Page 7 - TheGoldBug1954-55
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The~Gold Bug, Oct. 5, 1954 WMC Booters Open Year I NevertheLES I Lebanon Valley Plays Host With Win Over Georgetown GOLD by LeIS TVCl'ner Editor To Terror Eleven Saturday BUG Sports Someone tells that it is fall, root- The Western Maryland College soccer team started its season ball time, and winter is just around the Coach Charlie Havens' Green Terrors are girding to clash with with a game on the Georgetown field. Last year, the Terrors de- earner. But the weather over the past Lebanon Valley this Saturday at Lebanon, Pa. The Green and Gold feated the Georgetown team by a 3-1 score. week has started me to thinking. One will be looking for revenge for the 32-20 loss handed them last year, The team boasts the return of fourteen players from last year's would almost expect to see the Terror when the Flying Dutchmen scored three times in five minutes to squad. Although they did not all get letters, all of them are con- thinclads down on Hoffa Field instead pull the game out of the fire. The inter-school rivalry, which dates sidered veterans at the game. This group consists of Bob Crush, of the football team. back to 1914, stands at five wins for Western Maryland and two Ray Davis, Stan Entwistle, Roy Etzler, Alan Hagenbuch, Denny for LVC. Harmon, Dell Kohl, Charlie Luttrell, Speaking of track, reminds me Havens, in his sixteenth year at Coach Harlow would like to see WAA Outlines Danny Moylan, Sam Reed, Don Seibel, to alert all track candidates that the helm of the Terrors, will again Andy Tafuri, Henry Taitt and Brant Fraternities Begin put a light, fast team on the field. Vitek. some of you out for a fall tuneup. Speed, deception and a strong passing If any of the veterans or fresh- Athletic Program in the first game of the season 'Mural Grid Loop This group of boys played as one attack make the Green and Gold u unit men are interested, contact me Miss Todd, attending the first meet- definate threat from anywhere on the this year. The tcam play was excel- or, sign the list posted in Gill ing of the Women's Athletie Associa- field. . 4 :00 afternoon yesterday At the lent, each player performing his duty intramural football schedule got into Gym. tion, announced the beginning of hoc- Passing set up one score and pro- (lawlessly, the result being the first full swing. I was watching soccer practice the key practice Tuesday, October 5. Prac- vided another against Dickenson ill victory of the season for the squad. The game, played between the other day and noticed a slight change. tices will run for three weeks. After the season's opener. The combination Al Hagenbuch Davis were and Ray The opcning game was with George- this time, girls will be selected to rep- of Warren ~imstefer to Charlie White town. When the final whistle blew, the Oamma Bets and the Black and running the team in the absence of an resent their class teams in intj-a-niur al accounted for huge hunks of yardage, score was 5 toO, in favor of western whites, was the first of 21 games to ailing Coach Uhrig. The addition of competition. AI! girls must attend at scoring one touchdown and putting the Maryland. be played in th'is year's schedule. The Bill Clem, ex-football player, at the least four practices to be put on the ball on the three yard line which led later six-pointer in fullback slot will help fill the vacancy final score of this initial game was 8 to the another Denny Harmon proved to be the to 0, the Black and Whites coming out left by All-American Dick Linton. It team. Practices begin at 4:15 p. rn., game. Chuck Smith scored twice, one star of the game. His hefty foot ac- on top. . was good to see Aft-Conference center and are held en Mondays thru Thurs- on a long twisting run, and Warren countcd for foul' of the Terror goals, The only touchdown of the game Dennie Harmon back at the center days. McFague added six points to the nlthough these four were not needed spot. I'm predicting that he will lead scoring column. The 25-0 victory gave to win. Harry Lambert also came was scored by Bill Snyder of the Black the team in scoring and take another- onlookers an indication of more and through with a score to provide the lind Whites on a punt return. The kick conference position. Maybe in '56 bigger wins before the season doses. Green and Gold team with another traveled a distance of approximately we'll have another WMC All-Amer· The PMC game proved disastrous in tally. 40 yards, but Snyder was able to snag ican. Who knows? many ways. Besides dropping thc con- the ball on about his own 30 yard line Offering a supporting role is a and travel across the Gamma Bets' Congratulations test by a 24-0 score, fullback and team group of nine newcomers. This group goal line. to the new cheer- captain Warren McFague suffered a is composed of Harry Leftwich, Gene The other two points of the game leaders, Lj Hi a n broken ankle in the first period and Michaels, Dick Rockwell, Jack Turney, Fowler, Helen will be out for the remainder of the Don Stenley, P-ete Urquhart, Grover were scored for the Black and Whites Boardman, Mari· season. The Pennsylvania college Zimmerman and Jim Benninger. on a safety. lyn ..Eccleston, played the Terrors on even terms for Coach Uhrig had this to say about Mary Lou Dorsey, the first half, leaving at the intermis- the team. "It's a little too early to INTRA.MURAL TOUCH FOOTBALL--- Ardella Campbell, sion on top by a 6-0 count. They really tell about the team. Although, Ocu.[,.,c Mart.y Spatz, and roared back, however, and the Green I do think if the squad shapes up as 4 Pi Alph .. Alph .. '"S. Gamm .. lIclR Chi RonGlacser, WI\1· and Gold .didn't seriously threaten in expected, we should have a good 5 I> Open dBte C will be watch- Joa,n HutttT, Ma,ry L01~ Arnill, and the third or fourth quarters. Dick D"II.I\ Pi AlphB vs. Alpha Gamn",- TBU team." 7 S S~minary "". Veteran. Gamm .. Tau ing you in the Jo Siehler tune ltp for hockey 8Cf1801l. Hersh's punting and Chuck Smith's Pi Alpha ,.... Alpha Alpha .... "We have a hard schedule," con- !1 !2 Gamma Beta Chi ,'s. Seminary eoming months, so let's do a good job, hard running were the lone bright Open date tinued the coach, "and we will miss 13 Delt .. Pi Alpha vs. Veteun. kids. Girls are selected to represent their spots in an otherwise black picture. the efforts of our graduated AlI- !4 15 Gan,ma Beta Chi vs. Alpha GAmma Tau Jim Boyer and this writer both class on the basis of interest) partici- H the Terrors hope to improve on va. Seminary Pi Alpha Alpha American, Dick Linton. His loss is 18 Alph .. Gamma Tau ,.•. Vetuan$ draw a blue ribbon for picking West- pation, sportmanship and ability. At last year's 4-3-1 over-all record, the noted, but there are some promising 19 20 Open date BetA Chi v•. Delta Pi Alph .. ern Maryland to beat Dickinson by the completition of the intra-mural LVC game could be a crucial contest, Gamma Alph .. replacements. Pete Urquhart and 21 22 Veterans vs. vs. PI Alph" Gamma Tau four touchdowns. Anyone interested season, an honorary team will be as some of the roughest games are yet Seminary Alpha Harry Lambert are giving last year's 2S Dclta Pi Alpha v,. PI Alpha AlphA in finding out how we did it, see Jim. chosen. to come. After LVC, Western Mary- varsity insides real competition." 26 27 Open date Beta Chi "0. Veteran. I don't know. Two tentative dates have been set land travels to Virginia to engage Gamma Last season, the team had four wins 28 Seminary vo. Delta PI Alpha Jack Snover looked great in for the honorary team in extra-mural Randolph-Macon, after which they re- 29 and stx.dercats. The Terrors managed November Opend"te--End of first ho.lf intercepting his first pass and competition. A home game may be turn home Oct. 23 to play Hampden- to score twenty goals while the op- 1 PI Alpha Alpha va. GAmma Dct~ Chi returning it all of two yards. played here November 11 with State Sydney. position put twenty-two through 2 3 Opcn d..te .... Some progress! Teachcrs College. November 18 and Delta Pi Alpha vs. Alpha Gamm .. Tau Westcrn Maryland's goal. 4 Alpha Gamm~ T~u ~•. GRmm.. Bet .. Chi November 20 arc being kept open as The wins were over Loyala, George- 5 g Pi Alpha Alpha VB. Delta PI Alpha The PMC game was a different possible datcs to play Saint Mary's Beta Chi Pi AlphA vo. Gamma Delta town, the Alumni, and the University 10 9 Open date ,.•. PI Alpha Alpha story from beginning to end. The Miss Parker, co-sponsor of the Gamma Tau Alpha of Delaware, while the defeats were loss of Warren !\1cFague, out for W. A. A. with Miss Todd, stimulated suffered at the hands of Maryland the remainder of the season with the organization with her kind open- University, Drexel, University of Rogcr Bacon was once arrested for a broken ankle, will definately be ing remarks at its first meeting. Baltimore, Franklin and Marshall, performing black magic because he felL Representing the W. A. A. this year Gettysburg, and Johns Hopkins Uni- engaged in a number of experiments As I understand it, he carried will be "Rags" Baum as President, vcrsity. involving use of electricity. the pigskin in ten of the first Mary Lou Arnie as vice-president, fourteen plays. Is this smart Doris Tuchwoon as Secretary, and football? "Jo" Bichler- as Treasurer. Managers The Dickinson passers color- of teams are: Hockey, Lillian Fowler; blind condition was evident by Basketball, Sharon Albaugh; Volley- ball, Mary Ellen Weber, and softball, their ability to frequently hit Jo Taylor. Other managers are: Peg- WMC defenders with their aer- gy Artigiani, tennis; Marie Upperco, ials. archery; Betsy Bowen, golf; Mary Interesting Sidelights: Charlie Huv Jane Davison, biking; and Joy Nuttal, ens has a son 'who plays for Franklin badminton. and Marshall, and he claims that the Last Wednesday, Rags Baum, Mary Diplomats will down the Green and Lou Arnie and Marie Upperco ex- Gold. I guess the Terrors will have plained the organization to the fresh- Injuries, such as the ones sustained something to say about that, eh man and reiterated the need for in- by McFague and Gene Hedgecock, who Coaeh? terest or girls' athletics hereon "THE rcinjured his knec, could be the fly in' the ointment this year. As in the past, Hugh Correlle, f reshman tackle. has HILL". Any questions or suggestions the Green and Gold is represented by a brothcr who is a definite candidate can be brought to any member of the a light, fast team which is plagued by for Michigan All-State honors. W. A. A., Miss Parker or Miss Todd. lack of capable replacements. The re- And remember-Lil Fowler, Hockey Look for the WAA to have a bigger maining hopes for a successful season . year. Under Ra gs Haum they plan to manager, is interested in seeing all are pinned on the first-stringers, and Everyone who ISchedule more outside games for the girls out for practice. will be placed loss of any given one might be the practices makes four femine sportlS enthusiasts. Good luck on a team. difference between a good and bad girls. LAU,NDROMAT COME TO It Pays To Look Well 5 Locust Street DUTTERER'S Opposite Parking Lot The When you pause ••. make it count ..• have a Coke ] 14 Pennsylvania Ave. DAILY-7:30 • 5:00 AV'enue Barber Shop Westminster 350 FRIDAY UNTIL 8:00' FOR THE FINEST . Closed Wed. Afternoon Where The Srudents Go . IN CORSAGES AND Westminster 1287 85 Penn.ylvania Avenue FLOWERS FREE DELIVERY SERVICE ". Fresh! POPCORN Baugher's Restaurant CARAMEL CORN PEANUTS JUST OFF THE CAMPUS HOME· MADE CANDY FOR A MEAL OR SNACK Salted Nuts and Home·Made Mints To Order for Partie-s Homemade Ice Cream and Thick Milk.hakes THE TREAT SHOP OPEN EVERY DAY WESTMINSTER COCA·COLA BOTfLlNG CO., INC. opp. Carroll Theatre
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