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COl 'SARGE'LAVIN TERRORS MEET TO RETIRE MOUNTS HERE PAGE 4 PAGE 3 Z286 Vol. 18, No.2 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. October 10, 1940 Gold Bug Rated "First Class" Impeciato Made Registration Class Officer By Associated Collegiate Press Lieut. -Colonel spite Enrollment has declined. De- figures list 689 Nominations otherwise, expectations the For Second Time In History Of Battalion official registration as against number enrolled last this year The year's 598. women 300, twenty less than were enlist- Held Monday Publication Is Commended For Superiority McPikeAnd Smith Will ed on the books last year; and the with 289, men are on the upgrade In Headlines, Typography, And Make-Up Hold Key Positions Of an increase of eleven. The classes Three Students With Major And Adjutant number approximately the same For the first time since H137, the Gold Bug was awarded a vtcjcr Impeciato will serve as lieu- this year with gradual decline in Highest Vote To Be first class "excellent" honor rating in the second semester critical each successive class. The number On Election Ballot of the service conducted by the Associated Collegiate Press and entered tenant-colonel of the battalion Corps for of day students jumped from 97 to Officer's Training Reserve by 353 college newspapers. the year 1940-41. He has been ap- 113. Nominations for class officers Free To Direct the GfJld Bu.g in its recent rating is pointed to this, the highest on the basis land, with 134 of the 187 from for the present school year were The class of '44 is heavily Mary- accorded The total of 715 points rank, by held by the senior, junior, and department the military the arc Registration Of 35 points short of the 750 required 01' his record in class-work and drill within York, state. each Following Delu- sophomore classes in the assem- New New 8; and Jersey work on the campus, on his accom- bly period position, the top for an All-American last Monday. The Pennsylvania, 7; and Male Students rating in the competition, and is a plishments at the annual junior sum- ware, 6. Students Connecticut, Vir- three candidates with the high- also come from improvement 95-point over the first est numbers of votes after with. mer camp held at Fort Meade, and on Massachusetts, semester score. Ratings, made as a result of the his qualities of interest, loyalty, and ginia, West Virginia, Florida, and drawals will be placed on the ballot for the final election. Tn leadership. Dean Free has been appointed by criticisms by experts, are as follows: Lieutenant-Colonel Impeciato has Texas. En Tao Chi traveled from the county clerk of Carroll county as All-American: 1000-750 points; first distinguished himself on the campus Peking, China. special registrar in charge of the reg- class, 750-650 points; second class, by his athletic and social interests. Elections istration of resident men over 21 650-550 points; third class, 550-450 Serving as an indispensable aid to Ha- . .. will be held in regular assembly years of age under the Selective points; fourth class, 450-0 points. vens' Terrors and an active member period on Monday, October 14, in on the S. G.A. Council Service act. "we were greatly pleased to learn (If the basketball team, he is also well Alumni !iall. The following statement fro m of our new rating," said Henry Tries- known for his congeniality Section 3-A of the act is of special ler, editor-in-chief. "We shall try Hili. Upperclassmen will also re- the case of a draw vote, all the significance: "All male students ex- this year to reach All-American but call Mr. Impeciato's competent an- Reshuffling Is tied candidates will be placed on cept advanced R. O. T. C. students our new frequency of issue puts us nouncing at basketball games and the ballot. who, on the day of registration have in a new classification where competi- boxing matches last season. secimd-in- Aim Of Faw· The student receiving the highest attained the twenty-fir-st. anniversary tion is stronger and standards are Mack McPike will be number of votes are as follows: of the day of their birth, and who higher." command of the R.O.T.C. unit during Senior Class have not yet attained the thirty-sixth The GClld Bug was especially com- the current year, following Robert Reorganization of the Men's Stu- For president: Thomas Lewis, Hen- anniversary of the day of their birth, mended by the judges for superiority Stropp as Major. dent Government to better represent ry 'I'riesler, Robert Faw, Thomas must register." This exempts,juniors in headlines, typography, and make- Francis Smith will act as Battalion campus groups and thereby effect a Elias, Henry HolJjes, William Robin- and seniors in advanced military up, and was awarded 210 out of a Adjutant. more active student government will son. science. possible 250 noints in these fields. Robert Hahn, William Robinson, be the goal of Robert Faw, president For vice-president: Thomas Elias, Register on Oct. 16 The sports section and the editorial Henry Triesler, and William Wiley of that organization, he declared in Henry Triesler, Thomas Lewis, Rob- The Dean went on to explain that column also merited favorable criti- have been named captains of compa- an interview last Sunday night. er-t Faw, William Anthony, Jeanne any persons who has entered college cism in the official ecorebook. nies A, B. C, and n, respectively. The present method of representa- Shank. ~alld is in regular attendance this fall News coverage, balance, and mat- Band tion by classes is inadequate and not For secretary: Alice Vollmer, Betty will be deferred from induction into ment rated. between "excellent" and Captain (Band Commander), Wil- truly representative, he feels, and his Brown, Ellen Logan, Ruth Mansber- the land or naval forces for training "superior" as did copyreading, proof- liam M. Banks; Drum Major, Harold desire is to have council members gor, Ruth Harcum, Mary Hastings. and service until the end of this reading, and editorial page features. D. Phillips; 1st Lieutenant, Robert O. chosen from among groups as they For treasurer: Robert Fleagle, Sid- academic year, but this defernnent Eight issues of the Gold Bug were Lambert; 1st Sergeant, William G. exist on the campus, for example, ney Mansh, Harper LeCompte (t), will last no later than July 1, 1940. entered in this year's critical review, Vincent; Platoon Sergeant, Melbourne from among the day students, frater- Benjamin Allnutt (t), Mildred Mel- He also added that alien students are four of which were under the editor- P. Binns. nities, and football squad. vin (t). Thomas Elias (t). required to register, but only those ship of Miss Veronica Kompanek and (Continued on page 4, col. 1) Another of Mr. Faw's pet projects For sergeant-at-arms: Henry Hell- who have declared their intentions to four under the present editor, Henry is the conversion of the college grill [es, Victor Impeciato, William Sturm, become citizens are eliiible for servo Triesler. Ralph Lambert was the and old men's lounge into a. social ·Francis Smith, Robert Hahn, Mack ice. Likewise, members of the clergy editor in 1936-1937, when the only Whitfield Addresses IRC hall where students may smoke and McPike. and theological students will be ex- other first class rating was received. Dr. Theodore M. Whitfield will dis- dance. He also plans to sponsor in- For historian: Ruth Mansberger, empt from training and service, but In U137-1938 the judges rated the tramural tournaments in golf, tennis, Sidney Mansh, Mary Alice Klein, it is necessary for them to register Gold Bug a third class paper, and in cuss developments in the European ping-pong, and pool. . Mary Hastings, Jeannette Brannock, under the act. . 1938-1939 no papers were submitted. situation during the summer months Students will voice their opinions Isabel Maddox, Henry Holljes. The actual registration will be eon- For the first semester of last year a at the first meeting of the Interna- Junior Ctesa ducted by the dean in his office in score of 620 put the publication in tional Relations Club on October 14. in the national ele-ction when, under For president: Philip Bechtel, Rob- the sponsorship gov- of the student Albert Norman Ward Hall beginning second class honors. The meeting will be held in McDaniel ert Bricker, Ed Thomas, Paul Myers, at 9 A. M., Wednesday, October 16. Lounge, beginning at 7 P. M. (Continued on page 4, col. 5) Lucie Leigh Barnes, Paul Alelyunas. Each registration will be reported in For vice-president: Lucie Leigh ::::~::i:;~;~~::;;a::,~:'::~dh~~~:{ConvocationIn The Crisis' Is Topic Of Address Barnes, Philip Bechtel, Frank Tar- button, Grace MacVean, Robert Brick- Given By Dr. Holloway As School Year Begins ex, Ed Lewis, Emily Linton. For secretary: Roby, Lucie Anna hom. residence Leigh Barnes, Mary Stevenson, Har- Anthony Mansh "Convocation in the Crisis" was • - ... (Continued on page 4, col. 2) , the title of the annual convocation HIghlights Of Addr~ss . . . . Present Plans ~~~~~:~y d:~V~~:ds::en~:'fo:~~d a~: "In a sense a college. campus is sufficient to itself. In another sense it For' 41 Aloha ~;O~d~;~v;:!~~ ~~ Alumni Hall last :~S!c~~~~:; ~~:!fi~a~~a:~~l~voo~~Si~~,.~ust realize that the background of Pi Alpha Alpha After the singing of the tradition- Wins Prize For Editor William Anthony and Buai- al hymn, "A Mighty Fortress is Our "Nothing can be good for a nation that is not good for the nation in the ness Manager Sidney Mansh, already God," and the academic procession, long run ... " . Scholarship have announced plans for the 1941 Dr. Holloway fonnally called the Aloha. college into session and delivered his "What dreadful inconsistency to talk about defending the opportunities For the first time in the history of address stressing the position of the which America offers and not be willing to use them as we find them on a For the fourth consecutive semes- Western Maryland yearbooks, this college in the world crisis of today. college campus." ter, the Pi Alpha Alpha fraternity year's A wha will be a 9x12 publica- Stressing the need of moral as well will receive the coveted Scholarship tion having both a formal and an in- as military preparedness, he spoke .. democracy is not a theory of government to be defended, it is a Cup when Bill Wiley, president of formal picture of each senior. upon the necessity for colleges to re- way of life. It is a principal of governi~ent in action--one which can best be the Inter-fraternity Council, makes The nucleus of the staff consists of Jate themselves to the outside world, defended by living democratically, giving and using the opportunities of free- the presentation to Lou Elliot, presi- an editorial board composed of and closed his address by recalling dam." dent of the Black and Whites, at din- Ruth Mansberger, Lucie Leigh the need for education in every crisis. ner this evening. Barnes, William Robinson, Eleanor Professor Shaeffer read the names "A nation's only defense is not military. We need a spiritual and moral To gain the coveted prize, the win· Healy, Earl Darsch, Betty Brown, of students receiving undergradua.te defense. The quantity of our annaments cannot be more important than ners achieved an index of 1.39, while Ellen Logan, and Thelma Bowen, and honors ·last year: the qU.ality of our morals." the Bachelors. with 1.25, were second. a. business staff composed of assistant Juniors-Benjamin Allnutt, Wil· Following them were the Preachers manager, Jerome Diener, advertiSIng Iiam Anthony, Arnold Fleagle, Sid· "I believe one of the strengths of England today is due to the high reo with 1.23, and Gamma Bets with manager, WilIialJl Dennis, and circu- ney !lIansh, Edwin Gilbert Reter, gard she has had for freedom of speech ... yet in critical days we must be 1.16. The trophy, awarded to the lation manager, Benjamin Allnutt. Pearl Bobbitt, Jeanette Brannock, alert to the dangers entailed in it." club having the highest average, may Nelda Kalar is the photography edi- Madalyn Flickinger, Mary Hudson, be retired this year, as only five legs ..tor and she will be assisted by Evelyn Mary Klein, Edith Leidy, Ellen Lo- "My final observation is this: I hope the present crisis will not impede the are needed for permanent possession. Mae Bowen. For the first time the gan, Isabel Maddox, Ruth Mansberg- progress of American education. I hope that none of you ,viIi be so lost in The average is computed by dividing Aloha staff will have a regular office er, Ina Rakes, Madeleine Schultheis, the contemporary chaos that you will fail to equip yourself for the future. the total number of points earned in whcn they occupy Professor Spang- Helen Willard. After all, this is the only time in your life that you can or will get an educa- each club by the total number of ler's old music room in Smith Hall. Sophomores: Paul Alelyunas, Phil- tion. You had better get it. We must all be prepared to meet the crisis now, hours taken. At present, the Delta The ten dollar fee assessed to sen- ip Bechtel, Andrew Bohle, Alfred but unless you are prepared to meet whatever presents itself when this crisis Pi Alpha fraternity, who held the cup iors and the two'dollar sale to under- Hancock, Grover Newson, Isaac Re- is over, there will come a new crisis for you-the crisis of the unprepared once, is the only other club to have classmen is payable immediately. (Continued o.n page 4, col. 1) mind, of the undeveloped character." received this honor.
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