Page 27 - TheGoldBug1948-49
P. 27
The Gold Bug, Jail. 18, 1949 The Lineup • Terrors-Ellgles Fight ..!loop ~ait:. Fergusdnmen Hit Hard Foes .---------- To Draw In Rugged Lady Hoopsters On Numerous Road Trips By Homer C. Earll Sports Editor Bouts In Home Ring Begin Practices Gain Initial Triumph As Washihgton College Bows; One of Western Maryland's glar- Western Maryland and American During December the girls held an Catholic, Loyola, Harnpden-Sydn£y Record Victories ing weaknesses in the athletic depart-- University of Washington inaugu- elimination tournament in badminton ment is about to be remedied. For a rated their boxing season in Gill to determine the winners for each Western Maryland's quintet opened the season on December 8 by number of years our varsity teams Gymnasium Friday night in the same class. The individuals who finished journeying to Lebanon Valley to sustain a 65-44 loss. Becker, playing for have been without a trainer. Conse- manner at the close as when they with top honors are as follows: fresh- Coach Mease's squad, scored seventeen points for the hosts. Terror scoring quently, players of the various teams started-all even by a 4-4 score. man, Corinne Schofield; sophomore, was led by Frank Stephenson with nine tallies. The Dutchmen were too have had to care for their own ills A.V., defeated by WMC last year Phyllis Smith; junior, Virginia Clay- strong for the Green that early in the season. largely with the aid of each other. in a close match, started out in what ton; senior, Della Grauel. The final The Green Terrors played host to Wagner College on December 10. The Certainly this is not a very satisfac- had all the earmarks of a rout. play-offs will take place by the end of home team's second game of the 1948-49 season ended 47-53 in favor of the tory condition. But now we have re- Our boxers performed extremely the semester to designqte which of visitors. At half time the tilt was all tied up at 20-20, but the next two ceived notice that a big step ahead creditably in ,.these bouts, but lack of the four class victors will be school periods saw the guests slowly pull ahead to their six point winning margin. is about to be made. experience and a predominant height champion. High-scoring honors went to Doody of Wagner and our own Ken Munroe, The football team is well-acquainted disadvantage in two of the three Basketball practice for class teams scoring thirteen and twelve points respectively. with Mr. Jim Boyer. For three years bouts were toe much of a Qandicap. started last week. Practice is schedul- In their first Mason-Dixon game, Baltimore University defeated the he has performed the trainer's duties •Captain Howard ~hannon and Martin ed for freshman on Mondays and Green and Gold five in Gill Gym on December 14 by a slim three-point margin . for the gridders on game days. He's Ries inaugurated the main program Wednesdays and for upper classman The final tally of 57-60 was only reached after four periods of hard-driving the gent you have all seen hustle out with an extr-emely lively and interest- on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Makeup play by both teams. A 29-22 halftime lead for the Bees was narrowed toward on the field with Coach Havens when- ing 125-pound match. Ries was the practice is slated for Friday after- the close of the game, but Phelps and Glushakow kept the visitors on top. ever a Terror has his bite taken away winner in a very close decision in The Terrors second away game was a 66-38 defeat at the hands of from him temporarily. perhaps the best fought bout on the The lady Terrors will open their in- high-riding American University. The game took place at Washington on program. Al Pirie, former Golden tercollegiate basketball season with a December 17. It was a rough game, a total of 44 fouls being committcd during • Meet Jim Boyer next two games are scheduled with the tilt. Moffatt tallied 14 points for the home team. Mr. Boyer leads quite a varied life. game with Mt. St. Joeepb'a at Em- His principal occupation is as an um- mitsburg February 9. The eager's WMC Nimrods Facing pire in the American League. He is Maryland College for Women, Febru- generally oonsidered as one of the ary 16 and Gettysburg, February 23 Long Card; Lose To Navy outstanding "men in blue" now in in Blanche Ward' Gym. There are service. For several seasons, he has other games pending with Notre The Western Maryland College spent the remainder of the year as Dame and T4wson. Rifle Team has scheduled thirteen director of athletics and basketball postal matches this year with colleges coach, (and he'll also coach the Ter- and universities from Maine to Texas. ror JV hoopsters), at St. Paul's r Larrimore, Kern The first match was fired the week of of 3 with the University January School in Baltimore. 'Vest Virginia and was won by the Our new trainer will take up his Terrors by a score of 1807 to 1770. duties here next fall, immediately fol- Stay Unbeaten This week the team will fire the lowing the baseball season. We're Hearst Trophy match open to all mighty glad to see Mr. Boyer coming As Team Bows ROTC units in the Second Army to the Hill. It certainly is a move area. After the special targets are which will result in the better con- fired on the home range, they are ditioning of our squads and shou·ld On Saturday, Januar y15, western mailed to Second Army Headquarters reduce the number of our players lost Maryland's varsity wrestling team for scoring. Although the riflemen due to minor injuries. traveled to Washington, D. C. to op- pose the. Gallaudet matmen. It was have done well in previous years, they • Biasi wins Praise John Seiland only the second match of the season are expected to better their standing in this year's competition. One of Western Maryland's better Recorded a decisive decision against for the Kernamen, and Gallaudet, pre- For the first shoulder-to-shoulder Excell.ent Al Jacobson playing his ball-halldler senting a more experienced outfit, de- all-time athletes is making a fine rep- A. V. last Friday night. feated the Green handily by a 26 to match this year, the United States fourth winter on Gill Gym hal·dwood. utation for himself in this area. The 10 score. Naval Academy played host to the basketball team of Baltimore's Pat- Gloves champion from Baltimore at Green at Annapolis on January 8. January 8 saw the Hill basketeer s Western triumphed Maryland his LeFew, terson- Park High School recently won 130 and in Harry 135-pound making lost two out of the seven matches. Jack in The highly-touted Middies cam e defeat Washington College 60-55 at the class, debut their 25t.h consecutive game under the their' bouts to Howard Leavitt and Larrimore, in the 165-pound class, through as expected with a 1381 to Chestertown. The Terrors first win reins of Irv Biasi. Jesse Linthicum, pinned his in five minutes 1321 triumph over the Westminster was ch-c-acter-ized by good shooting sports editor or the "Sun", was gener- Henry Shaffer respectively. adept 145- and forty-five opponent team. and agile ba.i]";mmllirtg. The She-men seconds with a body JohnSeiland, Letterman ous in his praise of Biasi's work in pounder, kept the Terror hopes alive press. In the heavyweight division, Rifle team coach, M/Sgt. Puryear, were outscored 30-22 ill the first half. building up the Patterson Park foot- by pounding out a unanimous decision Bill Kern threw and pinned his ad- had hoped for better results but since In the second half, the Hill team went ball and basketball teams. While on over the Eagles' Robert Clark. Seiland versary in two minutes, also with a it was the first match of the young on to win by five decisive points. Scal- the Hill, lrv served as captain of appeared very crisp and sharp in body press. season, he has hopes that the nimrods lion of Washington College scored 18, Loth the football and basketball teams. will settle down for the coming match while Munroe racked up 13 for the pounding out his first victory of the wit.h Hopkins on January 22. visitors. Seem~ as if this column voiced a season. However, Stanley Grogan of • Catholic Triumphs pre-season optimism which isn't being the Eagles, retaliated in the I55-lb. In washington, D. C., on January borne out. It is obvious to anyone bout by a T.K.O. over Dave Sartorio. Defeats Plague JV 11, the Green quintet was defeated by who observes our hardwood club for when it was announced that Coates Despite Close Scores five minutes or less that our team is had lost by a decision in his 165-lb. a stronger Catholic University squad woefully weak in the oh-so-important engagement with James Schrutser, The j u n i 0 r varsity courtmen, by a 64-46 tally. Western Maryland's height department. (Continued on page 4, column 4) though beaten in five out of six en- lack of height was again a factor in counters, still have the spirit of a control of rebounds. Szklarz and • Lathrnum vs, Anderson winning combination. Coaches Elliot O'Connell, both of Catholic Univer- sity, invaded the hoop for 20 and 18 Last Thursday night the Green- Eight Teams Compete In and Ferguson are drilling the squad points respectively. Frank Stephenson clad hcopsters played a good game, on their weaknesses and poten- tallied 12 for the Pergusonmen. notwithstanding the fact that they New Intramural League winnin-r form. The Terrors played host to the lost. The score, despite the excellence The Baby Terrors opened their sea- Loyola five on January 13. The visit- of Jim Lacy's efforts, would have been At long last WMC has an Intra- SOil losing to a strong Lebanon Valley ors led by Lacy, Anderson and much closer had it not been for the mural League to be proud of. Instead five by a 59-38 count. This was fol- excellent rebounding of the Grey-' of a fraternity league it has official- lowed by losses to St. Paul's (55-39), Zedalis scored a 77-49 victory over hounds Bob Anderson, who at six feet, ly been designated the Intramural and Baltimore Junior College (47- the weaker home team. The guests' five inches towered over the Terror League. At present there are eight 42). This was interspersed by a 46- height and ballhandling abilities had players. Leo Lathroum did a fine job teams competing, one from each of 38 win over the Baltimore U. club, a major effect on the score. Midwev defensively with Anderson. When the fraternities plus the Seminary, but this past week saw Catholic U. through the first period the Green Loyola played La Salle of Philadel- Wesleyans, Freshmen and an Inde- and Loyola run over the team by 49- quintet pulled up to within a single phia recently Anderson c Iaim e d pendent team. 35 and 45-36 scores respectively. As point difference in the tally but were twenty points while being guarded by Leading the league at this writing Jack Larrimore the scores indicate, the junior Green unable to push ahead of Loyola as the a man four inches taller than he. i's Gamma Beta Chi with five wine The veteran grappler appears to be and Gold just lacks that extra punch game progressed. Lacy and Anderson and no losses. In second place with that so often is the difference between donated 21 and 16 points respectively Still the team may yet hit the win- four victories and no reverses, is a potfmtial M-D champion. to the visitors' total while Lathroum, ning trail for a prolonged steeteh. Alpha Gamma Tau. Delta Pi Alpha Our 128-pound representative, Bob victory and defeat. with 15, was high scorer for Western Phil Sack is the leading scorer with This month of January finds the dub has four wins and one defeat and is 52 points but Steve Covey trails him Maryland. playing' a heavy schedule against the in third place followed by the Inde- Wilsey, was deciaicned by Lane of by only a single counter. Big Chuck • Third Straight Loss hard-fought toughest teams in the 6rcuit, and only pendents with two wins against two Gallaudet in a close, lost also in the Hammaker has tallied 42 points and The Green Terrors journeyed to match. The Terrors one of the contests was scheduled for defeats. The Freshman are in fifth 175-pound category by a decision, Jerry Smith rounds out the top four Hampden-Sydney last Saturday, Jan- th.e local arena. With the change of place with a three and four record Vosnick over Marsh. with a total of 25 points. uary 15th, to suffer their seventh de- sem!'Ster !Somenew faces may appear closely followed by the Seminary five "Ding" DenneHy's left-handed hook feat of the season. The two teams The remaining matches were lost in Terror garb and from all reports who are sporting a two and three log. by falls; Klahr, 136-pounds, Scheaf- shot is beginning to prove itself a!'l battled to a 23-16 half time score in they may be men of tall construction. Tied for seventh place are the fer, 145-pounds, and Dvorine, 155- was seen in the Loyola fray. The re- favor of tIle hosts who shot allead in At any rate, let's keep packing' the Wesleyans and the Black and Whites pounds lost to Burns, Bruffey, and mainder of the squad has recorded the final periods to triumph 69-41. gym. And by the way, we still have who are each looking for their initial but 66 points in six tilts. This tends faith that }<'ebruary will see Coach win after five starts. Bulloch, respectively. - to indicate that the burden of the Ferguson's charges break into a drive The brand of basketball being play- WMC had two such victories in its scoring is being carried by three men simila.r to the one we saw last year. ed this year in the intramural league favor, hence the ten points. Gallaudet and that if the other members of the Westminster's has been very good. The games have had three pins and two decisions (a team can improve their point pro- Friday night's debut of our pugi- decision is worth three points) for a New Modern Drug Store lists was scarcely awe-inspiring but been extremely close in several in- total of 26 market·s. duction, the JV should improve rapid- it did show rather vividly that the stances. The high scorer thus far is Jy on their record. DRUGS Terrors strength rests in the higher Tally Hanna of the Seminary. He has SCHOOL SUPPLIES sixty points in four games for a fif- 'weight classes. The men in the lower teen points per game average. divisio~s had plenty of scrap but a The officials for these games are WINE'S SPORT GRIFFIN'S COSMETICS lack of experience was evident. SODAS chosen from those physical education In short, it would seem as if with majors who wish to officiate in vari- SHOP more training Joe Corleto may have ous sports. 'Ilhus far the whistle- 46 Penn. Ave. LUNCHES-DINNERS Bixler and Guild a winning lineup in the very near tooters have endeavored to keep the CANDIES future. games well under control. PHONE 683-W Drug Co. It's great to see mid-season form It seems to be,the general consensus FULL LINE OF SPORTING SODAS ()<:casionally in a man's first appear- that the league this year is the best John and Main Sts. ance of t.he year. That's the way John the Hill has ever had. Why not come GOODS Opp. Carroll Theatre Seiland looked to us Friday night. out and support a team 1 The stands Orchids to Punchy! are never crowded.
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