Page 21 - TheGoldBug1948-49
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Bishop Hughes ,Interviewed AFter Chapel Last Sunday Four Times Retired And Three Time. R"c.lI"d, Z286 Subj"ct Still Carri". Vigorous T,,"ching Schedule By Bill Porter '" Vol. 26, No.6 Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. December 10, 1948 l\Ianaging Editor "I decided a long time ago that I'd Bob Lyter's Dance Music 'never ruin my children by leaving College Calendar them a fortune. I believe I'm going to achieve my ambition," chuckled Bis- Friday, December 10- Will Open Holiday Season hop Edwin Holt Hughes during the Arts Symposium, McDaniel Lounge, ride to Chevy Chase aiter chapel serv- 4:15 p. m. ices last Sunday. Basketball-Wagner College, Gill Gill Gym To B" D"corat"d As N"ver-Nev£r Land Four times retired and three times Gym, 7 :15 p. m. recalled, Bishop Hughes, a spry little Saturday, December 11- For T~aditional Ch~istma. Hop On December 11 man of 83, is now handling preach- Black and White Dance, Gill Gym, Winter never-never land will be the theme of the annual ing missions over the east coast. Sun- 8:30~11:45 p. m. Christmas Dance to be held tomorrow night in Gill Gymnasium at day marked the ninth consecutive Sunday, December 12- 8 :30 p. m. under the auspices of Pi Alpha Alpha fraternity. year he has spoken in Chapel on the Sunday School, Dr. Bradley, Baker Bob Lyter's. twelve piece orchestra from Lancaster, Pa. will Hill. Chapel, 9:15 a. m. furnish the music for the pre-holiday festivities. Club members Chapel, Christmas Program, Alum- • Enjoyed Fenimore Cooper ni Hall, 7 p. m. who have heard the orchestra promise good arrangements and a Bishop Hughes revealed that the Monday, December 13- variety of tempos, gown he wore during the service be- French Club, McDaniel Lounge, As is customary, the dance will be longed to Dr. Gordon Bound, noted Carol Program. a semi-formal, non-corsage affair. YuleAcfivitieslnc/ude philosopher. During his younger days Tuesday, December 14- Tickets' may be obtained in Blanche the Bishop read Fenimore Cooper and Basketball - Baltimore U., Gill Ward and McDaniel Hall offices or Banquet And Tableau Washington Irving whenever time was Gym, 7:15 p. m. from any Black-and-"White club mem- Next 'Thursday at 6 :00 p. m., the available. As he grew older Bound's Seminary Pageant, 8:15 P. M. ber at $2.00 per couple. Wl\lC Dining H.all. will be the ,scene philosophy became his "great ban- Wednesday, December 15- • Unusual Decor-ations Planned of the annual Christmas Banquet. ner". Bishop Edwin Holt Hughes SCA, 6 :45 p; m. Bill Henry and Don Bailey, who Semi-formal attire will be worn. For eight years he was in charge of This noted gentleman was largely Thursday, December 16- are in charge of the decorations, Special holiday decorations are being the Methodist Church in the Hawaiian responsible for the union of the three SCA movie, Carroll Theatre. guarantee a lavish and different set- planned by the Trumpeters. Bringing Islands. Between the Great Wars he Methodist churches which took over Friday, December 17- ting. "They will be even more in the Christmas spirit the group will for traveled throughout Europe. Noting 30 years to complete. He wrote a large Basketball- American University, grandiose than the Hop decorations year", join with Dean Free in the singing of last Mid-Semester- our the empty churches in Germany in portion of the plans for the unifica- away. carols. 1930, Bishop Hughes at that time tion. One of the problems he cited in Christmas Recess begins. says Henry. According to Fletcher After the dinner a pageant directed expressed his disturbance as to the this movement was that there were Monday, January 3- Ward, club president, '', , . they will by Bob Fringo will be enacted by the future welfare of that nation and over 300,000 negroes to make welcome Christmas Recess ends. be the most unusual decorations dis- SCA .in Baker Chapel. The story cen- the world. This was his last journey without prejudice. Wednesday, January 5- played in recent years". ters around the birth of Christ and The dancers will find themselves abroad; he does not expect to go "There is no excuse for forgetting Community Concert the midst of a whirling snowstorm, in portrays its effect upon vertous per- again. SCA, 6:45 p. m. sonalities of the nativity era, par- a person's name", claims Bishop Friday, January 7- characteristic of a colorful holiday • Changes In Transportation Hughes. "The reason most people do Music Recital, Miss Brainard, Al- season. Co-eds are cautioned to keep ticularly upon a haughty soldier group in Army. the Roman A special "One of my most penetrating child- not recollect others' names is that umni Hall, 8:15 p. rn, a watchful eye for mistletoe, How- directed by Mary Dodd is to present hood experiences occurred when my they never collect them, that they Saturday, January 8- ever, the detailed decoration scheme' the musical accompaniment to the father was transferred to a parish in don't recall or remember is that they Basketball-Washington College, will remain a secret until the night program. Buchanan", stated the Bishop. "We never call or member them." Away. of the dance. Among the other club reached Clarksburg and boarded the As to the "Greater western Mary- Sunday, January 9- members who have helped with the stage for Buchanan. I was nine years land" plan, the Bishop reminds all of Chapel, Rev. J. M. Rogers, D.D., decorations are Ober Herr, Cliff Pfaff, and LeCerde Francais of age and my youngest sister was the students to be patient. He em- Alumni Hall, 7 p. m. Dick Dunlop, Howard Haines, one month old, The journey of 28 phasizes the fact that it is a long 'Tuesday, ,Tanuary 11- Bill Carroll. miles took over 11 hours, As my moth- range measure and cannot possibly be Basketball-Catholic University, _ Duane Salt.zgaver Publicity Head To Give French er sat there holding my sister, tears fulfilled overnight. Away. Duane Saltzgaver has been ap- is in charge Carol Program began to drop upon her shawl-the (Continued on page 4. column 4 pointed head of the publicity com- only time throughout my life that I mittee, Charles Hammer saw her lose courage through a physi- of the tickets, Fletcher Ward heads Lee Cant1que8 de Noel, wiil be pre- cal weakness." Choir, College Players Appear In the orchestra committee, and Walter sented by the French Club, in ac- "Four years ago I made the same McJilton will provide for refresh- I was Chapel Program Sunday, jonrney. Within 51 minutes niter leav- Dec. 12 ments. cordance with the season's festivities, Monday at 8:00 P. M. in McDaniel ing the train in Clarksburg Major and Mrs. DuBose, Dr, and Lounge, breakfasting with my friend Senator Folk carols and tableaux will high- Mrs, Holthaus, Dr. Wills and Mr. Betty Bachtell, a music major, will Scene. While the Young in Buchanan." light the Christmas pageant given the final Nativity in the windows, the and Mrs. Makosky will act as spon- direct the group of approximately scenes change Upon leaving Ohio Wesleyan, Bish- jointly by the College Choir and the choir will furnish background music. sors. College alumni have been properly seventy-five carolers, accompanied by op Hughes entered the University of College Players Sunday in Alumni Members of the cast include James Dorothy Alexander. Joyce Gorsuch, Boston Seminary. Concerning his col- Hall at 4:15 p. m. and 7:15 p. m. Hackman, reader; Charlotte Goodrich, notified and many former students president of the French Club, and are expected. lege experiences he affirmed that he Mary; Patricia McLaren, angel of Club members have contacted the Millard Lescalette will read the ere- was a member of "everything"---evi- _ Presenting Folk Carols ditional Christmas story from a the Annunciation; William Dulaney, weather man to insure a lighter snow- denced by a crooked finger from a The ,choir, under the direction of Joseph; Lincoln Justice, Inn Keeper; fall for this year's dance. French Bible. baseball injury, He reveals that he Mr. Alfred deLong, will begin the Jay Eggly, King Herod; Park Ranck, Mr. Philip Royer will open the pro- will never forget the time he won the program with a candlelight procee- first shepherd; Shermer Garrison, gram with a violin arrangement of oratorical contest in the Western sional of Adeste Fidelee. The main second shepherd; John Seiland, third Delegates Attend Schubert's Ave Maria. The other States division. He later procured his part of their program will include the shepherd; Howard Haines, first king; musical numbers are as follows: D,D. from Syracuse University. Hold- following Christmas carols: Behold a Lincoln Justice, second king; and Jay Que Chacun S'EmpreBse in~ 14 honorary degree~, sev~n of , Star [rom: Jacob Shining, by Men- Eggly, third king. The angels are Regional Meeting Voici Noel, 0 Dance Nuit which are LL.D:, the Bishop Joked delssohn-Bartholdy; Nativity Carol of Dorothy Arnold, Patricia Sulzbach, Noel that he would like to sell. them for lIfexican Shepherds; As Lately We Rita Bittle, Bertha Bern, Rachel En- Atlantic City, New Jersey, on Fri- Chorus $500 each and take a vacation.. Watched, Austrian folk song' Glory nis, Marian Auld, Mary Ellen Smith, day and Saturday, November 26 and Voici La Noel Bisho.p Hughes v?iced an inter~st to That New-Born King, Neg:o Spir-, Joan Pfeifer, Doris Lee Phillips, and 27, was the scene of the Annual Con- Dans zes Ombres de la Nuit concernmg the a~~zlllg way ?,Y whl~h itual; Let Carols Ring, folk melody Betty Jane Bayliss. Donald Bailey vention of the Middle States Associa- Women's Chorus con~mpora~y wntmgs. enter the plC- from Sweden; Balulalow by Ruggero and Harry Adams will take care of tion of Colleges and Secondary A"Ve Maria Betty Bachtell ture ,remalll a short bme,. and almost Vene; Galician Christmas Carol on the lights and curtain respectively, Schools, which was attended by Presi- II Est Ne fade out completely. He Clted ~he ex- The Feast of the Holy King8; Bethle- The afternoon program will be pre- dent L. S. Ensor; the registrars, Miss Mary Jean Rupert and chorus ample of The Robe, Gone Wtth the hem, folk song of Glatz; and The Lit- sentea for parents and visitors, and Martha Manahan and Miss C, V. D'On VienB - Tu, Bergere Wind, and others. tle Jesus of Braga, Portuguese Christ- the second performance will be the Perry; Dr. Kathryn B. Hildebran, Rachel Holmes and chorus mas Canzone. In conclusion, the choir regular Chapel Service for students. head of the Modern Language Depart- (Continued on page 4, column 3) ment; and'Dr. G. Franklin Stover, Student Recital Scheduled ;~!~:~~~~::l~;~:~.Chorus from Dean of the Faculty. Senior Carolers Plan Dr. Hildebran was elected secretary- Music students of WMC will pre- •. Miss Esther Smith Directing treasurer .of the Association of Mod- sent a recital in Levine Hall on Tues- To Serenade Facu/t y ern Language Teachers of the Middle day at 4:25 to mark the thir.d in a o Come Let Us Adore Him, done in series of these presentations. tableaux as stained glass windows, Senior carolers will meet in front States, which met on Saturday, No- Both piano and vocal compositions will be the College Players' contribu- of Blanche Ward Hall at 5:00 next vember 27. At this time, Mrs. W. Rex are included in the following pro- tion to the Christmas pageant. Under Friday morning to carryon another Crawford, representing the Philadel- phia schools, spoke on the topic, "In gram. the direction of Miss Esther Smith, of W.M.C.'s Christmas traditions by Service Training for Modern Lan- Gavotte, by Corelli, Anne Shuppert; \the five tableaux to be depicted are: "serenading" the faculty members guage Teachers." Sonata, Op, 70, First Movement, by The Annunciation, There was No and town people. Beethoven, Roy Wampler; Gigue from Room, Announcing of the Birth to the This year all the members of the _ Influe-~ces In French Lit. French Suite,...No.5, by Bach, S07UJ.-- Shepherds, Wise Mrm and Herod, and Also, Professor Maurice Coindreau tine, First Movement, by Ravel, Jane class are to travel a carefully planned of Princeton University spoke in Conaway; 0 Sleep, Why D08t Thou ChristmasDinner Menu route, taking in the homes of all the French on the infiuence of the Ameri- .II1e, by Handel, Rugiadose, professors in the immediate vicinity can novel on contemporary French Odorose, by Scarlatti, Wanda Brad- Fruit Cocktail of the Hill. literature. He stressed the infiue~ce of ham; Si La. Rigueur from La Juive, Ripe and green olives Celery hearts Preceding the caroling, all senior such authors as John Dos Pasos, a by ·Halevy, Now Your Days of Phil- Roast Young Turkey girls are invited to a progressive style Manhattan transfer; William Faulk- andering ,Are Over, from Marriage Cranberry Sauce Honey Baked Ham buffet supper in the sorority rooms. ner; Ernest Hemingway; and John of Figaro, by Mozart, Charles Shook; Sausage Dressing Brown Gravy These refreshments are to be pre- Steinbeck. Translations of these au- Enfa,ntines, by Black, Martha Schaef- . Sno-fiake Potatoes pared by sorority members from the thors have been selling rapidly. How- fer; Deux Ara.besqueB, by Debussy, Candied Sweet Potatoes •junior class, and are to be served ever, at the present the American in- Miss Margaret Snader Mickey Hardester; Arabesque, by Buttered Green Peas promptly at 4: 30 a. m. fluence is beginning to wane, and Schumann, Lois Royer. Hot Rolls Butter Preserves The junior class also will provide France has gone elsewhere for its Sponsor of the French Club. Miss This will be the last recital before Pumpkin Pie the senior breakfast following the inspiration. I Snader has long been responsible for the Christmas vacation. Mixed Candy Salted Nuts carol tour at 7 :15 in the dining hall. (Continued on page 4, column 1) its traditional Christmas program.
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