Page 19 - TheGoldBug1948-49
P. 19
The Gold Bug, Nov. 23, 19.48 Jays Defe'at Terrors For Mason-Dixon Crown -----.:-----. ~u dJ~_ Green And Gold Fourth Quarter Touchdown The l.ineup .~'----------~------ Seniors Triumph For Quint-Readying Stifles Championship'Hopes By Homer C. Earll . , SPOrts Editor FourthStraight Time For First Game Outmanned Green And Gold Team Battles Valiantly Saturday's fracas on Hoffa Field The intramural hockey season With the football eeaeors virtually ought to go down in Wester!!_ Mary- closed with the Seniors again unde- at an end, the students here at West- But Late Hopkins Passi~g Attack Prevents Victory land annals as one of the most pain- feated, The present Senior class has ern Maryland, along with the students ful losses on record. To outplay the been the hockey "champs" for the past of many other schools across the na- Before a crowd of more than 5000 gathered at Western Mary- Jays for fifty-seven minutes and then four years, a record that is impossible tion are turning their attention to land's Hoffa Field, Howdy Myers and his Blue Jays did it again. see victory slip out of your grasp at to beat, The Juntora and Sophomores basketball, probably the most popular For the third time this season Johns Hopkins rolled up enough that point leaves one with an empty ended in a tie and the play-off game 6f winter sports. Some are getting in points in the final stanza to win a game. feeling. was also a tie with the score I-I. shape for the long grind ahead as The entire first half saw Western Maryland dominating the The Terrors forward line was The "Lady Terrors" defeated Notre participants, but most of us are eag- play. Leo Lathroum put the Green and Gold ahead 6-0, plunging magnificent throughout. Time after Dame in hockey 2-1. Our goals were erly awaiting the opening of the sea- three yards to score late in the first period. Then for the first time time Hopkins passers were smother- made by Sue Dixon and Jean Minnis. son from a spectators point of view. all season, the Terror try for the extra point was blocked. This ed scarcely before they got their arms The varsity Towson ga:me was score- WKich is best is hard to say, but the mishap for the Havensmen eventually cost them the Mason-Dixon . -cocked. And the occasions when the less but our JV's won 1-0. The, goal fan's role is certainly the easiest. diadem since a tie score would have given the crown to the Terrors. Jays picked up much yardage over- was made by Betty Lenz. The third quarter saw the Jays slowly tear the offensive land were most infrequent. At the last W.A.A. meeting the power from the WMC team's grasp. However both teams lost • Pass Defense Successful honorary hockey team was chosen, scoring opportunities as frequent penalties took their toll. drive which seemed to A Hopkins The Terrors 4-4-2-1 pass defense consisting of the following women: be headed undeniably ,for the goal worked very effectively as Hopkins Minnis, Dixon, Reese, Taylor, Steele, Lyc!>mingTeam Bows line was thwarted by an intercep- completed only four of twelve passes, Will, Ruppenthal, Allen, Reed, Grauel, tion by Jim Formwalt. Two plays considerably less than their usual and Janney with Hale, Yearly and To Terror Griclclers later a Terror fumble on the thirteen average. Graf ser-ving as alternates. The Westcrn Maryland Junior Var- again gave the Homewood clan a Western Maryland was also stymi- All Freshman girls who partici- golden chance. But the hard-driving ed in the air as only one of the pated in hockey received their '52 nu- sity football team ended its season on Green and Gold front line blasted successfully against November 13 twelve attempts was completed. The met-al at the W.A.A. Party Monday Lycoming College ~t Williamsport, through to drive thc Jays backfield ground offense was checked somewhat evening. Ruth Allen received her WM Pennsylvania, defeating the Blue and away from the end zone. but it was still able to compile just and the following got their M's: Sue- White 14 to 6.. The final period saw the extensive- short of an aggregate of 200 yards. Dixon, Della Grauel, Annette McMa- Trailing at half-time 6 to 0, the ly-advertised Hopkins air attack go For co-capta-ins Jim Cotter and han, 'Margaret Ann Ruppenthal, Wil- Prosh rebounded in the next two into full swing. With less than three Walt Piavis, it was their concluding ma Lee Steele, Betsy Anne Taylor. frames to score two touchdowns minutes ~eft in. the contest, Miller hit 17th, there Wednesday, November game and both played in their usual against an outfought Lycoming the Jays captain, Lou Koerber, down excellent manner. A fine catch by Cot- was a "Green and Gold" hockey game. eleven. Led by Martin Tullai at half- the leit side line with a pass good for ter of a Giannelli pass set up what These were two teams picked by the back and Stan Fieldman at quarter, a touchdown. Hopkins needed the should have been a score but one of W.A.A. board. The teams were very our club dominated play throughout extra point about as badly as any evenly matched and after hard play- the numerous fifteen-yard penalties ing by both sides the game ended. 0-0. the game, but several heavy penalties team would ever need that counter squelched the drive. - stymied the scoring punch until Tul- and they got it. Members of the Green Team: Frank 'Stephenson We couldn't help but admire the Reese, Taylor, Dixon, Steele, Minni n, lai plunged over from five yards out The Terrors drove deep into Hop- playing of Lou Koerber, the Jays Smith, Yearly, Graf, Gamber, Linton, Startil!g his fO,U?·t1~ year in varsity in the Srd quarter. Fieldman convert- kins territory but lost the ball on quarterback and captain. His excel- Clayton, McMahan. - colore. ed the extra point" to p;t the Terrors downs to the victors as the passing lent punt ruubacks during the first Members of the Gold Team: Bliss, The head basketball coach at West- ahead, and the clincher was applied thrust failed to click. Time ran out half kept Hopkins from having their ern Maryland, Bruce Ferguson, will in the iast period when Otts Shearer with the ball in Hopkins hands. hacks to the wall all the time, It isn't Lenz, Biddle, Brown, Hale, Laromore, have most of last year's squad back., blocked a punt and Al Yaglinski fell And, so, Johns Hopkins was hard to see why he has captained Engle, Ruppenthal, Will, .Allen, Reed, with the exception of Walt Sibiski. on it behind the opponents goal Iinc crowned champions of the Mason- Grauel, Janney. that team for the past two years. Walt was the leading scorer last year for another six points. Fieldman Dixon Conference by a shallow, yet again converted to complete the scor- thi::ere~~~~~ts::eot~::::~~g!l;:;;~ Intramural Football Teams and his loss will be deeply felt by the ing. sufficient, one point margin. Terror squad. Lycoming's lone touchdown came in Among the veterans expected back ~;:':fb:~~~ta;:~::~ss~n~e~~~~~::! Close Out For Season are Al Jacobson, Walt Piavia, John the second quarter on a pass down the an AII-Marvand choice while a Ter- Intramural touch football fades out Adamovich and Frank Stephenson, all middle. The play covered fifty yards ror gridder and also an adept boxer, of the sport picture this week after first stringers from last season's var- for the counter. sity. Using these men as a nucleus, Martin Tullai was high scorcr) for :~a~~~:eadn~~i~~:~~es: ~:;:~n,:~::~~s ~~~~~tO~:rct!~:!y~e~~~,:p:~~t:~ Coach Ferguson hopes to develop a the year, with 18 points to his credit. Hill in January 1947, Sig went into pionship. winning combination, but as yet he Yaglinski follows with 6 counters; private business in New York and Final reports show the Preachers won't make any predictions. Lack of Prank Krausz kicked a crucial field later returned to active duty as a on top, with an undefeated record of height seems to be the biggest handi- goal against Gettysburg worth three first lieutenant. And still Sig keeps fivc wins and one forfeit. The pre- cap and any talented and fair-sized points; and finally, Stan Fieldman right on ringin_g ~e bell in every ac- viously undefeated Independents, freshmen will be welcomed. with two conversions totaled two tivity he undertakes! bowed to the Preachers, 6-0, and suf- There will be two squads, varsity points. -fered further defeat at the hands of and juniur varsity, and in all, Fergu- Even though the game with Lycom- • - We Receiv~eNegative Publicity the Bachelors, 7-0. As a result of this son plans to carry about twenty play- ing marked the end of their schedule, We're all pretty well aware of the game, the Bachelors now hold second ers. As practice doesn't start in earn- Coach Tereshinski llad his club out fact that the grandstand facilities of place in tIle gridiron league. Gamma est lmti\ November 22, the mentor the following week running plays HoRa Field are wholly inadequate. In Bets and Independents will contend won't have a complete line on what is against the varsity in preparation past years, this page has echoed that for the third birth on November 23. to be expected for some time. He urges for the Hopkins game; an example of sentiment and the reactions of specta- Four games remain to be played all those interested to come out; prac- the practical value of a junior varsity tors at our games fo!!ow suit. How- this week-Bachelors vs. Seminary on tice will be held cvery_ day in Gill squad. Next year the varsity will ever a note of warning was sounded the 23rd and Wesleyans vs. Black and benefit materially from the prom~n by Paul Menton in The Evening Sun Whites on the 24th. The other two Gymnasium. of this year's outstanding frosh play- Gene Frank The Green and Gold opens its sea- when he stated flatly "the authorities previously scheduled games, postponed son, which includes 't\vent~-one games, crs to berths on· the varsity. Has done a great job of break-awall at Western Maryland will have to because of rain have been rescheduled against Lebanon Valley at Anneville, running thiB year. give serious attention to providing (Continued on p~ge 4, c?lumn 3) Pennsylvania, on December 8. seating facilities if it plans to con- Postal Contests Arranged • tinue playing games at Westminster." For Experienced RiRemen :o~~: sri::~~, ~~~~~el~~0~~:~:a~n2d re- Mr. Menton"s remark probably fol- Jonesmen-Win 2, Drop 2 flects the attitude among Terror Alter three weeks of practice, the Henry Muller uphold the reputation lowers in Baltimore for he is in a WMC rifle team is getting under way of the' senior class, while the juniors likely position to acquire such knowl- As Soccer Season Closes with a probable squad of 18 men. send to the front Dave Patten as and Charlie Kidd. manager edge. With most of the squad being ex- Bill Rhoads, Dave Buffington, Admittedly, many enjoy the com- ) perienced men, team coach Sergeant Ralph fort of being able to view the game Final Games See Terrors Tripping Stubborn Bees Puryear looks forwal'd to a success- Mickey McCall, Bob Fraser, are the Gorten, and Paul Schatzberg from their car, a point novel ful season this year. sophomore members, and the fresh- to most stadia, Still, the great majori- While Bowing To Terp. In Quarter .... According to the coach thel'c are men are Lionel Lee, James Cox, ty of the football fans pr~fer to On Tuesday, November 9,4:heJolles- made a penalty shot to end the regu- several postal matches which are fir- Eugene Mechtly, Ted Bobilin, Tom join in the excitement of grandstand men playcd host_to the Battlefielders. lar playing timc in a tie. Two five ed by mailing the scores to opposing Shannahan, Watson Solomon, and emotions. The trend of rootball spee.ta- The prevailing weather conditions fOI" minute overtimes were played. The teams throughout the nation. Those !,ohn Isely. tors is away from our campus-not the game werc very bad. The field guests scored in the first and held the who are interested in competing with At the close of the season, awards because of our team; (that's obvi- was muddy, the ball was wet and margin to win 2-1. During the closing the scores made by the local riflemen are to be presented on several ~ounts. ..-ousl), but because of our facilities. Do slippery, and the men of both squads moments of the tilt, left halfback Joe answer the notice, arranging for the All ten members of the regular team we hear any predictions as to what had trouble keeping their balance. All Keenan received one broken' and matches. will receive minor letters; the Mili- In addition to these, therc are pros- propor'itions this trend will eventually this was due to the low hanging cracked rib, w~ich put him out of pects for shoulder to shoulder tary Dcpartment gives gold, si!ver, reach? clouds which kept up an incessant action for the remaining two gaines matches with such schools as Univer- and bronze medals to the three top That basketball-crazy Loyola Col- drizzle throughout the game. of the season. This has been Keenan's .£ity of Maryland, Georgetown, Get- riflemen. Also at this time, the lege is once again preparing for what Kelley Rice opencd the Terror scor- first season with the Jonesmen, and Sergeant's medal is awarded to the they expect to be another banner sea- ing in the first p~riod, but Gettysburg fTom the appearance of his ability tysburg and Ho,Pkins. are represented most pro~ising freshman on the team. AU of the classes tied the score on a kick just as the and dTive, he will have many more. first half ended. George Winfrey put Traveling to Baltimore on Novem- • Thanks To LV the Terrors ahead to stay in the ber 17, the Hillbootcrs defeated a We may have been the hosts to Le- "MEET AT WINE'S SPORT squad banon Valley on the thirteenth, but fourth period when his long shot stubborn Baltimore University was typi- 2-0. The 88_minute battle their band certainly supplied us with penetrated the nets. _SHOP a very fine exhibition. It would seem The Hillbooters suffered a 2-1 loss (ContinUed on page 4, column 2)- PETE'S 46 Penn. Ave. that the furtherance of relations in at the hands of the Delaware foot- f- every way possible with the Flying men here on November 12. Shortly PHONE 683-W Dutchman would be to our mutual after the opening whistle, center for- Heagy's Barber Shop To Get Your 'Eats" advantage. Their exemplary sports..- ward Geol'ge Winfrey sank what FULL LINE OF SPORTING manship in every sport in which we proved to be the Terrors only score of Six barbers to give you quick, GOODS have competed with them in the last the afternoon. The fracas stood 1-0 efficient service. -Main St.-Red Neon Sign two years, (baseball, tennis, and foot- in Green and Gold favor until the (Continued on page 4 column 4) final two seconds when the visitors
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