Page 16 - TheGoldBug1960-61
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4 The Gold 1960 Terrors Out To Scalp Warriors TERROR TALK 1 30 tomor- ==~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ T'J_ At approximately lOW afternoon, Coach Robert.... BY Ti'.LIr' J'.r Waldorf's Green Terror football team will tackle tough Lycom- PERHAPS ONE OF THE REASONS BEHIND the ing College in the annual fall failure of this year's Green and Gold grid squad to round H~~~~mil:;d~::\t half-time out into its expected form is that the first and second 26-0 two years ago against the teams miss the rough competition provided by the Lit- same team, the Terrors were tie X's and Black Dots during the last season. With blasted in the second half and only, twelve freshmen out, the third and fourth units ended up 27-26 losers. may be weaker and not sharpening the front line stars A simi~COeSx;!r~;~ce is not to the degree aChiev;d la~t y:ar. expected and certainly not hoped LONG RANGE FORECAST DEPARTMENT: Look out for for, but this year's Warrior squad will be a very stern test Mt. St. Mary's to be stronger than ever this winter on the basket- ball circuit. With a line-up which will include such Meson-Dixon for the Waldorfmen. Lycoming stars as Jerry Savage, Dick Talley, Ed Pfeiffer, and Mike Calla, brings a 2-4 record into the game but has jelled to take two han, the Mounts should be heavy favorites to cop the league of their last three. However, in their last outing, the Lycos were MARYLAND SCORING STILL LEADING THE WESTERN stomped by Muhlenberg 34-13 PARADE is fullback Fred Dilkea with 36 points. He is followed and got only 27 net yards from * scrimmage. by QB Roy Terry's 28 poi~t t~tal.* wan-tor Coach Dave Busey has what is over-all a young WRESTLING RETURNED TO THE HILL last squad, loaded with freshmen Tuesday as new coach Bill Smith greeted a tremendous and sophomores. His quarter- total of four mat candidates for the coming season. ~:~~ ~o~h~~raas~~n~a~e~:~b~:~ SOgg~A:r~a~h~r~:a~~~~ i~fr~~~ra~Ac~~teIt~ ~teS~I:;r!r,a!n c~~epI!~~n10~a~f s~~r~aiai!10t~d~~d This is indicative of t~e overwhelming support ~vhich and could give the Terror pass Jim Brown as Della Pi Alpha wun 6-0. the student body has grven the Terror grapplers III re- defenders more of the same cent seasons. The squad will have its first match De- troubles which have been pla- I cember 6 at home against American University. ~~;~~,J;o~~f~~~t"~'.~;o~~;~Waldorfmen Have Close Call Clower Quintet GOING WAY OUT'ON ~ Ll;m '~;ththe Johns Hopkins- .l'IIar!iand squad IS to In Win Over Aggles 22-18 IJ I back, also IS a man to stop I!the _ ' _ Increases race Western Maryland game two weeks off, here's a prediction from Western page. T?e Green _Terrors will triumph 20-14 ?ver the Jays emerge Zil~~~:~o~s~actices . - .' Coach Dick Clower is stepping ~v~t~a~~e~o~~~::' :::~~ng a second-half surge which overcomes This week the Green Terrors Staving off a late desperate had leached the level of play the practice pace for the * ~ * ~ ~i~:~ ~na~ti~ig~;;~ f::tct~~~h s~~= ~;~v~~~y~~~d~~~!r~l!::!~:Vc:s;= ~:~.~c~~!i~~dCap2~~le.. Ter- Ter~~re ~~~~!~~:~I ::a:~~ nam;~~Hh~!~~~~n CS~~;~;~nRa~Jc~ifd~!i~~f::ticW~~n%~~~c: jured players as Bill Bergquist, tured a ~2-18 victory over ~ela- rushing and 81 How- '. . . basketball circles last year with his deadly jumpshot, is now Al Stewart, Dick Yobst, and ware Va!ley College of SCience ever, the hosts rolled over ~l)c Hampered by injuries to key proud possessor of still another distinction. Richie's size ll\.i John Holter will be at full and Agriculture last Saturday Wl'II.Cdefense for 303 yards, in- and by the absence of feet are not only tops in hardwood talent, but are the largest of va~sI~yt.~. strength tomorrow. afternoon. I eluding 164 by the troublesome others due to soccer and foot, anyone on this year's Terror "5" western Maryland also has The Terrors trailed 18·14 pass route. Aggie quarterback practice, Coach Clower has . been working on their weak pass with less than four mi~utes to Bo~ Fr~ntz h~t ?n 13 of 23 been goi;-tg thr?ugh the pre-sea- defense and may go with three' play, but an interception and aerial mes to indicate that the s?n sessions '~It? a 14-man c~n_ deep men in the backfield rather two ke~ penalties ~rought .them season.-Ion~ problem of pass de- tlngent cons.lstmg .of than two. Defensive line align- deep mto Aggie terntory. fense IS still present. veterans M Ike Bird, Richie .- \ ments have been altered some- Sophomore QB Roy Terry rolled On the preceding weekend the Klitzberg, Dave Martin, Tom ~ ::a;h~n :;p~~~~~s~o r':s~f:gPl:t ~~tyt~v~;s f:~~t efg~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ;~':i~~_~~~s ~O~~d~~gSaki~h:r~~I~~g';~ll~~lli?:~i;e J~ewart, and. ~-::: tack. to give the WaJdorfmen their, 54-0 pasting at the hands of Richie Budd, Lance . ~ Freshman quarterback Torrie 22-18 advantage. - poweI'iul Juniata College. ry and HOWie . Confer has risen to the number Clock Stops Aggies Having held the Indians to a newcomers, ' _ two slot as Charlie Brown is un- With just a little over two 6-0 lead at half-time, the' . able to pass due to a shoulder in- minutes remaining, Delaware rors completely crumbled in jury. Valley began to m'ove through last two quarters ~s . the air as they had done with poured across 29 POllltS In Soccer S"uad good success during the after- the third period and 19 in .,1 noon. However, the clock ran fourth . . with out Aggies on ---- the Western Maryland 18 yard line, IJ T ,L ,. .0pS 1 ,comlOg ~~,!:~~;~:.,"m;ng"owd"ft r'r,oc"ers ..Op . ~~VJd~:l'r::g~i~~~~ Pigskin (rown C?~~:tJ~;' a~~~n~~, th~Ov~;~ ha~a:~~: t;: is expected t:o ~ej~in ~:!~h T~~;~rth!O~~~m~ri~d t:lil~ ~:n~I~~Sthe I~lrst:~u~~~~;~~e~l?; .Capping a perfect 6~0.record cembe~~ou~th~ beglnmng of an~~:~htU~enny Harmon will ~~~~ \~:f;h ~~~ :05n7n~:t:f ;:~~~ ~;~~aa ~~~~r;~e~d:~~r ~~I~;P~~ Sh~::;hs~~~ ~I~~~:~tnd . switch duties as he temporarily run play to put Wl'IIC ahead 6-0. Alpha. frater,nlt y ha~ e~erged a valuable contnbubon. to th.'I,jIjU"'.-.I1 A"-"-ro:""U'''''-'\: ~~~d:1:~;lal~~t s~~c~~~t:~s~~~: ~~e~~~J~s~s~i;et~~:~t~llo::I~f!~ ~~ot~~:~ ~:~~~ne~op, lIltIamu~al ~~~~~;. h~~~::O~ ~~~~In~ri;~.~~ prising the Alumni squad. Ex- th t . tiThe Preachers far out-dls_ has shown a lot of hustle In faerct~~~~:e!~r~:;e ~~~~:a~i~e wOH~~~nFi~~r; Rack !:~:e~pal!n~~h~~x o~~i:~~n~~r~~; practice sessions. G'b K I S'I B 'L Delaware Valley then staged the course of the season. Theirl,,;;======== a~ds:;hers~rAls;!X;kin~~epro~~ two long drives in the second closest challenger was Alphal. ~b~ a~pea;an~~ wi~l~eAvers~tile {i::t!:t~n: ~~~~t~e:~~ld at half- ;i~;,~:hi~~u~li~a::d ~~a~'~_~ham- o arTiS, e - meTican On the second play of the ord. man~ger. . third quarter, DUkes burst Sliding into third . ThiS game ~rovldes a b~eak through the middle and raced 54 the top two was In .the booters schedule sln~e yards to pay-dirt. The power· Beta Chi aggregation. Paced their next regular game IS ful senior fullback played one the quarterbacking of Otto slated fo~ No,,:"ember9, at Dela_ of his m~st outstanding games len, the Gamma Bets posted ware University. as he ran for 151 yards in 19 2-4 record. On October 25, the Green Ter- carries-almost an 8 yard carry. Occupying the basement rors met and were handed a 2-1 ing average for the day. spite showing considerable . YOUNG'S ~~~.e~y;:~/t~:a~:e~~a ::o~e~lt~ ha~n ~~;p~~ala~er~g~eon mS::~~ ~:~v;7e~fp~:e~I;~~e~it~e~s~~~ eaJWJJL -/~"eal'2.ElIl goal mid-way in the first half with a one-yard buck to set the log. John DeMey was perhaps WESTMINSTER SHOPPING and both teams battled evenly stage for the successful Terror the league's number one QB. CENTER ~~~Iea~n~~:!r:~~.cessful':=========: ~~~~s~~eT~:acir~~:~t~~s ~~ll~~~ ~~I:~:~~ late in the game to go ahead Squad Still Below Peak 2-1 and the Harmonmen were Although the Waldorfmen . JAY WHALEY VISIT YOUNG'S POPULAR dealt another loss. won, the over-all action was not UNIVERSITY CORNER George Varga led Western sharp, and the coaching staff is Representing FOR FINEST AUTHENTIC Maryland to a rebound 4-3 vic_ still not satisfied that the squad LAUNDROMAT TRADITIONAL FASHIONS f~~!~;~r d~~~t l~[e~~m~~ ?:~~=="'======= II 5 LOCUST STREET score enabled the Terrors to ,--------,11 pass by the Indians in a tight, DAILY - 7 :30-5 well-played contest. Compliments Closed Wed. 12 Noon The soccer slate now stands What's New in the Bookstore??? at 3-4, with 2-2 standaTds in TIlden 8-8677 both Middle-Atlantic and Ma- J. C. PENNEY CO. Free Delivery Service • "Advise and Consent" by Allen Drury - $5.75 son-Dixon Conference play. To College Pulitzer Prize winner {rom the best-seller lists • New shipment of $1.00 art-color prints, posters and $1.95 brushstroke prints-Old and Modern Masters as well as contemporary decorative and scenic subjects. Frames available. Rasinsky's Pharmacy Baugher's Restaurant • Reminders {or Homecoming- • Poster paints in pints, wide range of colors. "Reliable Prescriptions" JUST OFF THE CAMPUS Construction and poster papcrs, tape, etc., for your decorating Drugs and FOR A MEAL OR SNACK • Banners, pennants, mascot.s for your cars and floats Everyday Needs • Gifts for parents. sweethearts and "Old Grads" Keepsakes from the Hill 30 W. Main St. Homemade Ice Cream and Thick l\-fiIkshakes Westminster, Md. THE BOOKSTORE TIlden 8-7100 OPEN EVERY DAY Open all day for Homeeoming Winslow Student Center
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