Page 13 - TheGoldBug1960-61
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THE GOLD BUG Miss Saifuku To Be Editor Of WMC Literary Magazine Miss Naomi Saif'uku has been with this. The editor is, to be WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MARYLAND selected to edit this year's Con- chosen by the previous editor. V,;..;;ol;..";..;;,;..N.;,o":",4~================="""'==='""T===N~ov:::e::;m:::b:;:el:","::;.,:',:;9:;;:60 ~~~~:te:~;a~i7:~D~~.~th;l~ect~~roas;~Oen;it~;,:~iJO~~~i;!~:f:n!~~ agel' are to be the main ones. editor, and Allen Jones, literary HomecomingActivity On The Hill r~II I. ~j U literary staff ',VIII be two assist- two years of experience as edi- r.e#e 7'.0 ~'R,Jbusiness manag~r. lAt.. ,L IJ' Also, on the This year's editor, Naomi, had ants to the editor. tor of her high school yearbook To CommenceWith Victory March rrlt'l once zin~O~:,~;:flti~~l:d~!t:~~~rs~~~~~~~oro~~a;v~i~~k\~!~e~~!rsta~~i~~~ and reviews contributed conclude Homecoming tor of her high school magazine poetry, res- -exp~rience . she Tentative is on the Hill, Delta Pi by Western ilIaryla~d stud~nts w~ere layout gained selection of presenting ~nd faculty,. "Topsy and WIth publish- a dance featuring mg dates are January and May, copy. Cozy Cole and his To make the selection of Con- Allen Jones, business man- traet editors better facilitated, agel', was the layout editor last Dancing will be from 8 to 12 the Publications' Bo~rd has ~p- year. Dr. Joseph W. Hendren is tomorrow night in Gill Gym. proved a new policy deah~g the new advisor for Dress is a~~m~hfeOI;;:~~le~:~5n;~l~ ~;;;;;~~'='~--~''''"'l!-",E!'~.:-'''~~E!"'''"''''."""-,1========= ''Monkey Trial" Creates Theme ""B'gB,n'"" Theme I?,~~r~~~nes ~~~~~ld~,e~~:I;~~r~~lil~~01 Annual Thonksnivis'!JPloy and musrc ador-ning- the :/J Refreshments will be Tickets will soon be Murray; Tom Davenport, Ber- served throughout the evening, for the annual nard Rinehart; Meeker, Wayne Dur-ing the intcrnuesion, the Play" "Inherit Conrad; the mayor, David Dro- Homecoming Queen and her Jerome Lawrence bis; Howard, warren \Vatts; court will walk the royal road Lee, which is to be and Melinda, Virginia. McKay. down the center of the gym. the College Players The part of Mrs. Krebs has President Lowell S. Ensor will direction of Miss been taken by Judith Kerr; Mrs, then crown Miss Rhea Ireland. in Alumni Hall at 8:15 Blair, Eleanor White; Mr~ Me- Queen. day, November 18. Lain, Barbar-a Holland; Elijah, Four To Entertain is one dollar. Jerry Walls; George Sillers, As an added feature, Cozy Leading parts are Howard Wagner; Jessie H. Cole will accompany \VMC's Drummond, played by Dunlap, Gerald Johnson; Mr. Walter Kenton, Keith Phillips, Bernstein; Matthew Goodfellow, John Meredith; Donald Rembert, and Alan Brady, Albert Brown; Mrs. Loomis, Jacqueline Cook; Stewart when they sing "1 Barbara Heflin; E. K. mayor's wife, Susan Hogan; Didn't Know You Cared." Ken beck, John Grabowski; Sunny, Suzanne Fossett. Kenton wrote both the words judge, Robert Rippeon; Other members of the cast are music for the song. Jeremiah Brown, Harry Stephen Bayly, Robert Kruhm, I sponsors to be pres- berger; and Bertram Thomas Wilhide, Kenneth Reif- dance are Mr. and Maurice Arsenault. snider, Jonathan Myers, Gerald Mrs. Richard Clower, Dr. and Other important parts are Richman, D a v i d Littlefield, Mrs. James Earp, and Mr. and Mrs. Brady, portrayed by Helen David Snydcr-, and Ben Buem- . 1960 HOMECOMING COURT _ Queen Rhea Ireland (center) will be crowned Saturday eve. Mrs. Richard Pugh, r. :~e!~;r Ten jurymen will also mng I!-t t~e dance. Her attendants. are .Miss Sandra Reed, junior; Miss Nancy Smith, senior; Miss S . tid t Preachers Jlng Th' od ti taff . t A • Naomi Saffuku, sophomore; and MISS Suzanne Hauck, freshman. Homecoming N oele y n DC S To Sweetheart of te:h~~ca~cd:~:ct~r, M~~n~~j]~ \ The vie!ory march tent land and her attendants Opening the Ham Tribby. electricians, David f~;5 a~~:~i~~~;iao~i~:week ~e2a:~~,~~~~t~~n~~~~~~·~f:: pa- ~~~~j]~v~, the kick- ew SSoclates Wednesday evening, while ~~~to~~;~ T~~~~:e~~u~f;~~~'~ BeginniQg in front of Alumni rade that afternoon. Occupying Half-time attl'Rctions will in- On October 24, at 8 pm, the serenading, Delta Pi Alpha fra- McKay. Property construction Hall, the parade, combining the places of honor on the court are elude the hand, majorettes, and had their induction ternity announced its Sweet- and painting has been handled enthusiasm of st~dents, band, senior attendant, Nancy Smith pom porn squad, who, after. ' members in McDaniel hcart for 1960-61, Miss Barbara by the members of t.he junior cheerleaders, majorettes, and and Sandra Reed, junior, who dividual performances, will Horst. dramatic arts class. pom poms, will wend its way will share the position with bine in various Although only n few lines through the campus to the rear Naomi Saifuku, sophomore honor of returning have actually been taken from of the stadium, scene of a bon- tendallt, and freshman royal court. the monkey trial of 1925, the fire pep-rally. Hauck. Finally these groups, is based upon this case. Display Judging Saturday mented by ROTC 'members, olyn Carter, Conrad Cohen, named, they of the trial is stilt High spirits will continue form an aisle through whieh Lucy Conners, Margaret Hillel', of Delta Pi." tl?day. As recently monow as sorority and Queen Rhea will pass to present Robert Holt, Carol Latham, and "Goodnight I 14, of this year an ty displays appear early I the traditional bouquet of long- Christine Lewis. Barbara i a senior in the Wash- morning, to be judged by stemmed roses to Mrs. Lowell S. Also inducted were David education major r Swr newspaper time. Ensor. Littlefield, J 0 h n Meredith, more. She is editor of who was the Homecoming Queen After the game alumni will be Thomas Muhlfelder, Richard BUG and, thus, is a i case and who ========='========= 1~~lsCt~l~~:~~~ !heem~~ ~~ :llt=~~ ~~1~s ;,Udi~:nn~~~d, R~f:~~~;r~ i~:y,P~~~i~~~isons' rorities, the tea will be given in Harry Rumberger, Constance of the Trumnete!·s. McDaniel Lonnge, Sorority and Shankle, Janet Springer, Ra- As Preacher Sweetheart, fraternity open houses are on chael \Ventz, John Whaley, barn will ride in a special the agenda, and there will also Marguerite Whaley, and Jane in the Homecoming Parade, be dormitory open house. Williams. urduy afternoon. Featured at the regular as- of War in the area of W'Lf",I=========':"'========~~==~-====,b,,=====~== sembly, Monday, November 14, and recreation for the Milita~yDepartment Names Battle GroupSponsors, at 11 :30 am in Alumni Hall will navy during World War be Dr. Francis Keppel, dean of fore retuTning to the Graduate School of Educa- assistant to the tion at Harvard University" served with the Army Division. ClarifiesSchedule Availahle To Men The topic for Dean Keppel's tion and Education speeeh is "Educational Prob, Army Law Regulation lems in Underdeveloped Coun, . tries." The experience he has Chapel speakers for had with which to back his talk bel' have been announced Alters Requirements includes serving on the Carnegie President Low~ll S. Ensor. At Western Maryland, theTe Commission on Higher Educa- November ?'. 1S schedu!ed tion in Nigeria in 1960. He was Rev, Dr. WIlh~m ~. Smith, has reccntly been a change in a member of the Twentieth In- tor of the Umverslty the configuration and the re- quirements of ROTC and the ad- ternational Conference on Pub- Church in College Diane Kanak, Miss Virginia Mc. lie Education, which took place Rev. Dr. Paul C. \Varren, llas~or Kay, Miss ~ynne R_od~ay, Miss vanced ROTC program. The in Geneva, Switzerland, in 1957. of the. Secon.d Pres.byteflan Nancy Sm1th, MISS Frances change has been from the old infantry battalion to a new unit A~tepp~l I~ Harva.rd dG~~dAB ~~~~~~~ ~3~lt1more WIll speak rour~:~l;.e:~~t A~~: ~~~ci\:~~~ called the battle group, There has, however, been no change in from e~a::~~: ri~cCllv;39 l~ean . The .Jewish guard, band and eomp~nies A, 1 the command structure of the Keppel then studied ~t th elety WIl] supply the B, and C, respectively. l·arm y . ~maeJ~~~i~n~C~~~~~g d~ne~~~£F~~~~~~e~~'wi~r~; .no m:a~~ ~1ISin~~~~~u:tl~~~~a~i The change in the advanced uate study in the history and ecause 0 an'sglvmg recess. ROTC program ha~ been one in which the required number of philosophy of education, he has l hours in military science has an honorary doctor of laws de- been decI·eased. grell from Hamline University, Previously, 150 hour); of mili, Dean Keppel was associated tary science were required in with the office of the Secretary Omicron Eta chapter of each of the junior and senior were These requirements years, Iota Gamma Chi ~r~~~~~ty, i~;:rn:e~~rv~d ~~l~ta~' ~~~rsC~~~~!~O~e~!s~~ C o T Possess Up of winning the Chapter of the advanced years. Now 45 ~!a~h~a~o:S u~:du~~~ p~rs~~~~ ~~v:;;~~ lf~~,9-t~~~~~Sic The Inter-Sorority Scholastic Award, 1959-60. Honor Guard academic work. Cup results were announced to The awards were based on The army under law still reo the soror1ties on Tuesday, Octo- content of monthly Ieports tains control over the academic bel 25 which the chapter sent to na- by Kay McKay, \,,:ho JOIllS DlRne hours and requires that they be Iota Gamma Chi was in the tional headquarters. The re- ?n th~ cheerleadmg .s9~ad and ROTC SPONSORS-Back row' Nancy Smit.h Frances Bur- used for. the completion of at ~n~~~~r ;~~e~~~i!i~~a~:i~~a~ ~i~~ ~O::~nI:.C~~~ til~eiSe:~n~~eos~~~:~ III P~~:el~:~n ~~e a;~I:~t~;iv~~; L~1~n~i~~1~~;,Ic~n~!~~~;yr~;~t~i~:.icia Piro, Di~ne Kanak, and ~~~~~t~~~ ~~u~~~:k~i~~~d~~~~~~~ rna Sigma Tau with a 1.71 aver- the judges determine each chap- play. of graduates.. age, Third and fourth places ter's progress. Lynne Rodway, an English- Sigma Sigma Tau and leads the White and is a language major. These are8S include communi- are hel~ by Delta Sigma Kappa WMC's chapter, only four e~ucation major from Pasaden~, cheerleaders. Nancy, who hails Patricia Piro, a senior an.d cations, govel"liments and their and PhI Alpha Mu, years old, has increased its Will represent the band. ThiS from Silver Spring, is a senior French education major. repre- ,functions, the physical sciences, Dean Helen G. Howery will membership from eight in 1957 year Lynne pledged Sigma Sig- majoring in sociology. sents Company· "C." She in- and g~neral psychology. They present the Scholastic Cup to to 12 members and one pledge in ma Tau. She is a:so a member Company "B" elected Frances cludes participating in the Pom may be taken for credit as elee- the Iotes on November 9, when 1960. It now has more active of the Chapel ChOir. Burnell, a sophomore, from Hy- Porn girls, Newman club, French tives in any year or as major an informal tea will be held in members than ever before in its Company "A's" sponsor, Nan- attsville to honor them. She re- club, and Phi Alpha Mu in her subjects in the junior and sen- their clubroom. history. cy Smith, is also a member cently joined the Purple and activities, jor .years.
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