Page 8 - TheGoldBug1946-47
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The Gold Bug, October 10, 1946 Third Annual Concert Of String Quartet Conservation Course , Dear Boss: after Is Offered On Hill I should ask for a raise To Be Heard In Alumni Hall October 29 land A limited class of Western of the four for four last week; L feel Mary- like a professional. You know, students and residents gives .surrounding counties are taking ad- Swope's Atlantic that Station 80 per are predictions out Western Mar-yland College will vantage of an unusual opportunity present the world-famous Budapest this semester. Government experts cent correct. I think he's an ama- String Quartet in its third annual are offering a course in conservation teur compared to me. concert on Tuesday, October 29, at every Tuesday night from 7:30 to For this week I have a couple 8:15 p. rn, in Alumni Hall. The Quar- 9:30 in Science Hall. of tight ones: tet, which performed here last fall, is The course includes the study of Western Maryland to upset comprised of Josef Roismann, first conservation of soil, forests, and fish. Delaware violin; Edgar Ortcnberg, second vio- Weekend field trips to Solomon's Duke over Navy lin; Boris Kroyt, viola; and Mischa Island and Garrett County are Army over Michigan \ Schneider, violoncello. North Carolina over Maryland planned, as well as one local trip. Gamma Bets. to beat Black and sTraditio!1 Of Pre-eminence Rather than a single instructor for Whites. The name of the organization is old the course, the lectures will be given Yours for victory, and eminent, for it goes back many by experts in each field. years in the annals of European mu- Many teachers of Carroll, Howard, sical life. The present personnel, in and Frederick Counties are enrolled. expanding the physical radius of .~nether- group of students is receiv- their activity, have maintained the .Tours Include Distant Points '.Tickets Now Available ing the same instruction at Poly- tradition of preeminence attaching to The concert tours of this four- All the world over the Budapest technic Institute in Baltdmore. their name, hilt at the same time some, however. are not limited to String Quartet is hailed as the su- they have brought their actual per- Europe and America, but include perlative interpreter of chamber mu- Frats Choose New Leaders formance to a degree of excellence Australia, New Zealand, and the sic. In the '?nited State~ alone, (Continued from page 1, column 1) hitherto unprecedented. East Indies. They have been in the where the erttsts are now perma- blood, chaplain; and Carlton Mendell, .Made Debut At Cornell East Indies four times and on each nently settled, the growth of their sergeant-at-arms. Among veterans The Quartet made its American visit have played thirty-four concerts popularity is astonishing. Each sea- the following Baqhelcrs have return- debut at Cornell University, Ithaca, ~in a period of six weeks. son the attraction of the Quartet in- ed to active membership: Curly Coff- New York, in December, 1\:130.With Before joining the Quartet each of creases and the demand f9r their man, Curt Lanpheimer-, Mike Phil- no elaborate program of publicity, these artists had acquired a musical services is greater. lips, Art O'Keeffe, Guy Reeser, Char- they came to the shores of a country background based on the beauty and Each student is entitled to one free lie Harden, Tom Price, Carlton Men- already familiar with eminent cham- richness which could only result from ticket, and the cost to outsiders will dell, Joe Kittner, George P'uvis, Stan ber music organizations. During their greatly varied experience. They came be $1.20, including tax. Tickets for Kulkowski, and Joe Macy. fir st season here they played some together with the complete conviction the' concert are available now in The Bachelors and the Black and twcnty concerts; last season, just six- that they were "called" to fill a need McDaniel Office. The public is cor- Whites have moved to their new club teen years later, America heard them that lay only in the power of the dially invited to take advantage of rooms in the basement of Albert Nor- over one hundred times. Budapest Quartet to remedy. this rare treat in chamber' music. man Ward Hall. ALumHi---RiWWe (!JU MemGltied.---f91f.:J. What A Game! Ba1·t Norman Terror Tackle looked sharp in season opener. First football Norman has played since 1941. Frat Football ••• (Continued from page 5, column 3) Price. A recent ruling of the Athletic Council held that any person not on the varsity 01' junior varsity squads as of October 5 is eligible to partici- pate in fraternity football. I Interfraternity touch football league schedule: Thursday, Oct. 10 Pi Alpha Alpha vs. Gamma Beta Chi Tuesday, Oct. 15 Alpha Gamma Tau vs. Delta Pi Alpha Thursday, Oct. 17 Pi Alpha Alpha vs . .Alpha Gamma Tau Loolri_!lg forward to Homecoming Day, November 2, 1946! Tuesday, Oct. 22 Gamma Beta- Chi vs. Delta Pi Alpha Thursday, Oct. 24 Pi Alpha Alpha ALUMNI SUBSCRIBE TO THE SMITH &. REIFSNIDER vs. Delta Pi Alpha GOLD BUG Incorporated Run Right to Tuesday, Oct. 29 Gamma Beta Chi LUMBER-COAL READ'S Theo. F. Shaeffer vs. Alpha Gamma Tau WESTMINSTER, MD. Thursday, Oct. 31 Gamma Beta Chi Master Plumber vs. Pi Alpha Alpha For Fine Cosmetics, Toiletries Tuesday, Nov. 5 Delta Pi Alpha Margaret & Earl's and all your 92 W. Main St. vs. Alpha Gamma Tau Whcn Downtown Stop At DRUG STORE NEEDS Phone 359-J Thursday, Nov. 7 Alpha Gamma Tau' Students' Center vs. Pi Alpha Alpha Goldee's Goodie Shoppe 15 E. Main Street, Westminster, Md. Tuesday, Nov. 12 Delta Pi Alpha Phone 214-W Westminster, Md. vs. Gamma Beta Chi Games will begin at 4:00 P. M. SANDWICHES- Opposite State Theatre SOFT DRINKS Quality and Service at FOR RENT Lowest Prices COSTUMES and FORMALS OCT. 10, 11, THURS., FRJ. NOW is the Time To Order , Dorothy Elderdice OCT. 10 to. 12, THURS. TO SAT. "RETURN OF FRANK JAMES" "COURAGE OF LASSIE" PERSONALIZED 75 W. Green St. Elizabeth Taylor Frank Morgan OCT. -12, SAT. CHRISTMAS CARDS J. WM. HULL, Jeweler Westminster, Md. In Technicolor "MELODY TRAIL" AND GIFTS Successor to Cassell's Gene Aub'y The Store of New Fashioned Phone 57 OCT. 13 TO 15, SUN. TO TUES. from .. CLUNY BROWN" OCT. 13 TO 15, SUN. TO TUES . fJewelry and Old Fashioned "SWAl\IP FIRE" Coffman's Stationery Honesty Jennifer Jones Charles Boyer Johnny WeissmuJler Opposite Bus Terminal Times Building OCT. 16, 17, WED., THURS. OCT. 16, WED. East Main St. "SHADOW OF THE WOMAN" " LAWLESS BREED" Westminster, Md. Colonial Jewelry Co. Helmut Dentine Andrea King Kirby Grant, OCT. 18, 19, FRI., SAT. OCT. 17, 18, THURS., FRJ. Distributors for Radio-Electronic Service for "PARTNERS IN TIME" "PHANTOM THIEF" ALL POPULAR BRANDS Lum and Abner " PURSUIT TO ALGIERS" OF RECORDS Barnes Appliance Service WESTERN MARYLAND Decca, Columbia, Victor, COLLEGE JEWELRY OCT. 20 TO 23, SUN. TO WED. OCT. 19, SAT. Majestic, Capitol, etc. . Bendix Home Laundry "EASY TO WED" "SINGING ON THE TRAIL" Needles All kinds of Electrical Gorham and Van Johnson Esther Williams Ken Curtis Jeff Donnell Popular, Swing and Classical Appliances Serviced Lucille Ball Use Our Record Booth to and Repaired International Silver In Technicolcr- OCT. 20 TO 22, SUN. TO TUES Hear and Choose Your . Speed Queen Washers and "MR. ACE" Pavor-ire Selections Ironers 32 W. Main St. OCT. 24 TO 26, THURS. TO SAT. George Raft Sylvia Sidney Radio Electronic Service 45 EAST MAIN STREET Phone 303 "TWO GUYS FROM MILWAUKEE" OCT. 23, WED. MD. WESTMINSTER, 14 W. Main St. Phone 703 Phone 793 Dennis j';Iorgan Jack Carson "TERRORS ON HORSEBACK" Joan Leslie Buster Crabbe
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