Page 16 - TheGoldBug1948-49
P. 16
The Gold Bug, Nov. 9, 1948 Hill Fraternities Pledge 63 Men; G-Burg Beats Terrors Corrado's placement was good and the Green team led 20·7. (Continued from page 3, column 2) Midway in the final session, the Gamma Bets Top List With 26 ran putting the ball on the WMC 10- much-talked-of to the Terror scamp- Bellardinelli yard line. Two plays later Green hit fifteen. ered 48 yards It is doubtful if the results of one of Professor Whitfield's quizzes arc Cohee with a pass that went for the ~~~~t~e;:~~~l:e~~i f~:~:d ~~;tfl::~ awaited with any more apprehension than the results of -those Fraternity sessions which determine which sophomores on the Hill will receive bids. ~:~:'~a~r~:o~o~~~d~:\f~~:tsP~:=~ ~r s~c:e!~~~~tsc::~~~~o~ndm~;! ~~~ Even after a student has been invited to and attended the smoker sponsored by the fraternity he desires to enter, he must still "sweat it out" another ou~::e~~~e7~0~nd Gold didn't waste score 20·14, and the r~mainder of the week until the bids are issued. ' much time in .getting right back in- . game saw no change III the totals. to the game. Through and over the dlVjh (!)H '1'" eJldJ. line, the Terror backs rolled up five th;~~:u~n~l oih~i~:t:~~ ;:~~n~~d!~~ LOOK YOUR BEST Though there was a totarof i.ta-btds consecutive first downs. Corrado euc- AT ALL TIMES sent out, there were less than that (Continued from page 2, column 3) . cessiully ended the drive plunging from RCA Victor- many students to receive them as Since his freshman year on the Hill, the last six yards to pay dirt. The Gloria Beauty Shop some individuals get two or more bids. Ed has continually been in the midst husky fullback tied up the game with "- 82 W. Main St. Underneath The Arches The bids were fairly evenly dis- of the "goings-on".\,Active in previous a perfect place kick. Until tributed among the Fraternities with years in the Sunday School, the Stu- Early in the second period, swivel- the Black and Whites and the Bach- dent Government, the Tt-l-Beta Fra- hipped Gene Frank shook loose for a It's Magic elors each issuing 32, the Gamma Bets ternity, the IRC, and the Dramatic twelve-yard dash that put the Terrors re- 12th Street Rag A Mount fumble out in front. followed with 29, and the Preachers Department, he is now busier than covered by Al Paul had set up this Westminster's On a Slow Boat to China with 23. ever with his heavy SCA and scholas- play. The s cor e remained 13·7 New Modern Drug Store The 14 men who pledged the Black tic responsibilities. In any of his rare through the rest of the half. Say Something Sweet and Whites are: Robert Douglass, moments of leisure, however, you may Late in the third period, Joe DRUGS Needles $1.50 $1.00, 50c William Dulaney, Ralph Gorten, Lloyd find Ed relaxing with a good book, Gianelli got loose on an end sweep Hoover, William Huber, David Jones, doing acrobatics on his bed, or teach- and went twenty yards to score. SCHOOL SUPPLIES Radio- Jerry Lockman, Dorsey Osborn, Car- ing his pet gold fish to pronounce COSMETICS roll Parker, William Scheder, Carlton "Martinsburg". SODAS Shea, Gordon Slacum, Charles Shook, Order Personal Christmas Electronics Norman Stewart. Greek Play, Antigone Cards Now The Bachelors gained 12 new mem- Prompt Delivery Bixler and Guild 14 W. Main St. berare Lat-ry Bailey, David Buffing- (Continued from page 1, column 3) Drug Co. ton, Jim Culhane, Ronnie Dashiell, stroyed by his excess tyranny. Large Assortment To Select SMITH 8< REIFSNIDBR Joe Hurff, Phil Kable, Malcolm The cast includes the following: From Incorporated Meltzer, Gus Prasina, Bill Rhoads, Announcer, Homer Earll: Narrator, John and Main Sts. George Seymour, Jerry Smith. Donald Dichty; Antigone, Norma P. G. COFFMAN CO. LUMBBR-COAL The 26 men who accepted the Gam- Wright: Ismene, Ruth Yolk; Haemon, GREETING CARD STORE WESTMINSTER, MD. ma Bets bids are: Sydney Albrittain, William Porter; Teiresias, James TIMES BUILDING . John Babb, Joseph Barry, Gilbert Hackman; Eurydice, Caroline Mc- WESTMINSTER, MD. Clough, Richard Clower, Ray Cush- Nabb ; Man, Howard Hall: 1st ing, William Davis, Alan Dodd, Rob- Soldier, Howard Haines; 2nd Soldier, SURPLUS ert Ebert, Jay Eggiy, Clint Hisle, Ken Robert Liaer ; 3rd Soldier, Harry Hoover, Robert Lize'r, Attilio Mar- Adams; Three Villagers, Ann Shup- garita, Martin Mettee, Richard Mch- pert, Mary Mott, and Jean Daugh- FOR WE BEST Portable Microscopes lenrich, Doug Paulsen, Richard Pin- trey. Donald Lichty is the production In Food and Service dell, Allan Pirie, Edwin Ransford, manager and Miss Esther Smith of Philip Sack, Robert Talner, Paul the .Dramatic Art Department will EAT AT We offer a limited quantity of surplus portable microscopes for sale. Terishinski, Troy. Todd, Harry Walk· direct the interpretation of the play. The These are all new, in original cartons and are offered at a fraction of er, Samuel Winston. original cost. The ranks of the Preachers were CITY RESTAURANT Specifications: Overall height 8 inches, turret with three difl'erent increased by the following 11 men; Murray Cleaners powers. Will accept auxiliary eye·piece for higher powers desired. Fully Harry Adams, Jonas Eshelman, Stan PICK UP &: DELIVERY adjustable on rilrback base. Optical system: pitch·polished lenses. Fieldman, Joe Keenan, Jack Larri- W. Main St. - Westminster more. Harry LeFew, Chris Nikola- Monday &: Thursday These portable microscopes are offered subject to Jrior sale on the kopoulos, Norman Regan, John Seil- following terms: Price $9.00, includes shipping and packing charges. and, John Sternberg, Henry Norman. Check or money order should be sent with your order or $2.50 deposit, the microscope to be sent C.O.D. for balance. Any check received after "MEET AT Westminster Laundry quantity has been sold will be returned promptly. PETE'S Pick Up And Delivery Dealers in War Surplus Compliments of Laundry and Dry Cleaning Gibson Page Co. Inc. Rutan Chevrolet Co. To Get Your Eats" Service BOX 1130, ROCHESTER 2, N. Y. in Watch for Latest Main St.-Red Neon Sign Basement of Old Main Models of Cars Adds Refreshment Everybody Is Welcome It Pays To Look Well To Stop In At To Every 'Occasion GRIFFIN'S Visit The M.rgaret & Earl'. Avenue Barber Shop LUNCHES-DINNERS CANDIES Where The Students Go SANDWICHES- SODAS 85 Pennsylvania Avenue SOFT DRINKS Opp. Carroll Theatre SHEET MUSIC POPULAR~TANDARD Continuous 2 p. m. Saturdays and Continuous 1 p. m. Saturdays and CLASSICAL- Holidays'; Hclidaya ; Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 Ill. Evening p. show 9 p. m. Wcell Sunday Matinees; RECORDS Matinee 2 p- m.-Evenings 2 and 4 p. m. day shows continuous from 4:30 p. m. 7 & 9 p. m. Choose from a Large Selection WED., THURS., NOV. 10, 11 WED., NOV. 10 "TOPPER eol-.i.aJ MuJ.ic eB. "LUCK OF THE IRISH'' - Joan Blondell RETURNS" Roland Young Tyrone Power Ann Baxter 34 W. Mai~ St •• Phone 386.J THURS., FRI., NOV. 11, 12 FRI., SAT., NOV. 12, 13 Double Feature "NIGnTI'Il\fE IN NEVADA" "DARE DEVILS OF THE CLOUDS" Roy Rogers 8i Trigger Adele Mare "OUT OF THE STORM" Modern Library Cinecolor SAT., NOV. 13 March of Time "MARSHALL OF AMARILLO" Allan Rolky Lane Mildred Coles 'College Outline Series SUN., MON., TUES., NOV. 14, 15, 16 "APARTMENT FOR PEGGY" SUN., M~~LA~~E~R~g~'" 14, 15,16 Jeanne Crain William Holden Lewis Hayward Janet Blair Norcroll C.rd. Ed Wynn WED., NOV. 17 WED., THURS., NOV. 17, 18 "RETURN OF DANIEL BOONE" Ask jor U either way ••• both They're All Here "THE SEARCH" Bill Elliott trade~maTksmcea Ihe same thing. Montgomery Cliff Aline MacMahon THURS., FRI., NOV. 17, 18 Sponsored by Tri Beta on Nov. 17 "LI'L ABNER" ,q~ BooI.SI.op FRI., SAT., NOV. 19, 20 The Comic Strip Show BornEO UNDER AUTfIORITY OF THE COCA-COLA COMPANY BY SAT., NOV. 20 1611'kI. M.u.. SI. "TRIPLE THREAT" "BORROWED TROUBLE" WESTMINSTER COCA·COLA BOTTLING CO., INC. All Star Football Cast William Boyd @194B.TheCoc"·Col"Com~,,"y
   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21