Page 23 - TheGoldBug1948-49
P. 23
The Gold Bug, Dec. 10, 1948 The Lineup • Terror P~gilists Diplomats To Be Terror Basketeers Prepare .------------------- Hopefully Await Met Tomorrow For Wagner And Baltimore • By Homer C. Earll Opening Combat In Away Match Sports Editor Ferguson Building Squad Around Nucleus Of Vets; This week saw our Terror hoopsters Coach Joe Corleto opened boxing J Western Maryland's matmen open starting their jaunt down the twenty- training November 24, and had. an their season with the. Diplomats of Looks To JV Grads And Newcomers For Depth. game trail that lies ahead. The road even dozen pugilistic aspirants an- Franklin and Marshall tomorrow by Mike Chandler is liable to have a good many rough swering the call. night at Lancaster, Pa. spots in it, but we predict that this Among those responding were How- Doing the heavyweight chores will The Terror basketeers look forward to a long, hard season. year's wearers of the Green "and Gold ar-d Shannon, John Seiland, and Don be player-coach Bill Kern, an excell- For the last two weeks, Coach Ferguson has been whipping up a will feature in the playoffs. Maybe Lichty, all returning lettermen from ent wrestler and a tough fellow to squad. Walt Sibiski, who transferred to Loyola, and Joe Thompson it's pre-season optimism but that pre- last year's squad at 125, 145, and 155 beat. Who will wrestle in the 175-1b. who graduated, are two losses to the Green lineup this year. diction is based on the assumption pounds respectively. These men, along class has not yet been decided. Back in there to boost Terror hopes is Frankie Stephenson, that the team will perform as well in .with Coach Corieto, Eastern-Irrtercol- Jack Larrimore, ex-Mason-Dixon whose outstanding play and scoring abilities in former years proves competition as it has in practice. legiate heavyweight semi-finalist in champ will grapple in the 165-lb. di- that height isn't everything. 1946, and consistent Terror point get- vision. Kern is relying heavily on Al Jacobson, whose spirit and aggressiveness mean much to • Who's Wagner? tel', will furnish the nucleus for this Larrimore to be a consistent Terror Terror solidarity will be in the lineup for his fourth year of varsity A good many people have asked us year's team. point-getter. The 155-lb. competitor is ball. about Wagner College, whose. team Paul Schaeffer, a man with consider- It is expected that Len Zawacki ana will meet the Terrors in Gill Gym Fri- able experience to his credit. The man Ernie Burch with their height ana day night. Wagner is a small ee-ed who will wrestle in the 145-lb. class .J!~ drive will account for many rebounds. seheel Iocated on Staten Island, N. Y. has not yet been announced but Another handy man around the hoop the Green in the 136 and Basketball Loop Generally, their teams compete with "Snuffy" Smith and Bob Wilsey will is Walter Hajduk, C~ach Ferguson's the colleges in and around New York represent new discovery. In recent workouts City, teams capable of playing a high 128-lb. weights respectively. They Hajduk has shown up very well work- caliber of basketball. So don't sell the are both newcomers but they have al- Has Eight Clubs ing from the pivot. vlsltors short just because you haven't ready exhibited considerable talent. ·e Adamcvich And Seibert heard of them. We haven't had any of- The schedule beyond tomorrow The never-idle athletic department On the set shot list, the Hill quintet ficial comment on their abilit.y but it's night's match is still in the tentative here at Western Maryland College retains Bill Seibert and John Adamo- doubtful that they will be a pushover stage, but it includes Loyola, Balti- will sound the gun again on Tuesday vich. Leo Lathroum, second year var- club. more U., Towson, Bucknell, Gallaudet, night, December 7, to start another sity man, has plenty of drive and is a Recently we obtained the final sta- and several other colleges. intramural basketball season. The steady ball player. Adding strength tistics on the gridders for this past At present, the team is somewhat first game will start at 7 :00 p. m. in and spirit to the home squad will be season. Top ground-gain'er on the weakened by the loss of John Silber Gill gymnasium between the Seminary Al Paul, a tower of strength on de- Western Maryland team was scat- in the 175-lb. spot. An injury will and the Wesleyans. fense. His fourth year on the court, back Joe Giannelli. He netted 452 yards keep him off the mat at least until Moon has shown his abilities as first overland good for an average of 5.1 January. However, Coach Kern be- 28-Game Schedule string football tackle as well. Up from yards per try. Joe's sidekick, Hank lieves that the team will be in good The season is divided into two the Jay vees comes Vance Hale. Corrado, rolled up an aggregate of shape for the initial match. F. & M. rounds of 28 games each and it will Vance has the old team spirit, a good 413 yards averaging 4.5 yards per is ratgd as one of the leading grap- continue through until February 25. "eye" and plenty of speed. Norm try. Gene Frank and Leo Lathroum pling powers in the east and promises Spectators will be treated to two full Reagan will hold the responsibilities filled out the "big four" with averages Joe Corleto to keep the Terrors active throughout hours of fast, scrappy basketball as of manager. of 4.5 and 3.9 yards per try respec- Terror heavyweight 1;1 also perform- the evening. double-headers have been scheduled • Speed The Keynote ing the coaching dldies this season. tively. for each night of competition, one im- • Giannelli Leading Passer At the present the boys are train- mediately following the other. The Green squad will depend great- Seems as if Joe Giannelli also gets ing daily in the cellar of Albert Nor- ly this year on ag greaaion and speed the honors in the aerial department. man Ward in preparing themselves Emphasis On Height due to its lack of height. This element He completed eight passes in 28 at- for a small, but potent, schedule Those organizations having repre- has not hampered scoring ability in tempts, two of them good for touch which includes such perenial power- sentatives in the league are the Bach- past years and probably will not this downs. houses like Army, Penn State, Ameri- elm's, Preachers, Seminary, Wesley- season. The Terror five under Coach~ Bill Seibert really rang the bell can U., and the U. S. Naval Air Sta- ans, Independents, Freshmen, Black Ferguson definitely hopes to alter last with· his punting performance. He tion of Pautuxet, Md. The athletic and Whites, and Gamma Bets. Each year's ninth place in the Mason-Dixon kicked 27 times averaging -to.5 yards. department is also trying to arrange club intends to carry an eight or nine finals. With the spirit that now domi- That's sufficient evidence of Bill's an informal meeting with the man squad with. the emphasis nates, this should be accomplished but ·ability. "Mount" here before the Christmas usual placed on height. it will require plenty of work. Of all the men mentioned above holidays. ______It is hoped, as in former seasons, Bill Seibert is- the only one who won't The mainc emphaaia at the present Just For FUn that the student body will back the be around next fall. The "Terror . is being placed on fundamentals and True to intramural tradition, one players with all spirit available. We Twins", alias Corra~o and Giannelli, conditioning, and the coach seems can expect hard-fought contests and can all help by coming out to the will be back of course, and if they well pleased with the progress being rough and .ready teams from each games, and, w,llen necessary, yelling can keep on producing averages like made by his charges. A very encour- group. It's basketball played strictly our heads off. A good team, an able those above WMC can't help but aging note is the fact that all the for the fun of it but full of the spir-it coach and a student body not lacking have a winning season. They are in- boys have made their weights al- and the desire to win that many pro- in spirit can certainly increase the deed enviable statistics. ready-a much different outlook than fessionals don't possess. chances for a successful season. last years-c-when the majority of •• !\fatmen And Boxers Prepare boys were "sweating out" from bout Coach Bill Kern seems to have a to bout. Bill Kern pretty good number of men out for Other men vying for positions are Veteran grappler confident that hill Green And Gold Jayvees positions on the wrestling squad. Hugh Burgess, Norman Coates, Tom charges will show up well thie eeaeon. They make their debut tomorrow Doolittle, Harry LeFew, Bob Lizer, Showing Potential Power traveling to meet the Franklin and Henry Muller, Henry Norman, Solo- Marshall grapplers at Lancaster, Pa. mon and Buck watson. However, Joe The J.V. basketball season is off to The Diplomats perenially put a Corleto urges all those interested in a a good start with many promisipg strong team on the mat so the Terror tryout to come to the boxing room in Four of West_¥l"nMaryland's soccer prospects on the squad. From the side lines they look pretty good and lads certainly have a task cut out Albert Norman Ward for practice stalwarts were selected to tryout seem to be top ball players as their for themselves. every afternoon at three o'clock. for the All-Maryland team at College competition merits. Under the guid- The pugilists are rounding into Dean Free is acting in the capacity Park on December 4. Jim Hackman, ance of Coach Ferguson and assistant shape under the tutelage of Joe of faculty advisor and Al Yaglinski is Fletch Ward, Kelley Rice, and Homer Corleto. The schedule ahead for the handling the managerial duties. Earll were chosen to compete but "Lefty" Elliot, the team is molding boxers is not an easy one particularly Ward was unable to go due to an in- into fine shape. The quint has a tough road, they meet stiff league competi- with West Point and other power jury suffered during the season. tors and need plenty of seasoning. clubs on the list. Seems as if the bur- We tip the topper this time to Jim Present were representatives of Their schedule includes 21 games, den of victory will rest heavily on the Hackm~n. Not only did "Hackie" play Loyola, Maryland, Navy, Towson, almost identical to the schedule the shoulders of the experienced members an outstanding game at fullback for Frostburg, Washington, Hop kin s, varsity plays. There are some differ- of the squad. the SOccer team throughout the sea- Baltimore U., and Salisbury. Among son, but last Saturday he traveled to those present were a number of All- ences: December 10, St. Paul's away; Coilege Park and came home with a American players from last year and January 8, Baltimore Junior College berth on the 2nd Team, All-Maryland. other stars from this area. away; January 15, no game; Febru- John Adamovich WINE'S SPORT And witij_ another season left in a very well considering the caliber did of ary 18, Baltimore Junior College Diminutive set-8hot arti8t figures The Green however Terrors, home. SHOP Terror jersey well, there's no telling the competition. Jim Hackman secur- greatly in plans for thi8 year'8 what the "Dundalk Dandy" may do! hoopeiere. 46 Penn. Ave. ed one of the fullback positions on the Gaining Teamwork 2nd team· and Fletch Ward and With such able men as Jules Levin, PHONE 683-W Homer Earll received Honorable Men- Al Davidson, Steve Covey, Homer Westminster Laundry tion at left wing and center halfback Earll, Jim Gordon, and Phil Sack, the FULL LINE OF SPORTING respectively. Coach Jones was very team should be a serious threat to the GOODS Laundry and Dry Cleaning pleased with the showing made by opposition this season. The team is Dec. Pick Up And Delivery these men. getting the "feel" of playing together 8 Lebanon Valley Away and they are working up to a solid Wagner Home Service team of aggressive ball players. 10 Baltimore U. Home in Heagy's Barber Shop 14 17 American U. Away Steady Improvement Basement of Old Main Jan. Westminster's Six barbers to give you quick, For the first few weeks the squad S Washington College Away New Modern Drug Store efficient service. has been scrimmaging in Gill Gym 11 Catholic U. Away along side of the varsity men. Em- 13 Loyola Home DRUGS phasis has been placed on defense but 15 Hampden-Sidney Away also accuracy on foul shooting. With SCHOOL SUPPLIES For All Your Snacks a group of play_'rs unaccustomed :0 20 22 Mt. St. Mary's Away Away Gettysburg COSMETICS and J. WM. HULL, Jewel.. college rivalry, mentor Ferguson 1S 28 Gallaudet Away SODAS Hdqs. for Keepsake Diamonds bringing his J.Y. basketeers along in Feb. Christmas, Cheer fine style. A winning combination is 2 Loyola Away American U. in the making. The squads have been Store Bixler and Guild MEET AT PETE'S The Jewelry and of New Fashioned cut and therefore he will devote more 5 9 J ohps Hopkins Home Away Old Fashioned Drug Co. Honesty time and attention to the junior 11 16 Catholic U. U. Home Baltimore Away Green and Gold squad. Despite a lack This Tome Of Year TIMES BUILDING of height the team makes up for it in 18 Washington College Home John and Main Sts. East Main Street speed and precision. This "Terror" 22 Mt. St. Mary's Home Main St.-Red Neon Sign Westminster, Md. team has confidence in victory in 24 Dickinson Home spite of its wugh rivals. 26 Johns Hopkins Home