Page 22 - TheGoldBug1934-35
P. 22
c PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. ASSOCIATION OF COLLEGE METHODIST CHURCHES TO C!!lnssrs. C!!lubs nUll EDITORS PRESENTS OPEN HOLD MEETING AT W. M. C. FOLLOW THE GANG J. D. Katz LETTER TO W. R. HEARST ~ortdirs TO (Continued !rom Page 1, Column 3) A meeting of .all the Methodist QUALITY S HOE REPAIRING churches of Carroll county and nearby Margaret & Earl by which each can be stronger than the Tri-Beta points will be held on Sunday, Decem- other I bel' 2, at 3 P. M. in Alumni Hall. The Special Rates to ~tudents "4. If, in order to be secure, America Have been catering to College The Alpha Mu Chapter wishes to an- meeting has been arranged by a special Students nounce that the following were formal- must make herself stronger than a rival, committee consisting of the Rev. O. G. SANDWICHES-PASTRIES "John" Everhart ly initiated as national members of the does William Randolph Hearst suggest Robinson, pastor of the Methodist that that rival will accept the situation CANDY-ICE CREAM Tri-Beta on Monday night, November Episcopal church, the Rev. J. E. Cum- THE COLLEGE BARBER 12: Mary E. Ford, Mildred R. Sullivan, and not resort to aolliance making ~ And mings of the Methodist Protestant CIGARETTES 13c PACKAGE AND BOBBER is Aml3'rica Dorothy A. Thomson, and Dorothy :M. if that rival makes alliances, church.and the Rev. H. L. Coffman. Just off the Campus Gordon. to refrain from resorting to the same The purpose of the meeting is to AT THE FORKS weapon ~ An alliance is an aTm, like a bring together the members of all battleship, or a suhmarine, adding to a Black and White branches of Methodism in this section nation's power. Are A1nel'icans to in order to make plans for a general State Theatre leave this arm entirely in the hands of A Tradition With W. M. The club held its annual smoker on consolidation into one united Methodist Monday night, November 19. prospecti ve rivals ~ church. Students The GOLD BUG regrets the error "5. From the time of Coluanbu« to Saturday Matinee 2.30 P. M. Lindbergh there has not been a single Dr. A. N. Ward, who is greatly inter- that was' made in the last issue con- ested in this movement, will be the host "Dad" Smelser's TOM TYLER cerning the Black and White dance. century in which Amel'ica has not been at this assembly, which will take the -IN- The dance will be held on December 15. drawn into the affairs of Europe. Does place of the regular Sunday evening -For- William Randolph Hearst really believe chapel service. Sandwiches Ice Cream "Fighting Hero" Gamma Beta Chi that, if isolationism was not possible ... Also Fox Movietone News even in ancient times, a great Power, a Bishop William F. McDowell, an ar- Cold Drinks The fraternity has pledged Rodman Creditor Nation such as Ame?··ica, in the dent advocate of a Methodist union, Betty Boop Cartoon Haynes, '36, and Curtis Thomas, '37. days of the aeroplane can continue to will be the principal speaker at this Open every night until 11.30 BING CROSBY in The club's annual smoker was held pursue isolationism ~ afternoon fellowship serf-ice. "I SURRENDER DEAR" on Monday evening, November 12. " 6. To keep A 1ne?'ica free of general The College Ohoir will sing several Admission l0-2 5c or permanent commitments and be guid- selections, and the College Orchestra J. G. C. ed by each circumstance as it arises, was will also participate in the musical part MONDAY-TUESDAY the method pursued be-fore the War. Al- of the program. The formal initiation of J. G. C. was though A merica had no League Commit- "Mrs. Wiggs of the held Friday night, November 16. After ments in 1914 and men up to the last, Cabbage Patch" the 'initiation, Misses Snader and William Randolph Hearst among them, TO MAKE AN ENJOYABLE HOME- Shreiner told of their experiences in proclaimed how free their hands were, COMING DAY EVEN MORE With the club. Light refreshments were America was drawn in. Does William W. C. FIELD, ZASU PITTS, served later. The new members are: Randolph Hearst think that An~e?-ica EN.,JOYABLE PAULINE LORD, EVELYN Esther Main, Louise Robinson, Emily could have kept out, that her entrance The CoI1ege Players present VENABLE and KENT TAYLOR. Dashiell, - Mary Ford, Louise Dillon, was a miatake i Belva Hughes, Margaret Snowden, , , 7. If he thinks A nierica.' s entrance " MIN I C K ., Give College Also Dorothy Wachter, MarceHine McClung, was a mistake, would he have regarded Homecoming (Thanksgiving) Night Fox News, Comedy Cortoon Mildred Sullivan, Elizabeth Phipps, the victory of the Germanic powers, the Seal Gifts Admission lO-30c Ruth Grier, Margaret James, Elinore creation, that is, of an hegemony so pre- ALUMNI HALL Schmidt, and Dorothy Jenkins. ponderant that Anwl'ica could not have 8:00 P. M. -FOR- COMING resisted any demands that it cared to General Admission 50c THURSDAY-FRIDAY DELTA PI ALPHA make upon A 1ne?"ican8,as a matter of in- CHRISTMAS "Pursuit of difference s If so, why trouble about Special Reduced Admission for Stu- The fraternity will hold its annual dents, 35c We will have a complete line armaments at all-if it is a matter of in- Happiness" smoker on Tuesday evening, November difference that combinations, much Dec. 1st. 27. stronger than America, should arise i With "8. If, on grounds of national secur- CH.L\S. KROOP FRANCIS LEDERER, JOAN News In Brief ity, Ante?'ica cannot accept the prepon- Special Student Prices Bonsack Bros. BENNETT, CHARLIE RUG- derance of a foreign combination, why FINE SHOE REPAIRING w. MAIN ST. GLES and MARY BOLAND should.d mericasis expect foreigners to ac- (The sensational attraction that in- The senior class will hold an informal cept theirs, especially as their prepon- 26 E. Main Street "The College Shop" troduces "Bundling", the Puritan's "get· together" on Friday evening at ance (the Allies) resulted in imposing WESTMINSTER, MD. way of love making) . 6:30 p. m. in the girls' gym. All mem- upon their rivals a Treaty which Mr. bers of the senior class are urged to at- Hearst himself refers to as the '
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