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I,ibrary ldCDc;, J ;,ld'/ FACULTY NEW SPORTS INVADES EUROPE He ANGLE .... PAGE 3 PAGE 4 Vol. 33, No.2 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. October n, 1955 Eaitor Appoints Club News John B~ggts Ballet Carnival New 'Bug' Posts Orphan Aaoptea By French Club Features Modern Theme GOLD BUG Editor Kay Mehl an- Peggy Artigiani, Joan Luckabaugh, of Mrs. Chandler, the adviser, the nouneewthe staff for the next semes- and Phil Jackson starred in scenes group plans work projects, interest- John Begg's Ballet Carnival which, includes classic performers ter, which includes several additions. from Henry V at the first meeting of ing programs, ana entertainments. -with a modern touch, will grace the stage of Alumni Hall Friday Les Werner is remaining in his po- Le Cercte Francais last night. With the Wesleyans, they will plan a evening October 21, at 8 :15. The varied program ranges from sition as Managing Editor, as well as As an added attraction, music with Homecoming display and the annual Filigree 1500, a ballet in Renaissance Style, to The Swingin'est, a continuing his column "" a French accent was furnished by Christmas party. lively jazz number danced to a score by Duke Ellington. Returning as News Editor is Nancy Mlle. Quincy Polk and M. Sam Reed. • The officers for the 1955-56 school Mr. John Begg, himself, has been featured with the Metro- Willis, '58, who worked with the paper Le Oercle Francais has adopted a year arc. Martha Lewis, president; politan Opera Company Ballet, the Ballet Russe, and with Markova as a freshman last year. Nancy is French war orphan through the Save Marjorie Pott, vice - president: Jane often seen behind the desk of the the Children Federation. This nation- Roeder, secretary; and Betty Flohr, Blanche Ward office. She is a rn""ember ally known federation is sponsored by treasurer. of Phi Alpha Mu, and is a cheerleader. many. outstanding Americans, among Wesleyans Helping gather facts this year is them the Han. Herbert Hoover, and Worship programs in va rio u s Carly Ensor, Co-News Editor of the Dr. Ralph W. Sockman. The money .Methodist churches are now being first page. Caryl is a sophomore necesseary for the project was given conducted by the Wesleyans who meet chemistry major, and a member of by Miss Ruth Benson, former house every Friday. They will soon visit the Sigma Sigma Tau. director of McDaniel Hall. Members Lewis Memorial Church in Baltimore Bill Muhlenfeld, a Bachelor, is of the club will correspond with the and the Mayo Memorial Methodist, again editing second page, and con- orphan and send occasional gift pack- Mayo, Md. tributing his talents to the features ages. In the future the Wesleyans, direct- and poetry corner. Tri-Beta ed by president S~n Bice, will visit Freshman Charles D. Burton. will The Beta Beta 'Beta National the Strawbridge Home for Boys. \ assist on the page two features. Honorary Biological Society is com- Dave Bailey returns to write as edi- posed of chapters in one hundred and Argonauts tor of the sports page, with two new one colleges across the nation. These The Argonauts are headed this year eaeietants - Gordon Hurlbrink, '58, chapters have been divided into six by President Shirley Gootee, Vice- and Roger, Wolfe, '59. regions with the Alpha Mu Chapter President, Barbara Hoot Stanton: On the back page Violet Fonner and of Western Maryland College located Secretary, Janet Reck: and Treasurer, Flo Mehl will contisue as News in the north-eastern section. Weare Bobby Green. They are assisted by Feature Editors. Both girls are sopho- proud to announce that our school their advisors Dr. Isanogle and Dr. mores and English majors. has been placed second among thirty Riddington. Bob Crush, '56, is back as Business four colleges in the regional ratings The formal initiation for incoming Manager after last year's successful for accomplishments during the past juniors will be held before Christmas, managing. of the finances. year. . but as yet the date is indefinite. Jack Fossett, '58, is the new Ad- Tr-i-Beta officers for this year are The Tutoring Service, movies on vertising Manager since the resigna- Jack Morton, President, Marilee Hod- industries, and meetings on study tion of Earle Fisley. son, Vice-President, Kay Holt, Sec- habjts will be offered again this year Bud Holland, '57, will head the Cir- retarv, and Janet Reck, Historian. as a service to the students. Betty Drew, Mavis Wa.lter, amt john Begg in "Lee Preoieuse Ridicules." culation Department. Distributing Meetings are held on the second and for him are Ted Neil in Albert Nor- fourth Tuesdays of each month. Home Economics & Dolin in The Seven Lively ATW. For man: Coleman Paul in Old Ward; Wesleyanettes The State Home Economics Club 'Campus Citizens the past three years he has been chor- LeRoy McWilliams in McKinstry; will hold its annual meeting at Hood eographer for the Lehigh Usiversity Jeanette Anderson, r.,lolly Hargett, The Wesleyanettes, will hold their College October 15, 1955. Joan Dumo, The following is a list of campus Music Festival, and has worked with and Martha Lewis in Blance Ward: first meeting ('ofthe semester Friday. the present vice-president of the state citizens who are recognized for out- Agnes De Mille, Jerome Robbins, and asd Audrey Braecklein and Janet Per- October 14 at 6:45 p.m. in McDaniel club, will be the president-elect for standing contributions to the college Helen Tamiris in Broadway musicals. kins in McDaniel Hall. Lounge. As in the past, the opening the 1956-57 year. All Home Economics community or for high scholastic Miss Carol Kelly has been seen in Girls helping to read copy are meeting will be a candlelight service Club members are invited. standing, or for combination of both. Ja-eob's Pillow at the Radio City Nancy Banks, '58, who was with the in which members and will be reminded Senior men: John V. Batista, Robert Music Hall, and has had roles in of the of the work purposes "Bug" last year, Peggy Simon, '57, Wesleyanettes. Refreshments will be Wanted: Students G. Crush, Jerome H. Fader, Geo'rge A.~ Carousel, Oklahoma, and, Guys am and freshmen Ann Palmer and Shirley served. Gipe, Richard A. Hill, Hugh Howell, Dolls. Ream. Holding two meetings a month (on With Poetic Talent J. Richard Huffines, Howard Hunt, Other member-s of the troupe in- Typists for the new semester in- Friday evenings, usually at the home Charles Luttrell, John C. Morton, clude Mr. Mavis Walters, who has ap- clude Jeanne Goode, '57, typing edi- All college students are invited to Daniel W. Moylan, Eugene Paul, Jesse peared with the San Carlo Opera tor, Joyce Harrington, '57, Ethel Von- submit original verse to be considered Neil Phillips, Howard V. Shores, W. Company in several productions, Mr. and upperclassmen ~ining Hall Plan deheide, '58, and Shirley Ream, '59. for publication in the Annual An- Kenneth Smith, A. Andrew Taufuri, Gene N'eal, who in addition to being Many freshmen thology of College Poetry. William L. Tribby, Jack R. Turney, with the Ballet Russe, Oklolwma, and responded to the GOLD BUG'S re- Donald J. Wallace, Leslie E. Wer- Guys and Dolls, composed the dances quest for "buggers" in the last issue. To Go Into Effect Pat Patterson, class of '57, has ner, Hans G. Willin, Grover C. for The Swingin'est, and Mr. Marvin Those who volunteered as reporters previously had two poems published Zimmerman. Krauter, who toured with the Ballet were Kitty Bond, Gay Gauer, Mary The dining hall Reserved Table Sys- in the Anthology. must be typed or Senior women: Margaret J. Arti- Alicia. Alonsa, and originated the fea- Manuscripts Hotchkiss, Lori Jones, Nancy Jones, tem will go into effect Monday, Octo- written in ink on one side of a sheet. giani, M. Frances Chirichillo, Kathryn ture role of Mitch in Streetcar NarMd Helen Morrison, Rober-t Otto, Ginny ber 17, 1955 Marion Schedar and Jack The student's home address, college C. Chamberlain, Claire Gates, Shirley Deeire. Pott, Shirley Ream, Joanne Trabucco, Anderson, co-chairmen of the commit- and Winifred Walsh. tee, announced recently. Students will address, and the name of the college M. Gootee, Mary S. Hargett, Marilee Pas Included in the varied program are E. Hodson, Kathleen TroUJ, with by Gla- music Holt, Nancy A. must appear de on each manuscript. sign up for tables Thursday, October Students may submit as many man- Kemmerer, Priscilla L. McCoy, Kath- acunov, The Mruk of Red Death, in- Judge To Speak 13. This the Reserved Table System is uscripts as desired and use any theme ryn M. Mehl, Nancy A. Pennypacker, spired by E. A. Poe's famous story, Student under auspices of the and form wish. Shorter they efforts Judge Charles E. Moylan, class of Government Association. are preferred because of space limi- Dorothy Rach, Janet E. Reck, Char- and Le8 Preoieiaee Ridicule8, based on Moliere's witty comedy on French Hott Stan- lotte A. Ridgely, Barbara '17, Judge of Supreme Bench of Bal- New O£ficers tations. ton, Marie Upperco, Mary E. Warren, society in the time of Lo\lis XIV. timore, will speak in A~umni Hall on President Dan Moylan has an- Manuscripts must be submitted by Charlotte Davis Wheatley, Lois A. October 25, on a topic dealing with nounced that Sam Reed and Joanne November 5. Send manuscripts to: Wilson. today's youth. . Parrish have been elected as treasurer National Poetry Association, 3210 Junior men: T. Stanley Entwisle, First OF Exhibits A native of Frederick, Maryland, and secretary of the 1955-56 SGA. Selby Avenue, Los Angeles 34, Calif. W. Lawrence Hall, Leroy D. McWil- Judge Moylan was Judge of. Appeal At the Student Government's meet- liams, Buddy R. Pipes, Ernesto Rami- Tax Court and Chairman of the In_ ing the various committees and their rez, Frank Robey, Brantley P. Vitek. In Mixed Medium dusirial Accident Commission before Wl"ay Mow- Military Marches Junior women: Carol J. Bingham, his appointment as Judge of Supreme chairmen were outlined. committee Mary E. Crompton, Betty L. Ely, Jean The first of six art exhibits planned bry will head the Traffic Bench of Baltimore. this year, while Shirley Gootee is the With Fire Parade Goode, joyce M. Harrington, Anna K. for this year wiil open tomorrow He received his law degree from non-government assistant. 'Vray an- Jarrell, Martha R. Lewis, Joan V. night from 8 to 10 p.m. Works in oil Maryland Unh'eraity, and this year nounced that fines are tentatively set Luc1l;abaugh, Mildred A. McDonald, painting, water color, gouche, silk Western Maryland CoUege bestowed The drill team from Hiis college screen, and sculpture will be shown, upos him an honorary doctor of law at $5.00 for reckless driving and participated in the anJlual Fire Pre_ C. Joanne Parrish, Jo Ellen Outer- up to and including October 31 from 9 degree. speeding, and $1.00 fo!' illegal parking. vention Parade in Westminster Mon- bridge, Patricia J. Patterson, Mary- a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Fri- Judge Moylan is a member of Parking will be allowed behind Old day, October 10. The twenty-one mem- West Pitts, Sara E. Price, Virginia day: 9 a.m. to noon, Saturday: and WMC'S board of trustees and presi- Main until the new lot is finished. bers of this volunteer group are under Quinn, Patricia McW. Richter, Karin 7:30 to 9:30 p.m., Monday and Wed- dent of the board of trustees of Mary- Ree Hall the command of Bob Crush, platoon M. Shade, Barbara E. Zepp. nesday. All students and faculty mem· land State School for the Deaf. Jack Turney is in charge of the Rec leader, with Bob Butler acting as Sophomore men: Jack H. Anderson, bers are invited to visit the Exhibit His son, Danny Moylan, is president Hall while J. Howard Hunt and Mary platoon sergeant. Frank Robey, Del Charles D. Burton, Robert S. Chris- Room in Old Main. of the SGA on campus. 'Van'en are co-chairmen of the Civil Kohl, and Earl Finley are acting as tian, Charles M. Cock, Harry L. Loats, Exhibitors include Marguerite Bish- Defense Program. squad leaders for the team. This Donald H. Lotz, Robert A. McCormick, ow, Lila Katzen, Helen -Ries, Shelby group takes al1 active part in many of Cheerleaders Chosen first Head of the Movie Committee for the school functions such as the Gerald S. Miller, C. Wray Mowbray, Shackelford, and De Nyse Turner, G. William Slade, Robert L. Plasket, well known members of the Maryland is banT semester Hall. He has annonuced a few of the coming !It- Homecoming Parade, the activities at H. Ray Stevens, George S. Trotter, R. Chapter of Artis.ts' Equity. After much practicing and a week half time during football games, and Peter Urguhart, Erich H., Willin. of tryouts the new cheer leaders have tractions as All About Eve, Pit, serve as honor guard on the drill field. Of special interest is the fact that been chosen. Nancy Willis will be the Arsenic and Old Lace, Johnny Belinda_, Nominations and preliminary elec- Sophomore women: Barbara C. some of the artists wiII be on hand to new sophomore member, while the and Sta.geco(UJh. tions have been held by each of the Boggs, Mary B. Chapman, Louise answer questions tomorrow night. freshmen will be represented by Char- Frosh Movies platoons in ROTC for a sponsor. On Clark, Judith A. Corby, Caryl J. Also, refreshments will be served. lene Sanger, Diane Deland, pnd Russ The 'Freshman Class will take over Friday, October 7, pictures were ta- Ensor, Florence A. Fay, Beverly D. The Exhibit Room was established Peitzman. the movies and any concessions in Jan- ken of several of the girls chosen. In Garcia, Ruth A. Glenn, Jean D. Gren- three years ago is hope that students The selections were made by the uary at the beginning of the second the final election on October 18, six zer, Gloria L. Jones, Anna L. Ludke, will become more familiar with art by present· cheering squad who used a semester. They will keep it until the will be chosen---one for each of the Mildred Mackubin, Florence A. Mehl, having access to outstanding ex- point system and based their choices completion of their first sophomore three companies, one for the drill Elinor F. Summers, E'thel G. Vonder- amples on campus. To further this on pep, poise, peroonality, and abil- semester. team, one for the band, and one for heide, Winifred R. Walsh, Margaret idea, art majors contribute time and ity. Fraternity - Sorority vote - Page 2) the battalion staff. p, Whitfield. effort to arranging the exhibits.
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