Page 3 - TheGoldBug1954-55
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The Gold Bug, Sept. 21,1954 Terrors Open '60th Grid Season Saturday Dickinson Red Devils Invade The 1954 Green Terror Eleven Hoffa field InOpening Game When the whistle blows for the opening kickoff at two o'clock this Saturday Western Maryland will begin its 60th season in intercol- legiate football. The Green and Gold cohorts will tangle with the Red Devils from Carlisle, Pa. in the first of four home games to he played on Hoffa Field this season. Dickinson will be facing many of the same Terror warriors who aided in defeating her last year. The 1954 Terror eleven will pro- I NeverlheLES I ably be placing more emphasis 011' speed rather than brute force because of a light forward wall. Vic Mako- by Lee Wel'Uel' vitch, new line conch for WMC, esti- COLD ntrc Spocls E~ito, mates the line will average somewhere Well, now t.hat. all freshmen have between 185 and 190 pounds. managed to survive Orientation Week, Spirit and competition for the va r- and are looking forward to their tra- ious positions on the line have been dltional encounter wit.h the solons of the sophomore class. let's take a look Firet: Row: A .. lIiller, E. Hedgecock, N. Rausch, R. Jones, L. S(lwell, J. Duhl, C. Whit.e, A. Ropst, lV. Bincetcicr, at the athletic situation and see what's lV. }'!cFagltr, H. lfunt, 8. But/cr. brewing for '54. Second Row: R. Hereh ; D. Trwkersly, H. COITel/e, J. Bot~/a, fl. Mo.r/ol/elli, T. Foetor, G. Jenkins, D. Hollrruucr, J. On the football front, things HOI·t. C. Smith, D. Wallace. are looking bright. For the in- Thil'd Row: E. Baxter, J. Haycs, D. Mal·tin, D. BaI'IICS, Mcil!ty,'c. P, Spaur, R. Crown, Douglass, J. Chircldllo, B. Cl formation of you juniors and em, F'. IValker. sophs, that guy you've seen' charging in the fullback- slot is Harlow ,Selected Fall Sports Schedule Booters To Begin Warren McFague. Warren will be remembered by the seniors as the Terror warrior who helped ~~~~,?;;'llALL lIome LoopCompetition lead the~l squad to an undefeat- Away For Hall Of Fame ~N"'O':'" '".".,;~"'.., L<>banon Valley Away ed season and a Mason-Dixon Open Da\e championship. Richard Harlow, former gridiron ~. Hamndc1l_!;)'c!ncy BOHle- The Green and Gold boaters, fresh Another member of the '51 squad \lo",e coach (It Western Milryland, has been b'~:~~linHT"! M~c.b"11 Away from a long- vacation, are slated to has also returned to the team, in a named to the National Football Hall Gett)·.bn,1O' ~:'~~ start official practice this week, Coach different capacity. Vic Makovitch, Johnsliopk;"s of Fame. SOCCf;n Phil Uhrig has announced. known around the sporting world as He was one of the 12 coaches and 40 Oct. ~ " """,,,clown Although the team has lost several "Vicious Vic", has taken over the job Loyo)a " au Catholic U. Coll~lo'c members, including All- A m ~ ric a n of molding the forward wall for Char- WashiHs\on ae ~~:::,k~~na.nd MmhHIl Dick Linton, a few veterans will be lie Havens. ~ 30· turning out Monday. Included in the Nov. 2 Vic passed Coach Charlie HavC'Tt8 o ~~·c:~~)~1arY's retu.ming members are Al Hagenbuch, me. the word "i!t}"sbQcg Charley Luttrell, Henry Taitt, and " is Uni", of n"ltimocc the other day high. Jack Duhl appears to have 2" John. Hopkins Bob Crush, the latter holding the that he's in sewed up the center spot, but a couple position of goalie for the Terrors. desperate need of new additions, Spear- and Foster, Last year's team finished with a of freshmen for are keeping the center position strong. J. WM. HULL, Jeweler 4-6 average, barely missing the .500 a f r e s h m e n with The guard positions are well stocked football mark by losing to the U. of M. in the team. Hunt, Heflin, Batista, veterns final game of the season. The last from and Wallace. Hedgcock and Rausch For Over Half Century Hopes are high, however, that the him was that are leading contenders for the tackle Expert Watch, Jewelry team will meet and even surpass that there were only eight candidates slots, with support from Correne .500 mark aimed at last year. signed up to play freshmen ball. and Eye-Glass Repairing Seems to me that there should be andll1artin. is probably the The end situation more football talent than that lIIaximum snowfalls in the United in the frosh class. If any of you big question for the present. Bob 105 W. Main Street Slates occurred at Tamarack, Calif., fellows have a hankering to carry Butler is practically the only holdover Suwell has from last season. Luke in 1906-7, The drifts were recorded at the Green and Gold colors for the been converted and will proably see 74 feet. freshman class. just look up Vic. action along with Martinelli and ] know he'll appreciate it. I see where Phil Uhrig's Booters Crown. Backs Average 170 have already gotten the itch for the soccer field. With some good freshmen The Terror Backfield is comprised prospects this year's soccer team of all seasoned veterans. Heading the Dick Hurlow should go places. list is the fullback of the 1951 unde- Professor Hurt's not wasting any feated, untied team, Warren McFague !Ill'. Har-low, who is the only Jiving time in getting his squad together He is returning to WMC following a person possessing both the Coach of eit.her. Seems like he had three fresh- three year stint in the service. the year Award and the Stagg Award, men out on the courts the other day, Rounding out the remainder of the has served in the coaching field at giving them some pointers in the "very backfield are Warren- Bimstefer, Al Penn State, Colgate, Western Mary- fine" art of tennis. They looked pretty land, and Harvard. good, too. Henry Taitt was taken in At the present time he is serving two out of three falls and is still try- as advisory coach for the Terror cle- ing to get the clay out of his shorts. ven, and head coach of the track team. -The talk of the tennis courts these His name will be enshrined in the days seemS to center around a very I!nll of Fame, to be built at Rutgers pretty young lady tellllis star. From University: what I've heard and seen, she could play on anybody's team. How-about it Professor? fans will be dis- I You Terror Sports Flashba.l'ks appointed to learn that our team has no chance of winning the Mason-Dixon <,_rownthis year. A 01le yom' ago: • slight technicality in scheduling WMC was smeared, 46-7, by G;t- has caused this. tyshurg, then topped Randolph-Macon, It seems that conference teams 30-17. must play so many conference rive YC(1.!,S U[IO: games in order to be eligible for Tn HI4V, WMe clobbered Dickinsol1, When you pause •.. make it count. .• have a Coke the crown. WMC will not be play- 19-0, to open the season. ing Randolph-Macon this year, Terror wrestlers edged F&lIf, and and thus cannot win it. the JV gridders lost to Balto. Jr. It's a shame that such an er- Vic Makovitc1~ College, 19-13. ror was not avoided, and that our Leo Lathronm was featured an out- Terrors have been robbed of a Miller, Chuck Smith and Charlie standing football player by the GOLD good chance of winning a cham- White. All of these men will average pionship_ I hope that in the fu- BUG. ture our athletic department will 170 po&nds. Bill Kern was coaehing the varsity make a strong effort to prevent As far as a starting lineup is con- wrestling team. a disaster such as this. Ten years ago: Congratulations are in order for ~:r~le~~:;I~e~~·:~:;e~~~:~~~·~P':~I~ ~: Capt. Bruce E. Ferguson returned Coach Harlow for making the football a pronounced weakness in depth, to WMC to resume his duties as bas- Hall of Fame. I assure you no finer something that has plagued Coach Havens for quite a few years. ketball coach. gentleman has deserved this award. Fifteen years ago: WMC is proud to claim him for its Depth Weak Green and Gold griddel's toppled If injuries arc kept down and the big pep rally and The first II1t. St. Mary's, 19-0, and dropped the parade is this Friday night. freshmen come through, this lack Big One to Maryland U., 6-0. Here's our chance to show our of depth may not become a_ serious Dr. Nathan's booters tied Loyola, threat. 1-1, and lost to Delaware, 3-1. COM'ANY t, team what we think of them, I'm The Dickinson tilt will give a de- The Bachelors were tied with the BOTTLEO UNDE~ AUTHORITY 0' THE COCA·COLA. a thinking they're going to be finite hint of what to expect of the Black and Whites for the interfra- WESTMINSTER COCA,COLA BOTTLING CO., INC. a champiQnship team. What say 1954 Tenor squad. ternity grid title. "Cok." II (I "llllterMi Ira"_ m>;lrk. C 19$4, THe COCA·COLl COM.ANY you?