Page 11 - TheGoldBug1954-55
P. 11
The Gold Bug Oct. 19. 1954 13 Favorite Fans Indicate Jinx I NevertheLES I Soccer Eleven C~ptu'res Third Only For WMC Opponents· co~::,L;~:~::'~,w, Victory; Catholic U. Tumbles by Dick Watson A bunch of guys representing the soccer team have created so much The Green and' Gold soccer team continued its winning ways The number so often associated with bad luck, 13, holds no excitement lately that hopes for a Friday, October 8 by defeating an eager Loyola team 2 to O. This fears for members of the Green and Gold athletic teams. This is Mason-Dixon title don't seem too far- was the second win in as many games. the number of students in a select circle of students usually found fetched. Watching these boys go all Both of the Terrors goals were scored by Denny Harmon. The in front of a noisy crowd at sports events, waving their arms and out to win and continually pressing last goal, scored within the final eight minutes of the game, was inciting school spirit. This group, noted for their contributions to the opposition gives their rooters a the overall color at games, is commonly referred to in reverent tones feeling of pride. as the cheerleaders. Bob Crush deserves a lot of credit Their efforts on behalf of the college are much appreciated by for the teams last three wins. Only two shots have gotten past him this sealon. The combination of goalie Crush, center halfback Davis, and center forward Harmon form on of the strongest "up the middle's" in the ~I-D. On the Intramural football front, the Batchelors with added manpower, rank as the team to beat. Their defeat (12-0) of a strenghened Gamma Bet team proves that. In the distance rise that ominous figure, the Preach- ers. Undoubtedly the most pow- erful challenger to the Batchelor Row l~E. to R.-Don Seibel, Andy Tafuri, Gmnt Vitek, Del Cole, Denny Har- Row l-s=L, to R.~Ardella Campbell, Marty Spatz, Pat Hamcrsly, Lee Werner, crown. They can field (without mon, At Hagenbuch, Ray Davis. Ron Glaeser, Mary Lrm DOTsey trying) a monstrous team. This Row 2~L. to R.~Bill Clem, Coach Uhrig, Gene Michels, Grover ZimnwTmam, Row £~L. to R.~Lillian Fowler, Doris Tscckwood, }\fary Jane Davisol1, Marilyn could be the preachers year to Dick Boone, Buzzy Lambert, Mike Leftwich, Stan EntwisltJ, Bob Crush, win the football title. Coombe, Helen Boardman, Bobbie Phillips, JIfarilyn Eccle8ton. Pete Urqhart, Jack Turney. I hope the guys who decorated Not Pidured-Henry Taitt, Phil JackS01!, Roy Etzler, Dick Rockwell, Sam everyone on The Hill, but-comparatively little is known about them Hoffa Field the other day find some Reed, Danny Moylan, Don Bosley, Jack Marsh. other than the fact that as a whole, they have a boundless supply other way to show their school spirit, of energy and a million-and-one cute if that's what they wish to call it. put together by co-captain Harmon and Ray Davis. The assist tricks. Let's take a look at the gang came from Davis over to Harmon, who scored with a head shot. who make up one of our most import- Women's Teams The WMC made of benches and the Bob Crush played an outstanding defensive game as goal keep- ant organizations. ' pyramid of sideline markers may have er. The f~llback spot vacated by Dick Linton, Western Maryland's First and foremost, of course, is the looked good, but it meant that Jimmy All-American who graduated last year, was filled by Bill Clem. captain, a per miss who answer to the Start Practices Tone had to tear it all down before the football team could practice. title of Pat Harnersly. In four years Loyola's only other game was with on the squad, Patty has acquired all The humid summer weather of the If someone is looking for a way to of Tigers, Terrors To the University of Maryland team. the attributes which go into the make- past two weeks has certainly not show some enthusiams I'm full They lost this by an identical score of up of a good leader. The other senior haited the enthuaiam for hockey suggestions, and when I run out, I'm 2 to O. on the squad is Doris Tuckwood, also shown by the girls at W. M. C. At sure .the football squad has a few Clash This Saturday The Western Maryland Soccer team a very capable veteran. every practice, it has been noted that ideas of its own. kept its win streak going October 13, there are enough girls for three teams. Interesting sidelights: Dick After a two-week lay-off, the Green by conquering Catholic University 5 Three Male Cheerleaders Harlow will be honored at half- Mary Jane Davison, Marilyn Since practice lasts from 4 :15 to 5 :30, time during the Hampden-Syd- and Gold will clash with Hampden- to 1 on the opposing team's field. Coombe, and Bobbie Phillips are the all girls have an opportunity to par- ney game with a Hall of Fame Sydney Saturday at Hoffa Field at 2 Harmon Outstanding ~ junior's claim to fame via the cheer- ticipate in a game. It was encouraging p.m. Coach Charlie Havens' gridders leaders, as well as Les Werner, one to see Doris Tuckwood, an expert on Plaque. will be facing their fourth opponent Denny Harmon, fine defensive and of the three male members of the the flick and quite skillfu l in stock- Most of his teammates feel of the season, having compiled an offensive player, continued to play his team. It might be started here that work giving some coaching hints to that Dick Hersh wi1l be a great overall 2-1 record. terrific brand of ball. Harmon had just how boys got on the squad at all freshmen girls. fullback by his senior year. The Terrors won their second game two of the five goals scored. The other has never been completely clear~ up. Freshme~ Look Good An alumni-varsity soccer game by soundly trouncing Lebanon Valley three vwere split among three other Certainly they don't add to the view A number of freshmen girls look will be a feature event on Home- by a 32-0 count. It took only two of- players. Davis, Lutrell, and Seibel all as their ten cohorts do, but perhaps very good at this early date. Ardella coming day. fensive plays to put Western Mary- chalked up a goal each. Davis also was they're just to break up the monotony Campbell, Mary Tomlinson and Jean The newly streamlined Irv land ahead by a touchdown, as Al outstanding defensively. In many re- of all that feminine pulchritude. (Such Luckabaugh will be providing a defi- Cohen will run the antelope mile Miller connected with a 27 yard spects this game may be considered monotony we should have more of). nite amount of compctition for our instead of the elephant run. His scoring pass to Charlie White. Chuck the most important one of the entire Representing the sophomore class upperclassmen. Mary Jane Davison place wiII be taken by Rube Smith also tallied in the first quarter are Lillian Fowler, Marilyn Eccleston appears to have never taken a vaca- (King Farouk) Bard, and Nick Rausch's conversion made it The opposing team seemed to be and Helen Boardman, while the fresh- tion from hockey when we watched Albie Bopst may be lost to the 13·0. The score remained that way composed of foreigners rather than man newcomers include Ardella her tremendous drives. As one full- football team for the season with until early in the final period, when native Americans. Members of both Campbell, Mary Lou Dorsey and two back remarked, "I don't even want to a dislocated ankle. Dick Hersh got away on a 52 yard teams, whether on the bench or on the other boys to give Les support, both try and stop those drives." Jo Siehler, moral and vocal, Ron Glaesser and one of the best goalies around, has jaunt to IVC's 3 yard line. He bucked field, felt the effect of the unseasnnal Marty Spatsz. been seen helping some of the fr-esh- Compliments of twice and scored on the second at- heat. Andy Tafuri, a member of the team, six tempt. Hersh also added another men girls interested in this strategic J. R. EVERHART points the same stanza and Fred jn The first machine for making wire position. Walker hit Dusty Martinell with a 38 summed the game up like this, "The team work was verv good, Everyone nails from iron and brass was built Sophomores Hopeful COLLEGE BARBER yard scoring heave. Rausch's second worked together. This was the most more than 100 years ago, but the pro- The Sophomore team has every rea- At the Forks extra point ended the scoring. decisive factor of the game". cedure is now a common one. son to expect as good a team as they had last season with Joy Nuttall and Meet Hampden-Sydney Lillian Fowler playing on the Ji'ne and Hampden-Sydney, from near Farm- Mary Ellen Weber controlling the STATIONERY COME TO Stationery back field. The Seniors can be proud ville, Va., will be seeking revenge for and of the fact that more than two or 20% OFF last year, when their Homecoming DUTTERER 'S Day was partially spoiled by a 0-0 three of their numbers have been Greeting Cards showing up for. practice. Maybe at deadlock with the Terrors. However, 114 Pennsylvania Ave. they've finally realized that they're it was this tie which gave the Tigers at 110ttoo old or busy to enjoy the game. Jane's Gift Shop the Mason-Dixon league diadem. Since Westminster 350 has announced that an Miss Parker P. G. COFFMAN examination fRr hockey officials will JUST DOWN it is impossible for Western Maryland FOR THE FINEST to win the crown this season, it will be held at Bryn Mawr on Saturday, be their aim to keep the Virginia col- IN CORSAGES AND Times Bldg. October 16. Mary Angell, Mary Jane THE HILL lege from nabbing it two years in a FLOWERS Davison, Jane Hutier, Betsy Bowen and Carter Baum will be among those The Terrors showed a revamped trying to get a rating in hockey. backfield in the last game, one that W. M. C. has proved to be of great LAUNDROMAT presented Al Miller and Chuck Smith Look Your Best G.C. Murphy & Co. service to the county schools by pro- alternating between wingback and and speedball viding tailback, Dick Hersh at fullback, and in officials hockey for the fall season. 5 Locust Street Luke Suwall at blocking back. Hersh In The Friendly Store Opposite Parking Lot The W. A. A. has announced that was particularly effective, scoring they are planning a Homecoming dis- DAILY-7:30 • 5:00 twice, leading the team in net yards, PARAGON SHOES Dormitory and Classroom pJay this year and have selected as FRIDAY UNTIL 8:00 and intercepting a pass. In addition to Supplies their project for the year, the revision this, he did all the punting and had a of the Constitution. Closed Wed. Afternoon hand in several tackles. Up in the line, 6·10 Wut Main Street A great deal of enthusiam has been Westminster 1287 Jack Duhl, new team captain replac- Duvall Jones developed in the Recreation Leader- ing Warren McFague, looked especial- ANW-345 Wu~iD5ter. Md. ship Class when Miss Todd announced FREE DELIVERY SERVICE ly good, and has yet to make a bad an eight mile hike on the Appalachian pass from center. Trail on October 31. After running up and down the hockey field and having little breath Fresh! J. WM. HULL, .Ieweler left, some class members are begin- POPCORN Baugher's Restaurant ning to worry about lasting the eight • CARAMEL CORN For Over Half Century miles! Projects such as these make PEANUTS JUST OFF THE CAMPUS college life a great deal more interest- Expert Watch, Jewelry ing and fun, don't they? .HOME·MADE CANDY FOR A MEAL OR SNACK Salted Nuts and Home-Made and Eye-Glass Repairing Mints To Order for Parties There arc four times as many Homemade Ice Cream and Thick Milkshakes radios in use in the United States as THE TREAT SHOP 105 W. Main Street television sets. Some 13,250,000 radio OPEN EVERY DAY sets were made last year, compared opp. Carroll Theatre with 7 million TV sets.