phasis on developing crude ta- with the speaker's mention of it, National Student Association ble manners. It must be taken I discovered the cause of the requested the college's opinion into consideration that it is diffi- strange sound. Looking sky- on the "sit-in" issue in the cult to feed 750 people simul- wal'd, I spotted the little speak- South. This would have been a taneously, but it can be done. ers which had occasioned the perfect topic for open meeting The food, if you remember to tremo\' through rafter and pew. discussion. However, the repre- pass it, ,~;ll eventually get to A public-address system had sentative SGA registered a de- everyone. If someone asks, been installed in Baker Chapel! cision whieh could have been "Please pass the rolls," that In a moment I forgot the text- more a c cur ate Iy roached does not mean taking to the air books, the attendance cards, and through student opinion. In ad- for a three yard pass to the boy the captive audience, and my dition to such national issues, at the other end of the table. mind became occupied with campus P?licy which. may be You're strong enough. Pick up thought of the purpose of Chap- controve\'slUl can be aIred at a the plate, and pass it to him. el, that purpose being to bring Across 42. subway in the ail' (var.) 47. family group time when e,:eryone has a For those of you who treat the campus community togeth- 1. and (Fr.).... 43. .__ _ off (in golf) 48. play on words chance to contribute. the waiters and waitresses as er, out of its innate diversity, 2. Wl\lC literary publication 44. Uranium 49. for example (abbr.) With such agenda plans in if they were your personal for the privilege of worshipping 7. compass direction 45. keep campus ears busy 55. egg (Fr.) mind, the officers still intend to sTaves ... a word to the wise and giving thanks to God in 9. student religious organiza- 47. "octagonal portico between 57 forearm bone conduct these open meetings on should be sufficient. In many common spirit. Then I began tion flIcDanicl Donn and Mcmorial 60. ..,.. the Lion a parliamentary basis in the colleges and universities stu- to examine the process of tllis 12. five (Rom.) Hall" 62. unrefined minl:!ral same manner that regular meet- dents have to stand in long lines "privilege." First of all, the 13. Lisa 51. Nitrogen 63. populal' recording company ings are held each week. Here to serve themselves cafeteria chapel service is compulsory, 14. lo~t, onc point 52. Trinitrotoluenc 66. Mister (abbr.) again the campus population style. It is, however, and I which to my way of thinking 15. home to an acorn 53. present 69. Oxygen can acquire insight into the gov_ think you will agree, much ll!ore does not coincide with the 16. tangible 54. Yours truly (All8wel'8 Page 3, Col. 1) erning body at WMC. . pleasant to have someone bring Christian and democratie ideals 17. college motto 56. a swindle Although student opinions the food to you. of individual choice and freedom 24. noise made by numbcr 72 58. gil'i's name Onward And Upward and ideas will be desired, every- We pride ourselves a9 a of religion. Secondly, minority across 59. sailors one is welcome to attend-if friendly campus, but the manner religious groups such as Jews 25. bass. fiddle 60. fifty (Rom.) ~v~irb:o a:a~~~el~~~t I~~~~;tu~~;; ~~e;;.hi~;ai~~I;ec~~~~en~!r~f;re~! :;:ic~fl~O~~~'i:~~a~~bj;;~~~ls!~n~ ~~: !h~~~ic;~o~l~~bOI _ Phos" ~~: ~~n;~o\lse (abbr.)- Is Campus By-Word for each man and woman to termed friendly. Each waiter and lIIethodist point of view in phorus college department soon to be by Barbara Terry show his interest in not only his has 40 students to serve, and both sermon and setting. Third_ 28. comparative ..._.._._..__ diseontinued own welfare, but also in the growling, "Gimme some gravy, Iy, the use of the PA system has 32. excuse 65. one-prefix th:;;~~~:s~h:~~g~e~~d:;;~g;::;: :i~~.are of the college commu- :~~:~o:fe(~~v~~~~~!. im~;~v~s~;; ~~~V~~~!/I~:nSt~~~i~:!~~~e~~~ ~~ ~~: YO~~~~f_~~r Jamp ~~: ~ieself ~\'ork~a-d~y world. With t~is Only through the united ef- "please," "thank-yon," and the the IIfonday morning assembly. 38. ~ill.~~:~~:ence 68~a~~:~r~~;th pcriod class of ~~~~n~liln;I~~~s~~~nn~i;~~r~r~da~~~ ~~r;~uO:e~~~~~~u~~~~t~h~~diI:~;~ ~:;~~~nat h~o~~~cs~he;:ema;v~~~ as Mt~eth:~~~tSr~:em~otosi~:.oc~~ :~: Senator (Abbr.) 70. Potassium innumel'~ble suggestions for ~:~ionT~~ d;~~op~~sa~a~~n~;~ ~~I~ ~~~t~i~l~n~~.~~!I.e, but~~~ ~~:~ e~:I~en;i1~;)~: ~~u~eli~~~~:~ 4\aJ~~etal formerly used for ~~: ~~OeVi~~~~n ca~~~S~dl:~~pr~:~~e:.~de.rn our fi~st ~lOvef- CHECK - now is Wittllinn Weo.tiler Welcomes Fri"IIt ~:: ~e~~:~allging portions of a ~~~~~~:d w~~~~ b:sc~a;!r5we~~ t e tIme or your move' BGH roof E~~~y;n~~d{~:I~,~o~~~~i~s~~: :I :l j Down greatest boon to campus con- GOLD BUG by Patricia Webb With mysterious figures The ghosts were right funny, I. Eternal tentment since the submarine sheet. like a wadded-up more ,evil than cats of Halloween the Night 'Twas They had sort of a head, 2. 3. Pres. 'of SCA sandwich. at it, why not While they're a single itcm Al~v~~~\~~ic~~:o~~~~:~l~::e,I ~~:; ~n~:t ~eo~~n~ats. but not any feet. 4. catch (slang) an elevatol' in McDaniel Hall? And one that I noticed 5. paid notices And what red-blooded occupant Th:e~~O~~~~i~~el~u;~ein~ave. M~~~yra~~~Si;~a~lee\~~les had a big, fat belly G. which twin has it of either Albert Norman Ward on the ground, And I guess from s? high That shook when he howled 7. cranium or Daniel MacLea will deny the And the cats were all eager they had a good view. like a bowl full of jelly. 8. chemical symbol, Tungsten pressing need for a water bag 9. semcster (abbr.) dispenser on every floor? Member to make the round. And then in a twingling 10. Spelunker's playground With the advent of winter's Associated Collegiate Press The ghosts weren't nestled I heard on the roof He was chubby and plump, 11. below (Naut.) icy, gale-like blasts, several and J know he could heal' all snug in their beds, The scratching and howling Beside 15. yearbook (mis- other desirable innovations arc Subscription Price $2.00 a Year But visions of scare-raids. of a were-wolf. When I laughed when I saw spelled) brought to mind. If someone him in spite of Illy fear. Barbara Horst danced in their heads. As I peeked o'er the blanket He gave me a glance 16. Pres. of SGA patents a wind-reducing ma- Editor-in-Chief The witches were in their capes, and looked all around 18. entire chine or snowflakes made of cot- with a twist of his head, William Kerbin the cats donned in black, The crcatures of horror And he scared me so much 19. Frosh ton, the student body will beat a Business Editor And the goblins all had were making much sound. 20. Fe path to his door. EDITORIAL STAFF a big hump on their back. that 1 jumped back in bed. 21. covers the walls of WMC's Some practical suggestions New. Edi",r Jane Ern.berger From their heads to their feet Co·F'eRtureEditor__ Carol Kammerer In front of the houses they wore scary clothes, 22. buildings also are forthcoming whenever For ex- one mentions progress. 100 (Rom.) New•.Feature Editor __ JJ~dithLK~~ tlley made so much noise And one witch especially I heard all the goblins 23. library system ample, when the new library ~:p:re:d:.:i:~---=~ :Jr~~;n~~~~:~ Tho~ts~r~~~:r{:ea~!e boys. She pulled out a kettle They sounded as though 29. "College ties will comes into being, the old build- a-screeching so loud had a long, crooked nose. of some magic potion; they were really proud __. . broken" ing could be used as a study hall one ~~!:t~:Ed~t::t;t~-A-C~:!1~~a~~m~A~~:ya~f qOU~~k~;d~ew, She was up to some evil, To be so scary, 30. decorating schcme with enforced quiet and longer 31 hours. and ohhh, so mean. Reporters~:~~~~::a:t:::::~nM~:: A~~eo~~~n~~I~sh~aed~rew. I had a notion. And more hideous looking 33. present tense "to be" Posting menus outside the ke,·. Allen Jone•. Diane than you could dream. their faces so scary, declamatoJ'y passage 35. and most pea- Kanak.HelenOffutt.Pri._ The moon was so full Theil' eyes were so wieked,. \Vhen the clock struck twelve 34. flood dining hall seemed a good idea to some students, Ri!lrb8.~~d..r;::;.YSiegel,and sitting high in the sky Their skin was all wrinkled, they ali flew away 37. chemical symbol, Iodine pIe agree that having the grille BUSINESS STAFF And the witches made and their hands were all To unknown places 39. rabble-rousing orator open during the evenings and on AdvertisinqManager_ HerbertFa~Iin silhouettes as they flew by. hairy. where they will stay 41. toward weekends would be the most Their great 'big old feet Till next year. So until 42. Monday Wednesday Friday practical improvement on cam· ~~~~~n~h~~~-=--~;;'i-:~El~:~l:TI~~~t~~no: ,~es~~~:nhosts were really a sight, next Halloween night, dining hall breakfast fare pus at the present time. After ~:;~~l~ant'~=~"D~aE~el~ TOa~~it~~;~tat~~yg~~~~tSs. , And the hair on their heads Scary dreams to all, 4.4. unfasten (abbr.) all, the stomach observes no reg- ular hours. 46. mountain and to all, a good fright! was as black as the nig{it..
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