Page 13 - TheGoldBug1954-55
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SOCCER TEAM FIRST PAGE 3 "B' Vol. 32, No.4 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER. MD. November 9, 1954 Freshmen, ,Advisers Criticize ExhibitToFeature Players To Stage Production Orientation Week Program Sculpturecl~rtBy Of Van Druten's 'Distaff Side' Husbancl- WIfe The College Players, under the direction of Miss Esther Smith, of the works A joint showing Students Advisers Reuben R. Kramer and Perna Krick, of will present The Distaff Side, a high comedy in three acts, by John Freshmen and new students recent- Students and faculty advisers re- will be on exhibit in the art room in Van Druten, on November 19, at 8:15 p.m. in Alumni Hall, High a it presents comedy differs from farce or low comedy in that ly expressed their views, ranging from cently were ....asked to express their Old Main flom November 10, 1954 to throughtful situation or problem. The Distaff Side is a mature and excellent to boring, on the Freshman views on the success of this year's December 3, 1954. pensive play about Jove and marriage. Orientation Program. ori'entation program. The husband and wife team, both 1\1r,Van Druten's well-known play tells how each of the women in Conducted by the Deans of Men and There were ten student advisers and natives of Baltimore, have won many the Millward and Venables families has worked out her life, her Women, the poll consisted of anon- fourteen faculty advisers participat- prizes, scholarships, and honorable' love and her marriage. Evie (Gloria ymous written comments by the stu- ing. Information received was not mentions, and have .ccnta-ibuted some Bunting) is a lovely, warm creature dents who were asked to consider sorted into categories as in the fresh- of their works for public display. ROTC Ball Includes with memories of a happy marriage. freshman week as a whole and express man poll, but a few of the comments Self-Trained Painter She tries to make her daughter, Alex in Dayton, Ohio, and the 'T op Secret' Arms their opinions of it. are listed. Perna Krick, studied at the Dayton (Doreen McNeil) understand the Of 137 comments returned, four Art Institute .beauty to be found by a wife who were discarded as expressing no opin- Student advisers: Rinehart School of Sculpture in Balti- truly loves her husband. Although ".. .r felt the program for Freshman ion; 35 seemed to have been written Orientation went very well. I would more. Between 1929 and 1932 she was The Military Ball will be held No- married to her husband Arthur, sister by women j 20 by men, three by trans- like to see another year more informal awarded two scholarships for study in vember 20, at Gill Gymnasium amid a Nellie (Sue Dorsey) really seems to red, white, patriotic of and setting fer students; and 75 contained no mixers where all the kids could get Europe. Among her works is sculpture blue. Couples will dance to the music be married to her misery. Feeling clues to the sex of the writer and were together and become better acquaint- for the U. S. Treasury Department, sorry fa!' herself seems to be her listed as'unknown. ed." Since 1945, she has interested her- of Brayden Ridenour from 8:30 p.m. prime object in life. "Freshman \Veek was boring!" de- self in painting, which she has learned until midnight. The clared one student. . Food Line Slow mostly through self-training. She has oration center attraction of the dec- Liz (Meta Dtlema. of Women attrac- Evie's military Justice). is a closely guarded "Lt was rather poor," said another, " ... the food line at the picnic should exhibited her paintings at "All Mary- secret. The only information released tive older sister, has her problems, too. by several lines forming complaining that there was confusion be sped-up (A few of the faculty ad- land" Shows at the Baltimore Museum is that it will be a large piece of army She cannot decide whether to follow fol' food." and that tests, tours and meetings be- visers also suggcsted this.) " .. .it and "Life in Baltimore" Shews at the equipment. Around the auditor-ium the promptings of her heart and re- gan before one had time to get settled. Peale Museum. will be found posters caricaturing main with the man she loves, or Adverse opinions on the week as a would be better to have the faculty re- Reuben R. Kramer has also received army life and wooden models of army marry someone who will promise her whole were few, however, since the ception earlier in the week before the many scholarships and high honors. equipment. security. Cousin Theresa (Marilyn have a chance to meet their advtsees majority of the students thought the After graduating from the Rinehart Highlighting the evening's dance Rigtorink), is married to her job, and week good. Many mentioned its value faculty another way." School of Sculpture in Baltimore, will be the crowning of the ROTC finds social reform much more in- in acquainting the newcomer to the " ... it would be more successful if Maryland, in 1932, he did post-grad- queen. She will be chosen by the teresting than "mere personal relation- cullege and students. the faculty advisers and th~ ~tudent uate work there until 1934. ROTC cadet battalion from the vari- ships." Miss Spicer (Pat Hamersly) Ad\'is'Ors Approved advisers could have edvtsees in com- Rinehart Scholar ous sponsors. The girls eligible are: companion to Mrs, Venables, (Carol Student and faeulty advisers were mon." In 1933 he was awarded the Rine- Meta Justice, Senior; Joan Backhaus, Coleman) puts interest into her lifc found W be helpful by most of the " .. .1 would suggest that the FAC be hart European Travelling Scholarship. Freshman; Janet Perkins, Sopho- by enjoying little things. commenters. "That student adviser extended to specifically include trans- After spending four years in Paris, more; Carol Coleman, Senior; Jeanne Men in Their Lives system is terrific! Keep it!" said one. fer students." Rome, London, he returned tc thc Blair, Fl'eshm~n; Jean Wantz, Jun- Toby Chegwidden (Pete Posey), A few had adverse comments on Suggest Appointments United States and gave several one ior; and Na.oml BOUI'don, Freshman. Roland (Bill Tribby), Christophel' advisers. "I didn't have any trouble man shows featuring his European ?nly senior R~TC cadets are i-e- ~Mike Leftwich), Charles Hubbard "Several students were disappointed with my student adviser because I when their faculty advisers made them Art work. In 1941 Mr. Kramer was quired to wear Uniforms to the dance. (Frank Benson) and Gillie (Craig didn't know who he was." wait so long-to plan their schedule and selected as the leading sculptor of Uniforms are optional for sophomores Schmall) are the men in the lives of When there were comments about then (they) weren't taken individually Maryland, and freshmen. this most interesting group of women. tests given during the orientation In 1944 he founded the Baltimore Tickets are $2.00 pel' couple and Rose, the Maid, is played by Carol period, the majority centered on the enough to feel satisfied with their 9Ub- Art Center for children and has been may be purchased from any cadet of-Stockard. tests in the evening. Not one person ject choices .... Appointments with the its director ever since. His latest con- ficer. Committee members are Lou In the .days of the spinning wheel, faculty advisers at a certain time may was in favor of them. 'Protests were be more effective." tribution to the field of art was his Manarin, chan-man: Ed Smith, dec- a distaff was used as a staff for hold- made against tests given the first ent~y of a sculpture in the Fourth oration: Charles Phipps, refreshment; ing flax 01' wool in spinning cloth. evening of arrival on campus, students Faculty advisers: of Or-ienta- Biennial of Contemporary Sculptors Jim Marshall, band: Ellis Cline, tick- Since that time, the word has como "I wish the atmosphere declaring they were too tired to con- tion Week could be made somehow presented by the Washington Sculp- ets. to mean "having to do with women's centrate. tors Society, Washington, D. C. work" or a term used for women col- Nobody Mixed more relaxed. Must the 'wheels grind' lectively. Playwright Van Druten uses Opinions on social activities dnring so fAst and furiously for everyone, Fraternities Pledge Club News it to refer to the female branch of the the week were varying. "Two few", creating as it seems to me a fevered family. said five, It was also the consensus of and really unnatural campus tone?" Argonauts Admission of $1.00 the group who commented that no- "Members of the Physical Education 50 New Members Traditionally, the Collego Players body "mixed at the mixers". Others Staff should be at the Registration Three seniors and twelve juniors will charge an admission of $1.00 per thonght them well planned and help- Table on the stage where students si&'ll In the recent fraternity pledging on were inducted into the Argonauts on person, for the Thanksgiving Play. the rosters." October 25. ful in intrcduct.ions. the Hill fifty new members were in- Seniors include Sally Lou Smith, This is the only time throughout the A comment was frequently followed Large Hall Needed itiated. They are as follows: year that the group charges admission and Richard Brenne- by a suggestion. Some said that "Have some more kdequate place New members of Alpha Gamma Tau James Marshall, entering the Argonauts for any of its productions. With these man. Juniors orientation should be longer so that than Alumni Hall for advising and are Bruce Taylor, Eugene Krantz, were Peggy Art.ig-iani, Shirley Gootee, proceeds the Dramatic Art Depar-t- tests could be spread out more, or registration. WMC needs a large hal! LeRoy McWilliams, Robert Radcliffe, Barbara Hoot, Janet Reck, Barbara ment is able to purchase equipment that tests should be scheduled during with suitable tables and chairs for the Ronald Graybeal, Fred Laird, Glen Sheubrooks, Mal'y \Van'en, Jerome needed for the remaining productions. the free afternoons, administration of tests of various Leinhart, William Muhlenfeld, Marc Fadel', Bob Green, Hugh Howell, The equipment, including spotlights, More social activities for freshmen kinds. Such room could then be used Meyers, James Lackey,' Theodore Louis Robson, Bill Sholfo, and Bill is used not only by the College Players only, shortening the "rat rule" period, for registration. Until we .get such, Klenske and Lee Bowen. Tribby. but by other clubs and organizations prompter issuance of the guidance bul- how about using the library or set up Delta Pi Alpha initiated Ronald The Argonauts will hold a February on the Hill for dances and various activities. campus letin, more time with faculty advisers, tables in the Blanche Ward Gym?" Strauss, Brant Vitek, LaTTY Hall, tea to honor students with a high and speeding up registration were all (Another faculty adviser made the Michael Savarese, John Kauffman, average in the first semester's worl t , Al- suggested. same suggestion.) Ralph' Martinell, Robert Butler, Os- seA Annual Book Sale On lan Mund, Thomas Jack Foster, Following-the poll at a glance: "I feel that there were too many Denominational groups under Stu- F,eshman Week As A Whole: borne, Charles Smith, Harold McClay, dent Christian Association will mcet Discarded library books which were Thomas Englar, Riley Regan, Daryle Good Poor N.C. EiC. !~:tsp;;Cht~:g~!~:t i::i~~~:n n!~~:nga~ placed on sale yesterday were priccd Men 12 2 3 Martin, Donald Tankersley, Al Miller, on November 10. at 20 cents today and will continue to ~~:;'~'!.on:~ ~ 2~ 1~ norms are not affected by fatigue. Dick Hersh and Eugene Jenkins. At the November 17 meeting or the drop five cents in price cach day until Transf", 2 0 1 () Some complain they were extremely Gamma Beta Chi's new members S C A Dr. Frederick E~'ster of the Student ,Advi.e,.. tired." World Council of Churches will speak, Saturday. Then they will be frcc. llig S,othe,.. RndSi.ter1< are David Osgood, Kirk Griffith, Stan- Miss Elizabeth Simpkins, librarian, FReu!ty Ad,·i.e,..: "The faculty-student picnic was ley Greenberg, Stan Entwisle, Samuel There will be a fireside on November (Numbc,.. refer re!pe<:tively toutt'gorics) 21. announced that the annual salc is H~lP somewhat disappointing in as much as Reed, Frank Robey, Jack Goettee, held to dispose of books that are du- Helpful Me<;Iiu. N.C. David Autman, Earle Finley, Jim Tri-Bf.'ta Mo" 11.3.8 3.4.0 2.0.- 4.13.12 it provided little opportunity to be- plicated 01' arc no longer needod by WOIn~n 31.7.18 1.1.1 1.1.- 2.26.16 come acquainted with the students," Crowley, Cartel' Hughlett, Delbert Tl'i-Beta initiated 16 new members any specific department of the col- 3.-.0 ~;Rknn;::rn 42.-.27 -,-.0 6.-,- 24.-,48 "I enjoyed visitation. Have it after Kohl, David Downes, Denny Harmon, at a meeting November 1 at the home lege. They can be purchased in the -.-.2 -.-.1 " . Testa": Too Too N. the first day's classes-then there Byron Hollinger, Bill Humbert, Ernie of Dr. Isanog'le. bound periodical room. '00" , Y N.C. E.C. should be no assignments." Ramirez, Bob Sandosky and Charles Accepted to full memb_ership werc Mo" , MT N:r " " , Keighton. Paul Koukoulas, Janet Reck, Charlotte Women , Kay Unknown " Eggan, Johnson, Holt, Craig Charlotte Davis, Jo I College Calendar ~~:'~nvat Value Too NC. EC. ACP Rates College Correction Taylor, and Mary \Varren. members Friday. Nov. 12 Judy Schmall, No Few provisional Enterin'g as Unknown ~ ~i ~!:g Paper 'First Class' It was erl'oneously stated in were Baroara Zepp, Ernie Ramirez, Pep Rally, Gill Gym, 7 p.lT!. Fred L. Kildow, Direcwl' of the the October 19 issue of the Marian S_cheder, Mary-West Pitts, Saturday, Nov. 13 ~.8:~ ;:tr~oC~;;';nl4. Associated Collegiate Press, announc_ GOLD BUG that Dr. Harwell John Geettee, Phyllis Johnson, and Football, Gettysburg, Away ed recently that the GOLD BUG re- P. Sturdivant was the only mem- Howard Shores. Monday, Nov. 15 Student Guests To Tour ceived a First Class rating for the ber of WMC's faculty to beconie The program of 'November 23 will IRC, McDaniel Lounge, 6:45 p,m. ,Campus, Attend Games Semester ending last May. a Fellow in the American As- involve audience participation. Friday, Nov. 19 Publications_ of member colleges are sociatien for the Advancement Classic Club Thanksgiving Play, "The Distaff Baltimore parochial, private and rated on coverage, content, editorials, of Science. Dr. Clyde Spicer is Dr. Thomas F. Marshall will give Side", Alumni Hall, 8:15 p.m, public schools will be guests of West- and physical make-up. An honor rat- also a Fellow, and Dr. Ruth an illustrated lecture on Ancient and Saturday, Nov. 20 ern Maryland, Saturday, November ing certificate will be presented to the Russell, Dr. Isabel Isanogle and Modern Greece when the Classics Football, John Hopkins 20. The guests will go on a tour of the GOLD BUG by the Associated Col- Dr. Edward Arnett are mem- Club meets in McDaniel Lounge, 6:45 Military Ball, Gill Gym 'dormitories and attend the soccer and legiate Press. This certificate will be bers, p.m., November 22. The lecture is open Wednesday, Nov. 24' football games. on display in the GOLD BUG office. to the public. Thanksgiving Rerress Begin&
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