Page 18 - TheGoldBug1960-61
P. 18
2 The Gold Bug, Nov. 18. 1960 Tile Editor Speaks .. ... Campus Di~initiesWande! I Kryptic Komments Drama In Life Tllrougll Winslow Scropolls Congr-ats to the football team on another win! Good luck This evening in Alumni Hall, the College Players will present by Barbara Cook of Hearts and the Jack of tomorrow. their interpretation of Lawrence and Lee's dramatic play "Inherit Campus divinities are a com- Spades. the Wind." mon occurrence in our modern Near the w:indows, a Jupiter As the various students depict their characters, the men and colleges and universities and and a Juno are busily marking women established by the authors, a presentation of creative WMC is no exception. The best papers, and they are aided by Anyone for pills? ~~;~n~~:; :;~~~:jO~;y~e~~\~!af~te;::e~a~:~:yw~l~u:mi~~~J~:a~ ~!~;u:~: t~!S~~·;:~;~h:~Vi:~~ !~r:~u!:~~sd:;t\~~~;!h:ni~~~~~ The caliber of our asslnn?ly speakers is impromng. Thcre and ~~~n;:r!~nt~~ei~~l~~~s P:l~~U~!~O~hesecond or third time w:ill ~~:p~c~~~~\)~:i~.looking wind- ~~~vhenthe average is below six- 1n1(.8tbe a student on the c:m~tt~ee.. • discover something new and different in this one night perform; Here, day after .day, personifi- Suddenly the door bursts Homecoming was a s~cc~ss ~n s,fit; of the rain. ance. Each dramatic art student participating in the scenes of cation of the Greek gods and open and into the room swarms the annual Thanksgiving play will have created the character in goddesses wander about, and the a whole host of campus divirri- his own mind and in this way brought it to reality. only differences are that they ties. Leading is a young Diana, One of the fundamental points in the training for perform- live on the Hill instead of Mount her gym suit peeping from un- Condolences to freshmen men who cannot attend the frat ance on the stage states that a person must not only understand Olympus, they don't wear flow- der her trench coat. Behind her party. his part and his character, but also feel the way the character ing robes, and they subsist on staggers a priest, fresh from a .. . .. should feel. It is essential for the actor to live the part by gain- bottled nectar and grilled am- bacchanalian revel and carrying . . ~t ~.ll be -mee to see Dr. Whttfield back on the H111 a.galn even ing a thorough knowledge of both the background and the atti- broaia with lettuce and mayon- jm offering to Bacchus (god of 1f tt 1-8 Just for a stroll. tudes of the part he is playing. Only then will the character naise. Let us sit for a moment wine) in his rear pocket. Last emerge on the stage as a sincere and believable individual. in an obscure corner of the is a Pan (god of woods and Dramatic art is not the superficial "play-acting" which many Winslow Scropolis and observe. fields), brushing seventh-green- people consider it. If an actor or actress developed the attitude Since it is near the noon hour, type grass off his coat. Four days to g·ive th~n:k! f O ;· •• Be .sociable, have a pheasant. ~:;l:v~~r ;:~i:~~ern:r:~y p~~:i~n t~V~il:~'i;h~~I~:l~no~h~e~t~e:~~~~:r~:~e:o a;:e G:o~~)~~~ ~~~r;bo~~~,Of;~~se:u~~\~o t~e~;c~~~~ Haven's the Bachelors found out yet that two o~ their pledges critical age. white jackets and depart to the (messenger of the gods) go to were s?en comfo!t~bly I?RIVING toward a certain destination In its many types and styles drama is easily applied to real dining hall. Back in a corner three or four and then dash for their- Hell Mission WIth DATES? life situations. Most of the time the author of a dramatic or even near the "lyre-box" sits an light-footedly back to the dorm • • • • • a comic creation takes his inspiration from actual occurrences, Apollo with his Venus, and over to distribute the messages. Youthful /1·eshmen conquer "old Iodice" on the ltphill gradc. with the purpose in his mind to improve, correct, or applaud con- their heads a suspended Cupid At the knell of the temple Congnltulatiolls, freshman /trn;key team. ditions. fires darts right and left. In the gong, the remaining divinities .. .. .. .. .. What is it in life that makes it so susceptible to imitation, center of the room sits a group depart with their possessions. Does the horseshoe on top of Carpe Diem still hold enough development, or mockery? Obviously a creative writer sees of Vulcans (fire-gods), blowing 'I'hehall is left in silence with luck for tomorrow's game with Hopkins? Let's hope so. enough in life to use as a basis for plot, characters, mood, and smoke rings as they engage in only Cupid to disturb the still- • • • • • theme. mortal combat with the Queen ness with his dart practice. Don't forget "Inherit the Wind." expe~~~ ~~t~~er~i~ ~~~ir:~~ ~ s~:l~~~: ~~a:i:c~~arOa~t!~~~~~ey!~I~========;""'========;""'================= Since a fundamental of the actor's training is to feel and live CI F U d t d" W ~~: !~~~/i~:s ~~~:~ t:t~~er!~~~:a~~tby~blYlacks the depth which Act Devoted Signless StDte and be the part, he does so with sincerity. But in real life there ues or n ers an Ing' omen At t.he crest of Westminster's is no overpowering urge to feel, live, or be anything particular. highest hill, there sits in aU its Individuals tend to mold themselves to picayune details- unheralded g lor y Western ~~t~e~a~~~~~~~eu~~:tr::aa:drn;t~~~~:~~p':;J!:~!a~~:ds::I~~~~~~ Act Jealous ~;~:iJ~~~d~~~:~~O~~l' ~n:;i~~: ~~arsp::(eo:ot~:e~~:Ya::~~~~;i~~~p!:~i~:da~nl!~:tPs~~~~;t~~n~~ha~~ :~~~;.~:~;: !~~:o:r,~~c:~~~:eF ~~~!::udon t know:0:much, j~r;;:~l~,~~~rbe~~J~;~~e~l?s~~~ ~~~s!~=~b:: ~~et:eo~~sc~:~~ a~i That's IYO~'ll be off ~he hook--especial- the Accept her .fa~lts .. Pre- ~~~~itYYi~\~;~~e~ns~~~!~~~ef::~ fiot~~:r~nacr~ic_ It. can't be .d?ne. 7. son ~h~t~~e~~a~~l~;:~~s :~:e~~~s ~isa~ha~~~t:;~:; r acter~an:?~~tual members of society overlook the fact that if f:~~~~~~~i~i.n: ;:~ve;e 0 desC~~di~;m:;~tl~es:":man~:c~;~:he al~:eySe~:t~;r~~e:n~:mc~ un~~~~u~~:! ~r~~~:c~... as a some phases of their personality were dependable and predictable, S~ld one mnete~nth cent~ry proach so, _If you comphm~nt tual WIth her. (Your ho~ts matter of fact, once upon many ~:~tOUld make a far better adjustment to the flux in today's ~~~S~fi;l:kel~nn~~~h~~m~:ve;~:~ ~~~r:~:ser o~no~~l:df~~!n~~~~~n~;~; c~~~r:t~~~fS a!ec~~~~; ~imts ... f~e ~ittl~ ~~pI.~ i~ thi~ . p'erhaps the initial principle ?f. dramatic art should be ap_ Patmore: ~t;~;~~l;~ ~~~~ts~:u~~o~s iih~~! ~~~te~o~; ~~!~~in~ne d~~:~ y:~ ~u~~~~a~~eda:orITl~e~e ae:_ phed to natural a~d spontaneous hv~ng.. If .s,!ch a theory bec.ame A Woman is at foreign land things. Virtually every woman such articles of faith as the fol- pectmg vl~ltors from the great a part of the habitual pat~em of life, mdlvlduals would gam a Of which, though there he likes to be proud of her man's lowing; every woman could be world oUf.s:lde.. or the whole depth that was never before apparent. BGH settle y.oung. intellect, so profit from the ex- pretty ~f she'd just spend as me~~~nof ah~~eol:e~~:s ,:~r~i:; * .... .,.L ~.l. A man Will ne'er qUIte under- ample of agent who was. fam- much on herself .as that ~eoplegfrom another little world - l t ~ ,er 10 IHe ~ultor- Ths:an~ustoms, politics and ~~: :~rirt;~~n~o~~~~~e t~~ng:; ~oc~e~lorlsnar~h:ec~~ryaZ~:~ap~~ ~~~;tsi'gn:nplac~:~~n~~~ategi~ (most ~f whic~ are hera.ld't, a~- ;~~~~ 6';.i:a~~:~; tongue. Giovanni Gi- :~~ t~~!~i~~~a~:li~;r~~P~l~~ TOc~:;:'sE~to;~e initiative and ~~::~~;~a:~he~:f::ce!~ie ~t;!=~ f ?t~~~ ~~inker:t mOI~ SuCl\~SS- 4. Learn to read her signals. no ;nan really understands ~~~~~o;~:~~~n~it~~~e~~rderS) foresight of the Delta Pi Alpha ture top talent for their con- u w~ e ~r~ y~rpu~z Inlg Many mC'n suspect-an? many worn n. by Doroth lIforrison Alas these visitors were fraternity for presenting to the certs and dances, Western sex't ~~~ m1.~ y ~ -;~ S Ii - women cheerfully admlt-th~t ShuUo-n /.~orporated forced into the socially unac- ~~f:;:s aOfu~e:!e~~dM::~lt~~; M;~Y!~~~::t~ t~: ~~u~~7:i cry, ~~~ ~~ Di;~;:Or ~~ Shultlon, ~:~ ~~~~e~~~::S:dla~gUt:~~tfv~~:~~ ~:~~~e toP~:!~~O:~fpe~~~~~e~~ experience. Few realize the "but we're a small college," has cfmpI~ so;.e of t~:~e v:~~u~le tlOns and p~uses between words ill &11111t group irresponsibility, but due ::~~: ~~:~: :ro:k ,~~~~~,!e~a~~ r~~~~d~~~~~e:~~~~!sh~::c st:~~ ~~~sand I~te/~~ ~ a~d \~er .. er ::lv~:.ll ~~;~~l t~:v~~or:e:~e.%: 1Il rr!1 .. ~~~rJYn;~ fi~h; o~~C;it~:tw~~t:. lit- agmary! dust from her sho~lder, bilingual ladies, it behooves you w-,~u ..~ at this college but from the by the traditional small dance ~. Act devoted. Brush Im- b~t for optImum success With 1j'fhttttlt",ntutttn ~ "SUl·ely," they have thought, amount of art and pub!"'t bands--with consequently "we will be able to find a sign material circulated throug~C~~~tIe differentiation betV:een hold hands under ~he dmner to understand a'littie of it. . announcing Western Maryland ~~c~~~:::.!ta~:::~eob~:~ss t~~~ !~~:~a~;~.g and the less for- ~~~~~'l~:c~iP:o~~V~IPt~u~~eJ~ pa~~:~ChH~~~f;~uth:s:~r~fie~a~; pe;rodt~hf:~wa;:~~o~fa;;:::~~~ ~~l~e~~ssf;~~e~~~!"Ou~U!i:i~~: in this effort to !levate p~he . To be certain there i~ a ri~k ~;e~~o;IJ ;:r:r I:O;~;. g;;~~~: ~~~~ ~~~~n~~cn ;::~n~lo~fro~~ ~~~~d~:e O~lm:iS{t:~;,t~:ti~~~ drove right by. ~tanda;ds of ~:Irh Ho;efommg mvolved, for several times m suggestions, for instance, come and has she hesitated just a few eating and visiting, to share se~~ ~~:a~ p~oble~ h~re p~e- t:n~e mre~or~bl~gco~fe:; ,~~~~ ~;e ;~~~e~U~~llt:u;;~;t st;:n~~~ ~~0"!(;h:,01~t y~~r ~~~e~,~ea~~~~~~;dSthebe~~~jec:~Yii~g R~:!~ ~v~~hs~~~~~~~a moment of calm t!on. ~f we uc~uld j~~:~a~~ u~ end. gamzed movement offering a they work? So well that Ovid, comes along you'll be in the It is often so easy to lose h.ttle. sign ... or better still a The question now is not "was wider and '_l1oreappealing. pro- the author, waS!obliged to write doghouse. The same goes for sight of the bountiful blessings ~I~tslgnt"'U' ·ta~ ~~e e~d . /. or ~~:s?So;:r i~o~os~~~~~:~nl~\~~~~f~;mb;el~~~o~~h~~~::;~~jU~~~ :vo~~u:~t;~~:i:gg :~l~an~~:! to :h;~u;.~oa~~~~;:;P~~i~o t~ne;o~! ~~h~~~d:~;;eli~~ ae::~i!n:!~~~:~ c:m.~~~ ~e :oul: at ~:as~ ~ :e~~ but, rather "will th.e n~merous thusiasm a~d interest ~xtended Other tips from Ovid's first class reunion, she'd have said pursuits. o~~:rs_bb) the world (and all other campus organJzat~ons fo!- by the entire III e_v~ry work: lose to her at gambling, so heartily. Be alert, too, for Thankfulness for the gifts p y . yea_rin this No- ~~~t;;S!r~: !:;:;;ti~~~= low and attempt to contmue thiS fa~et of Homec?mmg activity yield to her smallest whim, be the hinll so indirect as to be the that enhance each singular life ---- precedent?" If the Universitr thl~ year, there 1S a reasonab.le sure those sitting behind her at opposite of what it sounds like. should be expressed more often The scrgoo.nt for =========I~~~~m!~~~y t~:ckst~~;nt:ha:~~ ~~:esCit~c:osh~~~':Ck~hrust their ~~.o~~ \~~~~~a~~'~:;ll~n:~!~~ !~~n:rn~ee:~~ GO LD BUG fo~;::a:let~;irit,,, trite as it w:~'s A~tnre~es~l~~~ie_! wi~~~ ~~~n;~r~~:gi~~'now"----and don't si:plebr~;f co~;~~_y:,U~~h:~ :~::~ClY of 1'ecent college gradu- may s~und, is essential for the reasonable limits, of course---is But if you think this is it is honest \vill do more for the "You guys alm.ost all got de- welI-.bemg of any college com- one of the most effective ego- tough, ponder what your fa- increase of an individual's pros- grees. B1a oon't forget," lw mumty, and in order to attain builders a woman can have. thers and grandfathers went perity than any other means of said as he pointed to the- 8ix ::~nd~cl:.ry;""~~r atarhe P!~~f!lea: ;nu~t ~~s::.s:. pi:~:ita~ i~~e~:~~ ;hhee:~~~~,f~~~::~~~/a:i:n:~~~ ~~:~o:;~bo~so~~e;~~~~d ~:~mr~~ re~~~~iot~e GOLDBUGstaff-A ~;:e:,s~~ his sleeve, "/ got my :::~b'3~t~S7/rf.ryland. under Aet of!7ra~~i~i~l~tli:lt:Sv::,!;dss~~~;:t~o~n.y;tf YaOt\eh:til~o~~~~~~e:~~~~~~:~Ol~~y:h:c:~~~~;-~~i:n~:a;! Happy Thanksgiving. The Rearfcr's Dige8t, Member of hfe ... but traditIOn. Without stage, ask if she's free for a of milady's head and the dis- Associated Collegiate Press room ~or growt~ and Improve- date in a tone that implies you tance from her nostril to the c-c----,-,---c'-.::_-_:_:= I ment IS stagnatIOn! think you're competing with at corner of her mouth for ciues Subscription Price $2.00 a Year Sincerely, least two other guys. Never let as to her intelligence, temper, Carolyn Conkling her suspect that you know and virtue! Barbara Horst Editor-in-Chief you're her only beau--even if 5. \Vatch your grooming. William Kerbin you know it for a fact! Women have one trait in com- Business Editor 3. Know what to say. Sup- mon with the less beautiful sex; EDITORIAL STAFF Ode pose she's made an obvious ef- they feel flattered when a date .lane Erng""'rg~r New. Editor __ C.,..F.,.ture Editor _ Carol Kammerer fort to look glamorous and vou or mate takes special pains to ~!s~~tEdi~~ito~--:J:~li't\,~~l.i Whe~n~h~h~i~~~rg:ro07vsd;~e can't remember whether yo~'ye be attractive. Beau Brummell seen the dress before. Or you'd broke hearts in. nineteenth cen- Jobn Whaley And a column isn't like to compliment her on her tury England SImply because he COpy Readen ---- B~~:.I:..n:~ik~~long enough, flair for fashion but you had a good tailor, and Lord Typln&"Editor __ Barbara Wolozln Panic strikes home in wouldn't know the difference Bryon's collars, cleverly ar- those who wait. Typists; ~':ti~~ieAnn~o~%'!:~t. ~~~e"l What e'er we write, between an Empire line and a ranged to bare his muscular Get out of it gra- throat, set all of female Europe chain gang. Reporien: g:!~ly~lIei'ioe!!~~:::"i;"~ it's just a bluff. ciously _ and effectively _ by a-throb. ta Willett Hoover, Allen J"on"". Diane saying simply, "How lovely you 6. Give the right type of ~~re':,k.O~uat.rp~ig~ii:reO:d: To fiU the space look!" gift. G.ifts, like courtesies, Lynne Rodway.Jerry 81eg- we search the news If you're married, never r€- should be small and frequent, ~:.:irk~~~n:en"Y.IlndC..r- But nothing seems spond to that inevitable ques- rather than rare and extra va- BUSINESS STAFF to be quite right. tion with "Of course I love gant, if you're going to give her AdvutlAln(l" Mana~~r _ Hubert Fallin We've all run out you." It sounds much too the sense of R.ppreciation she brusque. Instead, say "You craves. Take a tip from Na_ ~~E!!~h:-=-;.:~!=r~~:So h~~ea~~ ~:~::. and don't know how much." This poleon, who courted his secondI "', HANOED [lAC/( 1"fI~IR T~7f$ "fep;...y! rRY TO before, but she'll love it and bride by arranging to have ~::~I;:'nt-~-=~uD~~~l~I~~::,~sarvi:'~:~' ::~!;ies !'>iAl-L. THeM fOR AT UAsr fNt MINur~$! II before, bbut she'll love it and flowers by wire!
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