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GOt SUPPORT THE \lei SUPPORT THE FORUM DISCUSSION MILITARY BALL TOMORROW NIGHT SATURDAY NIGHT Z286 Vol. 16, No. 14 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMlNSTER, MD. March 16, 1939 EminentMarylandersToLeadDiscussion Junior Class Holds Miss Veronica Kompanek Elected At Open Forum On Public Service Aloha Nominations Editor-in-Chief of 1939 Gold Bug Senator Shipley. Charles Moylan.,_And F. Murray Benson Are-Principle Edward Weant, Former Advertising Manager, Unanimously Elected Busi- Speakers On Program Arranged By Dean Free; Future Work Discussed Burtis and Beyard Candidates For ness Manager; Henry Holljes, Column Writer, Named Aaseclate Editor Elections Editorship. March 20 On NEWTON MADE MANAGING EDITOR TWO SPEAKERS ARE ACTIVE ALUMNI evening at 8 o'clock in !I-;;;===::::;::::;:=====;- Tomorrow On March 13 the junior- class nomi- Miss Veronica Kompanek and Mr. McDaniel Hall Lounge three eminent nated the candidates for the positions Edward weent were named, Thurs- Marylanders, Mr. Charles E. Moylan, of editor and business manager of day night, by the retiring senior Mr. F. Murray Benson, and State Sen- the 1940 Aloha. The electlona will be members of the present Gold Bug ator A. Earl Shipley, will conduct an held in Smith Hall on Monday, March staff to head the 193~-1940 staff. The open forum discussion on the subject, 20. new officers will assume control of the Public Service as II Life Work. All Paul Burtis and Kermit Bayard paper in April: This is the final is- three men are staunch supporters of were the nominees for editor; Edgar sue of the present staff. Western Maryland College, two of Rillchei~er and Frank Shipley were Miss Kompanek, who has worked them as active alumni. nominated for the position of business on the Gold pug for three years, will Mr. Moylan, of the class of 1919, manager. be the third woman editor of the stu- is now a member of the Baltimore law The elections will be conducted ac- dent publications since its founding firm of Moylan and McKeldin. Mr. cording to the rules set forth last year in 1924. She served as Feature Edi- Benson, of the clasa of 1917, who is !Jy a student-faculty activities com- tor last year and as an Associate Ed- also a practicing lawyer in Baltimore, mittee. itor this year. is a City Commissioner in charge of According to these rulings all can- New Editor Active On Campus the opening of new streets. Senator didates must be nominated at least The new Editor-in-Chief is manager A. Earl Shipley is the republican a week before the elections are sched- of the college debating club, a mem- state senator from Carroll County. uled to be held, and their names must ber of the' Argonauts, and of Delta Miss Kom- sorority. Sigma Kappa Public Service Defined be posted in full view of the students panek is a candidate for graduation Dean Free, who has ·arranged the MISS HARMAN on the various bulletin boa r d s MISS KOMPANEK honors in Latin. She was a Junior As- forum, has interpreted public service throughout the school for the same sociate Editor on the 1938 Aloha. occupations as including "all public Dorothy Harman Elected length of time. In order to hold the Mr. Weant, the new Business Man- of officials, some politicians, policemen, elections, at least be eighty percent Only Committee M,akes Plan ager, was elected by unanimous vote the class must present. enlisted men and officers in the. United Senior May Day Duchess those students in full and regular because of his' efficiency as Advertis- States Army, Navy, Marine Corps, To Combine "Y" Groups ing Manager on the retiring staff. and Coast Guard, civil service employ- Intercollegiate Sports On Program standing are allowed to hold office 01' He is a sophomore and a member of ees, and government scientific and Visitors Will Tour cast votes. A candidate must receive Cabinets Of College Church To Gamma Beta Chi fraternity. of the votes cast at least a major-ity professional workers." Campus to win the election. Make YWCA and YMCA One "Federal, state, and local govern- Each candidate expressed hope Organization Shake-up 'In Offices ment," continued Dean Free, "has Following the election of Louise The remainder of the staff repre- need for and employs, for example, Jameson as May Queen in assembly that the junior class will. use its A committee composed of members sents a general redistribution of lawyers, doctors, dentists, nurses, ac- on February 27, the other May Court highest integrity and discretion in the of the cabinets of the College Church offices among the underclass members countants, purchasing agents, teach- attendants, under the sponsorship of election. ~ are formulating a plan for combining and the addition of several new per- ers, airplane pilots, stenographers, the Women's Student Government, the Y. W. C. A. and the Y. M. C. A. eons who have served the paper as .. bookkeepers, engineers, and social were elected in the Monday assembly, into one organization, a Student reporters and in other capacities. service workers." March 7. They are as follows: senior Grand March To Be Led \ Christian Association. Mr. Henry Holljes, writer of this Dean Free further explained, "One duchess, Dorothy Harman; senior at- The committee which is working in year's new column, From: the Hermi- usually enters government service of tendants, Martha Yocum and Mar- By Ransone And Peters conjunction with Dr. Little consists tage, was named Associate Editor. this sort, after preparing for a spe- jorie McKenney; junior d u c h e s s, of Virginia Karow, Charles Wallace, Mr. Alvin Newton was transferred cialized type of work, by taking a Grace Brannock Smith; junior attend- Figure Will Feature Military Ball Lawrence Strow, Jean Oairna, Blanche from the position of News Edttcr-to civil service examination, or by se- ants, Jean Louise Cairnes and Cath- To J3e Olven By Officers Club Scott, and Margaret Quarles. The that of Managing Editor. Miss Ruth curing appointment directly from the erine Yockel; sophomore duchess, On Saturday Y's feel that as separate organiza- Mansberger was moved from Copy department, concerned." Kathleen Coe; sophomore attendants, tions, the Christian Associations on Editor to fill Mr. Newton's vacancy, Dean Free has announced that the Mary C. Brown and Jeannette Wig- Cadet Lieutenant-Colonel Ransone the Hill are not as effective as they while Miss Sue Price was shifted speakers will discuss the following ley; freshman duchess, S h i r ley with Mary Clemson and Cadet Major might be, and that if.the Y. M. C. A. from Proof Editor to Copy Editor. points in their introductory remarks Feurst; freshman attendants, Jean Peters with Ruth Greenfield will lead and the Y. W. C. A. were combined, Miss Price has served as Proof Edi- (Cont. on Page 4, Col. 3) Stover and Shirley Reese. the Grand March at the Military Ball there would be a larger student par- tor for two years. Ann Stevenson, chairman of the to be presented by the Officers Club ticipation. The complete new staff, which will May Day Committee, has announced on Saturday. For the second succes- (Cont. on Page 4, Col. 1) assume its duties after spring vaca- Women's Glee Club that an adaptation of Sleeping Beau- sive year Billy Antrim returns to fur- tion, is listed as follows: ty will be presented for "Her Majes- To Present Concert ty's" favor. nish the music. Editorial Stall The Grand March will include the Sherrard and Newton Women's Play Daywill form anoth- presentation of the colors by a guard On Debate Tour Editor-in-Chief Regular Tuesday Broadcast Over composed by Bob Stropp, Douglas Veronica Kompanek, '40. WFl\ID Will Feature Same er part of the day's program. Wo- Catington, Bob Walters, and Ed. El- Associate Editor men from other colleges will compete Program der. A silent sabre drill by the officers Varsity Debaters To Represent Henry Holljes, '41. 'with Western Maryland women in Western Maryland At Managing Editor tennis, baseball, badminton, vo1!ey will end with an arch of crossed sa- The Western Maryland Women's (Cont. on Page 4, Col. 3) Penn State Alvin Newton, '40. Glee Club, under the direction of Pre- ball, and ping pong. News Editor fessor Alfred de Long, will present Weste:rn Maryland varsity debat- Ruth Mansberger, '41. its spring assembly concert next 1939 T. K. A. Convention And Banquet ers, Frank Sherrard and Alvin New- Sports Editor Monday morning, March 20. The con- ton, left the campus on Monday, Harold Solomon, '41. cert will be the third chapel program Takes Place On W. M. C. Campus March 13 for the most extensive trip Assistant Sports Editors given this year by musical organtsa- of the season. The debates on this Ruth Field, '40; tions on the Hill, earlier ones having Two Students T~ Represent Each College In Series Of Debates, tour will be held at Lebanon Valley William Banks, '41. been given by the orchestra and the After-Dinner Speaking Contest Scheduled College, Susquehanna University, Copy Editor band. Bucknell University, and Juniata Col- Sue Price, '40. Program Varied As hosts to the annual district con- event. Last year the trophy for af- lege. The Western Maryland team Assistant Copy Editors Seven of the eleven numbers on the vention of Tau Kappa Alpha, national ter-dinner speaking was awarded to will uphold both the affirmative and Katherine Klier, '40; chapel program are English, Slavic, honorary debating fraternity, Wes- Frank Malone, '38. the negative side of the isolation Katherine Berry, '40. and Belgian folksongs. hi contrast tern Maryland varsity debaters will Judges for both contests will be question in thc various debates. Proof Editor to the sixteenth century English mad-' close their season on April 28 and 29. taken from the visiting coaches and Debate To Be Broadcast Henry Treisler, '41. riga], "My Bonny Lass She Smileth", This is the first time since its or- the college faculty. The debate with Lebanon Valley Assistant Proof Editor and an old glee, "Nothing Fairer ganization that the local chapter has Among the chapters expected to at- College Monday, March 13, was a ra- Ellen Shipley, '40. Have I Seen", is the group of three entertained the' district convention tend are those from Susquehanna dio debate, broadcast from station Feature Editors Slavic folksongs arranged with a which approximately fifteen chapters University, B u c k nell University, WKBO in Harrisburg, Pa., from 7:00 Edith Ritchie, '40; four-hand piano accompaniment by attend. Brothers College, Juniata College, to 7 :30 P. M. The orthodox style of Sidney Manech, '41. the modern composer, Josef Shuk. Following the registration _.2f col- Penn State College, Dickinson Col- debating was used in this debate with Typists Even more varied are the other leges at noon on Friday, a series of lege, Rutgers' University, Gettysburg two four-minute constructive speeches Jane Fraley, '42; songs: an early church number, a ne- tournament debates will be held in College, Lebanon Valley College, and and one five-minute rebuttal speech Elizabeth Ellwein, '42; gro spiritual, and a women's chorus which each college is represented by Muhlenberg College. on each side. Patricia White, '42; from the opera Carmen. two students-cone to uphold the affir- Last year Western Maryland was On March 17 and 18, Mr. Newton Lauretta McCusker, '42. The program will be as follows: mative and one the negative side of and Mr. Sherrard will represent Wes- Business Staff o Bone JrJItU Palestrina the issue debated. There will be three represented at the convention held at tern Maryland at the Fourth Annual Business Manager University, Selinsgrove, Susquehanna Nothing Fairer Heoe I Seen rounds in the tournament, and the Pennsylvania, by Veronica Kompanek, Penn State Debaters' Convention at Edward Weant, '41. Old English four best debaters will meet in a par- '40, Alfred Goldberg, '38, and Frank State College, Pa. Of the thirteen Circulation Managers My Bonny Lass Slw S1nileth. Morley liamentary session Saturday morning colleges to be represented at the con- Mary Louise Asbury, '41; Three Slaoio Folksongw _.._..Shuk at which time the winner of the tour- Malone, '38. vention, Western Maryland will be the James Merritt, '40. Yearning nament wtlj- be chosen. This year four students will be eli- only Maryland school. The discussion The electoral group of seniors was In Death. United The other main feature of the con- gible for initiation into the local at the convention is organized into presided over by the retiring editor TIw Mir(J,()uloua WeU vention is the after-dinner speaking chapter which was established in three committees with a representa- in the Gold Bug office last Thursday The Faithlesw Lover contest held Friday evening after the 1935. They are Alvin Newton, '40, tive from each college in one of them. night. Mrs. Wenner, faculty adviser Belgian Folksong T. K. A. banquet. Each college is Willard Everett, '40, Helen Willard, The three committees are the Com- of the Gold Bug, was present at the (Cant. on Page 4, COl. 2) represented by one speaker in this '41, an~idney Mansch, '41. (Cant. on Page 4, Col. 4) election.
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