Page 62 - BlackandWhite1924-25
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Page 2. The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. A weekly ~~~I)~)~,L~ev~t~tlG to making; I ~~~\I'~'I!~tIa'C~~I~'~e~n:~1~ei~~~: ~~~~ ~O~~ltert~ ''"Eslnbllsllell 186;)" Western Marylantl College, a Bigger, ! state of OiJSClll',ltyto Itl; l'lglnful place or THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Beller mantunon. and published I tame Rome lIa! become a great city hutl • by ll~~:I~o~~lege. I ~~~~ ~e~:ne,\\I~:¥~~}c~:~e~l~t~tl~~~I~I(~nt~ongl:~; OF WESTl\lINSTER Entered at Post Office at Westminster, :lId I :1;(~kul~~ia~:thO~~e~r :~~~(?c~07e~t~nCr~I~: I W}S~'lTDSTFlt - 1-IAUYLAl'm as second-erase mail matter test of time So III plauning and butldfng CAJ'IrAI, $J~;; 000.00 SUJ!PLUS $11:1nOo,oo Accepted for mailing at special rate Ofl a Gleatel western Mm-ylanrl let liS be ' , »osraae provtded for in section 1103 thai the Ioundattcp is strong. Let us ~Jacob J, Weaver, Jr" President. Act. of o~~o~:'~lral~Y~~li92~thorized r~:o~I~~':~~:~ht~~~S1~~ll~~\;tJ~~~;.b~;~e~'~ I Lewis K. Woodward, Vice-President. o _0 __ 0__ 0 western ).1arylflutl shall never, I Gee R G h Cash' guusr-t-iptlun nncee by mall, pnyn'hle in the dust. e. R. W. rge. re r, tar, n(]\'ance. $2.00 pt'l' year. -.- -~ 0--0---0---0 I Cor.T,l-:GF. lTTLI, I 'rHE: GOLD BUG STAIW ~;~/\~Zl~~~~I,i~,il~f~l.. '~.~::::: :.~lsa;~!~f~t::~::l;.~~:: Stop at "Pop" SHIPLEY'S Cot' eats William S. Veasey, '26 Associate Brlltor Dorothy Beachler. '26 ,. .xew» Edltor Z~l~\~r~. t~I~'~·1.L:2:ir;.·.:': Atl~~~~~~1~~::I I Special Prices for Picnics and Parties cernrtune PI'ltC.hal'd. '26" .Athletic l~dltO.r I W. Ballurrl warn. '~6 " .. ,' .uustnees .\IIgr Lewis K. Woodward, '~7 Asst. Bus. ~lgr. Robert Unger. '~7 " Circulation CIIgr. rnomae H. Eaton, '27 .' .Asat. Ofru'u. )lIgr. Delicious Ham Sandwiches PI'oressor G. s. \vilis, ... Faculty Advisor I~-~~~~~~~~~~ COI,l,Ha; SI'IHIT Lo. what pleasant visions haunt me as II ~a~~llrli~~al~/~n~ea~l' I! i\:a~\I;~~m\~h:il~~~II:. 1l1l~~~O~~'~~le~e~y~101~)~.~~e~rl~~i~~~d~I:;~'(~!Babylon & Lippy Co. ~~:~~l~afu~~:'~1\;) \\~~~~~v.e[o:,l~ll~: ~;Il ~el~n: ! itng ~lldenl of the Sophomore class, xnss [ < < ).1ater, I have faIth ill her, I helieve In her,· . . .! i FLORSHEIM SHOES ~v:~1:erCnon~'/;1~;I(~n~ti~h~'ui~~Vh~l~e~~:~~de~l~'! .'I!OSII L:AGf;m; ;0;;" HHOH!! "\''' I STETSON HATS towe.rd lhe mark or her high calling. We I HallY '1'<'l'I'OrS BUll 1111SeQ1'\) (II' :!'_20. a~l.recogniz~ tba·t the keynote 01' sliccessfull ,Joul'ncyin'g ·to Hanover. Pa., Saturday Intel'nation~1 Made-to-Measure Suits ~~tlllfZ!\IO;~;~ ~~fre'l~!~ a~~~~~C~,I~~~I~al~~\~,~~!~e\i ~l~~~;::1\7:1~)0\::1~~~~" ~~~nt~~d byde~I IiIll'lIck in the hearl~ anll mmd.s of ""veryI SCOre of ~7 to to, The scoring was slartetll Heavy Wool Sweaters IO~~e \~'~;\~;;s ~;~l~l;onc~.:~·y!lal'a past. 0&- ~~\;~l'~S r~~ntl~~I~IV"':~~l~::l~.\~;I:~'I;~~l~~ .~~~ Grippsure Basket-ball Shoes $3,00 mocrac}" in all Its pomp and glory,has been lead hy a ('ieltll shot (rom the cenler of the I~~~~~~~~ enlhl'oned on College Hill; anti il is here I floor. From lllfit moment 011the Baby 'I'e-r-I- -to ~~~;ter~o ~;~~;~al~J.ll ~?I~zeS;~Sl ·~\O~~.~p~~!~ :;~~i()~:~~,Pl~~~:C~ill:il~~~~~~~:~t~~0~~~~1yf~l~ "J 0 H N" tion, has fOI'"€verconquered antagonl$m and them aL ()'rel'j' turn. At lite em! Of tlie ftrst contrarlely. Trllstees. AlumnI. President. half the s()ol'e'board sh<)werl W. ,\1. FroSh'1 Ever ready Facully, Studenls and friendS or tlie GOI-11;); "Y" SelljOl'~, S. . Very Courteous lege, all working together loward a "Bigger BY.('ooler playing and more accnl'ale )lass.- Erroiess at' Len t' fln~h~s~l~; a~~::~;~e~~;Yl:~~l~~' the n-th de- ;~i;~sil~::.lee l~eeg~~~~l'ellal,~gai;~Sl~l't~~I~~~~:~~I Right Style IOn gree, No, fal' f.rom il; but nearer, nearer I QI·el'llIllS· Snllivan lerl i.n sCO_l'ing;\'Itll SIX HaIr cutting each year. -each day. Democraty on 0-01- [rom lhe field, Roberts follolVlllg wllh fOlll"l Also lege Hill is nuly j.lIst in Its Infancy, hut 'rile Uoo1'\vOl'k ~nd passing of ~al'l'eLl was Razors honed :~r~~~;ll~g II~a~/t~IObe~~~II~inl~~I!~~t!~~:Si~it'~I' ~~~I~~\;~l~t!ll;tt~·!l\I:~".ci~~~l ~::~~~I\~lC~l'{~g,car- Tonics'~~~~ss.A ~.~~~:~rb~~i;I~:,~ftj~I~~ D~~~~i:;;~sl~I~eF~~~:~iC~~a~~(\"Wi!~hel:.~~rittl;: The Only Bnl'b~o~k~ Bobbel' at the ~'l~.rt~enlhuslnstlc llloral and physical sup- ~~~rl~'mt~e~~e:.111a~ajn giVe a goott acco\lntl~~~~~~~~~~~~ Let liS have falth. "Fallli is the subSlance --- CHARLES KROOP of things hoped for. the evl(i{'llce oC things ('Or.Ll:GE ('IU'I"I'F:H no-Lseen." I~e1. uS awaken our dormant (Contlnue!1 from 1,1I1.1.'e~·Olll'.) Leading Shoe Repail' Shop t.denls and possibilities. Lei. us rise to nI()et A. SLeel() Pal'l'er is
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