Page 6 - TheGoldBug1954-55
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The Gold Bug, Oct. 5, 1954 The Sea .... qllq ~ q. 11.q. }\nd The Dry Land Give 'Em Th~ Hook .. 1 looked out onto the sea-far out-past the It looks as .if this year's Student last restraining wind and the thick dust of the Government is taking fairly large strides land, past the horizon into a world never seen. toward alleviating the campus traffic and And in that world I beheld a monstrous, masted parking situation. ship charging as some choked sob into, out of, For one thing, there is more space this fall. into the parting waves. A smaller companion Thanks to The Pewees That Be and the SGA, 'vessel fell beneath-into a dark, bottomless the Old Main_Old Ward-McKinstry quadrangle depth, and the waves closed over in a final has been opened for student parking. The GOLD breath of forgetfulness. BUG suggested this move last November, and Still the other was biting; and the waves, ;~: ~;:e~: at~tii:~.we had something to do with ~~:~~:~~I~~~~tO~:;te~l.d peasant's hair, parted Only one trouble with the ldee=-come the first snow or some heavy rain, and that whole Against the full cankered breast of war dash. cd thc ship, and emerged midst a swirl of con- i~~:e3:~i~~~:o~~e:~~e: ~:z;~u:leapnhda:~Sth~!~::: fused clanging sounds and charred hearts. A draped body was cast over the side, and the the cars out of there. Another innovation this year is the "Mag- sea opened-like the silent, willing tear of cot- af~be:n:;etoS~[::~ t:z: istrate's Court," a subidary of the SGA, now in ton, It rolled in the memory of far-off drums of a late night. ~~~r::~~:to;sa~~i~; Thousands of miles away a boy with a vision if they don't wish to cough up collateral on the of even stronger things than the clubbed heel of spot. the tyrant hc knew so well, a boy in a life chain- Or should we say some violators? Alas, ed to Hell's ankle, a boy with a vision, care- that's where the rub lies. fully, slowly, unnoticed built a miniature ship, Campus Cops (or as Dean David prefers placed a straw (representing himself) in it, and, to call them: Traffic Assistants) report with that vision, set forth the ship and the ~hat th~re is still illegal parking, m'(lstly straw on a gray sea of evening. Innocently, III McKlllstry lot, and that a large major- firmly, he hoped on the shore that the replica of ity of those violators are not WMC scho- his dream might fi~d home. His eyes met the t lars, but Seminary students. faraway form of the local garbage boat moving A number of illegal parkers, we under- wearily just far enough beyond land to dump stand, ignore tickets given them, and con- its burden before the street's starving wretches tinue to offend. Is that practicing what could steal a hidden morsel. He wondered if I you preach? sticks and straws could sail over that. Anyway, the problem arises: How to deal The sea rolled on-swaying like threads of with smarf.aleek traffic violators who keep on a spider's web--in the heavy caress of the dusk's refusing to co-operate? first, damp breath. As usual, the GOLD BUG has a suggestion My eyes swallowed. or two: Before me, ever on the back of the sea, was 1) Impound the car. Haul it away with a beautifully simple ship slowly gaining sure- • a tow truck, and charge the bum 10 or 15 ness as it bowed in and out. I approached-dis- skins to get it back. Hit 'em where it covering a young man and woman gazing be- Don't you think you could get your roommate a date? hurts-in the checking account. He won't yond the sails with the look of those who can do it any more after that. find surety in the filmy leaves of seaweed 2) Give the "Traffic Assistants" per- washing against the planks-with the look of lief on the shore. The corresponding push sea of a sinking boat clambered the mission to deal, as they see fit, with the those who see beyond that horizon, and find hard on the sand, and was gone, as the grains I SpdL«;Id (jn sq« I against habitual violator (when nobody's look- hope. That faith formed reality, and they knew. ing). Those boys are big enough. The sea moved-like waves of ripening wheat parted in a diagram of nothingness. The silence by Priscilla McCoy 3) Or, as a last resort, let the boys go of the body's drop found home as a patient tear SGA Secr~tarY a step further. If continually-illegally- in response to the welcome sighs of summer. from shore reached out for and embraced the Since commencing the school year 19f?4- parked autos end up with cracked wind- I returned to myself-on the high cliff above shape etched against a weathered rock. A pec- 1955 two meetings of the Student govern- shields or flat tires, we say it would serve the sea. In an absent moment, I tossed a stone uliar bundle of sticks enclosing a straw bruised ment cabinet have been called. The big- 'em right. which 1, for some reason, in some way, had in gest issue at hand is the problem of the Unfair? -Mean? Violent? Perhaps. But my hand. I tossed it into the sea, and far be- itself and was washed rudely into a narrow, parking regulations. Tickets are being parking reguJations are for the benefit of low, saw the response of water. I heard nor protective inlet between two rocks-secure for a handed out by the traffic assistants and everyone, and we believe that those who felt a thing. ' moment or a generation. Two pairs of footprints they will be handled by the newly-elected won't play fair don't deserve too much Thcn, as I traced the newly-formed ripples, Ied to a small cottage on shore, and happiness traffic court. The business of traffic on fairness in return, in a case like this. 1 knew hcw- it was so. I saw, for the first came as [ felt that surge of promise born again. our campus has become a very serious time, the heaving ribs of that ocean as it It was a calm wave that brought the idly- problem and we suggest that everyone We Don't He.r Music. '.. breathed ceaselessly against the l'ol!ing sand- cast stone to shore, chased it to the tide's edge, look at these rules which can be found in like a dying Atlas supporting a crushing load, and stopped-to watch it hold to and be held by the new handbook. Yesterday, a boy from the college band only to have it fall, leaving him as a voiceless, the hardening, recording sand. Changes in the Student Government stopped in to tell us of the plight of that Constitution were discussed at our last organization. We didn't like what we timeless gasp. I heard the long sigh as it rear- I looked to the horizon again, and to the shore. meeting. The cabinet felt that the con- heard. cd, fell, and filtered in a long, orchestral de- There was an immortal whisper of a life situation needed to be re-worded in sever- This year, it seems, there are only 12 pieces crescendo across the beach. brought home, an-d a Hand pressing it to+a al places. These changes have been posted in the collegc marching band! And four of those Yes, then [ knew. Bosom. I wondered at the effect of thought tv on the S. G. A. bulletin board in front of are Ireshman.i That's not good enough. This was the sea's outlef-this its harbor of thought, of person to person, of life to lif", and Old Main. We would appreciate it if Evidently, campus musicians lack the interest miles and years of joys, sorrows, hopes, fall. found a deep, common, beautiful sca.c-and a everyone would look at these proposed and/or spirit to go out and Join the band. The ings, of eternity. The weight of the ship, car- -final, smooth stretch of sand for all. ratifications. even-dozen members can usc Some new rocruits ; r-ied so nonchalantly beyond land, received re- Someone breathed "Amen." The Student Government Cabinet felt they can use them FAST. that they would like to have a faculty for we Survey Finds Murk In '58 Ranks A sorry sight it will be at Homecom- the year 1954-55 so we have invited Pro- ing, if only 12 bandsmen march onto the fessor Peck to fuHfiIl this position. field at half-time. It's something \Ve were very pleased to have several wouldn't like to see. It's something we visitors at our last meeting and we would wouldn't have to see if more of the stu- There are some campus confusions that Patti Krett Naively questions her like to cordially invite other members of dents around here who play instruments even big brothers or sisters, student or "most curious object:" "The mechanism the student body to sit in on the Student would shake off their lethargy and lend faculty advisers, and hard experience fail of the senior male-what makes him Government Cabinet meetings. We are their support, not only to the band itself, to clarify for the newly-shod feet of '58. tick?" always interested in your suggestions and but to school spirit in general. Tours, armchair dialogues, and Baugher's H e1WY Sansone, of evident Swiss par- what you might like to contribute to our are too much to the fore. entage: "The sun dial-I never saw one About Ourselves . . . In view of this inadequacy, and as a before." meetings. in the achievement cat- Incidentally, final service to guarantee successful ad- Willa Benson wonders, simply: "The egory, breakfast in the Gyill should prove A freshman dropped into our subter- justment to orientation, we've devised a seventh green." more inviting-that almighty cup of cof- ranean office the other day. "What's one-question scheme of drying out all Jack Ander8O'n "Who lives in theob- fee costs only eight cents now-and it's vour policy?" he asked us. Good question, sob-soaked letters to home. servetory on top of Lewis Hall?" we thought. -, The question put to a crossection of the Bett?! Lou Reel "Albert Norman Ward still full. Different personalities drift on and off tile Class of '58 is as follows:What obiect Hall-Is there anything interesting in- GOLD BUG staff, altering policy now and then, around campus has made you the most side?" THE GOLD BUG from year to year; but a few basic ideals rc- cW'ious? Mm·(!1 Spatz "Why does Dean David main fairly steady. Some years ago, an cd itor A few, not quoted in these columns, ex- always have a dog?" summed up the paller's policy in onc word: pressed ignorance of potatoes until now. Elaine Van Lie}' "The ROTC building- SERVICE. Adjustment seems the main problem I wonder what's in it?" Soon to begin our 31st year at Western Mary. there. Still others, not mentioned here, (Monthly checks and married officers, land, the GOLIYBUG has always stood for Ser- wondered about those frequent behind- girl). vice. Service to the school, to the students, to the-trees activities. That was cleared up Dick Watson "The Green Terror- Member the whole community. with the help of Handbook on Expe- Who's behind the mask?" Associated Collegiate Press We believe in servicc through the presellta- rtence-under the label-Squirrel Fan Natalie Warfield "How do the girls tion of news of things pertinent to the campus Club. get hamburgers into the dorm after community. Here are some samples of the cases 11 :301" \Ve belicvc in service through jokes, cartoons, passing through our clinic every day: (This perhaps should be explained on the and stories. If one reader smiles once a year, spot: Stay awake some night and observe we're happy; although we'd like to have it good when we can provide a space for Letters the Breecher's buoys from ground to win- happen -more ofteV. \ to the Editor, or for orginal stories and poems. dow- masculine hand to feminine hand. We believe in service through feature stories We believe in service to merchants who have I understand the girls supply the mon- about interesting people and events. Even news something to offer the college market, by fur- ey-the boys pick up and delivery. Some has its human side. nishing space for the advertising of products adoring males have been caught catching heavy moonlight, to g~~~~i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!~;~:@~::~, We believe in service through editorials and and service. the crumbs as they sift from the third editorial material. When we see something wrong This, in brief, is a summary of some of the floor sills, through that could be right, we pull no punches in letting details which make lip that orten_abstr.act thing the ground.) REPORTERS Old Ward Hall it be known. Likewise, we feel free to comment, called Policy. Coleman Paul, an cocki·oaches and DiCk~~7::K£~~:S;·1i~ti~~~nvK~;~~:~~~Fyn~;ae,~~r,;£~ as we wish, on any and all aspects of campus And here's something to bear in mind: pioneer-living where life. That, we feel, is one of the chief things a we're proud of the sign that hangs on our electricity run freely, has only one simple Harrington,Peggy Simon. CONTRIBUTORS newspaper is for. . office door. It reads, in part: "Student' request: "How are thirty men supposed Joan Mann.Janet Perkins. Char Eggan, Ginnie Viemei.ter. We believe in service through providing a Publication Office". The GOLD BUG is a to shave in the morning with just two ~:~~;nF~~I~~nM~~fennr~id~IT;~·B~:~o:~~~i~!:~~: soapbox for the Voice of the People, We feel STUDENT publication, for the students. sinks?" Dick Watl!on,Jim Shug
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