Page 19 - TheGoldBug1939-40
P. 19
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE THREE TERRORS MEET RED DEVILS IN LAST GAME Nathanmen DICKINSON STUMPY'S CAPTAINS IFootball Finale Face U. of M. I STUFF To BeDickinson Tomorrow by Stumpy Gooden Homecoming Game To I The fall sports season is rapidly End Disastrous Season; Terrors Trim Dickinson, drawing to a close; many are glad, Team Ready For Hopkins; To Meet I many are sad. The football enthu- Carlislemen Virginia, Wheaton In siasts al:l! dejected over the failure of in at least team to turn the Terror Final Games one victory in six successive games, The end of the long, long trail is but they are not disgruntled, realiz- coming-that is, the trail of the 1939 ing the circumstances under which Green Terror football season. This With a record of but one setback in Charlie Havens and his Terrors have Saturday Charlie Havens' Terrors their last six games, the Green Ter- had to work. NI) one is glad the sea- raee the Dickinson Red Devils of Car- ror soccerttes will invade College son is ending the way it is, but at lisle, Pennsylvania, here on Hoffa Park tomorrow to tangle with their least it has demonstrated an already Field in the Homecoming game in arch rival, the University of Mary- obvious axiom-you can't have a foot- what will be the finale to a disastrous land. Although defeated by Towson, hall team without 11 good men and season-in some ways. That qualifica- state titleholder, the locals still have true, 11 more good men and true, lion was inserted for good reason, fin excellent chance to bring the etc., etc., on into the night. This said reason being the combination of crown back to the Hill. At present a isn't a team like the vaunted Terrors bad breaks which has haunted the four-way tie exists in the Maryland 'If '34, but no one is crying about it. A Western Maryland team all season. Intercollegiate League with Towson, football team is an asset to any col- The team has won zero, lost six: that Maryland, Frostburg, and western lege; but there aren't any halfway is all the victory records show. But the Maryland at the top of the heap, each measures about it-it is usually good records do not show that here is a team having one defeat to mar its or bad, spectacular or rotten. This fighting team, a team that has out- slate. #' ~~;:r~s ~~:e::~o~~:~:rc~:;e;~e~~rb: Baby Terrors Lose ;:~~::;i~S;!:~~s t~na~~!:p~t:e~~j~~i~~~ Terrors Trim Dickinson Coach Nathan's boys snapped back ~:~: f;ror:~: i~e;;~~s h;!h· sa : u :-:;':, To Gettysburg, 32-0; ;~~;~/~:e:e:~s'a:n~ ~~~:fder~en:I:~~~ from the Towson defeat and last week scored impressive victories over ga;~eW;:c~iC:::~O~~ back hammer- Massanutten Next ;;~e~:a~~: ~:~k;a::V~~~tei~ ~~:li~; Dickinson and Johns Hopkins. In the ing at the state championship door up, and the Terrors are determined game with the Pennsylvanians, the again after Towson doused its hopes On November 3, the 'Western Mary- that they will make the breaks, not Terrors completely outplayed their ri- a couple of weeks ago. The Terror land freshman football team journey- let the breaks break them. In other vals and wound up on the long end of boo·ters' win over Hopkins has boost- ed to Gettysburg, Pa., where they years a game like this might be called a 3-0 count. Again it was a last half ed their stock once more, and they are were thoroughly trounced by a a "breather", but not this time. This spurt that turned the tide for the lo- in a four-way tie with Frostburg, the heavier, far superior frosh football time it is a fight to the finish, for the cals as Tom Elias hung up the Initial University of Maryland, and Towson. team from Gettysbrrrg- College. The Terrors have their backs to the wall score on a pass from Frank Tarbut- The Terrors' game with Maryland to- Terrors, with high hopes of obtaining and can't give in. Enough oratory ton, and John Tomlinson hit the nets FRAT LEAGUE morrow puts them in all excellent po- their second victory of the season, for one day; let's see how the Home- on a penalty kick. Later in the last Latest Results sition to cop the championship. Here's I met a stone-wall line and a lightning- coming rival stacks up. with a football team which, I quarter, it was again Tomlinson, Bachelors 7; Gamma Bets 7 luck to them. swift backfield to lose by a score of Dickinson has won four games whose long shot from the outside Gamma Beta 12; Black and White 7 The frosh are making their bid for 32-0. and lost three. The four victories are eluded the Dickinson goalie for West- Preachers 13; Black and White 0 attention Bullets Swamp Terrors over Blue Ridge, Susquehanna, Dela- ern Maryland's third tally. • Preachers 19; Bachelors 0 though not an unqualified success, has . ware, and Washington, while the Red On Saturday, however, the Terrors Standings (2nd half) done much to rectify wrongs suffered Gettysburg took command of the Devils have bowed to W. and J., Rna- met a much better foe as they enter- W L T by Terror football fortunes in the game from its very beginning, and noke, and Albright. Dickinson has tained the Blue Jays of Johns Hop- Preachers 2 0 0 1939 season. Much of the fr-esh team drove through the Green line on a scored 76 points to their opponents' kins on Hoffa Field. Realizing the Gamma Bets . 1 0 1 will be excellent basic material for series of power plays to score early in 89. They were ahead of their oppon- necessity of winning this league fray, Bachelors 0 1 the 1940 team, and if I may be per- the game. Later, On a trick play off- ents but Albright's overwhelming vic- the Nathanmen came out fighting, Black and White ..._ 0 2 mitted a look into the crystal, I would tackle, they were successful in run- tory last week by the score of 40-13 but neither team could score in the Individual Scoring Leaders predict a 50-50 season or better for ning sixty yards for a touchdown. changed that situation. The Red opening session. After ten minutes TdPt Tl the Terrors next year. One placement of the two was good; Devils have a fairly strong team of the second quarter, Tarbutton, on Honeman-Preachers 7 0 42 Notes from here and there: and at the half, the score was 13-0 in headed by co-captains Jerry Darr, a solo flight, gave the Terrors a lead Beane-Bachelors 3 3 21 The second half of the frat race has favor of Gettysburg, with no scoring tricky halfback, and Hooks Wilson, as he scored from 25 yards out; and Prentiss-Preachers 2 3 15 started, and it appears that the threat from the Terrors as yet. able center. They can be depended, on at half-time Western Maryland held Eckenrode-Gamma Bets 2 13 Preachers are well on their wlh to In the second half, Western Mary- to spark the Red Devils to great a slim one point lead. Evans-Bachelors 2 13 the championship. Look for the Gold land started out with a new vigor, heights when they clash with the Ter- Mather-Gamma Bets 2 1 13 Bug All-Fraternity touch football and advanced fifty yards into Gettys- rot-s here Saturday. Terrors Win Out Near End team for the 1939 season! ... Dick burg territory. However, the ball was T,errors Ready For Visitors Harlow will go to the U. of Md.- lost on downs; and Getbysburg took As the third period opened, Gwynn, The Bachelors and Gamma Bets, Dick Harlow will not go to the U. of advantage of its opportunity to score On the Terror side of the fence, Hopkins right wing, sent a loose ball tied for second place in the first Md. Take your choice; you may be another touchdown. Later in the everything is in readiness. The team through the uprights to tie up the round of the touch football league, right. . .. The Freshmen have a half, Gettysburg used its trick play has had ample rest since the Bucknell game, and it wasn't until the last played their second 7-7 tie in as many I strong class league touch football again, and were successful in scoring game, and about all the boys will be three minutes that the Terrors scored engagements in a game which was team; look out for them .. FLASH! again. The conversion was good and ready to start if needed. For this again as Tomlinson propelled a pass decided in the opening moments of Western Maryland will oppose the U. the score advanced to 26-0. After time at least everyone is in shape and into the nets past the Hopkins goalie. pointed for this, the final game. Char- The game was marked by the fine the first quarter. of Chicago in the Gravy Bowl Janu- obtaining the ball from the Terrors lie Havens will undoubtedly shift his outstanding Bu~t~:l~,;~:~::,:u:i:K'~~~'";:;:::~~:::c~:u~:a::::b~~::.foethis;:w::;:"'li~:t;:b:;:a:::~:::':,::: play of Sam Galbreath, who had Bill lineup again until he hits one victory Briggs, the Blue Jays' combination that will be ready for man, bottled up all afternoon. Bud in the end zone for a touchdown. Cornell over Dartmouth. another touchdown. The placement Hoffa Bowl service Homecoming Day. Blair, AI Hancock, and Tim Lewis The Hoffa Bowl-Dickinson vs. West- also played good defensive ball. Frank Mather accounted for the ex- Alabama over Ga. Tech. was bad, and the final score was 32-0 ern ·Maryland-2 P. M., Saturday, tra point on a run off tackle. Boston U. over Boston College*. I in favor of Gettysburg. A few When the Terrors meet the Old plays later Pete Townsend crossed Pitt over Nebraska. November 18th. The Bowl battle will , Liners tomorrow, they will be match- the goal line and Don Humphries *Upset special. Terrors Fight Against Odds be for no particular honor except a ing boots with the only state team win for one team or the other-a that has defeated Towson in the last ~:~:d att:e:e~n~~~. i!_.::~h!;e !~e:~~ l. The game at Gettysburg- was very blitzkrieg victory after an eleven- two years. Maryland will present a team had several scoring chances but Senior Girls Win year armistice. Remember Western number of newcomers in addition to tough, and the Terrors showed a Maryland has never lost a Homecom- seven of last year's regulars, who wiIl were repulsed on each occasion, the In Field Hockey; great deal of courage in fighting to ing Day game and means to uphold be out to avenge last year's 3-2 de- game ending in a draw. the very end of the game, although the record. Not loss number three, one number Hoffa on feat, inflicted by the Terrors. wi~~~;~ngth~he~rs:r:!U~~n~iSt~e,Si~~: W.A.A.Picks Team they saw early that the odds against but victory season should be coming this Field Preachers easily won from the Black them were great. In the game, Mike up. Season Ends December 2nd and Whites after a strong first half. Western Maryland coeds opened Philips, veteran center, was slightly The Homecoming Day festivities Following this game, the Green and The scoring began when Don Hone- the hockey season November 1, 1939, injured, and John MacFarland, open somewhat earlier in the day Gold eleven will close the season man hurled a touchdown pass to and closed it November 14 with the spunky inexperienced center, turned when the W. M. C. girls' field hockey against the University of Virginia ;:e~~:el~e~:~~le P~;il!dAi~OI~vh~s~;!~~~~~:~io~I:;tp. in possession of the in a beautiful showing for the three team meets Notre Dame of Baltimore and Wheaton College. The former Honeman, this time on a short run The seniors sprang into the lead, quarters that he played. here on Hoffa Field at 10:00 A. M. It is expected that a number of former will be met at Charlottesville on No- over the goal line after which Will winning their first game from the alumnae "4ill turn up for this Powder vember 25, while Wheaton will help Prentiss made good the extra point. sophomores 5-0; the next from the W_ l'If. C_ Meets Massanutten Bowl classic. Field hockey or no field Western Maryland ring down the cur- This ended the scoring and Delta Pi freshmen 3-0, and the third from the On November 18, the Baby Tl!trors hockey-Notre Dame can be beaten; Alpha came out on top by a 13-0 juniors 3-1. Dorothy Brown won high tain on Hoffa Field ~n December 2. travel to Woodstock, Virginia, where Iowa proved that last week. count. scores for the seniors with six goals Returning to the football team, The probable lineup for tomorrow's IIAA Loses to Gamma Bets to her credit; Ruth Field was next they will meet Massanutten Military they traveled to Lewisburg, Pennsyl- game: On Friday the Gamma Bets scored with three goals; and Beulah Griffin, Academy, one of the best schools of vania, on November 4 to meet Buck- Wesfern Maryw:n.d Maryland their second league victory at the ex- one. its kind in the East. Messenutten has nell and encounter defeat, 32-6, at the Hancock G Maisie pense of Pi Alpha Alpha, with 1\1a- The junior hockey team beat the an exceptionally strong team which hands of the Bisons. A Father's Day Blair RF Means ther leading the attack. The Black sophomores and freshmen to come out has already beaten Bunis Prep this crowd of 5000 saw the Terrors push in second place. Ina Rakes and Milly over the first touchdown of the game and Whites were unable to get going Jones LF Dougherty in the first half and after their op- Harding were high scorers for the year by a score of 13-2. Western only to have Bucknell come back with Robinson RH McDonald ponents had scored twice, the losers junior class. Maryland has also played Bullis this greater fury and swamp them in the Galbreath CR Culver began to click. Webb Hood's running Freshmen girls worked hard to year but succeeded in only holding second half as Frank Funair, Bison Bradley LR Melvin and Scott Brooks' blocking carried the wind up in third place, winning one them to a 6-6 tie. However, the boys halfback, scored four times in the Tarbutton RO Tilley Black and Whites into Gamma Bet game from the sophomores. Eliza- are rapidly losing their "greenness" melee. The game here on Hoffa Field Sat- territory several times, but the scor- beth Thorn made the three goals of Lewis RI Shroeder ing power was not to be found. Late the season for the freshmen. with game experience, and under the urday will be broadcast over radio Shockley C Ernst in the last quarter Hood passed to The sophomore class failed to win a able tutoring of Coach Ortenzi, the station WKBO, Harrisburg, Pa. The Cook LI Rudy Jack Quinn, who romped thirty-five game, placing last in the tournament. Terrors bid fair to surprise the cadets station has broadcast all of Dickin- Tomlinson LO :Main (Cont. on Page 4, Col. 4) (Cont. on Page 4, Col. 4) and bring home the bacon. son's game!> this .$eMon, /1