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The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College. Westmi~ster. Md., Thursday, September 28, 1944 PAGE THREE Advic:e---From The Old And Wise ~:!r:t~~::hy;:r~a: :~oe~~;~:I~ Freshmen Are To Be Counselled you enjoy living all the more. (I hope Fiv. This-Year' s Seniors, Campus ... , ~~~~u;:'~~'~:Ul~';'::u~:U;:t::i~~By FacultYIAdvised By Students Sk.tch A College Roadmap For Freshmen the brightest red I could find.) Freshman students have been as- Dr. Lloyd M. Bertholf, Office D, After even on';..---more year, we'd Ious high-school days. A person of Decide your major interest and take signed to faculty counselors who will Science Hall probably revise these pointers beyond eighteen is supposed to think and act all the courses offered, hear good assist them in their initial schedule Dr. J. P. Earp, Room G, Lewis Hall recognition. But at the moment, on a more mature .Ievel. Often dur- speakers, and attend discussions. Take preparation, and who will act as Dr. L. Forrest Free, Hering Hall these thoughts rattle across out cere- ing the first year of college, students extra courses if necessary and learn guides throughout the sophomore Miss Helen Gray, Home Economics bellum as we ponder what we'd do as keep the road home busy on the to type, swim, play tennis, apply first year. Laboratory, Hering Hall frosh this year. We'll say our say. in week-ends, 0" else the long-distance aid, etc. Know a lot of people, facul- These counselors will have confer- Dr. Kathryn Hildebran, Room H, turn: phones are kept ringing. After all- ty as well as students, learn to choose ence hours posted for advisers, and Lewis Hall 1. First, I'd be sur-e to try to get you're at college to prepare yourself your friends wisely. But listen: the will make individual council meetings Dr. Isabel T. Isanogle, R. 34, Science the center right. Maybe you think for living a more rounded, intelligent moment you lose sight of your ob- for those who require special time. Hall I'm stuffy to start in on the religions life, and Mother and Dad can't always jective, forget your ideals, and your Room locations are as follows: Dr. Lawrence Little, Office B, Science business, but through it all I've come solve your problems. church, you will no longer be that Mr. C. L. Bennighof, R. 30, Science Hall to feel that that's the pin-point 12. Activities are fun, and you get poised, integrated mortal you were to Hall Ml'. J. D. Makosk;, Office C, Science around which it all turns. Life-a-eel- a lot of practical knowledge from start with. I really mean that! Hall lege life particularly-is plenty hec- them. Don't' be just an observer in 16. Roll out of that bed, Fresh! It's Dr. Thomas F. Marshall, Office C, tic and complex at times. Real Chris- many; be a real part of a few. Of Sunday, and maybe church isn't re- Science Hall tian faith is a prerequisite for every- these few, seek out what interests quired, but you'll find that most of us Dr. Evelyn Mudge, R. 27, Science thing you do, and only such can in- you and give your best. Many offer go anyway, And after a couple years Hall tegrate and give meaning to the thou- cultural opportunities you will appre- of it, we find tbat we can still get Miss Marie Parker, Blanche Ward sands of facts and fancies that will ciate an your life. College happens plenty of sleep, and get around nine Thursday Hall Gymnasium come bounding into you in four years' only once in a lifetime. Make it or ten in plenty of time to get ready. Mr. Milson C. Raver, Alumni Hall timc. It isn't mushy sentimentality count. But don't wait all week for Sunday: 5:30 Outdoor supper, in charge of Dr. Wm. R. Ridington, R. 37, Science you want, but the goods with which 13. I believe I'd be just a little during these past six days, we can the Student Christian Associa- Hall Govern- tion and the Student to put things together and make the more attentive in class. That is, I'd count up a good bull session, ChJ::istian ments (Harvey Stone Park) Miss Addie Belle Robb, R. 21, Science only weapon with which you can go not chew gum, and write notes to Association activities, talks with pro- Hall at life. So hit the campus looking ~~al'gal'et about Frank. fessors, some social service work Friday Mr. Philip S. Royer, Levine Hall for the Y and the church group of 14. I'd not get angry with my We'd say too that if the college of Dr. Daniel S. Sanford, Alumni H~l1 your preference. alarm clock and sleep fifteen minutes your choice has daily chapel, that's 8:25 College History and Traditions Miss Daisy Smith, Home Economics President Holloway (B a k e r 2. From there I'd Branch out. Re- longer just for spite! Instead I'd hop a good time t~ take a breather. An- Chapel) Laboratory, Heri!lg Hall digion isn't just pious folding of the right out of bed (I hopel) and get to other hint is to join in some Campus 9 :05, Getting Started Right-----Dean Dr. Sara Smith, R. 23, Science Hall hands. It's the thing that gives mean- morning watch on time. service: it's a grand way to practice Bertholf (Baker Chapel) Dr. C. A. Spicer, R. 25, Science Hall ing and purpose to all of life. Avail- 15. Alas, seniors told us three what you preach, and you make Dr. J. L. Straughn, R. W, Lewis Hall illg myself of its every chance to give years ago that one's electives must friends working with your fellow stu- 9:30 Group meetings with counsel- Dr. R. D. Summers, R. C, Lewis Hall ors for obtaining class sched- me its teaching, I'd pick my interests be crips=-health, nature lore, or what. dents as well as playing with them. ules Miss Roselda Todd, Blanche Ward in the extracurricular area with care, you will; your Saturdays must be as In those bull sessions, keep an open 10:00 Men: Physical Education, and Hall Gymnasium making sure not to spread myself too free as possiblc, no matter if you had mind. There will be some good ideas R.O.T.C.-Dean Free, Col. thin. to give up that course you had set offered, which you can take or leave. Dowling (Yingling Gym); Mrs. Evelyn 'Venner, R. 33, Science Hall 3. I'd also select the crowd I run your mind on; lastly they said by all One caution, though: a temper is a Women: Physical Education- with carefully. Be sure to include means to sign up with any organiza- hard thing to find, once it's lost. Miss Parker, Miss Todd (Al- Within the week, student advisers umni Hall) those to whom you can look for guid- tions. More week-ends, more shows, 17. Just about now you'll probably will also be posted for freshmen. An- ance and help as well as those with more dates-uninterrupted: sounded be snowed under with the varying 10:30 Medical Examinations: Men nouncement of this group will be Gym); (Gill whom you share the greatest experi- fine at first. But now my sage advice opinions of science, pbilosophy, and en's Infirmary) Women (Wom- made through use of the bulletin boards in Science and Lewis Halls. ences of your life. If you forget all is: Take a'dvantag e of your college religion. All this results in a grow- the knowledge you learn, the friend- opportunities. They afford learning ing doubt of everything you have be- 12:15 Lunch (boarding students) ships you make will justify all that lieved. For heaven's sake, don't wor- 1 :00 Continuation of medical exam- college costs. Women Choose Name ry about it; it will happen to most of inations SMITH & REIFSNIDER 4. Don't overlook classes, either. your buddies, just as it happens to Biology 1011aboratory section Incorporated If you bone day by day and get a And Advisor At First everyone from seniors down. You'll meets LUMBER-COAL firm foundation your freshman year, find R good talk with that favorite REGnSTRATlON OF UPPERCLASSMEN WESTMINSTER, MD. it will be worth it later on. Meeting Of Year prof, your housemother, the minister 5. Finally, I'd try to keep upper- or chaplain, or the Christian Associa- Saturday, 8 :10 a. rn. T.he regular schedule of classes be- most in mind that colleg,e while it's (Cont. from page 1, col. 1) tion secretary, will help you to co- gms. Cootes' Barber Shop preparation, is also four years of and Catherine Waring to be the wom- ordinate your thoughts into a well- living. Don't become too cloistered en of 1944. developed, everyday religion. And Sunday, 9:15 a. m. Two Barbers Sunday School in Baker Chapel within the Gothic walls and don't put Their election was the result of what is more, your lasting faith will off all your dreams and good inten- services rendered to the school as in- be stronger for the doubts that tried Sunday, 10 :45 a. m. in the various EAST MAIN STREET Worship Morning tions until you're handed your sheep- dividuals, and was in anticipation of it. churches of Westminster skin. You're in the swim right now. services to be performed as a unit. -Intercoliegian, Sept. 1944. Work, study, make friends, give help The name was ehesen as a com- Sunday, 7:15 p. m. Margaret & Earl's Vesper Service in Alumni Hall when you're needed, go to confer- plement to the challenge from I Cor- Monday, -10:55 a. m. ences, keep up with the world, play, inthians 14:8, "For if the trumpet Convocation in Alumni Hall. Students' Center worship, and remember always to ex- give an uncertain sound, who shall Wednesday, Oct. 11, 12:40 p. m. Phone 214-W amine all things, including your prepare himself to the battle?" This (Cont. from page 1) First regular Freshman Assembly SANDWICHES SOFT DRINKS ideals, and grow with them into the quotation was the climax of the dilapidated saddles. Then came the person you want to become. speech delivered to the women by cadets with their trim uniforms. Each 6. I'm firmly convinced that col- their original sponsor, Dean Car- room was bright with photographs lege freshmen this year aren't the michael. of girls back home, and with aeiges COl'llPLETE LINE timid, wide-eyed souls I was when I They will assist individuals and as- of concentrated studying to an unpre- GRIFFIN'S entered college. With your assur- sociations whenever called upon, and cented degree. OF £0' wiil be present at every school func- ance and seeming maturiay, maybe And now the women have come. SCHOOL SUPPLIES you don't need my advice, but if I tion where their assistance would be Each room will be bright with stock- "Your Stop Downtown" especially were starting over again: for one appreciated. They their aid at invite ings that hang until dry, and with P. G. Coffman Co. SODAS-SANDWICHES any women to solicit thing, I wouldn't be awed by the feminine gatherings for philosophi- BWOC's and BMOC's. Don't shine time. cal discussions after dark. Times Building CANDIES As individuals, the girls are visible the apple for them even though in various positions. Ruth Hausman The men with sport shirts of bright Open Monday and Friday they're thoroughly human end. usual- serves as Women's Athletic Associa- colors and dilapidated saddles have Until 9 Opposite State Theater fly with plenty on the ball, even tion 'President, Women's Student Gov- gone. But they'll be back. though they're thoroughly human ernment President, and Sigma Sigma and usually with plenty on the ball, Tau member. The GQld Bug, S.C.A., even though they know the answers Iota Gamma Chi, and D.R.A.C. are Compliments and it thrills them to be asked for the chief interests of Lillian Jackson, of Carroll Theatre State Theatre help. while Ruth Miles is S.C.A. and 7. I'd remember that the faculty D.R.A.C. president, McDaniel House BONSACK BROS. WESTMINSTER, MD. WESTMINSTER, MD. are human too: many chances I've President, Argonaut Secretary, and SODAS LUNCHES lllissed to know wonderful people, Iota Gamma Chi member. Thurs., Fri. and Satsept. 28-29-30 Thurs. and Fri., Sept. 28 and 29 simply because there was a "Dr." be- Duties are presented to Helen Bing Crosby fore their name. Stoner by Delta Sigma Kappa, Home Anne Shirley - Dennis Day "GOING MY WAY" 8. Never, never again would I Economics Club, and Women's Stu- "MUSIC IN MANHATTAN" sacrifice sleep, health, and a cheerful dent Government, and Catherine disposition to stay up 'til ungodly Waring is treasurer of S.C.A., Saturday, September 30 hours crammng! Careful planning U.R.A.C:, and Sunday School; Iota Sun., Mon., 'I'ues., wed., Thurs. 'rex O'Brien and a little work each day is a small Gamma Chi president, Aloha Business Kathryn Hepburn - Walter Huston "SPOOK TOWN" price to pay for a relaxed, rested, Manager, Argonaut Vice-president Compliments ... "DRAGON SEED" • poised personality. and WAA Board member. 9. At some time in my college ca- of Sun., Mon., Tues., Oct. 1, 2, 3 reer, I'd hold down a job-c-it/a good Phil Baker training for after graduation. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS Fri., and Sat., Oct. 6 and 7 ''TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT" 10. Most important of all, I'd take Olson and Johnson a few minutes of every day, or a few T. w. Mather "THE GHOST CATCHERS" hours of every week, to get away Wednesday, October 4 from the hub-bub and the hey-day- DRUGS-SODAS Buster Crabbe and check up on my long-range per- COSMETICS & Sun., Mon., 'roes., ~c~~'8,9, 10, 11 "FUZZY SE'ITLES DOWN" spectives. College is a great place to learn to "be" as well as to "do." Gary Cooper - Teresa Wright A fewminutes alone means new poise Sons "CASANOVA BROWN" Thur-s., Fri. Oct. 5 and 6 and perspective. Lynn Murray 11. Although you may not have "STARS ON PARADE" realized yet, a college girl is_consid- Thurs., Fri., Sat., Oct. 12, 13, & 14 ered part of the adult level of society. Abbott and Costello Saturday, October 7 So even jf you do go on wearing socks Phone 9 "IN SOCIETY" "SWING IN THE SADDLE" and saddle shoes- don't act it! Col- WESTMINSTER, MD. lege isn't a hangover Of',those glor-