Page 16 - TheGoldBug1945-46
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md., November 15, 1945 IIWho' s Who To Bestow National Gold Bug Interviews Honor On Ten Outstanding Seniors Marie Wilson As Campus Personality (The first letter pri11ted is unso- To the editor (Cont. from Page 1, Col. 5) Men's Student Government, treasurer licited student opinion; the second is Rumors to the effect that a change of the Student Christian Association, (Cont. from Page 2, Col. 3) the result of an assignment, written would be made in Christmas Vacation Iota Gamma Chi sorority, president and former news editor of the Gold etftBl' discussi11g the subject with have been disproved by the Adminis- of the Inter-Sorority Council, and Bug. of the 1946 Aloha, which she hopes members of the Administmtion.- tration. The vacation will remain chairman of the Trumpeters, senior Vernelle Ports is president of the and plans to have in the hands of the Ed.) from Friday, December 21 to Janu- women's honorary organization. Sunday School, house president of student body before the end of ary 7, a period of sixteen days. Crace Jemison, another Trumpeter, McDaniel Hall, secretary of the Ar- school. In this capacity she has To the Editor: The close proximity of the begin- it; president of the Student Christian gonauts, and program chairman of proved very efficient at getting things Why has our Christmas vacation ning of vacation to Christmas will organized and accomplished on sched- Association, and chaplain of the Phi the Student Christian Association. ule. She is also president of Tri- been taken away? Who wants a New mean a hectic train or bus ride home Alpha Mu sorority. Grace is a music She names Lynchburg, Virginia, as Year's vacation? We will have almost tcv those students who live in dis- and history major from Cranford, her home town, and majors in sociolo- Beta, the Argonauts, and a member no time for Christmas shopping or tant sections. It also means shop- of Iota Gamma Chi sorority, and the New Jersey, and a member of the gy. Wesleyanettes. other preparations. And those of us ping in the equally hectic Christmas Argonaufs. Mindelle Seltzer, a chemistry ma- who live a considerable distance from rush. The administration is aware Enrique Lamadrid, English major jor from Baltimore, is viee-pr esident Last year Marie and another stu- Western Maryland may not be able to of these facts but feels it inadvis- of Cardenas, Cuba, is secretary of of the Iota Gamma Chi sorority, dent were the first to be awarded the get home till Christmas Eve--espe- able to move the vacation up as many the Wesleyans, secretary of the Stu- business manager of the Gold Bug, Milton Hendrickson Memorial Scho- cially in the light of the fact that the have pleaded, for it would necessitate dent Christian Association, Vice- and a Trumpeter. larship which was begun by Tri-Beta. nearer to Christmas, the greater the either returning in the middle of the President of the Sunday School, and Virginia Voorhees, of Monessen, Under this scholarship she studied congestion in transportation facili- week or before New Year's. Any many News Editor of the Gold Bug. Pennsylvania, a sociology major, is advanced invertebrate zoology at the ties. Furthermore, to work of us have other arrangement would mean that Marine Biological Laboratory, been planning Woods' the during Henrietta Jones, an English and editor of the Gold Bug, membership Hole, Cape Cod, Mass., and listened holidays. Neither the post office nor too great a slice would be taken from history major of Salisbury, Mary- chairman of the Student Christian to lecturers, among whom was Libby any stores want to hire anyone after the college year. Returning during land, is president of the Women's Association, and a member of the Hyman, who is the outstanding per- Christmas. Under this plan we will the middle of the week is deemed in- Student' Government, vice-president Argonauts. son in her field of invertcbrate zoolo- have more time after the holiday, but advisable by the Administration, and of the Argonauts, and a Trumpeter. Marie Wilson, biology major of gy. "We also found time to play some our friends will be returning to col- few students would favor returning Fred Morgan, pre-ministerial stu- Naylor, Maryland, is editor of the before New Year's for obvious rea- dent and English major from Hilton Aloha, president of the Argonauts, ping-pong and go swimming and we lege after New Year's, and there really won't be much going on then. got an insight into some of the queer Village, Virginia, is president of the president of Tri-Beta and a member characters in the biological field!" she Perhaps there is a good reason for Under these conditions the only senior class, vice-president of the of Iota Gamma Chi. laughed. this change. If so, all right. But we advice we give is to shop either dur- At present Marie's most perplexing would at least like to know that rea- ing the Christmas rush or in West- Experienced Broadway Actors Play problem is why honey bees won't die son. MARY HERSHFELD minster in spite of limited facilities. SCHMIDT. -BETTY even when given DDT. "They're al- In Stage Version Of "Strange Fruit" most as aggravating as human be- SALLY SMITH SMITH & REIFSNIDER ings in not reacting when they're sup- MARTHA MESSLER posed to!" DOROTHY SANTINI Incorporated (Cont. from Page 1, Col. 5) hard thinking. Its purpose is serious, In her hectic, busy schedule, Marie MARY KATHARINE FIELDER Weak-willed and irresolute, Tracy its form quite often more philosophi- admits to an occasional depressed SUE GORDY LUMBER-COAL weakens at his mother's pleas, rejoins cal than dramatic, its commentary on mood. "when I feel like that," she HELEN E. WALKER WESTMINSTER, MD. the church, and decides to pay Nonnie our civilization by no means flatter- said, "I like to either take a long KAYE BUCKEL off and to bring about her marriage ing. walk or sit down at a piano and play to his devoted houseboy. Tragedy r-e- The basic idea is that any civiliza- some themes from Beethoven or Wag- of Cootes' Barber Shop suIts: Ed Anderson in a frenzy of tion that fosters segregation of class- ner." Compliments rebellion and rage kills Tracy and is es or of races is dooming itself to After graduation Marie plans to T. W. Mather & Sons Two Barbers spirited out of town, leaving the be- cultural dryrot. Miss Smith's play teach ·for two years and then would East M~in Street wildered houseboy for the lynching shows us what happens on a small like to work for some further de- Westminster's Department Store of mob. scale in one community. grees and teach in a college. "I've al- Good Service and Values The leading members of the cast As one of the critics has said: ways been interested in conservation, are: "Finely produced, excellently acted especially wild life, and I might try Heagy Brothers Tracy Deen Melchor- Ferrer and possessed of some extremely to get into that field sometime later Nonnie Anderson Jane White forceful and interesting writing, on." BARBER SH,?P Henry McIntosh ..... _.... Earl Jones Strange Fruit is likely to be around Four Chairs-Quick Service COMPLIMENTS OF Bess Anderson Dorothy Carter for quite sometime to come." 24 W. Main St. Alma Deen Vera Allen Expert Jewelry, Watch and _ Laura Deen Charlotte Keane Compliments Optical Repairing Compliments The W. H. Davis Co. Harriet Harris Eugenia Rawls Colonial Jewelry Co. of Sam Perry Juano Hernandez of The play is, like the best-seller 32·34 W. Main St., BONSACK'S from which it was taken, entirely The Carroll Food Market Westminster, Md. honest, serious, and conducive to 90 W. Main St. Phone 303 SODAS LUNCHES Bowl at the New Theo. F. Shaeffer Modern Recreation MASTER PLUMBER Center 92 W. Main St. Rosenstock's Ladies' Shop Phone 359·J Longwell Ave. Westminster Md Across from Post Office 67 E. Main -- Westminster, Md. John Everhart ~~c THE COLLEGE BARBER GRIFFIN'S AND BOBBER fa, - ampus Clothes" AT THE FORKS "Your Stop Downtown" SODAS-SANDWICHES SWEATERS in all the beautiful Fall shades, in Read's Name on the Label CANDIES Signifies. cardigan and slipon styles. Integrity Opposite State Theater Dependability Responsibility Bring your Next Prescription to SKIRTS to go with your sweaters and blouses. READ'S In solid and plaid combinations. 15 E. l'Ifain Street Westminster, Maryland COMPLIMENTS OF BLOUSES in tailored or dressy styles. If you The Gore Motor Co. need a blouse shop Rosenstock·s. The Coffman·Fisher Co. Department Store COMPLETE OUTFITTERS FOR ALL AGES - Check This List . . . "The Best for Dress" Westminster, Md. Gomplimen:ts Jackets - Jumpers Phone 102 of the Sport OxFords - Anklets J. WM. HULL, Jeweler Charles Carroll Hotel Pea Jackets - Suits Successor to Cassell's TheStore of New Fashioned DELICIOUS CHICKEN Coats - Dresses Jewelry and Old Fashioned DINNERS Honesty Times Building • MAKE ROSENSTOCK'S YOUR SHOPPING East Main St. HEADQUARTERS Westminster, Md. Open Friday Evening Open Friday Evening ----------