Page 12 - TheGoldBug1954-55
P. 12
The Gold Bug Oct. 19, 1954 -They've The Springhouse pools. Frogs, crayfish and other small laboration with the Biology depart- An arboretum is a place where trees Tri-betas Give Back-Campus aquatic life can be cultured in these ment, but as a contribution. and shrubs are cultivated for This, of scien- Advantages tific or educational purposes. small pools. There is still a great deal of work "What", you may ask, "is the ad- Landmark A Fall Face-Lifting to be accomplished on the building, vantage Jive specimens can be used for is such a of having spring- but not to be discounted is the work house?" The advantage greatest been already that completed. that has Willing hands, elbow grease, and .palnt-c-that'a all it takes to turn an old When the springhouse was given to dissection anti microscopic work rath- preserved specimens. Live than unused building into a workable laboratory for Western Maryland Biology the Biology department last Spring by er ones are generally preferred in biolog- students. the college, it was nothing more than The willing hands are those of Tri-beta members, who last spring under- an unuseable shack badly in need of ical work over dead ones. Also, if a took the task of renovating the old springhouse on the northwest section of cleaning and repairs. greater number of specimens were the college campus. The building, a small, white, rectangular structure, has quite an interesting history. All of the ground on which the college is located was at one time a farm. The old, dilapidated building to the east of the springhouse was the actually constitutes the part of build- farmhouse. ing into which the spring water flows, To give us some idea as to just how although there is also a large room old both the farmhouse and the over this spring cellar, which at pres- springhouse are, we must examine the ent is used for nothing more than farmhouse for a clue. Upon examina- storage. course would hold interest for those tion of this old building one will de- ExeellentLab students interested in Botany. note several factors which give some A Ithough, there is still much to be clue to the age of this shambled done on the springhouse, there is al- structure. ready evidence that it will prove to Old Structure be an invaluable asset to the Biology First of all, there is no trace of any department, and a worthwhile contri- electrical outlet or wiring; nor for bution from the members of the 'I'ri- that matter any sign that gaslight beta. was ever used. Fireplaces both up- stairs and downstairs would indicate that a central heating unit was never used. - (Continued from PfLge 2, col. 4) The last, and quite interesting de- Hey, wait a minute! I said, do you tail to be accounted for is the car- think Harry'll mind?" pentry of the rafters. These rafters, "Now that was funny answer, wasn't nothing more than long, rough, un- it 1" said Bertha's cousin a moment later. finished pieces of timber, are held to- "Sure was," Bertha nodded. "He gether not by nails, but by wooden just shrieked, ran down the street, pegs! It is reasonably safe to' say, Since that time, it has beep. cleaned cultured, more would be available for shook hands with thrce telephone then, that both the springhouse and out, windows were replaced, the ce- student use. Perhaps someday in the poles, and raced off. yelling: 'Why don't you speak for you_raele, John?' the farmhouse date back at least 100 ment floor patched up, and cracks in far future, laboratory classes may at the top of his voice. Men sure are years. -the wall filled. The building, badly in even he held in the upstairs room. strange sometimes." The springhouse itself, was used to need of paint, was painted by the store such farm products as' milk, school. It is particularly significant that eggs, and meat. A large, open fire- , Plans for the future include paint- the springhouse be located where it is, YMCA's in the United States total place on the north side of the spring- ing the inside of the spring cellar, and as an arboretum is also situated on 1,688 and have about 1.8 million mem- house indicates that the meat was also BASEMENT~Three young biologists also cleaning out the pond into which this section of the campus. NOTE; bers. cured in the building. peek into the lower recesses of the the water drains. Cleaning out the The lower part of the structure Springhouse. pond is somewhat of a difficult,taskj as it is situated at the bottom of a ALPHA GAMMA TAU slope, receiving all the mud and rub- HOMECOMING DANCE ble from the slope after a rain. RONNIE , JONES the only solution to be cutting a drain- PRESENTS Some members think of Tri-beta age ditch into the side of the slope. THE MYSTIC BALL 103 Old Ward This ultimately would keep the rub- .Featuring Hernando's Hideaway ble and mud out of the pond. Another CAMPUS AGENT problem is that years of mud and MUSIC BY BRAYDEN RIDENOUR leaves have already accumulated in SATURDAY, OCTOBER 30-8,15 - 12 p.m. For The the .pcnd, which makes the task of GILL GYMNASIUl'Il clearing additionally difficult. Many other jobs too, must be co~- Modern G. I, Laundry plated. There are still windows to be cleaning out of the pools, replaced, and various other improvements to be 223 E. Green St. Westminster 1478 accomplished. Tri-beta members work in committees; a certain number Sat- All Laundry and Dry Cleaning Work urday on the building. The members is Guaranteed are not making these repairs in col- It Pays To Look Well Visit Th~ Continuous 1 p. m. Saturdays. Holi- Avenue B.rber Shop Weekday Matinees: 2 p. m. day shows continuous from 2 p. m. Evenings 7 and 9 p. m. Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 p. m. Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 p. m. Evening show 9 p. m. Weekday shows Where The Students Go Evenings 9 p. m. continuous from 6:45 p. m. Continuous 2 p. m. Saturdays and 8' Pennsylvania Avenue Holidays Oct. 17-18-19 "NAKED ALIBI" / Oct. 17·18-19 Gloria Grahame - Sterling Hayden "RIVER OF NO RETURN" Delicious Wide Screen Robert Mitchum - Marilyn Monroe (Cinemascope - Technicolor) Foods Oct. 20-21-22-23 "SITTING BULL" Oct. 20-21 AT "HIGH AND DRY" {Cinemascope - Technicolor) Paul Douglas Hubert Gregg Dale Robertson - J. Carrol Naish Griffin's Oct. 22.23 Oct. 24·25·26 LITTLE BOY LOST ROGUE COP Bing Crosby Robert Taylor Janet Leigh Wide Screen Also Cat Fishing Rasinsky's Pharmacy Oct. 24-25-26-27 Oct. 27-28 Prescrlptions'" THE EGYPTIAN "GOG" "Reliable Victor Mature Jean Simmons Richard Egar - Constang Dowling Drugs and Everyday Needs (Cinemascope - Technicolor) Also Scotland Yard 30 W_ Main St. Oct. 28·29-30 Oct. 29-30 Westminster Md. WOMAN'S WORLD SON OF PALEFACE Phone 101 80nlED UNDfR AUTHORITYOf THECOCA·COLA COMPANY &'1' Clifton Webb June Allyson Bob Hope Jane Russell WESTMINSTER COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO.• INC. "Cab" II .. trad.· ....rl<. 019$3. Th Coca.CokIC_pp.y (Cinemascope - Technicolor) Also Mu~ty Musketeers
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