Page 22 - TheGoldBug1948-49
P. 22
The Gold Bug, Dec. 10, 1948 Guest Editorial: "Unnatural Demands On Youthful Exhuberance" On Thanksgiving morning, the "Unnatural Demands on Youthful Exu- ing example of good judgment and un- game let the pregame activities be good Baltimore Sun carried: an edit01w cri- berance," for I am of the opinion that derstanding on the part of college men sportsmanship and fair play com- ticizing scholastic institutions for their it will undo a great deal that has been and women. mensurate with the rules of the game. efforts to CUTb ?'owdyism in footbaU accomplished in the effort to establish I place their action on a higher plane If it be an assault let us patrol the boun- rivalries. The Hopkins-Western Mary- healthy relations between natural foot- daries of our campuses with an armed land relationship was cited, among ball rivals. than that suggested by your statement otnere, as an example. ... tfiat "in these parts there is a radical guard. Those of us who read this item In connection with the Johns Hop- moeement afoot to have youth curb its Fortunately, in the Hopkins-West- were indignant and distTessed by the kins-Western Maryland rivalry, you exuberance." Those who were present ern Maryland rivalry this year good will puerile and thoughtless attitude of the state that the students "buried their at the pep rallies of both schools were and fellowship triumphed over unintel- above-mentioned publication. traditional pregame horseplay." What unaware of any feeling of frustration. ligent vandalism. The students them- That which follows, is Dean Free:e they buried was the lust for pregame Members of the teams say: "We never selves have handled the problem in a reply (which was pt-inted by the Sun), destruction of buildings, and property. had such a send-off." and we feel that this letter should be of This voluntary decision, coming from What is football? Is it a game played most commendable manner. Why not and let them interest .to the entire student body. the student bodies of these two colleges by two teams- representing rival stu- recognize their action cordialel alone? Vive l'entente To the Editot· of The Sun-Sir: I through their elected student govern- dent bodies? Or, is it an assault of one read with apprehension your editorial, ment representatives, is a most refresh- student body upon another? If it be a L. Forrest F1·ee. Good Listening In Three Lessons ilerry (!!~ri!ltma!l Grandma! Those Teeth Are Big! nUll a We have a very unfortunate situa- inspiring that they feel that a letter 31ittppy Neul 1lfea~ by Mahlon F. Peck tion here on campus, and we've been should be sent home at that very "Who's afraid of the big bad Just Plain Common Sense trying to think of ways to solve it. moment, written on the back of the wolf?" Almost everyone, it seems. The subject matter of physics is the Perhaps you can help us. It seems that printed order of service, just to show What wolf? you say. The purpose of commonplace everyday happenings only a rather small minority _of the that they were attending to their reo Letter To The Editor this article is to answer that ques- around us. The explanations of some students have the opportunity of be- ligious needs. tion. happenings are more complicated than ing on the stage during chapel serv- Once we saw a student go corn- Dear Sir: In the minds of most students there others but there-is nothing mysterious ices, thereby missing one of the most pletely berserk in the middle of a In 1923, the first fraternity was is usually some 011esubject which is about them. Math! Anyone with suf- enjoyable hours available dtu-Iug the sermon. She had to be carried out in founded on the campus of Western symbolized by the bad old wolf. Of all ficient genius to budget his allow- otherwise ordinary week Of the aver- a str-aight-jacket, thereby forcing the Maryland College. subjects, probably physics is found ance to meet his expenses today age college student. You see, the folks presiding minister to cut short his That year marked the beginning of most often in this category. The hue should not have any great difficulty on stage at that time get to see prac- address in order to go and pacify the an era of increasing Intra-college and cry begins in high school. Stay with thetmathematice of physics. In tically the whole student body at once, _young lady with sootbing words of spirit, because since that time, the away from physics! Physics is a his book, Calculus Made Easy, Syl- in- and we think that those unfortunates kindness. It was later learned that the four fraternities have performed col- tough subject! In college the cry dif- vanus P. Thompson says, "What one dispensable services in fostering off the stage would enjoy a rather cause ,of it all was relatively simple: fers only in intensity. The net result fool call do, another can." The same surprising experience if they could there was printing on both sides of lege activities and brotherly spirit, is a mass hysteria. applies to physics. get into the same situation. the _program, She was finally calmed and in general making the "hill" a The student who finds physics is a Bogey Man Is Fear Cooperation down after being assured that each more liveable place, and not merely required subject in his curriculum is Then what is the cause of the Here on the right we have three Sunday's program would have at least an institution of books, classes, and scholastic drudgery. ready for the sanitarium before he at- difficulty! In the early stages of the This year, during one of the tra- tends his first class. last war President Roosevelt told the ditional activities of the clubs, name- Exaggeration? Perhaps, but not as nation, "The only thing we have to ly the initiations, certain members of much as you might think. The psychol- fear is fear itself." There is your wolf the faculty seemed quite unwilling to ogy of beginning physics students has -FEAR. As a child you walked into take even a passive interest in allow- been a matter of concern to me for the shadow in which you knew the ing them to be conducted. some time. Why should otherwise in- bogey-man was hiding. The little man The interruption of a meal by some telligent students turn completely de- wasn't there. As an adult your ex- pledges dressed as women parading featist when they find themselves in a perience tells you that fears vanish through the dining hall brought un- physics course? There is an answer when they are boldly faced. Give favorable c I' i tic ism from some and to most people it is a surprising your-self a chance! Don't let fear stop sources, as did the activities of other one. you before you start. pledges in the downtown district of It is natural to find satisfaction in Not so long ago we heard a short Westminster during the i I' "hell knowing things. YOU, KNOW that but impl'essive talk given to a small girls catching up on sleep that they six inches of writing space on the night". Perhapl\, these criticisms are when your speedometer regtstera 40 group of students bij a me-lltber of the.' didn't get on their weekend vacation: back. justified and certainly we respect the miles an hour, it will take y~ 45 faculty. We thought more people These girls are very cooperative. Rapt }ttention _ judgment of those making them, but minutes to drive 30 miles. YOU should have been there at the time the first leans on the second's shoul- Finally we have the student whose other phases of the initiations which KNOW that temperature is a measure since the gist of the discussion.,fould der, the third leans on the second's eyes are riveted on the speaker. In are far less objectionable have also of warmth. YOU KNOW that you vcry well apply to other courses be- other shoulder, and the second has fact, his eyes don't even move. been criticized unjustly in the opinion float because your body is less dense ing pursued here and in other schools, her head supported by virtue of the they just stick out there, unblinking, of many, including myself. Men have than water. YOU KNOW. that the as well as being well put sound phi- other two heads being firmly anchored burning, intense, and it looks as been forbidden entrance to classrooms more electric lights you burn, the losphy f01" evqryday living. For this as solid supports at the base of her though he's absorbing even the because of some slightly peculiar more power you have to pay for. In reason, at our request, Mr. Peck jaws. Some fun! Farther back, on the punctuation marks in the sermon. dress, and even in at least one case, fact, YOU KNOW a considerable furnished the above, which represents other side of the auditorium, we may Please don't be encouraged ... he for the simple act of carrying a pad- amount of physics and YOU haven't the 8ubstance of his talk. see one of Western Maryland's more has that peculiar knack of sleeping dle! even taken the course. -Feature Editor. studious members. He's 011eof those with his eyes open. Certainly such minor occurrences amazing peopJe ,who can read, listen See For Yourself as these which tend, in some small to the radio, mind the neighbor's baby, As we said in the beginning, it's all way, .to enliven our extracurricular cJIi.tjh (!)n ~he cJIdl file his nails, and knit argyles with very funny and a rather good show. life, cannot be as great a distraction his toes, all at the same time. That's We know you'll leave with the im- to academic endeavor as some think! He Studies! --- Seven Hours fA Day I why reading during the sermon is a pression that the student body here is They help to make up one of the relatively easy matter. Here we have quite versatile, and that they're all phases of our college life which is only one disturbing element, which rugged individualists. And when you remembered long after graduation. "" ekulu St-J. simplifies the whole matter. In fact, leave you'll tell other people that this ff the critics of the fraternity inita- Pandemonium reigned supreme in As President of the Sunday School, the lack of distraction might even is the place to be at 7:15 p. m. on tions would analyse them, they would the corridors of Ward Hall. At a desk he is the author of the present "What prove uncomfortable to our student. Sundays if you want to enjoy your- find that these activities can exist in a room made conspicuous by the Can I Believe?" series of thought-pro. That's why the student in the next self. We know because we overheard side by side with curricular activi- absence of its door, a lone, pajama- voking discussions. He is listed in this seat is whispering the saga of Dan- the speaker say it after the service. ties without noticable harm to either. clad figure was making an admirable 'year's edition of Who'8 Who Among gerous Dan McGrew in his ear. P-1;O. Richard Dunlop effort to ignore the din and continue Students, and his work in the SeA just to create atmosphere that will be his study of "All Quiet on the West- and the Argonauts is also worthy of more conducive to study, you see. ern Front," His powers of concentra- mention, since he is Vice· President of Dear Mother tion were thus exposed to the simul- both of these groups. Then in glancing around, our eyes taneous fighting of two wars, but the will invariably alight on one of our pages of the novel lost the battle of letter writing friends. Chapel is so realism to the din that prevailed in /Vote. t!JI ,q 'kJede-u. cer and Football teams also received the dormitory. Later, when the miss- their awards at this assembly on Wed- ing door had been replaced and quiet Ogden delivered THE GOLD BUG M~ Christmas just around the nesday. had returned, Jim epilogue, "For-ty-five With his unrehearsed corner efforts are being extended to More masculine vigor is needed for minutes of studying time lost-for· IRn~mcl~~I::;:.entll~bli':6:rer .~~r'::~!:'rhlyM.';,"~ bring more of the holiday spirit to the the cheer·leading squad. Our femi· ever lost," and returned to his work, during October, Nove'nber, Janu· campus than has been in evidence in nine representatives, although very on "The War Theme in the Novel, d~'lo~eb8r;:;t~';'b~r~r~e::.!h!~r~~dntr.~~n~:r. past years. The Student Government efficient, fail to bring out the vast po· 1914-1948." lered B•• ,,"ond cl••• matler &t Westminster has sent out a scouting expedition in tential spirit stored in the Western No miser parts with his gold more POlt om.", under the Aot of March S, 1879. search of a large fir tree which they Maryland student"body. Any male in· reluctantly than Jim does with his Member will place in front of 'Old Main'. All terested in adding this needed charge hours of study, He has the same ap· Associated Collegiate Press students are invited to share in dec· contact Jim Cotter during the corning petite for facts that football players orating this tree. week. have for beefsteak, and he can relax Subl!lerlptlon Prlee $2.00 a Year !J1em4 "I.. 'If.... e~ just as much reading history as other The fall sports Banquet was held people can playing ping-pong. As a EDITORIAL STAFF December 1, in the dining hall and An X·Ray machine is desperately resuit, he is miserable if he doesn't Editor·in·Chid Gruver Martin '49 hit the books for six or seven ho~rs a Managing Editor" .. '!'heoda Lee Kompanek '50 the S.G. would like to apologize to needed for the new infirmary sched· William Porter '50 the boarding faculty member.s who uled to be built in the very near fu· day. Always he refuses to concede ~:~t~~di~;:~r: .. ':. :: .. L~~i:n~~e~:!~~ :~~ were forced to eat their evening meal ture. Suggestions are being made to that he is anything more than a hard- James Ogden Assi.tant News Editor. .Jane Guttman, '50 in the 'training room. This move was deduct a small amount of money from working student, although his "A" Sports Editor _._.Homer EarU '49 He lives with Joe "the Moustache" Copy Editor.. . Duane Salt.zgllver '49 necessary because of the inadequate all the student activities which are average at WMC renders the state· ming Editor.. . .. Rita Bittle '51 planned for the near future. No defi- ment decidedly unconvincing. Culotta in a neair fourth-floor den all seating facilities. BUSINESS STAFF nite action, however, has been taken Jim comes to the Hill from Prince trimmed with Christmas decorations. Busine." Man"ger .......•.. Ted Qnelch '49 Frederick, having spent a year at St. The room is one of the few that are Ad,-erti"ing Manager ..•...... Ed Wright '49 Congratulations are in order for the on this much needed addition to our Circulation Manager Dell" Grauel '49 organization who won the awards for infirmary. John's College in Annapolis and two adjacent to Old Ward's only fire- the homecoming decorations. Phi Al- succeeding years in the army. His escape so that in the event of fire, Blackie Brandt, .June Beaver, 1lnrilyn Cole, just as in almost any other situation pha Mu was presented a loving cup; Much attention has been brought to work on "The War Theme in the Alpha Gamma Tau was awarded a the Student Government concerning Novel" reflects weU his deep interest you can think of, Jim Ogden is going ~:~~~~;:C~i:{:;~bi~:!s~::f~!~f~\:~~~e; the Sorority and Fraternity parties in English and history as well as his to be about ten jumps in front of Mickey Ruppert., Peggy Sample., Dorothy card table; and Gamma Beta Chi re- Shoemaker, Nancy Walker. Sonya WlIle. ceived an album of records. The Soc· (Continued on page 4, column 3) bitterness to~ard war and its causeS. everybody. !\ancyWinkieman, .Alic"Yearly.