Page 5 - TheGoldBug1954-55
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'YOUR sex- PAGE 4 Vol. 32, No.2 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEG::E::.,_W:.:..::ES.::.T.::M:.:IN=::S:.:TE=R,:_::MD=:_. -;- ': __ ~O:.:.c::t.::.ob::.:e::.r:.:5::.,,:::1.::.9.::..:54 LaMar Appoints SGASchedulePian Club N.w. Student Government Amends New !Bug' Posts To Alter Calendar French Club To Bylaws; Traffic Court Set Up GOLD BUG Editor Gus La Mar has I( Frats Approve Present Speaker announced several staff changes and Monlque Thiede, France's addition Several changes in the Student Government Association Constitu- additions for the semester. A plan concerning fraternity and to the Western Maryland campus, tion were ratified by the student body at an assembly today in Carol Coleman, former managing other school activity scheduling has wilJ speak on "Life in a French Alumni Hall. editor, has been appointed associate been proposed, which would divide the School" at the meeting of Le Ccrcle Meanwhile the SGA has set up a Magistrate's Court where stu- editor. Carol, a senior, is an English available Saturdays between the 11'a- Francais on October 11 at 7 P.M. in dents may appeal tickets issued them for violations of the regula- major, a member of Sigma Sigma Tau ternities and the other social organi- McD.aniel Lounge. tions on the use of automobiles. and the. College Players. She has zations on the hill. Inaugural speeches will also be Students voted to accept the changes in the Constitution purposed been with the GOLD BUG since her According to the SGA, a list of given by the new officers, Larry by the SGA at their September 27th meeting. freshman year. Saturdays reserved for fraternities Crist, president; Peggy Artigiani, Paragraph b of section 2 of Article Younger Promoted will be in the hands of the'Inter- vice-president; Barbara Zepp, sec- II concerning organization, has been Taking Carol's place as managing fraternity Council, their job being to retary; and Leroy McWilliams, treas- WMC To Play reworded to read: "The Cabinet shall editor is Many Lee Younger, a senior. distribute them among the clubs. The urer. consist of the officers of the organi- will Host To Visitors A former front page editor, Mary Lee remaining open dates will then be Walt Sanders and Billie Bean will zation and the representatives elected is McDaniel's dorm prexy, a Sigma, filled, upon application by other social sing solos in French, and there ... on the following basis: Two repre- and a GOLD BUG staff member since organizations to the SGA's Ca!e~dar be two French skits, "Madame, la Con- High School Students, their famili;s sentatives per class (one man, one her frtshman year. She is a biology Committee. cierge", with Dolores Alonzo, and "Un IU1d counselors will be the guest of woman); Thc president of each class; major. At present, this proposal is bcrcre Animal Tranquil", with Peggy Patc Wl\1C October 23 during the first women's and men's dorms. Former-ly, Co-editing the front page with the individual fraternities for their and Beth Crompton. Brant Vitek will High School Day to be 'held in the only the women's dorms were repre- Marilyn Rigterink, senior, is Kay consideration, and will become ef- also give a solo on the accordian. fall. Among the planned activities are sented by their presidents. Mehl, a junior and an English major. fective upon ratification, Additional players in "Madame la a picnic at Harvey Stone Park, and Kay has been shifted from the back In the previous year the policy for Concierge" are Joyce Harrington, the football game with Hampton-Syd- Meetings Changed to the front page. During the erter- scheduling a social event was as fol- Craig Phillips, Dave Downes, and Earl ney. In another change, the President noons, she can usually be found in lows: the fraternities decided on a Finley. Mrs. Lucille Norman, assistant has been granted the power to call a Dean Howery's office where she is date, then a representative presented Tri-bet.a director of public relations, says that meeting of the entire student body an office assistant. the decision to the Calendar Commit- Tri-beta will continue work on the the idea of a fall guest day is being "where he deems it necessary". In tee. If the date was already taken, Spring House and will make cards the orginal Article the President was G. A. G.'s Bael? tried to give visitors an idea of what Bil! Tribby is editing page two this the representative returned to the for the biology display cases, it was a typical school day is like. Until this obligated to call a meeting of the stu- semester and will be assisted by next meeting to 'choose another date. deci&d in its first business meeting year guests have been invited in the dent body during the first week of George Gipe. George formerly was This confusion often resulted in no on September 28. Phil Lawyer is spring to attend May Day ceremonies, each month. co-editor of the feature page, but be- scheduling et all, the SGA reports. chairman of the program committee. and the schedule has been so crowded Instead of meeting during the sec- cause he is living off campus this The regularly scheduled events in Invitations for full membership in that the day was far from normal. ond and fourth weeks of the month year, he has declined this position. October and November are a junior Tri-beta will be extended to eleven This guest day will be very informal as stated in the orginal document, However, George will still supply the class activity, the Shipwreck Dance, people. Those eligible for provisional and will not include the usual conduct- the students ratified the change in GAG cartoons and various feature and Homecoming. The open dates are membership may make applications ed tours, although the campus will be Section II of Article V stating that articles. _ October 23 and November 13. before October 12. open to inspection for those who wish "the Cabinet shall meet as frequently Earl Finley is the new back -eage The Alumni Basketball game and Members interested in working on to sec it. as they deem it necessary". editor. Earl, a sophomore, is an the~ Christmas Dance are scheduled the Spring House on -October 9 may Invitations will be sent to high It was also voted to eliminate thc econ. major. for December, while the first two sec Phil Lawyer. schools from Maryland, the District paragraph automatically giving mem- A new advertising manager, Bob weekends in January are open. Kay Holt gave a talk on her summer of Columbia, and neighboring counties bership to the President and Vice- . Crush, has been appointed to fill the The second semester scheduled work in a cancer research laboratory. in Pennsylvania, Delaware, and Vir- president to the college Activities vacancy created by the resignation of events are the Sweetheart Ball, the The next meeting of Tri-beta will ginia. committee. Hugh Howell. Hugh has left the Gold Pan-Hellenic Weekend, the Junior- be on-October 12 at 4;15 in Room 310 All plans are not definately laid, Queen Elected BUG because of a heavy schedule of Senior Prom, and May Day. Science Hall. but as far as is known at this time, also cast votes to- Students other extra-curricular activities. either President Ensor, Mr. Phillip day fol' the Homecoming their Queen and and a few upper- ArtExhibitFeatures Frosh Reporters Sororities Initiate Uhrig, or Mrs. Norman will greet the her court. The ballots will be counted Many freshmen guests as they arrive. by the SGA and the results of the classmen responded to the GOLD 54 Sophomores election will be published in the next BUG's plea for help in the last issue. 'Knowledge'Theme ROTC Unit Selects issue of the Gold Bug. Those who volunteered for news Sororities accepted 54 new members Trial magistrates appointed at a reporters arc Elaine Van Lier, Violet "Man's Right to Knowledge and on September 24th. New worms of special meeting on September 28 arc: Fonner, Flo Mehl, Jean Lambertson, His Free Usc of It" is the theme of Delta Sigma Kappa are Billie Bean, 7 Female Sponsors Shirley Goote, Roy Etzlcr, and John Jean Grenzer, Joan Grenaer, Bob the exhibit opening at 8 P.M. tomor- Audrey Braecklein, Grace Fletcher, Scott. The three will hold court every Christian, Nancy Willis, Pat Krell, row in the exhibit room of Old Main. Millie McDonald, Janet Perkins and The officers of the ROTC Corp Tuesday at 11 a. m. and Wednesday at Gay Gauer, Jean Kulhman, Joyce Har- The Columbia University Bi-Centen, Pat Richter. chose seven cc-ede on September 28, 6 :45 p. m. Offenders at this time may rington, Peggy Simon, and Leroy Me, uial Exhibit, to be featured here until Martha Lewis, -Mary Lease, Jean to act as their sponsors. One of these pay fines or if they wish, they may Williams. October 22, consists of a series of 25 girls will be chosen queen and will have a trial: Nancy Willis is also assisting on mounted photographs and ifiuatr-a- Harper and' Sally Smith arc the germs reign at the Military Ball; the others the features. Lions, highlighting man's struggle for of Iota Gamma Chi, will serve as the quean's court. Fines Benefit Students Two who volunteered as reporters knowledge of all kinds and his usc of The 24 new Phi Alphs are Helen Other official duties of the sponsors Funds resulting from the fines wilj for Sport.s Editor Les Werner are Jim it fhrough the centuries. Borden, Jean Cline, Pat Dixon, Joan will be to take reviews and to partic- be used by the SGA for the benefit of Durno, Marilyn Eccleston, Betty Ely, Shuggar and Dick Watson. Dick Shen- Many of the photographs arc sug- ipate in award parades. the students. Failure to comply with ton is also back on the sports staff gestive rather than informative, and Lillian Fowler, Joanne Hicks, Betty Following is a list of the 1954-55 the regulations may result in dis- this s;cmester. all center on a democratic theme. Nicklas, Joy Nuttall, Jo Ellen Outer- R.O.T.C. 'sponsors: Representing the ciplinary action by the Men's or Wo- bridge, Beverly Parsons, Joan Patter- son, Audrey Pierce, Ellen Placht, Battalion staff-Meta Justice, Senior; men's Councils. This action may range to the require- from increased fines Fresh- Marilyn Reinking, Stue/ent, Alumni Relatives Enroll gery Sterne, Harriet Dot Snider, Mar- Drill Team-Joan Backhaus, Perkins, ment that the student withdraw from Company-Janet A man; Stevens, Janet college. Thompson, Vie- As Future Grae/uates Of WMC meister, June Ginny Wise Tull, Ginny Marina Sophomore; B Company-Carol Cole- A complete list of regulations re- Company-Jeanne C man. Senior; and Xintas. Blair, Freshman; D Company-Jean garding the use of automobilcs has Twenty-eight students entering Whitfield sister of Mary Emma Sigma Sigma Tau accepted 20 new Wantz, Junior; Band-Naomi Bour- been posted on the Old Main bulletin W. M. C. this September are related Whitfield,'S5. members who are Carol Bingham, don, Freshman. board. to past or undergraduates either as Little brothers following traditions Nancy Caples, Beth Crompton, Jean sons, daughters, brothers or sisters. on the "Hill" arc: Winston G. Sea- Goode, Ann Griffey, Joyce Harring- Willa Benson, daughter of Murray mans, brother of Lyman H. Scamans, ton, Anna Jarrel, Joan Luckabaugh, I Local Society Surveys Campus Scenery I Benson, '17; sister of Janice Benson '56; Richard E. Shea, brother of Carl- Joanne Parrish, Peggy Pate, l'IIary- Paulsen, '51, and Frank Benson, Jr., ton A. Shea, '5.1; Robert H. Truitt, West Pitts, Sara Ellen Price, Ginny '56; and granddaughtcr of Franklin Bon of Alfred T. Truitt, Sr., '18; and Quinn, Ruth Ridinger, Karen Schade, Thomas Dcnson, '84; has had the most brother of Alfred T. Truitt, Jr., '50; Marion Scheder, Lynnda Skinner, graduates, in her family, from and Erich H. Willen; brother of Hans Mary Jane Thorncy, Mary Ellen W.M.C. G. WiHen, '56. Weber and Flora Jane Weiss. Sister Duos Men Listed Sister combinations represcnted The men which complete the rooster Dr. Marshall Will are; Willa Benson, sister of Janice 8re; Thomas H. Braun, son of Thomas Benson Paulsen, '51; Mary Lou Dor- D. Braun, '30, and Ruth Schlincke sey, sister of Suzanne E. Dorsey, '55; Braun, '28; Joseph ChirichilJo, bro- Speak ()n (3reece Mary L. Ellis, sister of Patricia therof Mary Frances Chiriehillo, '56; Ellis; '56; Jean 1\1. Luckabaugh, sister Charles Conover, son of Dorothy Har- WMC students are promised a first of Joan Luckabaugh, '57; and Flo- man Conover, '18; Frank D. Combs, hand view of Greece when Dr. Thomas rence A. Meh!, sistcr of Kathryn ill. grandson of Philip H. Dorsey, '91; F. Marshall speaks at an assembly in MehI,'56. George Hall Duncan, Jr., son of Alumni Hall on October 13. Other -v.'omen include: B. Eileen George Hall Duncan, ex-'26, and Edna As plans stand, Dr. Marshall said, Galvin, sister of Paul W. Galvin, '55; Powell Duncan, Prep.-'24; W)lhcm C. his lecture will center around students Jean I'lf. Lamberston, daughter of Grube, brothel' of Joan Grube, '53; and student life in Greece. He also Paul and Mac Mills Lamberston,'28; James D. Hendrickson, son of C. Dean plans to relate a few of his personal and sister of John Paul Lamberston, Hendricksoll, '42; Harry M. Lambert, experiences during his stay in the Jr., '54; Mary Louise McClay, sister brother of June Lambert Keck, '53; foreign country. Marshall were in Mrs. Dr. and of Harold R. McClay, Jr., '57; Elinor F. Lynn Mayer, grandson of Richard Greece during the past academic year, F. Summers, daughter of Charles A. Moore, '87; Richard L. Plasket, bro- where he was a Fulbright professor of "I'LL TAKE THAT ONE"-Thrcc tnomhcl's of the WesteJ'~t Maryland ChaptCl' Summers, '28; Winifred R. Walsh, thel' of Barbara Plasket, '54; James American Literature at the University of tho National Cooed Observation Society look over some fail' lIew additions daughter of Carol Earl Walsh, ex-'35; E. Reter, brother of Nancy Reter of Athens. He was the first professor to thc campus scencry. Down by the Mourner's Benoh, Brant Vietk and Jack Natalie J. Warfield, daughter of Ed- Lawson, '56; and Raymond J. Wright, to occupy the new chair just estab- Ness (seated) and Bart Vid·i observe Louise ClaTk, Natalie Warfield and win Warfield, '29; and Margaret D. son of R. Harold Wright, ex-'34. lished by the Greek government. N(J,{}mi Bourdon.