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BEAT COMPLIMENTARY DELAWARE! I! TO THE ALUMNI Vol. 24, No.2 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. October 10, 1946 Frats Choose Three Freshmen Men Eleven-Day Voyage On Gripsholm Brings Become Members New Leaders Of MSG Council Alice Haagerup From Denmark 'To Study Hugh Burgess, Al Bright, and wtl. Student At WMC On Exchange Scholarship Grumbine, O'Keeffe, liam Rice have been elected as rep- resentatives on the Men's Volk, Jensen Named Government council from the fresh- man class. Student Relates Facts Election of officers for the year 1946-47 was held by, the four frater- On September 30 at a meeting of Of Danish Educotion nities on the Hill in their meetings the Student Council, it was decided on October 1 and October 8. The that no formal initiation for fresh- By Charles G. Brooks men year. men would be held this Black and Whites (Pi Alpha Alpha) elected Bob GrumbiQc as president; The representatives of the student Alice Margarethe Haagerup step- Bernard Jenning's, vice - preaident.; body felt that the majcrity of men ped off. the Swedish vessel Gripsholm on the campus feel the "fresh" initia- John Elliott, master of ceremonies; alone in New York, October 1, after; Winston Burroughs, corresponding tion is a useless thing and should not an eleven-day voyage from Denmark. secretary; Charles Burkins, record- be retained just for the sake of trn- She is here on an exchangjl scholar- ing secretary; Jesse Starkey, treas- dition. ship to take up a year's work at urer; and Roger Saltagaver, sergeant- According to Al Resnick, president, Western Maryland and is a product at-arms. Bob Grumbine, Frank Zeig- plans for consideration arc as Eol- of the progressive schooling of Den- lows: ler, and John Elliott were named as mark and its culture. delegates to the Inter-Fraternity 1. A program is before the Activi- Alone in New York she spent one Council, and Fred Holloway, Jr., and ties Committee whereby the Men's day sight-seeing about America's Roger Saltzgaver will represent the and \Vomen's Student Government; most confusing city, of which club on the Inter-Ft-aternit.y Athletic would take over complete jurisdic- she already had some knowl- Council. tion of the recreation room. The in- edge by reading. A bus took her The new officers for the Gamma come from the room would come back about the city, to and from her hotel, Bets (Gamma Beta Chi) are: Ken- to the students in a more direct man- Graduation from Gymnasium in Denmark is a very festive occa- the Herold Square. Impressed with neth Volk, president; Harry Yingling, ncr, and the student governments sion. After a month of examinations are over, there are many parties New York, Alice yet would prefer vice-president; Lee Landauer, secre- would be responsible for the further and celebrations. Stud ent~ parade through the town in horse-drawn car- never to Jive there among the multi- tary; and James Dudley, treasurer. purchasing of new equipment. riages. They wear white caps to symbolize the honor they have attained tudes of rushing, unconcerned people The Preachers (Delta Pi Alpha) 2. George Norman, Senior Repre- through matriculation. Alice appears third from the left on the back roll' ::.nd the vast maze of traffic and made Sig Jensen, president; N. J. sentative, has been appointed to in- of girls. streets, somewhat different from Co- Wolfsheimer, vice-president; Charles vestigate the cut system. A faculty penhagen, although the capital of Chlad, secretary; George Stephens, comm.ittee has also been appointed to Dr. L~well Ensor To Speak At SCA Denmark is no mere town. treasurer ; Jack Ammon, chaplain; ~ook into the problem. .Likes the campus and Walter Dorsey, sergeant-at-arms. 3. The student governments are Highlighting the activities of the plans for reaching- it have been made. She came by train to Baltimore and Arthur O'Keeffe was elected Alpha working on a plan to reward the foot- SCA for the coming month will be a Pledge cards will be distributed and to Westminstel', fipally reaching col- (president) of the Bachelors (Alpha ball team for their efforts and good devotional service with Dr. Lowell S. solicitors appointed for the faculty lege about 6 p. m., and again unmet, Gamma'Tau), with Mike Phillips as shewing. Ensor as guest speaker, the \VorlJ and veterans living off-campus as A kind and warm reception mingled vice-Alpha; Charles Harden, Gamma; Student Service ~und drive, a .nur- well as for all dormitories. Mary with various other good first impres- "Curly" Coffman, Tau; Pete Young- scry school for tne Negro children of Wr-ight. Silvey, financial director, ex- 'aiona all have their effect in making (Continued on page 4, column 4) NOTICE Westminster, and a Hallowe'en party. pects the drive to end successfully on her like Western Maryland and Pastor of the Westminster Mathe- December 3. America. The campus and surround- October 22, the absence The nursery school for Negro chil- Beginning Debating Returns officer will be in Room 308, Science dist Church and familiar to the stu- dren is being continued this year by ings, she thinks, are pretty, and the Mal'y, students of Western dents and faculty in general have been helpful every J :15 to in ar- To WM Campus Hall, regarding Tuesday from with stu- land, Dr. Lowell S. Ensor will address the SCA. The school is designed psy- to as well as have the professors schedule. and also ranging courses 2:15 p. m. for conferences aid working Negro mothers and Oc- the SCA meeting on Wednesday, her valuable offers for experience Alice is nineteen dents tober 16. and has a brother absence~ As'the physical sports return to the A list of overcuts will be posted The annual World Student Sei-vica chology and sociology majors. It will fifteen, who with her parents con- Hill after It wartime layoff, so do the' each Friday covering the week pre- Fund drive will open Sunday, Novem- be open from 1 eo 5 p. rn., with vol- stitutes her immediate family, her mother being from Sweden. She tends working in two-hOUT shifts. unteers mental sports 'and with this return ceding that of posting. ber 3, with the evening chapel ser- Those interested are requested to debating takes its place. William Ridington, vice, featuring a foreign shdent sign up with Frances Bartley, who is to be a student and yet is one who herS'elf with as weB people enjoys The Debating Association of PennĀ· Absence Officer. speaker, Theocharis Pendis of Greece. in charge of the project. sylvania Colleges, of which Western A gOM of $2000 has been set, and A Hallowe'en party in Blanche as with books. When she first came Maryland is a member, will hold a Ward Gym is being planned .by the to the United States her greatest fear language, although was the English "reorganizational" 19, at the Penn-Harris Junior Class Leads Dean's List SCA RecTeation Committee, headed we have noticed in her speech a large on Satul'- meeting day, October by Mary Dodd. The date and furthcr conversation. fluent Hotel in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. plans will be announced Inter. vocabulary other and accomplishments she Among Professor John D. l'Ifakosky, interest- For First Semester Of 1946-47 Jlas a working knowledge of French, ed in debating since his undergradu- ate days and coach of the team for Ninety-seven students have made Gladys Schlag, ~IiJdred Shipley, Miss Brainard To Present ~oe:;~:~D~~~~~~s~io~e~~~~e~~aen'e:;I~i~! many years, and Dr. Lincoln Lorenz, the Dean's List for the first semes- Sarah Smith, Marie Adele Summers, debating instructor, are planning to ter of the school year 1946-1947, ac- Aileen Taylor, Hazel Weeks, Dorothy Dr. Newlin I sCompositions th~~~~ti~~;::~k p:gOest(j,O!o;:~s: ;;n- make this trip with a student repre- cording to Miss Martha Manahan, WildeT. sentative. registrar. By attaining an average The sophomore class is represent- In National Gallery R~cital of "B" or better in the second semes- ed by thirty of its members: John Miss Helen Brainard, of our music Sororities Plan Year; ter of last year, they have eaTned Adamovich, Maurice Blocher, Rich- the privilege of unlimited cuts. ard Brown, Emory Chesley, Robert ~::t~:~:tn~' g:~e ;'::~:~~t::, t~~ Send Out Bids Today The thirty seniors on thc list are Dubd, Gordon Groby, Price 1\1oore, c., on Sunday, October 29. Six piano Iota Gamma Chi, Delta Sigma Kap- as follows: Ira Altfeder, Charles Charles Rahter, Philip Schaeffer, rieccs composed in 1942 by Dr. Dika pa, Sigma Sigma Tau, and Phi Alpha Brooks, Fred Brown, Robert Hen- Donald Smyth, Phyllis Alexander, Newlin, also of the music faculty, J\fu, the four sororities on the Hill, drickson, Frank Jaumot, Elmer Jen- Betty Amos, Ninita Barkman, Cath- will be featured. The program will are ready to begin another active sen, Elmer Lippy, Henry Meredith, erine Bishop, Alice Eroderick, Mar- also include works by Bach, Bee- year. Bids have been sent out and George NOTman, Bailey Phelps, AI- guerite Clossman, Sue Dixon, Anna thoven, Schumann, Liszt, and Debus- will be refused or accepted in the re- leck Resllick, Ernest Twigg, Kenneth Englar, Joyce Gorsuch, Doris Holmes, 'Yo spective clubrooms on Friday be- Volk, Joshua Zia, Betty Burgee, Anna Frallces Inman, Gladys Johnson, Miss Brainard graduated with tween 7 and 7:30 p. m. Lee Butler, Arlene Chen, Mary Da- Edith J~stice, Helen Lavin, Carol,'n honors from Oberlin Collcge and The Iotas deserve congratulations vics, Tllelma Evans, Ann li'ui!erton, Sapp, Louise Sapp, J('an Sause, Bar- from the Juilliard School of l'IIusic in for winning the Scholastic Cup for Emajane Hahn, Jean Hastings, An- bara Sowers, Mary ..\nne Thomas, New York City. Shc has played having thc highest average among l!abelle Klein, Betty Miller, Joy Mary Ada Twigg. many concerts of all kinds and has the sororities. They will be entitled Monis, Jean Murray, Mary Wright toured the South and Middle West as to keep the cup for the entire year. Silvey, Shirley Snyder, Margaret Senior fall Informal Dance a member of a trio. Among her The Phi Alphs started the year Statler, Marion Stoffregen. To Benelll Funds Of Aloha prominent piano teachers have been with fall housecleaning, kern-toning The juniors top the list this year Josef and Rosine Lhevinne. the walls of the clubroom, and hang- '''ith thirty-seven members: Ray- The Fall Informal, a dance ~pon- ing new curtains. Now they are start- mond Bennighof, Leroy Ca\ter, Al- eored by the senior dass, will be hell Aloha Announcement ing another record collection, includ- At this time a debating schedule lison Conley, Ernest Doherty, Ralph October 19 in Blanche Ward Gym. It ing several albums, both classical and between colleges will be drawn up Dudley, James Elliot, Robert Mathi- is to be noted that this dance is for To Alumni popular recordings. for the coming yeaI', and topics for as, Howard Pender, Jesse Starkey, the benefit of the Aloha. We cordially invite all WMC alum- The Delts ar.e planning to ~edecor- .he coming debating- season will b~ George Stephens, George Wilson, f The committee in charge is as fol- ni to subscribe to the '47 Aloha. ate~auroom, complete from decided upon. Betty Armiger, Helcn Becker, Cath- lows: Shirley Jones, Mildred Amoss, Many former students are now back new slipcovers to new springs in the Although debates will not swin6' erine Buckel, Patricia Chatterton, Helen Frantz, and Bill Pennington. on The Hill so you'll see some fa- furniture. Plans for a get-together into fun action before December, Mary Childs, Daphne Clarke, Eleanor Attempts are being made to locate miliar faces in this year's book. with their brother fraternity, the much time will be allotted to prepan- Collins, Catherine Frounfelter, Jewell a five-piece orchestra to provide mu- Covcrs are scarce and must be or- Bachelors, are also underway. tion for the season. A course is being' Haines, Mary Alice Hershfeld, Phyl- sic from eight until eleven o'dock. dered immediately so please send in The Sigma clubroom started the offered by the English department. in lis Houck, Frances Keiser, Betty A football motif will be featured in yom' subscription within the next two year with new slipcovers, which were debating and it is likely that those Li~t1e, Marian Meredith, Barbara the decorations. By the end of this weeks. The subscription pl"ice is completed last May. During the ear- enrolled will be the nucleus for the Morris, Mildred Ohler, Fern Ray, week the publicity committee expects $10.00. ly part of June the girls went to team. Christine Royer, Gladys Sause, to ha\'e further announcements ready. Ocean City, Maryland.
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