Page 20 - TheGoldBug1939-40
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PAGE FOUR BRIEFS--- Biologist to Address w. M. C. Homecoming- Faculty Club Day Program, Novem- From The Dean's Office: ber 18, 1939 Dean Free announces that he has Dr. Geiser To Speak On 10 A.M. moved into his offices in the new Research Methods Girls' Hockey Game, West, Md. men's dormitory. and that from now Dr. Samuel W. Geiser, head of the I va. Notre Dame on, he will make appointments there. 2:00 P.M. Mimeographing will also be done in biology department at Southern Football, Western Maryland vs. the new building. Methodist University in I?allas, Tex- Dickinson College as, will be the guest speaker at the (Between the halves, the Sigma Sigma Tau Faculty Club Meeting in McDaniel I Homecoming Day Queen will Hall Lounge, Thursday, November 16, be presented to the Oocemor) The 17th birthday of the sorority at 7:30, His topic will be The Quest 4:30 P.M. was celebrated in the club room on for Scumtific Historical Material. Dedication of Albert Norman Tuesday, November 7. The seniors A native of Iowa, Dr. Geiser re- Ward Hall and Gill Gymna- presented the juniors with a birthday ceived his B,A. and M,S. degrees from sium, \ cake at the party. Upper Iowa College in 1914 and 1919 6:30 P.M. On Friday, October 27, the sorority respectively. In 1922 he took his Alumni Banquet in the college held its annual faU rush party. The Ph.D. honors at Johns Hopkins Uni- dining hall guests were entertained with dinner versity. He has taught at Guilford 8:30 P,M. at the Stafford Hotel in Baltimore, College in North Carolina, Upper Alumni Dance in Gill Gymna- and the Boston College - Western Iowa College, and washington Uni- sium Maryland football game. The follow- Scene From "Spring Dance" versity in St, Louis. (Admission to banquet and ing rushees were present: Harriet At present he is on a leave of ab- dance will be $1.00 per ticket Dygert, Virginia Jockel, Jayne Me- sence in order to secure data for one for either or both events) Kenny, Mary Stevenson, Jane Mellor, of a series of books for which he is The new buildings will be open Jean Stover, Carolyn Rudisill, Doro- W.M.C.Represented Broadcast Features compiling material. The first vol- ior inspection throughout the day thy Mulvey, Adele Masten, Shirley- umes of Naturalists of tlw Frontier and everyone is invited to see Reese, Mary Louise Long, Mabel at Conference Book Reviews has recently been published. Dr. them. Greenwood, Edna Triesler, Elaine Geiser is now studying the history of Barnes, Margaret Rudy, Betty Magin, Western Maryland College will Book reviews of current fiction science, especially of cady naturalists Anna Robey, June Lippy, Betty El'l- again be represented at the Annual were presented on the radio program of the Southwest. wein, and Lucy Leigh Barnes. Germany Meeting of the Middle Atlantic Tuesday afternoon, November 14. States Association of Colleges and Christ In Concrete, the story of a Delta Sigma Kappa Universities which is to be held at group of bricklayers, which was writ- Frat Football (Cont. from Page 2, Col. 3) Atlantic City on November· 24th and ten by a young bricklayer, Pedro di labor and military service helps to On Friday, November 10, Delta (Cont. hom Page 3, Col. 2) Dorothy Dr. Holloway will be the offi- Sigma Kappa sorority took nineteen 25th, representative of the college. Donato, was and reviewed by Jefferson. yards to score. John Carnochan made account for the absence of an unem- ploymenb situation in Germany. Delahay cial Margaret rushees to dinner at the Southern Ho- Also in attendance will be: Dr. Lloyd They also reviewed Ararat by Elgin good the conversion and moments la- The longest and hardest of our "29- tel, Baltimore, to a circus at the Fifth M. Bertholf, Dean of the Faculty; Dr. ter the game ended with the Gamma hour days" was the Thursday on Regiment Armory, and then to the Alvey M, Isanogle, Dean of the' Groseclose, characterizing it as a Bets holding a 12-7 lead. which we visited the beautiful Pergs- Emerson Hotel for refreshments. The book which did not contain grossness In their fray with the Preachers, Museum; paused at the Tomb of following were guests of the sorori- School of Education; Miss Martha E. common to much of our modern fic- the Bachelors saw too much Hone- mon h U k Soldi t ty: June Lippy, Helen Garey, Betty Manahan, the Registrar; and Dr. L. e Magin, Lucy Leigh Barnes, Jane Fra- Forrest Free, Dean of Men, tiO~~gela Thirkill's The BrandoRs ;~~~ ;~~m~~t~o;\:e!~h~f:hu:~r:i~h~ :d th: n:;:~tif:l I;;r~::m~f r~~~~ ley, Carolyn Rudisill, Edna 'I'riesler, ~~~~li:~i~7c~~il: \,~~:;::u~~a~~a~ni~ win of the campaign. In the first ~.o~~~ ;r:~e:h!h~r~~~r~~e ':~:~:d~:~ Margaret Rudy, Adele Masten, Elaine J.G.C~ ::~~:d tho~~~i~~ ~d~l~v:rnH7t~::;w:~~ Barnes, Jean Stover, Jean Lamoreau, ~~:~t:~jO~rable reading for spare mo- r::~~:\::~e~r::~~:r:n~a:~o~~~~!w°:' Mary Louise Long, Mabel Greenwood, The J,G.C. has announced the ini- That Thomas Wolfe's The Web and The Bachelors cll;me back and drove. heard talks on the German situation Dorothy Mulvey, Mildred Bradley, tiation into the club of the following the Rock reveals the characteristics I to the two yard bu; lost the ball i as a minority group in Poland, on Ruth Caltrider, Patricia White, and members: Mary Oliver, Sue Price, Betty Ellwein. Miss Wilsie Adkins Grace Gillner, Jeanette Brannock, of its author was the belief of Miss I on downs a~ t~e victors defense held. free church life in old and new Ger~ h t d of the second half At the begmmng many, and on the economic set-up of and Dr. Margaret Hering chaperoned Ruth Harcum, Ruth Masberger, Eve- J~n~t M:c.~ean w 0 presen e an all- Marbury Linton blocked Elmer Ev- the new Germany, By 22 o'clock we the party. lyn Bowen, Catherine Couneell, Betty a ~~~r °ar~t' Packwood and Miss Mac- fms' punt and from the 1~ yard line were more than ready for our excel- Handy, Mildred Harding, Mary Alice Vean ~ver-e. agreed that Escape, by Cole passed to Honeman In the end lent beds, Phi Alpha Mu Klein, Ina Rakes, Frances Royer, and Isabelle Zimmerman. Et~fel ,;an~e ;a~ akfascin~tin~ ~:.~' ~~::'to;~c:th~y;:ea~~:;;:d13~;~::~~ .: ~:~:nW~~~~edt~: ~::;a:d :: Phi Alpha Mu sorority will hold its drenr~f·GtKi a ast~~/o:et~:';.~ormo~~ In the closing minutes of the tussle, most desirable features of the Nazi rush party on Friday, November 17. Gamma Beta Chi stre;;:::.d :ft y Refreshments will be served in the by varoas Fisher and Tree of Liber- Honeman yards forllth~ regime. We were exposed to propa- clubroom, after which the sorority The fraternity held its annual rush t\r~~g~!,i:tabe~ha:~:oe~d and Ruth ~l:~~bl~~ore III some exce en f~:!a t~~Sje;:~Yin w:;it:o:t~~e~1l ~: and its guests will go to Baltimore to party in the form of a smoker in the see the play, Ring Two, at the Mary- clubroom on Tuesday, November 14. Wareheim gave their personal reae- liked Germany, Although we heard land Theatre. This will be followed In addition to the fifty-thre~ fresh-. ~~r:stht~~~~llde~~:~l~bt~~'~i~;:£i:~~! Women's Athletics ~e~g~n~of~l~~l~:~, wIe~~~~~~dtt~:r:o~~ by supper at the Belvedere. The fol- men who attended, guests mcluded lOwing girls have been invited as Dr. Holloway, Dean Free, Coach Ha- i~:nra~OPle of the dust bowl to Cali- (Cont. from Page 3, Col. 3) ~:t ;;I~m:~y~S u:~~r w:~:e n~!v:::~: guests of the sorority: Jean Lamor- Yens, and Miss Regina Fitzgerald, All This and Heaven Too by Rn- Yesterday, the W.A,A, Board met conditions than now exist, with joy in eau, Elaine Barnes, Gloria Salerno, honol'ary member of the club. Mabel Greenwood, Jean Stover, Mary chel Field was locviewed by Ellen ~~a::~e ~~;~ca~a~t:~8~~:os:~e:a~~ the prospect of meeting again our Louise Long, Jayne McKenny, Doro- The Art Club Shipley who believes that the murder host and of exploring the beautiful thy MulVey, Helen Garey, Betty Ma- story in the first part of the book was :~:~ ~:;:YCh:es:~'fr!e7::r:u~!a~~~ country district of Germany. more interesting than the analysis of gin, Carolyn Rudisill, Margaret Rudy, The Art Club observed National Miss Field's ~ancestors presented in ing players of the various class Edna Triesler and Adele Masten. Art Week by attending the exhibit Mrs. Evelyn Wenner and Miss Mar- of local artists at the parish House th~!~!~~~P~~~wn and Norma Nico- te;;::. University of Maryland in- For all types of garet Snader will chaperon the par- in Westminster. demus are of the opinion that the vited Western Maryland to a hockey COLLEGE JEWELRY ty. The sorority is planning to hold an~ Black and White chief appeal of Rebecca is the sus- r;a~:~ec~;~~;b~:y~8~~~st;;c~:~~ Key chains, charm keys, compacts, open house tea on Homecoming Day ~i~:i:rwc~.~c:te~~eauthor, Dauphne du land did not accept, Notre Dame of for visiting Alumni. The club is also Plans are now being made for the The second annual Sports Award BaltiJnore, was invited to come to the bracelets, cigarette cases, lockets, obtaining a plaque in memory of .Miss Black and White smoker, which will Day will be bl'oad~ast from Alumni campus on Homecoming Day to meet etc., KayCissel, '39. be held on November 28. The re~ Hall on November 28, The following our varsity hockey team, but knowl- see "Mac" Kullmar decorating program which was ini- I statement on the event was given by ~~!l~::ceti::~. acceptance has not yet Chemist's Club No. 100 McKinstry ~:~:~i::iSb~~~: h~:::P~~~~ P~:~::l~:~: : ~::In a~aer~ ~;yh~SPt:r~~:m:fn~h~:f~;~ On Ocwber 31, the Chemists' Club a new recording machine has been the whole faculty and student body met and elected the following officers added, and the ping-pong table has r and to give due recognition to those for the first semester: President, Ker- been refinished. New furnitUre has students, who, through their interest mit Beyard; Vice-President and also been ordered. The date for a find effort, have shown superior ac- Treasurer, Leslie Stokes; Secretary, tea dance, which the Black and White eomplishment in some phase of the Compliments of Milton Crosswhite. Club will hold together with their sis- athletic program of Western Mary- The new president then spoke brief- ter sorority, Sigma Sigma Tau, has land College." 11' on the procedure to be used in fu- ture meetings and pointed out some ~:; B;~~ka!~;\~~~t~fC~ue~:~~ ";'========= purposes and ojectives of the club. nounees pledging of three new mem- PATRONIZE The Carroll and The members of the club then went bers, Jack Quynn, Don Griffin, alld to the physics laboratory where Mr. Jim Merritt. OUR Raver demonstrated some of the new ADVERTISERS equipment procured by the, physics department this year. Most of the THREE CHAIR SERVICE demonstrations were concerned with No Waiting electro-magnetic phenomenon. There HEAGY BROTHERS' State Theatres were also some "museum" demonstra- BARBER SHOP Phone 300 tions which proved to be more enter- Next to Post Office taining than educational. CARROLLEEN H. E. REESE JOHN EVERHART • TAILOR CLEANING THE COLLEGE BARBER Individual Coiffures PRESSING AND BOBBER REPAIRING "Carroll County's finest movie houses" 94 East !'tlain Str~t AT 1HE FORKS Beauty in its Entirety SUITS MADE TO MEASURE offer a special attraction to all students-a special book of 10 tick- J. D. KATZ Have Your Films Developed QUALITY and Finished at 66 W. Main St. ets, good at either theatre at any time, for $2.50 cash at either SHOE REPAIRING box office, You save 50 cents. Special Rates to Students The College Grill WESTMINSTER, MD. Dyeing a Specialty
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