Page 5 - TheGoldBug1944-45
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~r'Md1-' ~ Library Maryland College Western NATIONAL COLLEGE ELECTION CALENDAR PAGE 3 PAGE 3 Z286 Vol. 22, No.2 'VVESTERN MARYLAND COLLEG_E~, __VV_E_S_T_M_I_N_ST_E_R~,__M_D_. O_c_to_b_e_r_l_9~,_1_9__44 College Players Will Present "Junior Miss" Miss Ruth Beth Watts, Coach, ACP Awards AII.American Senior Officers .•. Chooses Comedy To\ Set Honor Rating To WMC . counted today to by the election returns According Gold Bug edi- All-American honor rating, the highest recognition .given by torial staff, Robert Harrison is the The ThanksgivingDay Pace the Associated Collegiate Press, has been awarded to the Gold Bug new president of the class of '45. for the second semester of the year 1943-44 under the editorship His vice-president is to be Mar- Corkran, Hcneman of Lillian Jackson. garet Thompson, and the supporting Other members of the staff for that and his- Seniors Take Play Lead Roles semester included Mary Webb, man- offices of secretary, treasurer Junior MW8, a comedy by Jerome Lee Top Line On aging editor, Robert Adams and Vir- Hershfelcl Tops torian will be filled by Charlottc Ann Chodorov and Joseph Fields, has ginia Voorhees, news editors, and Lu- Wilkens, Gale Lodge and Janet Of oinda Holloway, feature editor. due Frosh Class On Baugher respectively. been selected for the Thanksgiving College the Players, these four, only Miss Holloway, Dean's List production of Beth Watts, the head of Miss Ruth to her duties as editor of the college the Dramatic Art Department, an- annual, has not returned to the staff. College Exams- Fifty-one students have made the nounced today. Mr. Adams has accepted a position Prima Ballerina Of The Dean's List for the first semester of Based on the stories by Sally Ben- on the Student Advisory Council, Twenty - two freshman ranked thc school year, 1944-45, according Co son, this play has been produced on where he felt he could best aid the among the highest in the 1944 place- Metropolitan Opera Mary Martha Manahan, registrar. Broadway by Max Gordon. The plot paper. During the coming year, the ment tests given during the orienta- Because they attained a "B" average concerns an incident in the life of the managing editor will be responsible tion program. Miss Mary Alice Starred Ocl. 24 these students have been granted the Graves family, a typical city family for two issues. Hersbfeld placed among the top in First of the concerts in the cur- privilege of unlimited cuts. - in moderate circumstances. The Gold Bug received a score of three of the tests-psychological, rent series presented by the Westmin- The senior class claimed top posi- Miss \V atts is able to announce 1045 points, the most it has ever at- English, and reading- and also rat- ster Community Concert Association tion with sixteen members. They arc only a partial cast, which follows: tained in its record of winning All- ed sufficiently high in biology to mer- will take place in the High School au- Carroll Doggett, Robert Harrison, Harry Graves WiUiam Cook American rating five times in the it being excused from Biology 101. ditorium, Tuesday, October 24, at Earl Morey, Warren Roberts, Jean Grace Graves Thelma Young past eight semesters. The Western Others who hold a place in the up- 8:15 P. M. The artists include Marina Andrews, Janet Lee Baugher, Donna Hilda Lucinda Holloway Maryland paper was termed "excell- per ten in the psychological, English, Svetlova, prima ballerina. of the Met_ Duvall, Alice Kuhn, Ruth Leister, Lois Graves Janet Baugher ent" in all phases: news values and "and reading tests are Raymond H. ropolitan Opera, Alexis Dolinoff, lead- Ruth Miles, Madeline Myers, Adele Fuffy Adams May Honeman sources; news writing and editing; Benninghof, Frederick J. Brown, and ing male dancer of the Metropolitan, Tenny, Cath'erine Ann Waring, Mary Judy Graves Jeanne Corkran headlines, typography and mal:eup; Fern A. Ray. and Adrina Otero, one of the best Webb, Anne Winters, and Thelma J. B. Curtis... .. William Smith and department pages and special Catherine G. Buckel, Marian Mere- known exponents of the Spanish Young. Ellen Curtis... Jean Andrews features. dith, R. Christine Royer, Sarah E. dance, accompanied by Sergei Malav- Only one junior man, Thomas Croft, Willis Reynolds... ..Bert Harrison Only five other student newspaper.' Smith, and Gilbert Wharton are list- sky at the piano. attained this scholastil;..honor. The' Barlow Adams Jonathan Neville in the same classification,-biweekly ed high in two tests. • Born In Paris twelve women named from this group Merrill Feurbach Robert Harrison papers published by four-year col- Following are alphabetical lists of Marina Svetlova was born in Paris, are: Grace Bevard, Barbara Brower, Mr. Cook appeared last year in Tke leges with an enrollment of less than the freshmen who made the ten high- the daughter of a famouB Russian Agnes Camochan, Margaret Geary, Pot Boiler and The Oldl11aid, in which 500, received this highest national est grades in the placement tests: ace of World War I. She began her Henrietta Jones, Doris Kemp, Betty Robert Harrison was cast as James award. Psychological: Raymond H. Ben- career at the age of nine and at fif- Leister, Winifred Shauck, Jean Shir- Ralston. Thelma Young played in One of several innovations in Gold nighof, Kenneth G. Bouchelle, Fred- teen was an outstanding member of ley, Virginia Voorhees, Louise Willis, They're None Of Them Perieet, one Bug policy this year is the creation erick J. Brown, George B. Hankins, the Ballet Russe de Paris. After' a and Marie Wilson. of last year's four junior plays. Stu- of a Student Advisory Council. This Mary Alice Herchfeld, Phyllis Louise long tour of Europe with this com- The twelve sophomores who will be dents know Janet Baugher, Jeanne group of six members will transmit Houck, Richard M. Matthews, Pem pany, the young dancer was asked to given unlimited cuts are: Ellis Brun- Corkran and William Smith from (Cont. on page 4, ~l. 5) (Cant. on page 4, col. 2) be the partner of Serge Lifar. At the er, John Del Vecchio, Anna Lee But- their performances in The Pot BoilB'l·. outbreak of the present conflict, Svet- ler, Arlene Chen, Thelma Evans, Misses Holloway and Andrews were leva was signed by the original Bal- Emajane Hahn, Annabelle Klein, members of the cast of Uplifting Sa- Sadie Hawkins Plans Annual Hunt; let Russe under Colonel de Basil for Joy Morris, Charlotte Palmer, Mar- die which was produced spring. a tour of Australia and America. garet Statler, Marion Stoffregen, and The new head of the Dramatic. Art Hey-D~y Saturday, November 4 Last November she made her debut at Mrs. M. S. Summers. (Cont. on page'4, col. 3) 'the first to be ap- the Metropolitan, One of Western Maryland's claims to fame has always been pointed as "premiere danseuse" since be- Bleachers Go Up In Gill Gymnasium; the ability to stage successfully a Sadie Hawkins Day, even when the days of Gambrielli ten years there were only two women to every man. This year, in view of the fore. fact that there are four and a half women to every man, the casual .World Tour Saturday Nights Assume Mystery observer would say that for safety, every man had best get out his Alexis Dolinoff haa a p pea red best hiking shoes and take to the woods on November 4, the fated throughout t;.~ ~...lrl as premier "The greatest entertainment night Western Maryland College day when he is to be chased, wooed, and perhaps won by many danseur with Nemchinova, Ida Ru- has ever witnessed" is the modest description the Student Activi- Sadie's, and few Daisy Mae's, benstein, Ballet Russe de Paris, ties Committee has given to their All Western Maryland Talent Franco- Just what Al Capp would say if he Chauve-Souris, and Ballets to America Night, to be held in Gill Gym this Saturday evening, from 7 :30 He was brought Rusaea. Col. A. G. Gardner until the laughs die down. ~~~I~a~::i:h~~a~ac~~~:git~~;;dd~~~ to form the Philadelphia Ballet Com- Hot trumpeters, clever impersona- cult to say, but as we look on at the pany and remained with it for three tions of some of the more notor-ious ideas being presented by Pappy Now In Command years. He was soloist with Anna SCA Cabinet faculty members, monologues, and Yokum Blizard, '45, we have an idea Pavlova for three years. clarinet and saxophone solos are just that he is rising to the sky in ribbons • Spanish Dancer was Makes Plans a few of the entertaining features by of smoke. Of ROTC Unit Adrina Otero, Spanish dancer, talented Western Marylanders which Mammy, Pappy, Vii Abner, Daisy a great favorite on the French Ri- have been included on Saturday Mae, Available Jones, Marryin' Sam, Col. Andrew G. Gardner is the new viera and has made command appear- At "Retreat" night's program. and even Sadie Hawkins are to be in Professor of Military Science and ances before the kings of Norw£\y, To top the list of personalities on Blanche Ward Gym in full costume, Tactics' on the campus, in command (Cont. on page 4, col. 4) S. C. A. cabinet and four faculty display for the shindig, the incompar- and they plan to have with them the of the ROTC unit at Western Mary- members spent the week-end of Oc~ able Bert (Cheerio, Old Boy) Harri- current monster of the comic strip if land, replacing Col. Paul J. Dowling. tober 14-15 at "Roop's Camp Inn" for son will donate his whimsical sense of Mammy's temper does not first cause Col. Gardner entered the Infantry Paul .,aynard Recital the purpose of planning their activi- humor' as master of ceremonies. This her to eliminate "It". in 1911 as a second lieutenant. He Booked For October 23 ties for the coming year. alone is worth twice the price of ad- Dogpatch gym will be decorated was head of the Infantry Department Discussions of the group covered mission, Bert will assure you, There with odorless skunks, ample marry- at the University of Washington from Paul Maynard will present his an- campus and Student Christian Asso- will be no charge of admission for the in' up places, and the occasion will be 1934 to 1933, and was stationed at nual organ recital on Monda.y, Octo- ciation problems, faculty-student re- celebration, by the way. marked with ceremonies performed at Camp Pendleton, Virginia, prior to ber 23, at eight o'clock in Alumni lations, the big sister movement and The suggestion of such a program regular intervals by Sam and mis- being transferred here. Hall. what the war has done to the campus. was brought up at a recent meeting tress of ceremonies, Mammy Mlndelle Assisting Col. Gardner in the train- His program will include: The result was that the S. C. A. is of the Student Activities Committee Seltzer, '46. ing of the 50 members of the ROTC The Star-Spangled Banner going to try to develop more interest as an attempt to recapture some of Kickepoo-joy-julce and cookies will is First Lieutenant George J. Rich- Prelude and Fugue in F Major in present day problems. the college spirit of Western Mary_ be included in the price of the license ards, second in command, who is lec- Buxtehude Problems are to be presented in the land which has been lost due to the for entrance which will be purchased turing the freshman class on the for- Basse et Deseue de Trompette Wednesday evening meetings by cessation of competitive sports and at the crossroads between Skunk Hol- mation of the infantry units, scout- Clerambault speakers, an occasional movie, and formal dances. low and Dogpateh, for one thir(l the ing and patrolling, first aid, and chem- Chorale Prelude--Bach special programs stating problems The SAC believes that if the stu- weekly salary of the Skunk Works ical warfare. Col. Gardner is in- A. I Cry to Thee, Lord Jesus and solutions. dents could depend on an entertaining Jaborlng woman-c-seventy-flve cents structing the sophomore class in the Christ The S. C. A. has been doing some program to be presented by a differ- .for every woman with a man; fifty fundamentals of map reading. B. In Thee is Joy limited social work in an attempt to ent college organization each Satur- cents for every woman planning to do The sophomores are taking advall- C. All Men Must Die help the negroes. This work will be day night, a greater number of them all her major chasing at the dance. tage of drill periods in the afternoon Toccata and Fugue in D Minor continued as part of the program sug- would remain on the campus over the It is legal and customary for the to brush up on leadership and com- Bad> gested by the N. I. C. C. weekend, and thus keep them in closer Sadies of the oommunity to get their mand. Sophomores will be assigned Piece Herique--Franck Sunday evening get-togethers have oontact with the atmosphere of col- bids in early for Li'J Abnet', by invit- positions of command in a few weeks, Allegretto Gragioso (Sonata in G) been planned for after chapel. These lege life. ing him to "do the -town" during the according to the Military Depart- Bennett will provide an opportunity for making "Variety" wiIl be the keyword of (Cant. Oil· page 4; 001, 6) menk" . Comes Autumn -Tfm&-Sawwly (Cant. on page 4, cot 4) , (Cant. bn pa,ee 4, 001, 1)