Page 14 - TheGoldBug1960-61
P. 14
2 The Gold Bug, Nov. 4, 1960 .,IIe Et/itor Speoks. • • • • LETTERS Tri·Beta Increases ollor u EDITOR ,. n~ Cot/eSe'ekr Ex*eftrioll TO THE' Total Membership a national organiza- Td-B,,". II ••~, tion of outstanding biology stu- ToCover CllarpelA ttent/once LTO-T-h'",---_J1:1:';;';,'~I.lioh;~~'~v::~,;nitl~i . • the home of Dr. H. P. St.urdi- Guest Commentary From time to time students on vant. New ac.tive members are this campus feel compelled to Robert Browmng, Sharon Cor- Last spring the students of overwhelming approval of the submit certain proposals and ather's, Donald Linzey, James Western Maryland College pro- Honor Code, that people are ideas to the faculty and admin- Matouse~, Downey Price, ~lfred posed, supported, and passed the basically honest and desire to be Istratto» of the college. Somc Rosenstein, and James wither- now-functioning set of rules treated accordingly. of these proposals are reason- spoon. called t~e Ho~or Code. This Thus, the intention is to pro- able~some are not. All are . A:ctive member-ship is open to declaration of mdependent hen- pose that the card-signature sys- submitted in earnest and all de- juniors and seniors who have esty is focused direetly on the tern be abolished and in its place serve intelligent consideration completed at least 10 semester academic side- of collegiate life, be established a further exten- by the persons involved. hours in biology and who have and in this limitedness the Hon- aion of the Code. If students Students may expect this con- r?ceived "E" or abo~e in most or Code perhaps has a weakness. are told that they may take four sidera'tion to result in one of biology courses and ill at. least Why.should the student body assembly and chapel cuts with- two things. If the proposal is 50 pel' cent of the non-biology ~~ecO~I~~::::m~s h~~~~ o:~~u~~ ~v~tUl::~;~~iOan~d~~~eI~~j:~~! ~;~~:~e;~a~~n~:I~~ ~~~~~u~~ ~: co~~s::~ joining as provisional 'No"" WE DON'T Pl-AY THI~ NUMBER VERY they. be trusted only part of the than allowed. This would be unreasonable, its faults (and it ~embers are Samuel Case, Dav, time? If· students are honest operated under the rules of the may have many) should be id Goldstone, Jos~ph Mc~~de, Wnc. $0 THf- TUM PLAyeR WIl-l- DROP In one field, they will most like- academic Honor Code with the clearly defined to the students Boyd Myers, Keith Phillips, HI~ MUSIC AND ('HA;E IT AROUND THE Iy be honest in another. The strength resting on the indlvid- and its undesirable aspects Donald Shure, Raymond 'Y 0ck - ~TADIUM 1'" DISTRACT THE CRQWD." Honor Code as it now stands is ual's basic sense of moral cor- pointed out. No one could com- ley, and Margaret Zachar-ias. N and this A R F" " h iS~!u~otitO~~~ re~~~:s; the new "no-card" sys- ~i~~noo;euo~f~~;e:~o~~ ~~~~~~~ =================9========~ cove: the ~o!l~gi~n in all phases mor'e than their alloted cuts are type of cooperation would result S ace ears Inls Social Situations ~a~iga ~tii\!;; be broadened to tern the people who would take to a recommendation, and extended . Specifically, the reference here absent from chapel as it is now improved int.ra-college relatiom. P I"t" I V"' R Present Problems and administration 0 I Ica lews age the same ones that illegally are in Increased understanding of hIS ~ctlvltJes. and There is 'Ito accomplishmcnt IS to the present archaiQ system operated. Students ~~U:~~;:n:~1t~~~111:~':fi~:ll~~~~e~~ ~~ t:C:~;~f ~~~~~ ai~ei~di~nf~ However, if this. suggestion ~~~~~:r~~~~e~~o:~dt~a~~ci~~~~~:: opposition to the basic self.hon- prov.e~ to be-too r~dlcal fo: the dealings. When this is not Shaw. csty atmosphere that both fac- tradltJon.-bound HIli, let. It at shown, something vital in the by Da1!!d Setlkollntz I belIeve III the foundatIons In the days of the gleat ulty and students are trying to least pomt out a conflict .be- college atmosphere is missing. buslilessman WIlltell you of the DemocratIC paIty, and I Flench kmgs, tickets of lllstruc- nurture on this campus. tween the Honor Code and eXlst- The students on Western that it's "Experience t hat believe that thiS party would tion and propel' court behavior The college community be. ing procedures at Western Maryland's campus are being counts." Our country is facing o~ly place a capable. ma.n of were presented to people who lieves, as was indicated in the Maryland College. JPW constantly reminded that they a continual threat to security high cha~acteJ_:on then: tIcket. were to make an appearance at are of an extremely high caliber and well-being from the com- The quahficatlOns by the royal court. From the ? and they are indeed a select munist menace. This is not the the party woul? make hl~ cap- French word for tickets comes the In other able. of h~ndhng group. time for "on the job" training They met high admit- JOb. of our word etiquette. What Seems To Be Wrong • ~:~:d:~~n~ha::~l~~e~l:i~~~i~:J~ ~ix~n n:;;ea~yeS~daesn\heR~~:~~~~~~~~;: ~~m~~~a~s\v~~~Slble ~:~I~~~te~~~~e;~:ri~nt~eso~~!~eSi~~ "Used to be evening hours. if not more. good academic record to remain edge, skill and experience re- This year John F. Kennedy is uation. Now it's only open eight to "Prices went up, but the food here. This much is: unquestion- quired. the party's choice, and I am The following statements in- three." stayed the same. How cum?" able fact. However, once ad- Respect of the individual and confident ~hat Mr. Kennedy, a elude certain fundamentals of "Everything's gone up!" Food went up. Increases in mitted, are the students treated his rights is a principle that man of hIgh character and a, social usage in ordinary life. "Service is ridiculous; that's food prices were made during as mature, responsible indi- has made America great. Nixon ~an of great depth, has all th?t How are your manners? What the only word for it!" the course of last year, but grille viduals, capable of self-govern- opposes a compulsory medical It takes to. lead our country III do you know about etiquette? All are commonly heard- prices did not go up until this m:ent and self discipline? And care bill as he feels it will de- the Amencan Way--:-the way 1. A man offers his hand either spouted off in anger or year's school term. These if not, w~y not? And what con- prive the individual of his free- our fath~rs wan~d It for ~s, when being introduced voiced after careful deliberation. prices are still below outside sequences might the college's at- dom of choice. Kennedy favors and we will want It for our Chll- a. to an older woman. Inquiry into conditions and competitors-anywhere from 5 titude _toward its students have such a bill. Nixon opposes Fed- dren. b. to a young woman. methods usually brings most re- cents to 10 cents on the average upon the successful achievement eral Subsidy of teachers salaries by Jim B1'ooke c. to all men and wom- W~~;)~; ;=~~it:he grille be open ha,~;::,ge;u~r,::a~ !:~;i~~~se of ~~~d:~~c~:e; :;:ht:l~:n~ed ill ::a~~o~~~;1 i:f :~~c~e~~n~ ~~~ I ;vould v?tet~~r ~ichar~ Nix- d. ~~'all men. like it used to be? I know tomatoes? They're not worth a one of two ways. They may be nedy favors such subsidies. on eca~se III IS ay an age, 2. When eating soup one some girls who'd work a couple nickel extra; they're paper given much responsibility and I believe in a "grass roots" ~ur nat~~n ~e:ds at man w~o should ni~~: :aci~ ';:=~~~the grille is th~~~UrallY, hothouse tomatoes ~~;~~r;~~.::ce~~~; ii~e:~ei;;; ;~~el'~Tx~~ ~~/a;a~: ~~s~;~~e; ~v~:7~ hal~eSo 'le~~n ~;:m ~h~ :: ~i~ve~h~p:~t?r1~y 0 not open in the evenings is a do not come cheap, but they are may be gIven little l'esponsibll- that he, too, favors such a gov- k tom h UP . the need ~ n;~n who from you. . ~ve~~eC:it!~~~o~;~n~Ot~!~~' d~~~ ~~: ~~~e:\~~iSn~e~~~~ie:f~~~~ ~:S:r~! ~:I~~~ngle~eWe~;Ot~:t~o~ er;~:~!ent Eisenhower has W~~'~~h~;v~:et peop e Ive and c. tip the bowl toward ~i=e:O:~~ ~~~~l~;u;:l'~~~r~v~ ~~~e~h~;,p~~~~ t~~:e~~t~I;S:: ~~ ~er~;I::S t~at~.~ts~era~:t~o~~!~~ ~;~!~dhem:aids~~~~~:~tts;:a:.~; th~~;~; .h~lxkonn~wsk~~~V:tti;~~:: 3. YouY~~'ve been a week- nings and would be unable to would be nicer to get a decent dence in the students' ability to in the history of America who a.nd phIlosophies of othe: na- ~~~e~ue;~ sahto,:::~~n:;~ fnU;!~ :~~~e ~:~~I~.ou~b~f~~~ sli~/~~: ~:~s'in the grille is ;i~~f:~~n.SU~~~~f~;~s;~v:s g~;!~ ~i~~slla:s s~~~e_~~:~~~~nri:~:oa~ !:e:~ :~~ ~:;~~:~~:.d ;t:ll'n::ci preciation ly there are no other available prepared by hand and is of the -ons,trated by the faculty when for carrying out the d).lties of a. man who IS a leader. Mr. a. a printed thank-you people who desire to work these highest quality available. Hams they approved the student pro- the Presidency. ." ND~on hns already proven that ~:~~rew~~~ur:~~s:~t ;~:~i~ffe ~~:i~U~~ap~~: ~~: ;:~~ :~~i~:l~:::::~ ~~!~~c:~euteOs~po~e~rt~:~o:v~~~~e~.would be a by Debol'a Glaser ~e~I~t~~~~~h~~n f~~\~~~ one to b. a note and gift should that no benefits are allowed. grade, and salads are prepared realization that the students are If I were voting in the No- More than this, I believe ,we ~u sree~~l'~\o=~ as no~f l~iUdt~~~ a~:n~Ii~~~ \j~~~~~~~~l~ from the finest in- ~~!:::~~,g a~ya~~~~ aosf~~~~~:c~ ~~:~~~g ~~c~~~~liia~;~'~~li~'k~~ ~~:~ ~ismc~~v7~~?ol:il~:~~~t b:~ c. ~ ~~~e~su~if~e i:e~:: themsei-;,es. It would be good "What about the profit? tual contamination. We did not the .fundamentals and principles shoved around. We need a man tionai. experience. Oh, an adult must Where does that go?" come here for·that purpose; we behmd his party. Then, and who will not apologize or send 4. All formal invitations work with them in the evening. This. is a non-profit organiza- ?-o not remain here because of only then, could J feel confident reg.rets. t.o Mr. Khl'~shchev for and their acceptances or Why? Because they give away tion,. since t.he income goes pre- it; we ~an not operate u!lder an Il:boutmy vote: 1 p:rsonally be- ~allltalllmg our natIonal secur- reg-rets are written in ;~t::ds?O;; T~~:7dsO~n~ ~;,m~o~~:~:,nt~n las:%eov~~~~~~: :~:n~~m;~. p,~Oegr~:n~;ll~~~Sha:~ ~~::a:rv: c:fn~\~a~ea~~ytha~l~e~:i~iItY~10stof all, I believe we need abo tt~: ~;:~n~;;~~~~n. ~~:~ e~~::o~/ve~~~~~n':o:~ ~~~fi~O~~\~~~~e~~~t~e~~~:~~ ~~~it;a~I;0!~~~c1:1\~:i~~tt~:c:~ ~~::: s':!t~o~~~ ~~I~~: ~~:i!~ca- ~i::na:sd AN~:~~a~:c:~:~eh~nr~~~ 5. ~Vh!~ep;~i~~:~:~~'Plate attempt be made to manage this pay the debt on the Student Un- want to see constructive change Why then vote on the Demo· world today. for seconds, you should :~~ue~tiO;t~~~ldan:ee~t~~:t vc:~= i°1>ne more thing. "Can't the ~~::~n~~t ~~i~h~it~s~h~sufno~f~~~i~aeti~ut;~k~~!~:isl~ an~!~ ;::'l~ by Charles G_Ben/stcin a. iouri y~~~p~~;!~y a~~ lege students should have as service be improved?" that we make our proposals and person to be an individual, a There are many reasons for your bread and but- much integrity as anyone does, At lunch time, the aim is to hop~ for their adequate consid· n~ed for Joe Smith ~nd John voting for Senator John Kenne- tel' plate. . =========I~~:~:~:f~~vel~~Pit~pr~~:m~~~ erahon. Dee Bell :i~~~~gt~a~~vi: ~h:e:o~I::n~~:~~ ~:n~e ~1~I~lo~V~~e~~~~nth;hd; b. ~;Ja;~~rth~nui~:d ~;~ GOLD BUG ~;ne:e~:~~ ~~oe:kaet;o~a~Sae;~~:~:i ~~;~~~~w:arCti~Sdr:fni!~reat~~XO~~ !~rdkb~~erth;la~~ead g!~i:.ln.itudc:he::~'P;~bj'uh!d W,,:!:~ duty to per~orm, and the stU-I' Kryptlc Komments I the splen?id past .record of the C. leave your knife and monthlyon Friday dur.nll'Oetober.No- dents a~e waIted on ~s promptly Democratic ~a,n.dldate. . The fork on your dinner ::t~;~':,f!~~!~~!~::Fm~~~::~;as;h:ss:b~:'iPS into the kitchen ~;:~al~ssu::;;:~~ss~~ h~~ p;~~ 6. Wh:~a~~ is dining out, E:!~!~~·~i1:M~~I.'!':tAOe~I":i:~~ksl~O~utli~heey '~~~ve:t:oti~~ It seems that ring-bearers RI'e becoming more numeroUS at ~:~~~~~~:i~pe~~~~so~~~Vi~:dm~~: :la~;~~~ :ua!secorrectly _ . utilita;'ian. The refrigerator is WMC. Perhaps this week-end will add even more sparkle to our finn reasons for supporting a. on her lap. Member in the back and holds certain campus! John Kennedy. b. on the table. Associated Collegiate Press supplies, canned goods are . *. *. . However, I believe there is c. on the floor. :Subscription Price $2.00 a Year ~~~~d ;o~ s~~~~eas;in~ndv::~~~ ~ole~:'t~=1);:~~n;e:;b~Yo~I.~~~t~~;;It~:lt~.,:I:~aret~~::~~H~~o~:/{f~:f- ~:~:h:~dfa~!~~,t~~~~ 1Ulil;P~~~ 7. :~I~~~ ~n~e~~~ ~~:h o~~ Earbara Horst items is installed away from the It·down. Tlils m~181CsW11lgs-llke, lets too. veloped. This is the character express your sympathy . . . Editor-in-Chief outer serving area. "It's not as • .. • and l integrity or should I say to the family, you should WIlliam Kerbm. . easy as the students think." Glad to see the crowd for the Anna Russell program. Tuste the lack of them in "Tricky a. call them on the EDITORIA~u~;~s;:dltor Thus far grievances have been seems to be improving. . Dicky." . . . ~~.i~~~~y ;~~ a::' y ~!F!8~:;!""'d;'j;,:-::--"::~:~IEK:!.h!~~~~ ~~ve~:~or:.t the grille and its Are you a big jug 01'a l!ttI: 1II:g1 bU~P~~: ~~:hd~lt~e:~i~~sbO~~!IO~ b. send them a printed ~S~!~tE:it~r~it~~_J:~!r~'S~:rhH~~e'~.t h stron; ~~e that Amen, Waldorf, Amen! :~~~:an~~ o~uab::~lul~~~~~d'~~; ~~i~~~;a:~;: o~vi:~ John Whale)' S OU lOme 0 e occu- * '" • eighteen thousand dollars is re- c. send them a very ~:~n:::;t:r·=~:~~~~Fi;!f~~~~~i~\h~t~~l~!s.toe~r:~\h~~ welc~~:~~ ~V;::n!~ttJr::a:h:~::1.~a~t Tuesday? It 1'cally wa~ a ~~~t Ah~:it_o,;'~~stH~~\:i~~a~~: r~~ ~:t~ ee~p~:~s~~;r~~~~ :~:')~li~~i;~~:~j~~~~~~~~~~?::~~~:~~';'k:::,f:~:::::I:~~nu:fa'~!n:V~::~:~K,:I.',::,::::::'toF"d,· ~~fl~~~~!.1:ftt~J~~ii;8,~~t~;~f;~~:i~~ ~:.':'iJ~~~:~n:erry.and Car- bars and grilles o~ other cam- Have you ever wanted to know what Michigan State is like? Colorado in 1950, and his accus- er." EUSINESS STAFF, the 'YMC grIlle ~kes tIle Ask a certain Mason. ing Adlai Stevenson of spread- b. "Ralph, this is Bob." Adv~rtl.jnli Man8l1'er_ Herbert Fallin pnze for belllg the sloppiest and ing Pro-Soviet propaganda in C. "Ralph Scott, this is ~ir~~i~f;:n'-===----=--=----=-_=--~';."~jl!:~/:ugliest. Enough said! Mamy and va1'ied have been the ca;periCJlces of our futnre 1956 are all indicative of the Bob Turner." fo~!;~a~~~~~;~~~~i:~~::~Sh!~~rb:e t!:or:n~r;t:~o~~~t~o~ teachers. Remember practice. 1!I~ke! perfect! 0,· does it? ~~~~a~f~~~st~:\~h:n :~~s ~~~~ Adapted from S°tn~eU~g~r~~ operative. BGH~ Don't f,-~:~ett~e ISC movie, "Sons and Lovers," November 15. served as a model for T. S. Eliot. (Answersonpage9)
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