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r;::==A=~~=~=:=~M~UE~L~i;\Ticis':ii-m"","1~ Library I --.estern Mal'ylana. College BASKETBALL ,PREVIEW PAGE 4 PAGE 3 Z286 Vol. 26, No.6 WESTER!" MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD, November 23, 1948 Girls' GI~e Club Will Give C_ollege Calendar President Ensor'Announces AAUW Seventh Concert Wednesday, November 24- Approved BuildingProgram SCA, 6:45 p. m. $5 Day Program To Con list Of Short Music.1 Drama; ·Thursday, November 25- Alumni Hall, Joint Committee Recommend. Immediate Erection Thanksgiving Play, Several Chor.1 Numbers And Reading To Follow 8:15 p. m. Of Thompson Infirmary After Shop Completion Friday, November 25- Girls' Glee Club will present its annual Christmas program Art Symposium, McDaniel Lounge, I appreciate the opportunity the Editor has given me to discuss for the American Association of University Women in McDaniel 4:15 p. m. some of the plans that-are under consideration for the College and Lounge on December 7, marking the seventh in a series of programs $5 Day which inevitably will affect all of us. It is more difficult to put some presented under the direction of Miss Grace Cordia Murray. Sunday, November 2S-- of these things on paper than to discuss them in conversation be- cause as yet many of our plans are in a somewhat nebulous state. In addition to the main portion of Sunday School, Prof. ,I Chandler, the program, a short musical drumn Baker Chapel, 9:15 R. m. Perhaps the most pressing question will be enacted, portraying a home- Changes Viewed Chan_el, Dr. Ferguson, Alumni Hall, Pi Alpha Alpha from the students' standpoint is a less, poverty-stricken child at the 7:00 p. m. recreation room. The question has the child, the By Library Staff holiday season. In order to assure a Tuesday, Novemtier 30- been asked two and three times a merry Christmas for Classics Club, McDaniel Lounge, Initiates Pledges day-"When will we have a rec good Christmas fairy takes her win- With· student cooperation, the li- 7:30-9:00 p. m. room?" It was my hope that its doors dow shopping. On the way they come brary staff h_opes to render services Wednesday, December 1- All incoming members of the Black would beopen to greet you when you upon a window filled with foreign and that far exceed those of the pa~t, ac- SCA, 6:45 p. m. and White Fraternity took part in returned to the campus this fall, but American dolls dressed in gaily col- cording to the announcement of Miss Saturday, December 4- the fraternity's annual initiation no one can predict with any degree ored traditional costumes. The fairy Minnie Ward, head librarian. Bazaar, Blanche \Vard Gym. ceremony which took place in down- of accuracy the delays involved in building construction. taps each of the dolls with her magic It is permlssable for the student to Sunday, December 5- town Westminster, Friday, November wand and one by one they come to bring his typewriter during the day Sunday School, Dr. Bradley, Baker 12. At last, however, the Service Build- life and·sing a carol from their native and use the basement of the building Chapel, 9:15 a. m. Disguised as a blind man, Jerry ing is nearing completion; and as land, to the utter fascination of the with librarian consent. When the new Chapel, Bishop Edwin H. Hughes, Lockman, one Of the pledges, sold pen- soon as the carpenter shop, the paint Alumni Hall; 7 :00 p. m. child. - library becomes a reality there may Monday, December cils, thus finding himself behind bars shop and materials stored under 6- Carol Lowe will portray the Christ- be special provisions for typists. Un- IRC, MeDaniel Lounge, 7:00-8:00 in the Westminster jail for the re- Smith Hall can be transferred to the mas fairy and Godi Leftris will play til this time it is hoped by the staff, mainder of "Hell Night". Mr. Lock- new Service Building, we can begin the child's role. The dolls will be rep- that the students will recognize the p.m. man was bailed out by the club late to get the room under Smith Hall resented by Janet Hering, Puritan; added facility. , that evening-minus the pencils, 40 ready for student purposes. It re- Ann ghuppert, Dutch; Mary Bell Librarians are always present to cents richer than when he started. mains to be determined just how the Shawn, Polish; Eva Mae Davis, answer student questions as part of SCA CommiHee "Get your bowl tickets here," cried space should be allotted to serve the French Provincial; Dorothy Alexan- their daily work. They will be avail- pledge Bob Douglas, who stood before best interests of everyone. Do not der, Moravian; Shirley Bankert, Ne- able in the main office behind the the State Theatre, clad in diapers and anticipate anything too elaborate, be- gro; Dorothy Ruppert, Spanish; bound-periodical room, if not to be Plans Elaborate distributing a "well known household cause it will be unwise to spend too Maurine Brandt, Swiss; Betty Bach- found at the loan desk. There is no commodity. Wheeling a baby carriage much money on rooms that will be tell, Italian; Beverly Milstead, Ger- way for the staff to determine stu- Annual Bazaar and dressed as a girl, Carroll Parker temporary at best. mani Rachel Holmes, French; Wanda dent needs unless they are asked received two proposals of marriage. The temporary nature of the pro- Bradham, Welch. questions as they artse; Plans are under way for the an- Howard Haines and Gordon Slacum, posed rooms is accounted for by the The complete program for this A pamphlet file arranged alpha- nual SCA Christmas Bazaar, which dressed in pajamas, read bedtime sto- over-all plan for the Greater Western year's performance is as follows: betically by subject is featured on will be- held 'this year on December Ties in a bed placed by the railroad Maryland. Some of you may remem- A8 It Fell Upon a Niuht Davis the second floor. These pamphlets are 4, in Blanche Ward Gym. crossing. bcr- that the plan adopted a few years The Morning Star Praetorius varying in type and can supplement As is customary, each organiza- ago by the trustees calls for the re- The Virgin's Slumber Song. Reger the information derived from the tion on the Hill \Vln provide a booth • Railroad Tracks And Hot DOg! moval of Old Main in its entirety in Heaven's Eternal King catalogued books. Often this vertical for the sale of such gifts as stuffed Contributions of thirteen cents and the belief that the building has out- from "The Seven Joys of Mary" file contains the only up-to-date in- animals, Christmas cards, and per- some -efgarette ashes were placed in a I worn its usefulness and is not worthy Low, How A R08e Praetorius formation the library has to offer on sonal photog-raphs. A Santa Claus porcelain receptacle carried through of renovation. The new Baker Chapel Carol of the S.keep Bells __.. Kountz certain subjects. will be on hand to direct customers. town, by Bill Dulaney. Norman Stew- lsto be erected on this site and a part from art measured hot dog -lengths o Holy Night. ...; Adam • Reserve Books On Second A refreshment arena supplying _hot the railroad tracks to the arch on the of the fund for this purpose is al- ready in the hands of the College and THE GLEE CLUB Government publications of all de- dogs, cup cakes, and ice cream sand- college campus. Thus went "Hell the balance is assured. This plan was Christmas Reading Pat McLaren scriptions are located in various wiches will be included with dancing, Musical Drama ....Carot Lowe places. The librarian can readily ex- bowling, and fortune telling as ad- Night" for the new initiates of one re-affirmed last week at a joint meet- Godi Leftris plain the location of these files as ded features. fraternity on the Hill. Other par-tiel- ing of the Buildings and Grounds Members of the Glee Club George Coulter and Daniel Welliver pating pledges were Ralph Gorten, Committee and the Finance Com- well as the kind of information eon- will act as co-chairmen of the bazaar. Bill Huber, Bill Sheder, Carlton Shea mittee. tained therein. Reserve books are )lOW~ Committees which have also been ap- and Charlie Shook. They further recommended the Psych Students on the second )loor and are acc~ssible pointed are: Publicity-Duane Saltz- At 9:30 the future fraternity ma- immediate erection of the Thompson only through the librarian in charge. gaver (chairman), Herbert Klinger terial assembled at the Carroll Thea- Infirmary on the site to the rear of Try New Field Previous conduct has made this .new Parker (chairman), Lois Sauter, and c e tre and shaved for the first time in a the Administration Building and that Decorations- (assistant); Joy provision necessary. made for plans be co- complete student Only through Finance Pfeifer; Of Observation operation can it be hoped to have a Charles Ogden and Edgar Hamrner sla. week. Back at _the clubroom on the immediate of a new Men's Dormitory. the Committee erection were given the campus, -the pledges -Jim progressive library that meets all the Proceeds this year will go to the final ritual which made them full Of course, Old Main cannot be re- Supplementing their general studies' needs .of the college community. • World Student Service Fund. members. moved until its facilities are provided in child psychology, a group of stu- "This has been eche best Black and elsewhere, but the erection of the dents interested in the abnormal are White initiation in years," said Joe Service Building, the Infirmary and making weekly obaer vaticna of chil- Students Offer -Recita I Management House Cullotta, member of the fraternity. the Dormitory are the first three dren at the Rosewood State Training "It has bcen fun for all and humane steps in caring for these facilities. School. Five students will appear in a music Replaces 'Equipment to the boys." In the meantime, we will go on using The project of writing anecdotal recital this afternoon in Levine Hall, The busy girls in the Management We felt that some of the ingenious Old Main for whatever temporary studies of abnormal children was first according to Miss Maude Gesner, House of Western Maryland College aspects of the Black and White initia- purposes seem to be most feasible- conceived thIs year by Miss Ruby head of the rnpsic department. This no longer dread the position of tion: made intel·csting news. No par- not the lell.!t of which is a rec room. Lee wuusms whose idea was enthu- program features voice pupils who tiality wo;s intended. LOWELL ,So ENSOR, siastically supported by three other have been prepaTed for the occasion "cook". reason for this cliange is a I -Editors Note President. The students. Contacts were established by Professor Alfred deLong. new \electric stove which the Home at Rosewood and the interest mani- The program will include: Ecopomics majors term "wonderful". fested by a group of college students French Swite No. 5 ._._. BalJh Their opinion is echoed by Miss DaisY" was welComed. This initial group has Allemande Smith, faculty supervisor of the increased each week as more student Courante home management project~ teachers are attracted to the field. Sarabande "I put dinner in the oven, set the The procedure for observation is Gavotte time regulator, and went to class. the same employed in observing nor- JANE CONOWAY When I came back it was all done", mal children. Each student has a par- Sonatina Op. 36, No. 2 Clementi said Eileen Weeks, one of the re- ticular child whom he observes for Allegretto cent group taking the course. approximately three hours each week. Allegretto Other highlights of this time-sav- The observations of behavior are Allegro ing device are push button heat regu- made both in classrooms and by indi- BETTY BACHTELL lators with five degrees of tempera- vidual activities with the children. Una fw·tiva lagrifna tUTe, a light, shelves and drawers, Records are written objectively with from "L'Elisir d'amor" Doni:tetti two electric outlets and practical ,no attempt to interpret. When the Com'e gentil rounded c{)rners. study is completed the anecdotes along from "Don Pasquale"- Donizetti "And that isn't all we have that's with information obtained from case LoUIS PrE'I'ROFORtn:- new", added Phyllis Weaver, "We records will be combined to formulate Novelette in E J11ajor Schumann have two new laundry tubs and an an evaluation of the conduct. Roy WAMPLER automatie water heater. Hot watElJ.· An attempt is being made to bellefit La Cuthedro..le Engloutie Debussy for everyone in the morning f" the children under study as well as NORMA ROBERTS In addition to these things, the the student observers. MTs. James, Who is Sylvia . Schubert Home Economics department has who is helping the study says, "These Blow, Blow Thou Winter Wind supplied the House with a new children give us insight into the life Quilter clothesline and an upright Hoover of the abnormal. In return, we hope WILLIAM SIMPSON vacuum cleaner with an assortment This· group is pictured in rehearsal for the annual 'thanksgiving Day to help in restoring to them the feel- _ OLIVER SPANGLER, Accompanist of brushes and extensions. play, Blithe Spir-it, which is to be ghen in Alumni Hall on Thursday, Nov. ing of belonging and of having some- This is the second in the series of "But", said Virginia Riker, "it's 25. Left to right: Jean Daughtrey, Jim Leonard, Caroline McNabb, Norma one care what happens to them as in- student recitals being presented on just a beginning. What we really need dividuals.'~ Tuesday afternoons. now is an electric dishwasher." Wright, Don Bailey.
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