Page 29 - TheGoldBug1958-59
P. 29
The Gold Bug, Jan. 16, 1959 High On The Hill Two WM Students Dr. Wenner Receives Honor Bosworth And Taylor Lead ~~~~~~h'~~~;'~~d~~~~From Baltimore Newspaper Various Campus Functions len Spicer, and Henry So, foreign re- oring Doctor Evely.n Wenner which pectation that records there find some In light of the recent article hon- she will recently student, have just which old family turned from the YMCA and the appeared in The Sun, the GOLDBUG have not yet been discovered. If by Lelia Ann Ma.nning by John Wa.ghelstein YWCA conference. The confer- presents the following article re- so, they could shed considerable Students, if a small streak of For the past three years, I've ence, which was held on the campus porting her studie8 while she is light on her elusive subject. of Illinois in Ur- in EnglcL1Ul. lightning should pass you by, be- had the good fortune to room with of the University commenced on De- traveling name, George Steevena, Visits Descendants bane, Illinois, The fore you blame the space age take one of WMC's outstanding citizens. «ember 28, 1958 and lasted until means little or nothing to most Also, in response to an advertise- another look! It may just be Bev- Claiming home in Havre de Grace, ment which Doctor Wenner placed erly Bosworth scurrying from one Maryland, Hal entered WMC in January 3, 1959. which is held people, including enlightened Eng- in one of the British literary jour- This convocation, lish majors. But. to Doctor Evelyn the fall of 1955. Since that time nals, she will travel to Iwerne Min- Hal has gradually moved himself every four years, has as its pur- W. Wenner, the name has a great ster. In this small town on the up the ladder of success. He is a pose, the setting of the tone for the deal of meaning. Doctor Wenner, Southern coast of England live two of English professor the next four an associate "Y" movement leader in many phases of our col- for elderly descendants of Steevens. lege community. years. Over 1000 delegates, from here at western Maryland, is now Among their possessions they have A chemistry and physics major, all parts of the United States and on a sabbatical leave in England a letter signed by Steevens. And Hal has the majority of his after- Hawaii, convened for the seven day pursuing information about this there is always the chance that noons occupied with labs. How- conclave. Though Western Mary- little-known man's life. they may have some other stories land College does not have a "Y" ever, his countless afternoons of Wenner States Goal to relate about their mysterious on campus, experiments were rewarded when organization associated with we are Doctor Wenner's immediate goal ancestor. the nonetheless he was awarded the Harry Clary "Y" movement. is to unearth sufficient information What is known about Steevens' Jones scholarship for chemistry. to enable her to write the first bi- personal traits is far from favor- In his sophomore year, Hal ac- Students Enroll ography of Steevens. As this able. In rare moments he showed cepted the bid to Alpha Gamma Studying in different areas of'in- statement seems to indicate, much that he was capable of amiability, Tau fraternity. Serving as treas- of Steevens' life has been a mys- but this is overshadowed by his urer in his junior year, Hal was terest, Henry attended the- discus- tery until now. In fact, Doctor sarcastic, hot-tempered attacks on elected to the fraternity presidency sion group on the "world communi- his contemporaries. Doctor 'Ven- in May of 1958. By virtue of his ty." Allen attended the "inter- Wenner, who became acquainted ner believes that this emphasis up- her Ph.D. with him while writing office in the Bachelors, Hal is cur- racial relations" workshop. The thesis, is only one of a few scholars on the unfavorable side of his per- rently serving as president of the SCA leader stated in regards to who have made special studies on sonality has resulted in a lessening Inter-Fraternity Council. this workshop, "it was fascinating him. of the value of Steevens' contribu- Returning early this fall, Hal to watch negroes and whites strug- tion to the literary world. He was Why 'does he merit study in the was a participant in the Student gle in lengthy sessions in an effort Hrst place? There are many note- a man of genuine learning what- Leaders' Conference. Likewise, to understand one another." ever his personal characteristics. The theme for this year's work- worthy reasons. Besides being a shop was the "Search for the Au- member of Doctor Samuel John- The source of thUs a.rtide has thentic Self." The theme was pre- son's famous literary circle, he was been trom: a. column appearing in class to another, one activity to an- sented in a dialogue fashion, which one of the first Shakespeare critics The Sun, Jwnuary vv, VTET, en- other, or to a special-interest bas- was broken down into three sec- to point out that Shakespeare's titled "From a. Window in Fleet ketball game. tions. These sections included plays were really a reflection upon Street," written by Joseph R. L. Four years ago Bev left her "Man to Culture;" "Man to Man;" the customs ·)f his own time. One Sterne of the Sun's London Bureau; home in Silver Spring to enter and "Man to God." In order to of Doctor \Venner's aims as she Because of George Steevena' in- Western Maryland College as an meet the daily religious needs of pursues her studies is to see how tense aversion to signing his name well his interpretations measure up eager freshman. Despite the pres- those attending the conference, to anything of a personal nature, sures of a heavy academic load and there were some 57 dialogue to more recent studies on Shake- Doctor Wenner has quite a task an active social life, Bev began her groups. speare. Of lesser note was his ca- still before her. But she is confi- career as a freshman by receiving Delegates Travel reer as a poet and illustrator. He dent that her search will not be in outstanding academic recognition. Our two delegates traveled by was. a scholar though in the true vain. Our present Porn-Porn Girls are train to Altoona, Pennsylvania, to sense of the word. largely the result of Beverly's initi- meet the Penn State delegation. Hampstead, a section of North- ative, for she organized and in- Expenses for such a trip were west London, is Doctor 'Wenner's headquarters while she at present structed the first team of girls and financed mainly by the Westmin- Little Symphony continued to serve as their leader ster Methodist Church, special SCA pursues her search. It is here that Invites through her junior year. project, and personal. Steevens spent the last thirty years Bev began her sophomore year Arriving on the campus, our stu- of his life after he inherited a Director Philip Royer, as a newly-iniat.iated "purple cow." dents were shortly greeted by the small family fortune. By search- the Little Symphony Orches- of town rec- ing all of the available She went on in her sorority to be- keynote speaker of the evening, come sergeant-at-arms in her jun- Dr. M. Johnson, President of How- ords, Doctor Wenner has been able tra at the college, extends an ior year. ard University. Dr. Johnson spoke to locate some hitherto unknown in- invitation to all students and faculty members who play an Having a trio of academic inter- Harold Taylor on "The Desperate Need of Leader- formation. , orchestral instrument to join While in London, she also has ship in the Community." Dr. Paul spent several days in Poplar, the the orchestra in the program :~:dies~~:s ~~s E~~~i~~~~d~~~~~~~ ~::~n~c~h:e~~i~tia;e:::* ;:l t~~ur~ Lehman spoke, later, on "What God section where Steevens was born which will be presented in inS:~~~I;~it~~j~;-vie:~~;si~:~~~f - ~::~r.of the Freshman-Advisory is Doing in the World7" These and also buried. By checking Alumni Hall on Friday eve- are only a sample of tbe speakers through old sources, Doctor Wen- ning, April 17, 1959. and their stirring topics, who ad- ~~~e],~~:C~:r~ ~r~~e~~~ ~~ ~:; ro~edddini~tot~~S b:J~:~~!al ~~;~ dressed this "Y" convocation. ner hopes to be able to secure the The orchestra rehearses necessary which will enable data The President of the SCA ex- her to reconstruct his boyhood every Thursday afternoon in ~~~~:ol~~~e ;~:~ s;;e~~~:t o~h~~ ~~~~,se;:1t~: f:~~~:.asO~!~:t d~~ claimed in praise of the conference, days. the Orchestra and Band room "This conference has made me feel in Alumni Hall from 3 :05 to ye~~ until this year, those who Taylor, executive officer of "B" Essex will be Doctor Wenner's 5:05. that it is our Christian challenge next stop. Here is located an old ~~:;~.~~ec~~~~duEe\~~~eh~ ~~;:; cO~~:;i~~ his heavy academic load to meet the needs in the world of family manor house. It is her ex- today." ~::J~r!~:f~i;~~! fi~~~lt;,:r;e:;s~ ~na~~:!a~~:;~~la:n Pi~r;;it~ii~~o~ po~~70nal=~:o~~~~~ ~ ~~~ug~di~ ~;g~~~~~:_'s ~~~~~e:St~~ia:~~~: ~: Heagy'. Sport Shop ~:~t~~~~~t ~ea';~~~~ens~:z:n:!~ :~c~:p~!~me~~~d~:;e w~e~,~gn~~e: 16 w. Main Iy established. Initial plans for Hal, after his ex- TIlden 8-5515 A Complete Sports Line , "ifB"y~ua sl~~;:;::~;ghini~~,e:~~ ~::~~~ ~:onr~,g~~~~~~~: ;::~~ea~d ~i::l t~e c;~e~:~~~,~~eP~~~~s ~~ m~~~a::;sonaiity can best be sum- :~:~;l~~s ;:i:~:~:, s~::~:y;e!~e~ :ar~~~~o~~ ~:y~n!p~;s. ~~~o;s~~ You've tried the rest ::~e a~:osotom:~; ~~1::a:c~~it~:' ;:~:.itiVb~:a~~I;, k:~ s~n:;l:; ~:= Now try the best. Delicious ~ve:sr:~e::r~~~~ti~n h~r ~~~~~~s~ ~~:v~i1~~; honor of being "High on Bev's plans for next year are di· Foods rected wward junior high school Compliments of teaching. Just recently she has AT returned from an enjoyable six J. R. EVERHART weeks of "meeting the needs of others." COLLEGE BARBER Griffin's The above serves only to enumer" At the Forb ate her many activities. Present- ing the cause for such results I see a girl filled with initiative, creativ- ity,and a strong will to perfection, capably matched with a very like- HAMPSTEAD able personality. So she has prov- FOR FLOWERS en to others what I have always RIDING SCHOOL Artistically arranged felt ... she truly merits her place in being "High on the Hill." Horsemanship Classes for each different personality SATURDAY and SUNDAY Ralph's oUTTERER 'S Crown Service Trail Rides Penna. & Hersh Aves. STUDENT RATES 114 Pennsylvania Ave. TI Iden 8·9350 Westminster,Md. RaraAvis Phone TI 8-8352 Baugher's Restaurant Westminster It's a rare bird indeed who doesn't e JUST OFF THE CAMPUS Laundry care for the good taste or Coke! In fact. you might even call him an and Dry Cleaning odd ball. After all, 58 million times FOR A MEAL OR SNACK a day somebody, somewhere. enjoys LAUNDRY ROOM Coca-Cola. All these people LOCATED IN OLD MAIN just can'~ be wrong! Homemade Ice Cream and Thick l\liIk.hake. SIGN OF GOOD TASTE We Give S&H Green Stamps OPEN EVERY DAY Bottled under Cluthority of The COCCl-CO!O Company by WESTMINSTER COCA·COLA BO'ITLiNG CO. INC.
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