Page 4 - TheGoldBug1955-56
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4- The GoJd Bug, Sept. 27. 1955 Moylan And McCoy Launch Mu_hlenfeld Solves Hunt Repr~s~nts Western Maryland At . SGA Activities On Hill Contests Mystery National Student Association Concave Did you ever think of entering a In an action which saw its beginning as part of the campaign contest just for fun, and then decide issues in last spring's Student' Government elections, Western not to because "other people" always Maryland College sent Howard Hunt, senior class representative to win? the Men's Council, to the University of Minnesota to the annual _ For once, the odds have been chal- convention of the United States National Student Association, with lenged. The other person is just the an eye to the possible joining of that group. The body, whose con- fellow around the corner. vention ran from August 21-31, enjoyed attendance- by observing On Feb. 8, 1955, an ad appeared in representatives from 49 different countries other than the United the GOlJl BUG which asked students States, in addition to the nearly 1,000 present from U.S. member to submit enter-ies to a contest sug- gesting how they would increase the ~:~;!~~;!~~;.~~:u~~~I~ge7;~: t~~ S~h~ Schools and Universities. popularity of cigarillos. Most of us financial burden. for this trip. ra~gUe~t'~n~:~t~~ a~~~~c::o~~t~:sS~~ read the ad, thought how nice it would The National Student Association is and the college adrrriniatrut.icn. The be to win $500 or $200, and promptly an organization composed of repre- proposed joining of this group has the forget about it. sentatives from a majority of the na- endorsement of President Lowell S. William Muhlenfeld, class of '57, tlon's colleges and universities. Its Ensor, but must necessarily be re- also read the ad. Just for fun, he sub- objects are primarily two-fold: (1) ferred to the student body for approv- mitted an entry and then "promptly to promote and exchange ideas for ai, if such action is to be taken. There forgot about it." In due course of time, the betterment of the nation's institu- is a widespread anticipation among Bill was notified that he had won tions of higher learning generally, informed sources in the Student Oov- second prize in the contest-$200. and (2) to give the students an organ emment that positive action in this Which just goes to prove that any- through which they may have a voice regard may be taken this year. body can win a contest-even someone in the affairs of the country nation- PriscilllkMcCoy you know. What's Will's formula for ally, and in the affairs of their col- Stands Listed success? It will be lost to posterity. leges individually. Its Pl}st president, Among the stands taken by the na- When asked what he wrote, Will sim- by William F. },1u.hlenfeld by Shirley Gootee Harry H. Lunn, Jr., served on the tional group at their summer concave ply replied, "I've forgotten!" UMT board in Washington and was a were: As president of the Student Gov- A timid freshman in 1952; the vice- . major factor in the recent Congres- 1. Approval of the long-proposed emment Association, Daniel Wheeler president of S. G. A. in 1955. That is r---------- sional realignment of the Selective and much debated 18-year-old vote, Moylan will be appropriately culrrri- -. the story of Priscilla McCoy. I C II C I cl Service Act. chiefly 011 the strcngth of increased nating what: has been a full and re- Hailing from Towson, "Prts" (as 0 ege a en ar educational benefits for this group in warding college career, not only for she is frequently called) is a four- Elects Officers Annually recent decades. him, but for those with whom he has year roomer of Blanche Ward Dor- Wednesday, Sept. 28 The National Student Association 2. An effort to remove from Attor, been associated. mitory. She holds the office of "official Fall Convocation, 11:30 AM, elects its officers annually on the ney General Herbert Brownell's list Alumni Hall His four years at Western Mary- knitter-fixer" and also serenades (1?) basis of 1 vote per thousands repre- of subversive orgnnizatjons many land have been as well-rounded and the fourth floor girls with her old-time Saturday October 1 sentation. 'I'hese officers take a le~ve names unjustifiably included, in spite his record as impressive as few can favorite "Here Comes Peter Cotton- Football PMC, Home of absence for one year from thelz- of the fact that their alleged subver- claim of their college tenure. In ad- tail". Favorite pastimes include eat- Saturday October 8 colleges and serve at the home of- sive activity goes unproven. dif.icn to his recent triumph in campus ing, sleeping, and watching TV (es- Football Randolph-Macon, Home fices of the NSA in Philadelphia in 3. A unanimous approval of the Su- politics, Dan has served as a speaker pecially every day at four). ' High School Guest Day paid professional capacities. Their preme Court decision favoring inte- for the International Relations Club, Priscilla's extracurricular activities duties are many and varied, including gration in the nation's schools, tem- as a stellar member of Alpha Gamma are well channeled. A member of the such as periodic visits to member in- pered, however, by a caution that Tau, as a halfback for t11.e soccer Blanche Ward House Council her first five Visit Europe stitutions, protecting the student in- haste in this issue is not nearly so team, and as the pivot man in Jim two years, she was also chosen to terest in Washington, investigating important as prudence and tact. Boyer's infield. And beside these serve on the Freshman Advisory Five members or-the faculty, Dean the programs (both academic and ex- Miss Marie Parker, extra-curr-icular achievements, Dan Council and the Social Activities Com- Helen Howery, Simkins, Miss Daisy tra-curricujar) of the nation's schools, Miss Elizabeth and so them. The NSA en- has succeeded in maintaining a solid mittee. She was a representative of Smith, and Miss Roselda Todd made 2.0 index. her class on the May Court during trips to Europe during the summer. joys the widespread support in of all Stationery undergraduate institutions the Not Much On Army her sophomore year. Priscilla is also a Watch for a feature article in the United States, and locally, the Middle and member of Phi Alpha Mu Sorority. As for personal likes and dislikes, Her junior year brought a busy next issue of the GOLD BUG. Atlantic Association of Secondary Greeting Cards he is fond of movies and baseball, year as Secretary of the S. G. A.j women in general and one in partie- later in the spring, she was elected at ular, and a roommate by name of vice-president. In May, Prls was one COME TO Frank M. Benson, Jr., who has been of four girls in her class honored as For a friendly atmosphere, P. G. COFFMAN his companion through the collegiate Trumpeter. DUTTERER'S and go!l(i food, take your date :v:r:a;::r:o:- ~:ar:~~~ !:e:~a~t~~ A sociology major, Priscilla is still Times Bldg. To The 114 Pennsylvania Ave. the wee hours of the morning, cal- :~a~ec~~~ka~~~ the~e;::~;:~yBO!~h: esthenics, and wind sprints. teaching hold particular interest for WINDOWS Westminster 350 Unfortunately for the belles of the her. However, I know that whatever FOR THE FINEST campus, Dan is and has been spoken she selects will be entered into with (Just past the overpass LAUNDROMAT for for some time. The lucky girl is as much zeal as she undertakes her IN CORSAGES AND Miss Ann Eckhardt, Western Mary- position this year as "Veep" of the on the Gettysburg Road) 5 Locust Street FLOWERS ~~~~;e~~~y\:~~o!~ i~u:~e:~~rtt~~c~~:~ student government. Opposite Parking Lot the time until a great day in the not- A friendly smile and soon you will DAILY-7:30 - 5:00 too-distant future. know Pris as I do. Then you will un;.. derstand why she is "HIGH ON THE FRIDAY UNTIL 8:00 Will Study Law HILL". Baugher's Restaurant CJosed Wed. Afternoon This is one of the big plans for the Westminster 1287 future. The other is a projected study In 1954, 35,500 Americans JUST OFF THI' CAMPUS of law, if and when the army is will- killed in traffic accidents. FREE DELIVERY SERVICE ing, probably at the University of FOR A MEAL OR SNACK Maryland. So all things going as planned, and in Dan's case plans hfive Compliments or a way of working out, the future will Homemade Ice Cream and Thick Milkshakes find him as a prominent Baltimore J. R. EVERHART lawyer and married to one of those COLLEGE BARBER OPEN EVERY DAY girls guys are always dreaming about At the Forks but seldom find. Immediately, Dan is primarily con- Weekday Shows 7 and 9 p.m. cerned with directing a smooth opera- Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 p.m. tion of the Student Government As- From ELiza Cook Continuous Evenings 9 p.m. 2 p.m. Shows from sociation for the coming year. Elected Saturday and Holidays in a landslide vote last spring, he has Hunger is bitter. ~. the confidence of the campus, and there is a feeling among his many but the most accursed Sept. 28 - 29-Wed. - Thurs. supporters that the SGA is headed for THE VIRGIN QUEEN its most progressive year yet. There of Want's fell scorpions are a number of new irons in the fire, Betty Davis Richard Todd 'I'echnicolor-c-Cinemaseope and, all things going well, more than is thirst. just sometbing should come of it all. Somehow, when you talk to.this quiet p/alJia Sept. 30 - Oct. I-Fri. _ Sat. and purposeful guy with the resolute manner, you kind of know that it will. Yet, thirst asks nothing more THE BAR SINISTER than Coca-Cola, If you,'re sauntering Jeff Richards J arana Lewis .WAC Careers Open along or racing your motor, Technicolor-Cinemascope Attention senior women! Lt. Col. R. start off refreshed ••• have a Coke. Oct. 2 - 6-Sun. - Thurs. J. Speaks has literature available for TO CATCH A THIEF all those who are interested in a career in the Women's Army Corps _9race Kelly Cary Grant of tbe US Army Reserve. Technicolor-Cinemascope Any woman who is a college grad- uate can be commissioned a Second Oct. 7 - 8--Fri. - Sat. Lieutenant, Gol. Speaks said. After a IT'S ALWAYS FAIR WEATHER five-month schooling period, 'She will be available for assignment. Gene Kelly Cyd Charisae Juniors can attend a six-week sum- Technicolor=-Dinemascope mer camp before their senior year. A WAC officer will be on campus No- Oct. !) - 10--Sun. - Mon. vember 15 to provide additional de- eornse UNDER AUTHORITYOF TME COCA-COLA COMPANY ay tail, Col. Speaks said, or anyone inter- WESTMINSTER COCA·COLA BOTTLING CO., INC. THE !\fcCONNEL STORY ested can arrange an appointment "cob";.fI-,.g;st-... ••"n;,.k. © 19~1, THE-coCA.COLA COMPANY Alan Ladd June Allyson with Col. Speaks. Technicolor-Cinemascope
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