Page 28 - TheGoldBug1948-49
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The Gold BlIg, Jan. 18, 1949 Musical Notes .•. I C.I.nd., EffectedI National Symphony Terrors, E.gles Fight (Continued from page 1, column 2) (Continued from page 3 column 2) All Popular Directed by student conductors of Three changes in the second semes- Student tickets for the National the fifteenth conducting class, the ter college calendar have been made. Symphony Orchestra concert to be the bout between Watson Solomon Recordings College Symphony Orchestra pre- Tuesday, February 1, 1949 at 7:50 given in Alumni Hall, February 4, aud Thomas Greenbank was just a sented its annual concert in Alumni A. M. will officially begin the new will be distributed at the office of Me- matter of formality, for mathemati- Hall yesterday morning. term. The termination of spring re- Daniel Hall, beginning at 10;30 A. M., cally, the Terrors had lost their first In Stock Those who participated in the pro- cess has been changed from 10 ;00 Monday, January 17. dual meet of the season. And the gram were; Helen Dubel, Roy Wamp- P. M. Monday, April 4, 1949 to Sun- Each college student paying the ac- groans were rather predominant ler, Jean Daughtrey, Anne Shuppert, day, April 3, 1949 at 8:00 P. M. tivities fee is entitled to one free throughout the sizable crowd for Albums and Mary Dodd, Dan Pinholster , Wanda Seniors wearing the academic gown ticket for his own use in the sections many of the spectators thought that- Bradham, and Lois Royer. . will be invested Monday April 11, designated for students. Coates deserved the decision. Record Accessories 1949 at 11;00 A. M. The entire balcony of Alumni Hall Displaying an excellent demonstru- The Eighteenth Annual Spring is set aside for college students pay- Concert of the orchestra on Friday tion in his first appearance under ing the activities fee. No tickets will WMC colors, Watson Solomon defeat- ;:;;!~!an::r~f 2t~e ~~e:~:~r~OI: .. Delta Sigma Kappa Wins be sold for this section and only stu- ed Greenbank via a T.K.O. in the Needles dents will be admitted to It. opera' "Down in the Valley" by Kurt Annual Scholastic Award Each student must get his second round. Then, as the spectators SOcto $1.50· Weill. The presentation of the opera, ticket. were shuffling towards the exits, an- conducted by Philip Royer, instructor, Delta Sigma Kappa was presented nouncer Homer Earll made the cor- is made possible through the com- the Scholarship Cup by President rected announcement of the victor in bined efforts of Miss Esther Smith Ensor at a tea sponsored by the In- Radio Production the 165~lb. class, and a thunderous Radio Repairs of the Dramatic Art Department and tersorority Council on January 6. (Continued from page 2 column 3) ovation ensued. Instead of a loss, we, her assistant, Don Bailey, and Mr. Each year, the cup is awarded to tive was to rush boys into college now had a draw-quite a difference! Alfred DeLong, director of the choir. the sorority having the highest and give them some credits, befor-e Terror sluggers Henry Muller and scholastic standing. The tea, attended they . were drafted. And after a Roy Merritt fought James Dudley and Radio- by the heads of all the departments, semester here, he received dual George Solan, A. U. representatives officers of all the sororities, and mem- credits, as a freshman here, and as a in the two exhibition bouts of the eve- bers of Delta Sigma Kappa, was this senior in high school. , ning. Electronics (Continued from page 2, column 1) year an inovaticn of the lntersorority Then the long arm of Uncle Sam Council in hopes of making the tainly is plenty of fuel. The Student achievement even more attractive. reached out and transplanted him 14 W. Main St. Government has been trying to light At present, the sororities are in the with the navy in the Admiralty Is- Gloria Beanty Shop the Are for four months, but it always process of mid-semester v 0 tin g. lands, as a yeoman second class. Re- Stylish Hair Cutting seems to die down just when we get turning here, his work proved so 35, it started. Won't you make this your Second semester bids will be 'sent out valuable, that he is stretching his problem as well as ours 1 Get the lead on February 2, and accepted on Feb- credits so as to have an extra year in 82 W. Main St. SMITH & REIFSNIDER out! Wake up and live! Get those ruary 3, from 5:00 until 5:20 p. m.; which to handle radio productions, Incorporated ingenious ideas on paper and let us rules concerning this have been posted and so far things have worked out LUMBER-COAL all see if we can't make Western by the Intersorority Council. to his satisfaction. WESTMINSTER, MD. Maryland a place that we can be Intersorority members have asked proud of rather than saying "'Vhat· that students pay more attention to Stu's Music Studios a helluva place, no life, no spirit, no the rules to be observed in the co-ed VALENTINES Dothin.''' study room. 32 W. Main St. - 2nd Floor Everybody Is Welcome STATIONERY Phone 585 To Stop In At And SHEET MUSIC Mnrray Cleaners MAGAZINES Sheet Music-Instruments Margaret & Earl's POPULAR-STANDARD PICK UP & DELIVERY MOTOROLA TELEVISION CLASSICAL Monday & Thursday P. G. CQFFMAN CO. AND RADIO SANDWICHES-- RECORDS Times Bldg. SOFT DRINKS City Choose from a Large Selection BONSACK'S }4 W. Main St.• Phone 386_ J PETE'S GROCERY CHARLES CARROLL SODAS LUNCHES It Pays To Look Well HOTEL Visit The "I Wish Each Student A East Main Street Avenue Barber Shop Happy, Healthy and S\lC- Under New Management W.stminster Laundry Heagy's Barber Shop cessful New Year." Where The Students Go Laundry and Dry Cleaning Six barbers to give' you quick, PETE DELICIOUS CHICKEN Pick Up And Delivery efficient service. 85 Pennsylvania Avenue DINNERS Service in Basement of Old Main Feel Shopworn? Continuous 2 p. m. Saturdays and Continuous 1 p. m. Saturdays and Shop Refreshed FOR THE BEST Holidays; Holidays; Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 In Food and Service Sunday Matinees; 2 and 4 p. m. p. m. Evening show 9 p. m. Week Matinee 2 p. m.-Evenings 7 & 9 p. m. day shows continuous from 4;30 p. m. EAT AT WED., THURS., JAN. 19, 20 JAN. 19, 20 Th, "THE SAXON CHARM" WED., THURS., OF VENUS" "ONE TOUCH CITY RESTAURANT Robert Montgomery Susan Hayward Ava Gardner Diek Haymes John Payne FRI., SAT., JAN., 21, 22 FRI., SAT., JAN. 21, 22 "SON OF GOD'S COUNTRY" VI. Main St. - Westminster "MY DEAR SECRETARY" Monte Hale Pamela Lake Rita Hayworth Glenn Ford J. WM. HULL,Jeweler SUN., MON., TUES., WED., JAN. 26 JAN. 23, 24, 25 "HA WK OF POWDER RIVER" Hdqs. for Keepsake Diamonds "WORDS AND MUSIC" Eddie Dean Rosceates June Allyson Gene Kelly The Score of New Fashioned Judy Garland THURS., FRI., JAN. 27, 28 Jewelry and Old Fashioned "MOONRISE" Honesty WED., THURS., JAN. 26, 27 Dane Clark Gail Russell "SAN FRANCISCO" Ethel Barrymore TIMES BUILDING Clark Gable jeannette McDonald East Main Street Jack Holt SAT., JAN. 29 Westminster, Md. "SINGING SP~" FRI., SAT., JAN. 28, 29 Hotshots "ONE SUNDAY AFJ'ERNOON" SUN., AWN:, TUES., JAN. 30, 31, Dennis Morgan Janice Page FEB. 1 "ROGUE'S REGIMENT' WESTMINSTER'S SUN., MON., TU:S;S., Dick Powell Martha Toren JAN., 30, 31, FEB. 1 Vincent Price FAMILY "YELLOW SKY" RESTAURANT Gregory Peck Richard Widmark WED., FEB. 2 "DYNAMITE" Apne Baxter William Gargan Virginia Welles Benny's Kitchen WED., THURS., FEB. 2, 3 FRI., FEB. 3, 4 THURS., "NIGHT AT THE OPERA" "MADONNA OF THE DESERT" Where old friends meet Marx Brothers "RING OF THE GAMBLERS" and like to eat FRI., SAT_, FEB. 4, 5 SAT., FEB. 5 "BODY GUARD" "QUICK ON THE TRIGGER" trade-marks mean the same thing. 59 W. Main St., Westminster Lawrence Tierney Priscilla Lane Charles Starrett Smiley Burnette BOTTtEO UNDERAUTHORITYOF THE COCA_COLA COMPANY BY Westminster 6'54-J SUN., .MON., TUES., FEB. 6, 7, 8 SUN., MON., TUES., FEB. 6, 7, 8 WESTMINSTER COCA-COLA BOttLING CO., INC. "MEXICAN HAYRIDE" "STATION WEST" Abbott and Costello Dick Powell Jane Greer @1949.Th.CocQ.CalaCompany --------------------------------.
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