Page 15 - TheGoldBug1948-49
P. 15
The Gold Bug, Nov. 9, 1948 into print occasionally. Recently The Badminton tournament will be- came up from behind to trounce the tire sixty minutes. Even so, the Frosh Dick Harlow, one-time WMC mentor, gin nCJI:tweek. Anyone interested in boys of Newark 4-l. were very much in the game until was commenting upon a present Har- participating please sign the gym In the '47 season on October 29, after the second quarter had begun. a punt In this session Bullis returned vard back who has""tieen~little action bulletin board. the University of Baltimore won over fifty yards for a touchdown, and fol- since Harlow left "The Yard" last the Hillbooters by one point. The lowing this, Paul Tereshinski, Wes- year lie remarked that he has coached regular 88 .mtnates of playing time tern Maryland's triple threat fullback only two better backs than this man, G - Burg ~umbles ended in 2-2 tie. In the last 15 sec- suffered a severe sprain of his left they being one of 'is players at Col- onds of the second 5 minute over- ankle and had to be carried from the gate- many years ago and the other time the Baltimore team sank one to field. was the Green Terrors biggest claim Undefeated Terrors win 3-2. The Green team hopes to Subsequently, the brunt of the at. to fame, Bill Shepherd. Seems as if The football predictions for October defeat Baltimore U., who will be the tack fell on the shoulders of Martin in the football world the names WeS""- 30 showed Gettysburg as being favor- hosts for the November 17 fracas. Tullai, but the odds were too great tern Maryland and Shepherd are Last year, on November 5, the and we could never get rolling. synonomous. _ ed over Western Maryland, the local Maryland U. eleven defeated the The excessively warm weather was It was a somewhat different looking papers reiterated the forecast and Green and Gold 4-1. Anaker, of the a large factor in the outcome, for it tcani that we saw at Frederick Fri- then on that certain Saturday after- Maryland squad paced the game for took a lot out of the boys. With few noon the Bullets bore out the truth of day night than the t.hese statements by rolling over our the visitors. Since he is back again reserves" to spell them, they could one that encoun- this year, the Green defense will have not cope with the overwhelming t ere d Gettysburg Terrors by a 27-0 score. to be on its toes. When the Terrors ground attack of the victors. the previous week. A Green and Gold drive early in the travel to the U. of M. November- 19, wsu Piavia There just didn't first quarter was thwarted deep in Coach Jones hopes that last year's Stalwart end will be playing hi8 seem to be any roar I the Battlcfielders territory. Then results won't 'be repeated. last game in a Western Maryland in the Terrors on G-burg shifted into high gear. Mo- jersey agaimt Hopkins on Nov. £0. that occasion but nopolizing play in the remainder of Intramural League Champ the Mounties met the first half, our opponents rolled The Jays have been in the win up with something into a 20-0 lead by the midway mark. Waits To Be Determined column quite often this yc,ar. In their different. Even a After a scoreless third period, the seasons opener with Franklin and qui c k touchdown WMC team got an attack rolling that Intramural football moves into its Marshall they pulled thru on the long Leo La't.hroum couldn't demoralize seeme(kdestined to hit pay dirt but a fifth week of actio)l with the first ton College 20-0, downed Catholic U. the Green and Gettysburg interception took the Ha- place berth still undctermined. BOth 34-0. Drexel feU under Howdy Myers Gold. The CJl:hibitionof power that fol- vuns club out of their last threat of the Preachers and the Independents attack 22-0, but Pennsylvania Mili- lowed sort of made the spectators the afternoon. The punting prowess of remain undeicated. November 11 will tary College handed the Blue Jays gasp several times and ask if this Bill Seibert more than once took the see the deciding game with the meet- their only loss to the tune of 18-13. was the same outfit that they saw at Maryland team out of dangerous situ- ing of these two teams. Last Saturday saw Swarthmore fall, As of this date, Alpha Gamma Tau gettysburg. With the line crashing ations. is holdhlg down the second place slot by a 19-7 count. . through the Mount's defence, Corrado, On November 6 the Terrors met in the league. If the Preachers defeat • Wl'ttC Trails JHU Lathroum, and Co. really rolled up Mt. St. Mary's in a night game at .The Terrors have won six, lost the yardage. Frederick. In pre-game publicity, the the Independents, though, the later twelve, and tied three in the • Grcat Sportsmanship Mounts were highly touted due to will drop into a tie with the Bach- Hopkins series which started in 1897. elOl·s. That position may have to wait Seems as if the spirit that pre- to be decided until they meet en No- Last years game ended in a 14-14 tie vails among our rivals from Emmits- vember 17. and you can rest assured both teams burg is unchanging-it gets no better! The last two weeks has seen the will be up for this, each team's last Last winter they. put on an outstand- following results: the Ganlma Bets game of the year. ing exhibition of poor sportsmanship trimmed the Seminary, 13-0; Bache- Howdy Myers men employ wide in Gill Gym and they performed lors over the Wesleyans, 20-0; the Joe Kittner open football and will undoubtedly equally as well Friday night. Only Preachers smothered the Black and Former Green Terror has throw the book against the Terrors rccently Wallace Wade, North Caro- Whites by a 41-0 scorc; the Seminary been doing an excellent job thw year on November 20. lina coach, protested openly against hit the win column fer the first time of coaching the Baby Terror8. Since the Mason·Dixon Conference the !woing of football teams, and al~ by tripping the Wesleyans, 13-0; and championship will doubtless be dedd-. though our experience was on a smal- in a crucial contest Gamma Beta Chi Far from being disheal'tened, the ed by this game, it is a must for the ler scale, the principle remains the fell be.fore the smoothly operating club is looking forward to a better sturdy Terror team. same. It's unnecessary, it's juvenile, Bachclors, 13-6. The Pi Alpha Alpha- game this week and a return to the and it is highly distasteiul to those win column is anticipated. At least who arc present in order to enjoy Independent game scheduled for No- one good note was found in defeat; athletic skill and ability. As long as vember 3 was rained out imd will be the performance of the few subS"we Western Marylanders continue their played at a later date. Bet contest do possess was encouraging and con- WESTMINSTER'S The Bachelor-Ganlma present practice, we're assured of was the most prominent of those men- sequently coach Tom Tereshinski FAMILY never gaining the enmity of any other plans to use them the remain- college because of unsportsmanlike be~ tioned above since it determined the ing games. RESTAURANT havior. It's something for us to be present holder of second place, inas- proud of but if Mt. St. Mary's is much as each t~am had been beaten proud of the quality of their sports- Si Tullai previously only by the Preachers. The Renny's Kitchen manship, then we believe that their Vete1'an blockin"{} back now per- championship now hinges on that WINE'S SPORT code of ethics could stand a thorough forming in fine shape.. in the guard Preacher-Independent fray and it SHOP Where old friends m.eet revision. position. promises to be an excellent contes~. Hooray! The laurels for this issue 46 Penn. Ave. and like to eat go to the entire rorward waH of th~ tnelr much publicized halfback Walt PHONE 683-W The Mounts opened their attack on BONSACK'S Terrors. They did a magnificent job Bellardinelli, currently leading the '9 W. Main St., Westminster Friday night. To the Mounts, it was scorers in the state. ...... FULL LINE OF SPORTING unceasingly solid_ For the Terror GOODS Westminster 654· J backfield it provided gaping holes in the first play of the game when Green SODAS LUNCHES the "'Iount's derense. Great going, completed a thirty-yard pass to Cur- gang! (Continued'on page 4, column 3)
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