Page 4 - TheGoldBug1931-32
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VAGE FOTTR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md, \SPORTSi FOOTBALL SOCCER iSPORTSi Green Terror Gridders are Training OUTLOOK FOR SOCCER Hard for Most Difficult Season Ever ISGOOD; VETS RETURN Scheduled by Western Maryland Prospects for a sueeessful acaeon in soccer loom on the sports horizon at Western Marylllnd nus fall. Latest re- With the approach of another pigskin daily sweating on Hoffa. field in order to ports have it thnt tho Gr(!(:l1 and Gold season aud the openiug settc with George- place a team tin the field this year of booters have Joat but two members of last town only a. week distant, tho prospects' which uc Green and Gold adhereut need year's aggregation. Tllis duo of per- for n third sueeesaive undefeated scasou be ashamed. f(mners were members of the team which are very uncertain. The Green Terrors, The mobilization of the squad was be- lost only three contests lnst year. These now starting their sixth aenson under tho gun on September dth and practlce start defeats were to teams of such ea.librc as tutelage of Coach Diek Harlow arc facing ed immediately. With Charlie Havens, Navy, Penn State, and the University of the most difficult aehedule ever attempt- Western Maryland graduate lind Neil Pcnnaylvntria, while numbered among the ed by a "'estern Maryland team. Due Stahley, former Penn State athlete, us- victims of 'terror bootera wore Franklin to the !aet that Rider College, with whom sisting coach Harlow, the squad, 'inelud- and Marshall, Blue Ridge College, Dick- the preliminary game had been schedul ing both varsity and freshman aspir- inson, and Btnte Normal, tho latter two ed, has dropped football, the team will ants, lire being put through their pacts institutions being defeated twice each. be obliged te open agaiuBt Georgetowu, twice daily, with a Jight drill in the 'fho npproachlug season's program ap one of its strongest opponents. Then morning and heavier work in the after pears to be one of the moot interesting throughout the reumlnder Q"£ the season noon. Scrimmage is to be ecntlnued for yet attempted by theWestmiuster "shin· such abll3 opposltton as Washington and another week, during Whichtime the fight slicers". Settos with tw-o new oppon- Jefferson, Duquesne, Bcsbou College, St. for positious will continue. ents are virtually carded, Gettysburg JOllll'S, and the University of Maryland Hurley, Dik!I!L,Kltenmnn, Callaghan, coming here on Ncrember ilh and a visit will crop 1111. Interspersed in the pro- Hamill, and Shilling striving to land is pend. gram nrc performers such us ~rt. St. the. positions as wingmen, while the ae- DROPS FROM THE WATER-BUCKET from Syracuse 011 November Hlth ing. Besides these two uew Jnsl.itutions Mary's, Loyola, Muhlenberg, and Johns pirauts to the tackle posts along with the usual contests are scheduled with Hopkins, who while perhaps not in the Capt. Piucura are O'Leair, Sndusky, and Pcnn State, Na.vy, University of Pelln· ch.lssof the aforementioued aggregations Mulkus. Tho gnard positions are wide syh-alliu, FrJlnklin alld Mo.rshall, Dick· Rro, because of the Terrors' long string I3pen with Baruett, Willey, Wnlhce, Rumor lIns it til.tlt Neil Stahlcy recent New rudio ill tfllilling eamp sleeping inson, and Stllie Norm,tl. Army who un· of successil'e wins, consequently point- Wentlandt, and Patterson staging a fair· Iy hnd a taste of the gasoline industry. quartcrs. It's pretty discouraging to lil last season nppMrcd reglllnrly ou the ing for tho "'estminster clau, uni! ask ly even struggle for tho llonor. The It was a. ease of "do or die fQr ilear old trytotllueoutstaticforteulllinutesaud Western l\Iarylllud card is lIgain eon· any coacl, what that means. eenter statiou is being taken cnre of by Siphon." finnlly find out that it's only "Red" SpicUOll~by its abseucc. Western Marylllndwnsuufortnnnteto Lamb aud Hunter with Patterson also nt Wtntlaudt snoring. A coudition has arisen tllat at pres- hun'! been pounced upon in this psrticular eall if needed. Jones, Koppo, Albrecht, During tho last several hot duys we ent is cuusing tho booters no littfe con· year by tho ineligibility bugaboo. The and Bolton comprise the interior backs suppose that a. great mnny of the squad ccrn. It is the hct that there has been squad lost, in addition to Harry Ben&on, wilh a pllir of wing backs to be picked woulilhaveliked to emulate a. certain Terrors playiug il' Balti· no eoach secureil a~ ye-t for tJ,;s aeason's Frallk Clary, Stese Brubaker, Tom, from Doughty, Duun, Brown, McNally, well·known teJlIll that recently prflcticed more. EI'crybody to every 'game, even aggregation. It is hope,:l however tilllt and Bub Carruthers, Varsity men of last Mnhonay, Willis, and BQyd. at thl! aeasllorl3 in bnthing suib. We if it means a bail ense of "hiteh·hiker's this lack of u tutor C!J.Ube remedied. fall, fivo playen from the The punting will prohably be done by l,aYCll't a shore handy but we have thumb." Kermit Longridge ex· '30, mentor of the freshman team who hud been counted Doughty, Brown, and Dunn, while the bathing sults and the gutter .nound tealll last year and it's snceL'S!!was due upon to fill the gaps left by graduation. ferward passing cau be ably handled by Hofl'unald couId befio!Xled. in a large 1l1l'-llSUretQ his ability as fI. However with these obstacles looming Koppe, Dunu, Doughty, and Brown. We should worry though, think of the Tho incompurable "Greasy" Neal has eonch. in tho path to a. third suceessive unile boys in A.1ubam:t, nlld button up your l\[cmbers of last year's clnu who will feated Beason there i<; certainly no lack PROSPECTS ARE BRIGHT FOR his hunda full this year again an Rend be available are Ulpt. Herruek, N. Wool Qf enthlll!insm at the Westminster train· Coach at V. P. I. Assisting him this loy, Towru.hcnd, Chauiller, Noble, Etz.ler, ing eamp, for while Dick Harlow and the WOMEN'S SPORTS Hopkius with best msterial since 1927 St'ason, IHIfind "Greasy's" ola Western Martin, Leiteh, Cross, George, Routson, Mnrylan(l !!lde-kick, "Whitey" Clark. boys admit that clJances fm eujoying the (Continued from Page 5-Col. 5) ...... 1IIarylaud missing only one memo n.nil Buzzlll'd. phenomenal success of the last two sea' ber of last years team.. . .Harry Law· Vnluuble additions in the form of in· sons are eomparatiyely slim, they are work. Hiking is undcr the auperviaion renee helping coach. t.he Firemen. .. coming freshmen are expected, as soceer of the Y. -"V. O. A. and the W. A. A., S1. John's willi plenty of reseHe mater Western Maryland and Mt. St. Mary's is the major .sport in mnny of the high aud the IlBUa] large number of hikets ial 1ft. St. Mary's picking a tough will awapassistalltCG.'lchesfor a da.y next schools from which' a number of West- is anticipllteil. This furm of athletics is ono for an opener, TempI6 Notre Monday when "Skip" Stahley and ern M.·uyland College sludenh come. more in favor than ever and is done ll!l Dame style being iusta.lled at Navy un Chnl'lcy Havens travel to The Mount; \ TRAINING. CAMP \ both required and recreatioual gym work. derthe direction of "Rip" :Miller. Jerry Ryse!l.Yagsand Mike McCall will ADVERTISE IN THE The fall sports and their apparent suc- yisit the Terror camp. GOLD BUG cess will he aided by the Women's Ath· A boiling bot suu . scrimmage. 113tic Associatil3n. This organization Hurley, Koppe, nnd McNally back in "Hull ... tn ... t'rae .. Goose goes helps ereate an iuterest in women's ath· for scrimmage. Shilling still out tearing around left end ... Heat ... sweat leties, encourages pn.rtieipation, and fur· injured shoulder. Buy HERE for LESS ... lInd more SWffit... Joucs barks sig· thcrs clean sports and gc.oo sportsman· na!.'1agnin ... KollPo bucks the line .. ship. lilter'lllllral and extra curricnlar EMINGTON· 'fiuy, Bunk, TOl'Y,Reds, Pokey, AI, BIU" sports will be run by this orgauizalion GC
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