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PAGE 1'\VO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland Oollege, Westminster, Md. l!farirty I Where we Simmered - - - and how! I A REVIEW OF BOOKS, PLAYS A ND LIFE DOII'n 011 the Eastern Shore "our aud Catueriue Hitchens, Vil'ginia-llelm- 1MI' are gla,j. to present For thi.s 138M, girls" seem to have charmed away the stetter \-isiting Elizabeth Andrews and a. "Variety" wriltlffl, by JV. Grart'IJilJII music Irouora froUl all eontestant a this JUlIe Cooling, nnd I\ruriol Bishop vis- Eaton, '30, who taMed this CO/11m",far Official newspaper of W(lstern Marylnnd College, published 011 Thursday during sunnuor, In I.. recent shore-wide con, itingElla Weir. aboue the common Uwe!s of student re- tIle :u:adumie year by the students ot Wcatern Maryland College, Westminster, test, I\[argaret LeC' Nelson, of Crisfield, Biahie, by the way, !Hay prepare to 'Ilwwing dlt prize and Ann Johnson, of live dowu a verv flighty reputation. GOLD BUG. Subscription l'rtcfI, $2,00 a Year Salisbury, WOIl seeoud prize, while She has "been up" enough to bceome Dorothy Hull, of Easton, won the Tal- quite casual nbcut it-and how few of AT RANDOM EDITORIAL STAFF bot County Award. us can say thatl "The Barretta ct Wimpole Street" Tlte 1mbit of participation ted Editol'-in-Ckie! . C. \V. KOOCKOGEY, '32 whill} nci.i'l'ities Just can't in worth- spent ~\nd how mnny can report thnt they reeentl.\, and, inetdentlllly, 250lh perfor eelebm its Sally studyt auurmer in be the eon- marks Oath- ASSOCIATE EDITORS quered in the aununer, it seems. Wes· Evnus attended William and Mary Col- manee run. urlne Cornell's long-est Broadway Mary Lee Shipley. '32 Robert L. Rodgers, '32 tern Mar~'lalld girls were outstanding egr, John George went to Penn, and But such reccrrls arc not at all surpria NEWS EDITORS at tho e-H club meeting held in College Chip Brown waa at George Washington. lug to those who have witueeeed the M. Susan Strow, '33 C. Russell Herbst, '33 Park in August. Among those who at- Lists of tuoso who dabbled in a little delightful play bae-d on the romance in COpy EDITORS tended were Kntilleen :'Iroore, Jano informal calculus or medieval history tho li'·es of Elizabeth Barrett and Hob- Loujse B. Crozier, '32 William G. Pyles, '33 Wine, Anna Prnncea Sewllrd, alld Sara hnvc not l)eeu tabulated. crt BrownLng. Mi~JI.COrnc.ll, domiuat- Rol)inSQn. Tlmt reminds us, it took lill nmatenr SPORTS EDITORS ing most of the scenes from her couch, June Wine, Kathieen Mool'e, Blanelle A. Beatrice Crowther, '32 Benjamin O. Boyd, '34 Nic.hoL~, lind DO"othy Hull, among Ulllthematieian to count the llumber of prol'es herself vC'r,l' lll\lch the actress students and tUunllHl.Oemployed ten,· Charles Waldr~n as tho selflsll Ed· .. MAKE.UP STAFF mflll? other Westerll afarylanc1t'rs, did p01'urily or permanently at the :May wnrd Browning creates a role which Ma11aging EdUor Thomas W. Otto, '32 their part in ptllronizing Rehoboth Company, ill Baltimorn. Among them arouses in hia andieueo an anbgonism Asst. Ma,nagi'/lg Editor.. .. William IT. Sparrow, '33 Beach Illis summer, fI~hing, so we have are Anna Mao GlIlleon, Helen Myers, towllrd himself whiell i3 aeldom BUSINESS STAFF heard, to do a liUlc. scouting on the Kitty Brittingham, Hannnii Heeht, eq_ualled in tl,e theatre today Brian B1ISiness M01!ogcr . . Roger H. Cissell, '32 Geol'getown football tealll, in training Evelyll Collison, Elmor Ebaugh, Esthor Aherno us Robel't Browning is keenJy Righter, Humpllries. and Elizabeth nt thnt resort. AdvM·t'isi11f} Manager. . David Trundle, '33 Sara RobinBon ond her sister Doro· Ella \Veir represented Western Mary alo"e. It is 11 grcat pilly and I have Ass't. Ad'vcrfising Manage!'. .1ILilton A. Katz, '34 thy, were gil'CI! Iho responsible lAnd at Hoellschilti·Kolm's 1I0wly op- been rctlrliug Browning and not uuder· '26, Ch·c·,tlation Ma1wger . . ... Wayne Moore, '32 positiollS of fUl'tllllring publicity work ened Collego Shop. stnnlling it ever since. ASST. CmcuLATION :M:ANAGER-S on lleaclleS in B:IHinJore stores. Emilie Brown warded off boredom in Gladyse L. Somers, '33 1\faurice C. Fleming, '34 OC"Ull City was, as alwnys, l\ fa,'or· the Penllsylvania Hospitnl in Philadol- The good old Theatre Guild buut Zelma B. Calvert, '34 Arthur J. Downey, '34 ite Imuut of West ....rn Mnrylanders at· Jnvoll1ntnr;;' rcsidontlil in vllrious forth into ita feurte<.'uth sellson in the Lora M. Outten, '34 . huge. At lenst, threc, Mory Orr Her· included Elsie Bowell, Eva hest of IlISt week \\i!h Snl'oir's "ne", a trie(l out in Philadel· \\'IIS ing', Rillpah Wiekos, nnd Frank Mitch- Drnper, ~Il(l Wilson Munay. play which SCflson aud onthusiastically last phia Worthy opinion; Model management; Correct news, ell, were employerl there, ;l\\'ho persuaded tlleir the rond other its own produc- To the On next 'l'ttC5dll'''(' i'lrcLnr.l,leH, Bllitll Go,], Ouild) llelburu! ])on't they rxpress nlty without becoming cIltl1l1sil1slic. Needless to SfI'y, we'l! itll be glnd lI'url','32! du,.,1, 11'100 will ntl":1(\ New J!!l-~cy Col \\'l,~t ~'ou 11I,II'etl,onght for a long timcf to get back to college, if onl.\- to !'(ltlCW friendships and fleqnnintflllces. Speaking of w'lrning~, the _McDaniel li'gO. lent-herine ~rerritt, II'ho tx})ccts. Or if it hIlS I)c ....n 1M hot to think, dou't A deeper significHllce, howevel', is attached to the return to Hall d"'C'Il~I'~ ~l!oula Ill' pl'cpllred for 10 :dt['"il Cor,,<.'ll r",,-c-rsity, Dnroth.\" you ngree with them HOld 1 do. classes. For nearly fOm' months, we've been out ill the world in Wllich (he SUl'pris(' of s('ein/! Hew fUl'Hituro in 13illing~1('n'1JHl1-:d\I·,ltil B:llt('l', both of we 1UllSt. expect. to live niter our foul' ;\'eal'.<;on the IIill 111'eo\·er. and It their huilrling_ NCNl we mention th(lt WI'(lIU ,,-ill nll"1111JoIJl)~ Ff(lpkins Unt- Both Wa~hingtoll and n~d1imor ....lI'ill VCIT practical world we've fOtUld it. The snmmet' of lfJ:n hilS heell n :111.\·01H'who c:H11l0l 1!I'nr up uuder the Earl Dissey, who will be at get tl. gJi",p8C' of End Carroll's lat(l~t, cl'ucinl OlIO financially, nlld probably \'ery few of lIS lun'e escapell ~hock II'ill not have to g-ofnl' to ~ell her of Virginia, TholllllS G~nlcy, alld "Sexiest" editillll of his "Vanitics" direct contact. with that YCI'Y complex prohlcm of co ruing [1 living. fOl'mer elmUels' who lla~ c!I"olled lit Ul'il'crsit.~· of Pitts· -110, I di(ln't sa,l' "NollenUties", lIIHI Those of us who did escupe arc llnfol'tLmate, for thi·; snmmcl' period, Anofher evell !IlION Hotieeahlo chang-o burgh, and Bub CrawtJ,er, 11'1'0fors.'1.1(es at his HOW low prices, too, But lIOt low so oftell regarded mercly as !st 1 [lon't ree:,lI tlln lIome in aen- 11'],0 "h~ppcued" bHek 1)( greetings Students We arc retnrning to the Hill tllell, in thi!,; faJI of 1931. it wiser stu- tire On the snbjcd hody will doubtlesa the en be Iho TIill dnring th~snmmcr months were Oil Bons pnst. In tllis aeries grent speakel'~ shHIcnt dent-bo(1y. richer ill experience and perhaps sobm'cd H little by our grel'ted h~' Ilt INlst one newcomer, lH'o,)bll)'I~'surpri~e(l to 1In(1 fhnt "Go,,· and leeturers arc l,,,inl!' sponsored amI SlImmet' experiences. wllose lusty ,,-elcome, we auticipate, Stene's ~rCII' of workmen was in onc case it will III) tl,e Abbey Then· Let's make it a. big year! 01'1'01''' onl~c rehlin~d, but augmcnted tor Plarcrs---------fro01Treland of course. not --- will do ~rcdit to her nge of six wceks. Among its schedulml list of speakers I "Right off the cnmrus" is the hOlllo of thl'ougheut thc summer. The rell-son is noticed the Rt. HOllorable 'Viuston New Those of us who have seen some altrujstic effort of out'S this young lady, whose ('olorfnl hilltory that liS ~(l0" n.~ 'ru JelllCe ntter eell1~ SpeH~er Churchill, lIf. P. (aheml), Ma- Equipment reduced to naught by the carelessness of thoughtless in- Bud Shilling is always nn:xious to relate. Illeucemell!. work i., inl1llediately begun ,jor Geucral Suwdl....y D. Blltler (close divinuals will appreciat.e the position of the adminis~ Western Uarylumlers kq)t lip the 011gettillg tile buildings ond grollnns in friend to ';),fussolini), Count VOllLuek- tration ill regard to the l'enlly big impro,'emcntl. Wl1ich it 11IB made to fl'i('ndl." tral1ition9 of the college dur- shallfl for the "ll<:'el'c
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