Page 6 - TheGoldBug1955-56
P. 6
K Burton Relates Story Of A Gas Station E Attendant's Misadventure On A Cold And Doroth'y Dix E Dear Miss Dix: Fifteen years ago I put a pot of hot water "On P P Desolately Gruesome Winter Evening the stove and sent my husband out after a pound I 0 Fill 'er up? Yesstr. By Charles D. Burton of coffee. He hasn't been back since. and is must've been doped up, I think, because they he has remarried Today I learn that NS What'd you say? I'm sorry, I didn't hear. stood there, right out in the open, worktn' living on the other side of town. What, Miss Dix, should I do? Oh, yeah, George Holt's station over there ; I G T thought everybody'd heard about it-him bein' George over with fists and whatever else they Chagrined. had. killed in that holdup and the place burnin' down. I got on the phone just as soon as I .saw .. .... For Pete's sake, turn off the pot of hot E Haven't you fellows been around lately? what was goin' on. I knew there'd be two or water. Oh, you were customers of his before you left three cops havln' coffee at the diner right down D town; I see. Yeah, it happened just last Friday the road, so I called straight there; but just as I night. The cops're still lookin' for who did it. was hangin' up, one of the punks grabbed a More Poetry 'what happened, you say? Well, if you really pump hose and squirted gas allover George , want me to tell you, "Okay; but I hate to talk and then the other one tossed a match. Below we present a peom submitted to this Should They Vote? about it, or even think about it, for that matter It makes me sick just to think about it; I page by Bill Stein, '56, which he clipped from a -such a horrible thing to happen to a nice guy never saw anything so terrible in my whole life In the next week or two we may be asked to like him. George and I were pretty good friends, but I just couldn't take my eyes away. There was Detroit news publictaion. He writes, ". I make an important decision. you know, and to see him go like that. . George, ataggerin' all around with the flames found it not only amusing but also meaningful. A motion was made in the Student Govern- You see, I've known him since way back shootln' 'way up in the air and lightin' up It is not of the highest aesthetic inspiration, but ment last night to amend the constitution to the before he bought the place. He got it from old everything, and those two stinkin' dogs jumped it has its point." effect that fraternities, sororities and the SOA Sam Gable about three years ago, you know; in their cal' and took off laugh in' fit to kill. We agree on two points. It is not of the high- Cabinet should have voting representatives in after Sam had a bad stroke and the Doc' told Then I heard George scream, right through the est aesthetic inspiration, but it has its point. the SGA. him to quit the business if he wanted to be gag, and I just couldn't help it, I got sick right Here, for the edification of those who do not Next week the SGA will vote whether or not around much longer. When George took over, there on the floor. tithe, is "The Dollar and The Cent." to pass the motion. If passed, the question will the place wasn't much, but he really built it up. Why it happened I don't know-maybe George THE DOLLAR AND THE CENT be put to the entire student body. Don't let anybody fool you, he was doin' okay. was oheckln' his 'tanks when thcy came in and "A big silver dollar and a little b)"own cent, A 2/3 majority will decide whether or not It cost him quite a bit to put up that garage left the cap off one-anyway, the fire got to Rol/illg along together they went, these clubs get the vote. They, as in the case of addition last year, but he had to do it to handle the tanks somehow, and all of a sudden the Roll-illg along the sm.ooth s·idewalk. all other organizatw1I.8 Cllld any individual, 118ve the trade. Even after that he'd got together whole place went blooie. I wish those maniacs When the do/la.r remarked-for the dollar can talk; tho right now and have always had the right to enough to put down the first payments on one of had stayed around just one more minute. Maybe You: POO!' little cent, yon cheap little 'mite, sit in on any SGA meeting. Their right, as well those fancy little ranch houses they're buildin' they'd've got caught in the explosion too; but I'm bigger and 11IOre than twice as bright; as the right of all other organizations and indi- over in Maple Hills. Louise'd been needlin' him they got away ciean, and I couldn't even see Alld written on me in letters boh! viduals, is not only to sit in on these meetings, for a long time about their dinky little apart; 'em enough to know 'em if I was lookin' right at I'm 'Worth moro than you a tsusuired-foid, but to express their views on any subject under ment, and the kids growin' up, not havin' any- 'em, so nobody knows who they are. l~ the motto dl'awn fr0111 the piou8 creed, discussion, to interject any ideas which they place to play in except the streets. Yeah, he Whatever happened to them wouldn't help "In God lVe," which all can read. may have on the subject under discussion and was doi n' okay, just. gettin' fixed nice. Louise, though. She's still too broke up to know Yes, I know, said the cent, finally, to introduce any ideas of their own for Would you like me to check the oil, sir? what's goin' on, and the two little girls make it I'm a cheap little mite, and I know discussion. Righto, water too. worse. They know their pa's dead, but they're I'm not big, nor good, nor bright. The only difference between this group (a Well, to get back to what I was sayin', Friday too young to really know what that is, and they And yet, said the cent, with a meek little sigh, club or organization representative or an individ- night was real nasty; cold and wet-pretty keep askin' her when he's comin' home. Yon don't go to church as often (l.8 I." ual who is interested enough to participate) and much like tonight, but a lot colder. Quite a few What can you do with filthy vermin like that AUTHORUNKNOWN the Student Government itself, is that it does of George's customers had been in, I know, payin' runnin' loose in the streets? I don't know, It's not have the right to vote on any is;ue. off their bills and fillin' up for the weekend; got me. Sometimes, when I get to thinkin' about We, the student body, have the power to say but by six-thirty there was hardly anybody on it, I almost feel like quittin' this business. It's Circling The Hill whether the fraternities, sororities, and the SCA the road, so George turned his mechanic loose get.tin' to be too dangerous. I don't know. Lord! By lVillia.m F. Mvilenfeld Cabinet get that vote or not. .. for supper, and he was there all by himself. Well, I guess you don't want to listen to me Before we make our decision, which will be You could take a quart of oil, sir. rave. Let's tee; two seventy five for the gas, Feature Editor an important one since, if passed, the proposal Number thirty, Supreme: righto. -and ... hey! Don't point that gun this way! Then there is the story of gridiron compli- will become an admendment to the SGA con- Well, the first thing I saw was two lousy ~No! I'll give you the money! That look in your ments told many times over but just now break- stitution, let's consider both sides of the quest- punks pullin' George out of his office with his ... No!! Keep away from that pump! No!! ing into print. One day Coach Dick Harlow ion. Here are the pros and cons as stated by hands tied and a gag , in his mouth. They No!!!. • called Tom Foster aside and confided, "Tom, advocates and opponents. you're a good boy with a lot of drive and heart Pro-Fraternities, sororities and the SCA Cab- and determination, and you might really have of the campus cit- Best Laid Plans Of Mice And Men inet should have a voting representative to the the stuff inside you to make a good football SGA because the majority player ... but, Tom, you're so stupid." izenry belong to these clubs. A representative This" was before the occasion when Coach the SGA because he contacts more people than Sc;>metimesWork Out Despite Wives Harlow, unaware that Tom is frequently called in with voting power could create more interest Pogo by teammates, inquired of Charley Havens, a class representative and is in a better poai- By James E. May "Charley, who is this Pongo person?" And the tion to know exactly what the student body difficulty in keeping up with campus nicknames wants. Quietly he slipped around the corner joist. and tiny tan vest. He bent over to brush off his is certainly understa ..nd~ble; Con-Fraternities, sororities and the SCA Cab- stopped: hardly breathing, listening intently, pants cuff and continued. "I tripped over a inet should not have a voting representative in for the slightest sound. He peered cautiously splinter back near my place. Thought sure she'd Al Mund tells the tale of an unfortunate yard the SGA because they are specialized organiza_ around the beam to see if he was being followed.j ~utch me then. I sure hope she won't be too worker·at the Novelty Steam and Boiler Works, tions with speeiaJ interests. They could, con- No--nobody was there. "Slowly he turned and " mad when I get home in the morning." whose name is Schnozzle in recognition of a ceivably, with nine votes block action on any began creeping along the baseboard. He tripped ~ "You'll forget that before the night's over," nose of staggering proportions which pas a proposal which they do not think apt or push and fell loudly to the floor. "I've come too far to consoled Bill. "Now let's find Jack and get a wart on the end. It seems that one day Schnoz- through special privileges for their own bene- be caught now," he thought. He jumped up_from move on. It's getting late." zle slipped and fell, injuring his back slightly. fits. The SGA is a governing body representa- the floor and ran down between the wallboards They hurried into the dining room and met Stretcher bearers were astonished when the tive of the entire -student body and not just one to the kitehen exit. Jack. Jack was wearing his lucky blue suit and stretcher broke and Schnozzle cascaded to the or two organizations. rrhe pri'lne purpose of the "Bill! Bill Mouse!" he called quietly. "You his extra-lucky high silk hat. Everyone had ground again, this time fracturing his skull. SGA may be defeated if special groups were there?" tried at one time or another to get him to throw But this was nothing to what happened when allowed voting power in the organization. Some "Over here, AI. By the stove." . his hat away; partly because of its dirty, miser- the ambulance ,,,hich had been called to the classes, especially the freshman class, would be Al hurried over to the stove. "Good boy!" he able condition, but mainly because Jack always scene drove off one way and Schnozzle sailed under represented, as would be the independents commented. "Lqoks like you finally got away I seemed to have good luck when he wore it But through its back door and out the other way, on campus. from the boss lady. How'd you do it?" Jack still kept his beloved old silk hat. eventually riding the portable litter into a Pro - The freshmen class will eventually be- "Easy!" Bill explained. "She didn't see me "\Vhere you guys been?" asked Jack. "I've cement embankment. But his troubles were not come the sophomore class and its members will sneak out the back hole. I'll bet she hasn't been waiting over fifteen minutes. Did you fcl- over even yet. After arrivjng at the hospital, join fraternities and sororities. Even now some missed me yet. Say there, how did you get your IQWS have trouble getting away from home?" he an intern was rolling him down a hall toward of them are perspective members of the SCA. vest so dirty, Al?" teased. He had been married only a month and an elevator. The car stopped about a half foot The freshmen class, although a vital group, is "Oh, that!" said Al as he flipped open his Ilis wife still let him have his freedom. above the floor level and when the table hit this not sufficiently orientated in the important is- lapels and hegan brushing the dust from his "Your turn will come," returned AI. obstruction, once more Schnozzle was propelled sues of the campus, to warrant further repre. "Oh be quiet, you two. Let's not waste all this -this time head first into the elevator wall. At sentation. As for the independents, this group is almost every other organization on the campus time," called Bill as he turned and started toward last reports he was ~ov:ri:g near death. too. probably not interested in campus activities. have a voting repl'esentative Voting representatives the kitchen. Pro ~ Not necessarily. Otherwise those who as6-ibe to. it would belong could be limited to only those large groups who "Hope the game hasn't started yet," added AI. Annually Dr. Whitfield cautions his history to fraternities and sororities. Sororities and are mainly interested in the whole of the campus The three friends hurried back through the students about the stupidity of being careless fraternities, because of their large memberships, kitchen past the refrigerator and unr'.er the behind the wheel of an automobile. "What in can be fairly representative of the whole camp- activities and not the groups organized purely sink to the pantry door. With Bill leading the the world would you do if you just ran over a as discussion, work, 'or hobby groups, such as way, they w!l.lked single file through the pantry pedestrian, injuring him within maybe jU8t an the Camera Club. wall, up almost to the ceiling. It was ::t the top Con-Bringing in fraternities, sororities, and Con - The SGA is and should remain a re- inch or two of his life?" he asks. When the class the SCA would mean, in all fairness, letting of the shelves ncar the spices that they emerged. fails to respond to this query, the good pro- presentative body for all students and the ideas J n the corner was an old breadbox. filtering into and used by the SGA should come The trio headed toward the box and Jack fessor then reminds that the only sane action is to back over him and make sure he is dead. This THE GOLD BUG from the four classes. Instead of giving sororit_ stepped ahead to knock on the corner hole. A way, if there are no other witnesses, the danger door immedintely swung open and they stepped ies, fraternities and the SCA a voting repre- Offld ..1 .tud~nts n~waJ>o.per of WeAh'rn Maryland Col. sentative, the SGA should stimulate interest in in. of a ponderous damage suit is eliminated. I......publiBbed aem;.montbly on TueAday. during October. the classes. One way this could be done is to November January. F~br"ary. Marcb and April. and I would have followed but for the gruff voice During Freshman Orientation Week, deport- montbb during Seph'mber. n"""mber. and May. Enh'red have regular class meetings on a specific day of the doormouse. "You can't go in there! Can't .. lec:ond cl.... math'r at WeAtminlter P""t Ollice. und~r ment in and around the dining hall is said to the Act ot Marcb a, 1819. every week or two weeks. A whole period out you read?" he said as he pointed to the sign have attained undreamed of heights. Not only of the class day could be taken for these meet- ebove the door. Member were freshmen boys rising in their seats at the Associated Collegiate Press ings in the same way time is made for assem- "Mousetail Lodge #12 appearance of a girl, but the traditional break No Admittance blies. Here is the place for an SGA representa- at the, sound of the bell was Subscription Price $2.00 a Year tive to make his l'eport to the class and to obtain Members Only" from the barrier Frequently, in fact, the fresh- non-existent. Student opinion on any important issue. "Sorry!" I said and I turned around to leave. EDITORIAL STAFF So there are the main arguments. Do they I turned b~ck to ask how I could become a mem- men did ~ot even bother to enter the foyer at ~~i~~il~~C~ft.or__ ._. .__ L.;"KWe~~~~'':: get the vote or not? It may be up to us to ber but everyone had disappeared. I never saw the respective ends of Science Hall. On one Ne,,·. Edit.oI"8_. .. Nanoy WiIliB. '58 occssion Bill Tribby is said to have come outside decide. If so, we must weigh the arguments our- eaett. '58 for it is we, and not the organization itself, who Cireul ..tion ._. .. . Bud HOlland. '57 COLLEGEWAITER: Don't worry, hon. He won't always serve roaches in this?" Said the wait- - . Lyrmd. Sklnn~r, 'S7 are its strength or weakness. drink it all. ress: "No, only on Tuesdays and Fridays.
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