Page 11 - TheGoldBug1958-59
P. 11
The Gold Bug, Oct. 24, 1958 Seniors Present Impressions Green Terror Gridiron Action Of Life At Western Maryland Is Broadcast Over Station WTTR by Lee Ann Manning by William Achenbach and Kay Payne In turning on your radio on a It is here at Western Maryland particular Saturday afternoon, you From a stranger's point of view, that I have spent some of the hap- might have beard, "Good After- an afternoon visit to Western piest days of my life. noon Ladies and Gentlemen, this is Maryland College would find the Here I have met many people I Kaye Kolb in Ashland, Virginia, campus a quiet, serene, almost bar- will remember for years to come--- fer WTTR of Westminster, Mary- ren place. He would be impressed in the dormitory, in my classes land. We are bringing you the with the small ivy-covered chapel, and in my fraternity. Western play-by-play account of todny's the traditional Old Main, the beau- Maryland has helped me to gain a _ football game between the Yellow t.iful new Chapel, and the campus broader insight into the types of Jackets of Randolph-Macon and grounds tinted. with fall's oranges, people with which I will have to our Green Terrors of Western yellows, and reds. However, this deal when I leave college. Maryland College." dues not allow him to see and to Upon leaving high school, I felt Marking an innovation in the really know Western Maryland. as if I knew almost all there was college's program, the idea of the A freshman can not appreciate to know. Through my association broadcasting of the home and away his school as he is initially con- with well-educated members' of the games of the Western Maryland cerned with adjustment to college faculty, I realize that there is still eleven grew out of an idea which life. To be more specific, as fresh- a great deal that I shall never Kaye Kolb and Bob Waldorf pro- men, we were only able to touch know. Because of this WMC has pounded this summer. Agreeing the surface of the many and varied instilled in me a sense of humility. on its possibilities, Mr. Kolb and school activities. As sophomores, I feel that even mature people Coach Waldorf presented the plan we realized that we were wanted become more so in college. When to Dr. Ensor who gave the "go- when we accepted sorority bids. one is able to escape his own ethno- ahead" signal. As juniors, we faced a hectic year centric group and become part of a Proceeding to formulate a script of specialized studies, new obliga- larger, more heterogeneous group, for the radio program, Kaye Kolb, tions, and added extra-curricular he comes to the realization that who is program director of the lo- activities. sometimes his values aren't always cal radio station, wrote for bro- Kolb, lVTTR program director and play-by-play announcer Our past three years, each the most desirable. cbures of the different colleges and of WMC football games, is seen in familia,r pose, unicue in its effect, has instilled in Western Maryland has given me universities which Western Mary- us our current attitudes and values. the desire for greater knowledge. land was to face. However, prior for the three away games, when game. The main source of power We feel that Western Maryland I came to college more from a lack to this it was necessary to procure the team played Penn Military CoI- was erroneously shut-off, causing students are affable, not merely be- of anything else to do than from a a sponsor. Fortunately, two were legc in Chester, Pennsylvania, the mass confusion in the preesbox, and cause the enrollment is small, but desire to improve my education. found, tho Hampstead Motor Com- game was relayed back through quick a.ction at station WTTR, partly because of the many activi- Loking at the good times I have pany and the Koontz Creamery. Chester to Baltimore to Washing- where there was but a few seconds ties that bring us together. had in college, I see that a list Starting to plan a game pro- ton to Westminster. of silence over the air. Operating Friendliness served as a keywor-d would be practically unlimited; gram, WTTR begins on a Monday A Baltimore Junior College stu- off an emergency auxiliary kit, from tlie very first day of our col- parties, football games, basketball morning. Working up the script dent, Kaye Kolb, who has been Kaye and Paul were able to con- lege years. Our friends include games, intramural sports, inter- from the obtained pamphlets, a win. WTTR for nearly five years, elude the game with the final wrap- not just our roommate or our din- dormitory water battles, and many magnetic board is also set up with presents the play-by-p1n.y account up. ing hall companions, but everyone other things. Decorating- for the names of the opposition and of the game. Kaye has been an Realizing there is a margin for with whom we associate. dances one night and enjoying the-m the home team labeled in their re- ardent sports follower for many improvement, radio station WTTR playing Then, positions. \Ve met new people, some handi- the next night have. been some of spective the week Mr. Kolb cheeks years and has developed a great and the GOLD BUG would readily the most enjoyable during for functions capped, and some of a different re- me. with Al Brown, Phil Uhrig, and deal of practical knowledge on appreciate any action or comment ligion or faith than ourselves. We When I think of the changes that Bob Waldorf to sec if there have football. Paul Smith, a. graduate from the campus community. laughed and joked with others con- have taken place since entering been any changes in the starting of Shippensburg State Teachers cerning their religious beliefs and Western Maryland in 1955, it seems personnel and numbers of the play- College and a four year veteran of in turn became educated. We as- that I have been here much longer ers. the radio station, is in charge of Heagy's Sport Shop ecciated with foreign students, -McKinstry Hall is a thing of the Arriving on Saturday for a home the "color" portion of the Satur- learning of ways different from our day program. Color, a radio term, 16 W. Main own. past, a new chapel has been built, game, Kaye Kolb and his limited describes anything else besides the TIlden 8-5515 str.ff arrive on campus at 10 am in Union Building a Student is now Although Chapel attendance is under construction, and Old Main order to get set up with the eta- baa game, as the commercials, in- A Complete Sports Line criticized and many times inter- will soon be just a memory. tion. The line to WTTR is then terviews, and half-time. Aiding_ feres with our plans, we feel at- The junior year especially is one tested for approximately three Kaye and Paul in their work is tendance by the college community of the best in the student's college hour-e. Voice inflections are meas- Donald Haas, a. WMC senior, who in a uniform worship is essential. career. The planning, prepare- ured in order to synchronize the "spots" and supplies the technical Dining hall hours have a special tion, decoration, and finally the big frequency machines. terminology of the game. LECImON place in our hearts. First, the night of the Junior-Senior Prom Away games of the cnllegea are Presently, half-time activities waiters and waitresses are a homo- are unforgettable occasions. Like- slightly more complicated. The have included news of the school, GULF SERVICE geneous group and we regard our wise, the rehearsals for the Junior rudio station rents a special tele- of which the script is the product job not as a burden, but as a time Follics with a. feeling that they will phone line from the American Tclc- of several Western Maryland stu- of enjoyment. Secondly, the as- never "shape up," the actual pro- phone and Telegraph for three or dents; an interview with Dr. En- W. MAIN & PENNA. AVE. semblage of all the students at duetion, and finally the party af- four hours depending on the sor and "potluck." In away con- Westminster, Md. three meals is valuable when it terwards are also once-in-a-life- game's duration. The game is re- tests, it is hoped that the host team comes to producing a well-knit time experiences. layed back via the telephone lines will furnish tho half-time activi- TI8-9781 community. Some Sunday if you When I look back on my four to an outlet at WTTR which re- ties. can remove yourself from the years here, I see that WMC will be lays the game to the listening audi- An amusing happening which Complete Motor Service throng of hungry "table-seekers" hard to leave. Although I have cnee. There is special portable has occurred in the first year of Brakes Relined at dinner, stand back and take a been only a small, insignificant broadcast equipment hooked up to programming Wl!-S witnessed last 1001. at the people that attend your Follies with a feeling that they will \VTTR. To illustrate this service Saturday at the Hampden-Sydney school. \Ve have and find ourselves always be a very larfC part of me. which is estimated to cost $150.00 pretty proud of them. life, as and sorority Fraternity exhibited in the past month is full seA "Goblin Hop" Compliments of im- Df fun, competition and great when Slated For Friday J. R. EVERHART portance on tho campus. our time came to join an organiza- COLLEGE BARBER tion we were fearful of having to Amidst a festive Halloween at- At the Forks choose one and its group of mem- mosphere, the StudeIrt Christian hers to the exclusion of others. Association will sponsor the Goblin We found, however, that our Hop on Friday, October 31, from friendships were not concentrated 7:30 to 10:30 pm, in the Blanche but rather, they were broadened. Ward gym. Sorority life has given to us a Dress for the record hop will be Rasinsky' s Pharmacy sense of belonging, a chance to optional and the admission will be work with others, opportunities twenty-five cents per person. Re- "Reliable Prescriptions" fnr leadership, and strengthened freshments consisting -of cider and friendships with our sisters. doughnuts will be served. To Drugs and We suppose you could call Mc- brighten up the evening some spe- Everyday Needs Daniel Hall "our home away from cial added attractions arc promised home." With the addition of much in the way of entertainment. 30 W. Main St. Tbe proceedings from the dance noise, a bulletin board tacked with Westminster, Md. souvenirs, we, along with several will be used to enable one of our Tilden 8-7100 hundred other girls feel we have foreign students, Henry So, to at- been "at home" for three years. tend the Sixth National Student YMCA and the of Seldom, before this year, have we Assembly Henry will be o.nly one of YWCA. stopped to appreciate the tremend- ous efforts made by most of our several delegates sent to the con- TOMllILLER professors to drill 'something' into ference from Western Maryland are: attending Others College. our minds. How many times have CAMPUS AGENT we complained of too difficult an Al Spicer, Al Brown, Jim Thomas, for the asaignment, and too much of it? Ed Thigpen and Charles Pugh. The week long conference is being Finally, we feel that school spir_ held from December 28 to January Modem G. I. Laundry it does not exist just between the 3 at the University of Illinois, Ur- hours of one and four on Satur- bana, Illinois. The theme of the and Cleaners days. Spirit is the result of all the discussion, "Tho Authentic Self," things we participate in and feel a will be built around four main 223 E. Green St. part of in our college community. areas of inquiry. TIlden 8-6670 Surely, the chords of our Alma All Laundry and Dry Mater ring with true prominence Cleaning Work Guaranteed in our_minds now. Elementary. .. Patronize Our Advertisers You've tried the rest Now try the best. Baugher's Restaurant my dear Watson! From the happy look Delicious JUST OFF THE CAMPUS on your physiog, from the eheerfullift you seem to be enjoying, I deduce Foods FOR A MEAL OR SNACK you are imbibing Coca-Cola. No mystery about why Coke is the world's favorite ... such taste, such sparkle! Yes, my AT Homemade Ice Cream and Thick Milkshakes favorite case is always a case of Cokel Griffin's OPEN EVERY DAY SIGN OF GOOD TASTE Bottled under authority of The Coca-Cola Company by WESTMINSTER COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO.• INC_
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