Page 26 - TheGoldBug1948-49
P. 26
The Gold Bug, Jan. 18, 1949 gpo~t(!JngqlJ Viewd, q.1UJm, ~bli:l.':rr .~'n.~~'::!!::h~1M.';,;; paration that must go into it. ihe more cool-headed boys dashed out unconscious on the cold eement in also used for sprinkling unmention- 'rue.dB1, duTing Octoher, No~",nb.r. J~nu· front of the girls' dormitories re- ables before ironing, drowning un- ary. February, Much lind April, and monthl,. How he got into the job is still a and brought in a radio. From it we during Sepl"mb"r. December, and M.,.. En mystery even to Don, but a full sum- heard but four words, but they were cently. According to reliable sources, wanted flies and fleas with a flush, as m..tter I"ed u .eeond du. a! We"IIDln,ter POlt Ollie•• und.r th. Act ot March S, 1879. mer course at the School of Radio the most blessed that I had heard in the gentleman in question waa una- a handy perfume applicator and be- Technique in New York City seems a long time, 'Corne in Western Mary- ware of the young lady's homicidal fore breakfast toitlette. Member to have whetted his appetite for it. land'''. tendencies when he dated her. As the • What, No Perfume? Assoc:iat'2:d CoOegiate Press The Dramatic Art Department is time for departure drew near toward Other sizes incl~de Needlefine for II Shaky Moments in charge of these broadcasts, but they the end of the evening ("Just about getting through very narrow crevices, Subscription Price 12.00 11 Year "There", he declares, "they taught have no monopoly on air time. Don the time of the couvrfl feu bell" one the Hesitator for classroom use, Low- us a little about every angle of radio states emphatically, "I want to cor- French Club witness advised) he 8quirt for shooting down stairways, EDITORIAL STAFF broadcasting. When you come down rect the misconception that I have reached toward her ... to flick off a High8quirt for shooting up stairways Edi!or·in·Chief ......•...• Oru Martin '40 to it, they have a radio station com- speck of lint from her frock, no doubt. Managing Editor" .. '!'hooda Lee Kompanek '50 heard so often. These programs are (both with medium size bores), Wtltiam Porler '50 plete with everything but transmit- not only by the drama organization, Mistaking his intentions, the young ... Loui. Pietro!o""" 'S1 ter, and we learned a great deal about lady whipped out her Squeezum Waterfall for organized warfare, and :-"ews Editor Jane Gu"man.'50 but any activity group that wishes JU8t Plain Bill for everyday use. A A,,,i,tant New. Editor Joanne Koehle•. '50 the techniques of preparing and pre- to put on a broadcast is invited to Water Pistol and squirted the entire Sport, Editor.. . Homer Earll '49 new model is now on the drawing COpy Editor .....•.. DuRne Salug ..... r '49 senting broadcasts-from announcing do so. Proof of this is the fact that contents of dilute hydrochloric acid boards, The Dreamer, for special use TypingEditor Rit .. Bittle '51 to acting and writing." the International Relations Club will into his eyes. with ether and chloroform. Busineu Manager Ted Quelch'49 Then back to Western Maryland present the next broadcast with a • A Randy-Dandy Gadget The convenient thing about these Ad'·crti,.ing Manager Ed Wright'49 he came, to put all this newly gained round table discussion." The acid was her own idea, she handy little gadgets is that ammuni- CirculahonM",nnger Della (luuel '49 knowledge to practical use. This year, Den's tenure on the Hill began proudly asserted later ... "Just a tion is as near as the nearest dorm's CONTRIBUTORS the play Antigone and the Christmas back in 1946 when he carne here after Ruth Allen.June Bea'·er. Bh'cki" Brand,. teaser." At any rate, as he reeled first floor. Peg~y Brown . .Ma,.ilyn Cole. John Gruber. broadcast of the choir began the completing only half of his senior from the impact she surreptitiously Operation Splash is making history ~rickey Horde"ter, !o1!\ryHawkin., Allen Ja
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